Forever Dreaming

Episode 2 SPOILERS!
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/29/03 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Episode 2 SPOILERS!

Thanks to Tru

The following is spoilers for the episode 'Putting Out Fires', many thanks to TragicVixen for the information.

The episode begins with the fire, as a 12 year old boy called Kevin is stuck in the inferno as Diane (mother of Kevin and Samantha) screams for help. Nick Ramsey, a firefighter goes into the apt. building (84 Hastings) to save Kevin, he grabs him but Nick's foot gets stuck in some loose wood. Nick tells Kevin to go as he can't get free. Nick is engulfed in smoke.

Tru wakes up, though Evans was trying not to wake her. He's all suited up and is leaving to have breakfast with Dean Hazeltine. Evans looks overdressed as he asks Tru if his Armani blazer is fitting. Tru goes to have diner with Harrison.

At dinner, Tru tells Harrison about reliving days but he's unsurprisingly sceptical. Harrison goes to pour sugar into his coffee but the lid pops off leaving tons of sugar in his coffee.

Tru leaves and goes down the street, she sees Professor Evans with a young Co-ed named Gina, they are kissing.

Tru now goes shopping with Lindsay and tells her about the Evans situation. Lindsay is sad that she didn't know before. Tru says that she should have done something when she saw Evans and Gina kissing. Tru begins looking at a shirt but a fellow shopper steals it from her and buys it.

Tru goes to see her sister Meredith who is worried about her. Apparently the morgue that Tru is working at is the very same one that Meredith went to when she saw their Mom's body.

That night at work, Tru checks her mother's file on the morgue database. Apparently 1993 was a big year of deaths for the morgue. At which time, the bodies come in, Nick Ramsey and a girl named Samantha, both of whom died of smoke inhalation. Tru doesn't know how to take the deaths but Gardez says it will get easier. As Gardez and Davis begin arguing over girls, Tru hears a voice asking for help. Tru goes to the morgue and it's Nick.

Day restarts.

Tru wakes up once again as Evans is getting ready for work. She's very confused and tries to stall Evans with a seduction act but Evans leaves.

Tru goes straight to the morgue to find details on Nick and where she can find him. She learns he is a fireman and goes to his station.

At the station, Tru goes to Nick and asks about 84 Hastings, the apt. building where the fire will take place. Tru lies and tells him she is studying fire hazardous buildings from the pre-war era for architecture class. This convinces him so Tru can take over. She sees Nick in a calendar on the wall with just a fire hat. Tru smiles. There is chemistry between the couple.

Tru and Nick go to 84 Hastings. Nick spots a leak in a pipe as there is more chemistry between them. They walk past Neil Ford, the superintendent for the building. Nick asks Tru out but she comments that she'll get back to him.

Tru goes to dinner and sees Evans and Gina flirting. Gina goes to the bathroom as Tru goes and sits in her place. When Gina comes back, Tru says she is just visiting her favourite old professor and them proceeds to dump Evans. Evans calls after Tru but she just leaves.

Tru goes to dinner with Harrison but this time doesn't explain to him about hearing voices, she does however stop the sugar lid dropping for him. She also tells him that John Patterson is going to pitch a 2 hitter in the Tiger's game.

Tru goes shopping with Lindsay again, Tru tells her about Evans and they agree about having no secrets. This time, Tru buys the shirt.

Tru goes on a date in the park with Nick, she's wearing the shirt she bought earlier. Nick knows that she isn't a student as Tru realises that the fire is still on for 5pm.

Tru takes Nick to the morgue thinking that Neil Ford, the superintendent is going to burn it down. Nick tells her: "If you have information related to an arson you need to report it to the police. Not run around like Nancy Drew." She says it is just a hunch, Nick asks how and Tru answers that he wouldn't believe her. Nick asks her to try him and as Tru gets close to him, she answers that she will tell him tonight and to put wine on ice order with Chinese and not to leave until she gets there.

Tru goes to dinner later with Harrison, who had made the bet on the Tiger's game and won big money.

Tru makes her way to 84 Hastings and discovers that Neil is there. She tells him that the building is being watched by police and the fire department for possible arson. She them warns him about the fire.

Outside, Tru sees Samantha (the girl who died) and Diane. She warns them about the fire. Tru's phone rings, it's Harrison, he's won on the Tigers but has lost on the Knicks, Tru doesn't help.

Tru goes to Neil's office, finds potassium permanganate, like she found in the autopsy. Tru hears someone coming, it's Kevin. Tru offers him a soda and then tells him not to ask questions but to get everyone out of the building by 5pm. Phone rings, it's Nick, he's at the waterfront and wants to meet her.

At the waterfront, Tru and Nick get closer, they almost kiss but it's quarter of an hour before 5pm. Tru tells him that she can't kiss him and says "I cant. Because we are here. just you and me and the ocean. And if I kiss you, I'm gonna fall for you - that's how I am - and that would be bad." Tru looks over and sees a sunbather and realises that it was Kevin who started the fire with the shirt from his Dad. Tru leaves Nick and tells him to go home.

Tru gets to the building as a match lights.

Nick is following Tru as the match meets the shirt.

Heavy traffic means that the fire department won't get there in time, Nick insists on going upstairs as an explosion takes place. Nick makes his way upstairs and takes Kevin, Tru runs up stairs and tells him to be careful because of the wood. They get outside but Nick passes out, Tru begins to give him mouth to mouth which leads to a kiss. Samantha is still in the building. Nick goes to get her as Tru tells him that she's hiding under her bed. She tries to stop him but Nick tells her that it's his job. Tru is now stopped by fellow firefighters as she tries to save him.

Fast forward, Tru is at the morgue, teary eyed and is met by Evans. Tru doesn't want to have anything to do with him as Evans tries to patch things up. Tru makes her way to the body of Nick, who has died. Tru realises that she was meant to save Samantha and not Nick. She wanted to save both of them, she wants Nick to speak to her again. She gets no reply.

Also of note is that Nick Ramsey is being played by Michael Trucco who starred in 'The Groomsmen' with Charisma Carpenter.

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