Forever Dreaming

Help Tru!
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Author:  SupportTruCalling [ 10/29/03 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Help Tru!

Ways You Can Help Tru!

Tomorrow Tru Calling premieres on Fox at 8pm. Some in the media aren't giving it much of a chance, but they're underestimating the power of the Tru Calling fans.

So no matter what the ratings or reviews are for the show, if all of us work together, we can not only keep this show on the air, but make it a huge success:

Here's a few simple things you can do to help Tru:

1) Visit the official TC Site and post on the official Tru Calling message board.

Fox uses number of hits and posts on the forum to measure the interest in a show. This is a prime way to send a message to Fox about the fan interest in TC.

2) Join the Official Tru Calling Fan Club. It's free and it's just an email newsletter. This is another great way to show Fox TC's popularity.

3) Put a TC banner on your website or on your message board signature file. You can find many banners at:

4). Tell as many people as you can to watch Tru Calling. Post on message boards. Remind your friends and family to watch. Put a sign on your car. Anything! We need as many people to tune in as possible and we need to recruit as many fans as possible!

For more info on The Support Tru Calling Campaign, visit

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 10/29/03 18:57 ]
Post subject:  Help Tru!

Welcome to FD, SupportTruCalling! :welcome

Thanks for all the info! :)

Author:  Kristin80 [ 11/07/03 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Help Tru!

Welcome and Thanks for the Info!

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