Forever Dreaming

How Soon Until It's Canceled?
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/07/03 14:06 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

Author:  blondeePR [ 06/09/03 15:20 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

going by who's heading up the producing and writting it looks promising.

But we'll have to see after the pilot!

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 06/29/03 07:41 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

I know I'm gonna be all over this one. Surpirsing too.cause there's not an ounce of the supernatural to keep me hooked. It sounds like a compelling drama though. One that will probably last for a few seasons (hopefully). Seems a little edgier than the washed out Dawson's creek ,which should have been washed away a few seasons earlier than it did.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 06/29/03 11:52 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

LMAO! I put "Who cares. I refuse to obsess..."

I have way too many obsessions right now! I don't need anymore! But I will check it out to see if it's worth watching.

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 07/01/03 11:12 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

:fight How many obsessions must one have before it's considered too many by society at large? :bat

Author:  tommie [ 07/03/03 08:45 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

I'd love for it to last a few seasons, but sadly, it's on Fox. It'll get cancelled after 3-4 episodes. Hope I'm wrong though.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/03/03 15:25 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

Mr. J- Good question! :dunno

tommie~ Welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
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And I'm just not sure. One part of me says 3 years and another is saying only one year. Maybe after I watch the Pilot I can have a better feel for it. For instance all that hype went up about Birds of Prey. All that advertising. And I watched the Pilot and said , nope it will be cancelled before the year is up. And lookie- it was. It sucked. :lol :lol

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/04/03 00:31 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

Welcome to Forever Dreaming, tommie! :welcome

Mr. J...good question, but I have ALOT. Ask Bunnie! ;)

Author:  blondeePR [ 07/04/03 16:55 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

too bad for Birds of Prey...

the title for this series is alittle ify...i wonder how they will tie everything thing together?

Author:  tommie [ 07/05/03 01:15 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?


I like the title, actually. Hopefully it won't suck and last a few years. :)

Author:  jbangelo [ 07/05/03 08:23 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

I hope so. It sounds promising, and I'm always a sucker for a good tragic love story!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/05/03 12:48 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

I'm sure the title will catch people's attention. It is SKIN after all and what do must people think of...

Author:  jbangelo [ 07/06/03 07:18 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?


Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/06/03 11:50 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

OMG. :lol :lol Yes, that's true. Good title, good advertising on that part. ;)

One can never have too many obsessions. I've already lost my mind and I keep getting new ones every time I turn the corner. :lol :rollin Who cares? :drink

Tommie- I'm with you on that! ;)

Author:  Mr J all the way [ 07/07/03 15:56 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

:fight I'll admit Birds of Prey had it's issues in the pilot (what show doesn't?), but by the final episode they really hit they're stride and deserved a re-tool and a re-launch. The network screwed it big time cause it had the numbers and was doing well enough to keep but they didn't care much for it. It apparently didn't meet their quota for good wholesome family dramas which seem to be a dime a dozen nowadays. The WB claims to have edge, but Everwood and Gilmore girls are seriously dulling them. Some of us like some fisticuffs and monster mashing on our prime time pallets, luckily Fox is stepping up to save the day. With Tru Calling, The OC and Skin coming, you can almost feel the WB tremble cause all they got is a girl without fear, a model pretending to be Tarzan and Superboy.The only reason I'll be on the WB is for Angel. Sorry guys had to rant. It happens every now and then. I better at least attempt to make this a "Skin" post seeing as how I'm in the Skin board. Um...Skin cool! WB not Cool! :bat

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/08/03 12:02 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

Mr. J...I agree with you 100%!

Author:  jbangelo [ 07/09/03 07:51 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

Um...Skin cool! WB not Cool!

Amen to that! :)

Author:  MacMan1337 [ 07/16/03 17:25 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

I really dont think it will be cancled. I saw the the polit and it lookx very good.:popcorn

Author:  jbangelo [ 07/17/03 01:15 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

MacMan1337 :welcome Glad to have you! :)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/17/03 05:23 ]
Post subject:  How Soon Until It's Canceled?

MacMan1337~ Welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

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