Forever Dreaming

nip tuck is hott
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Author:  MDJ517 [ 10/25/03 08:20 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

niptuck is a hott show but i am gonna miss julian (christian) on charmed when he played (cole) now the season finale was real good and im happy that christian is gonna keep the baby.

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 10/25/03 08:26 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

Yeah, I like it - but for some reason I keep trying to imagine Christian as Cole in small scenes such as sitting on a couch or something, and it sort of works for a minute there - :lol

I was surprised by the way the whole baby-thing turned out, but that shows real courage in Christian the way he plans to stick around and be it's father :thumbsup

Author:  thedreamgirl [ 11/02/03 17:38 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

I have to agree...I was shocked that Christian decided to be apart of the baby's life.

The real shocker is you think that Julia's son is really Christian's son?

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 11/03/03 16:37 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

Actually, I'm not sure. I think there's a chance that he could be, but I have no idea... :dunno can't wait to find out.

Author:  thedreamgirl [ 11/04/03 22:42 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

Me neither...the suspense is killing me. Image

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 11/05/03 10:15 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

I know! And we have to wait until 2004? Unfair, I say :cry

Author:  thedreamgirl [ 11/12/03 19:28 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

God...that seems so far you know the starting date in 2004? Does it Start in Jan or in mid season?

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 11/13/03 20:39 ]
Post subject:  nip tuck is hott

Actually, I'm not sure :dunno I'll have to check out the official website tomorrow :thinking

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