Forever Dreaming |
05x03 - My Way Home is Through You |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 01/29/08 08:54 ] |
Post subject: | 05x03 - My Way Home is Through You |
LUCAS (voiceover) : My name is Lucas Scott. Four years ago, I graduated from high school with my friends. Brooke Davis moved to New York City and found success... Peyton Sawyer went to Los Angeles. I wrote a novel and fell for my editor, Lindsey. Recently, we've come home. BROOKE : I missed you, P. Sawyer. LUCAS (voiceover) : Now Brooke's opening a local boutique for her fashion line. Peyton Sawyer is starting her own record label. My best friend Haley started teaching... QUENTIN : That is some fine ass. HALEY : Who said that? LUCAS (voiceover) : ...But it hasn't been easy. NATHAN : Hey, man. LUCAS (voiceover) : Nor has it been easy for her husband, Nathan, who in a moment of anger, watched his dreams of playing professional basketball vanish. HALEY : You have a beautiful son who is here! I am here! One more night like this, Nathan, and I promise you, you will have nothing! LUCAS (voiceover) : A lot has changed since high school... LUCAS : I still love you. LINDSEY : I love you, too, Lucas Scott. LUCAS (voiceover) : ...But in many ways, our journey is just beginning. ONE TREE HILL LUCAS ‘ BEDROOM Lindsey is waking up. Lucas is at his desk LINDSEY : Wow. Did you write all night? LUCAS : Yeah. I guess I did. LINDSEY : The question is, how much of it survived the dreaded "delete" button? LUCAS : Almost all of it. LINDSEY : You must be ready to pass out. LUCAS : Actually, I'm not tired. I'm really energized. The words came to me. I haven't felt this inspired since... since my last book. LINDSEY : I'm glad. And it's a good thing you're energized. Because you have practice in like eight minutes. Off you go, coach. LUCAS : That was just mean. You're a mean person. You know that, yeah. NATHAN AND HALEY’S BEDROOM Nathan is trying to stand up and starts walking NATHAN : Haley, come look at this. Haley! CARRIE : Sorry, Haley's not here. She's at school. I'm Carrie, the new... NATHAN : The new nanny. I know. She told me. CARRIE : Okay, well, I'm gonna make breakfast. Do you want me to bring you some? NATHAN : No. I'm good. Thanks. PEYTON’S NEW OFFICE AT TRIC/ BROOKE’S NEW BOUTIQUE Peyton is on the phone with Brooke PEYTON : Hi. Guess where I am? BROOKE : You're feeling warm and fuzzy in your new office, while I'm stuck in incompetent construction worker hell? I mean, it's like they're in slow motion. PEYTON : You know... Complain all you want, but I think you're having fun. Admit it. BROOKE : I'll admit that I'm enjoying doing something on my own... on my own for once. I can't wait to see Victoria's face when she sees... Speak of the devil. She's on the other line. Of course. PEYTON : Well, good thing you're already in hell. Call me later. BROOKE : Okay. (Brooke’s taking Victoria’s call) BROOKE : I was just about to call you. VICTORIA : No, you weren't. Why haven't I received your flight itinerary? BROOKE : Because I've decided to stay in Tree Hill a few extra days. We're opening a new store. VICTORIA : I didn't approve a Tree Hill location. BROOKE : Well.. VICTORIA : That doesn't even make sense. Brooke Davis, you are jeopardizing this company. You're the face of the brand, and your absence can cause irreparable harm. Now, what the hell has gotten into you?! BROOKE : Home. VICTORIA : Are you doing drugs? Because if you are, it's okay. I can spin this in a good way. BROOKE : I have to go. VICTORIA : Brooke. Brooke! (Brooke hang up, she’s just seen a part a the wall that a guy was about to throw away with a quote on it) BROOKE : Excuse me. We're gonna keep this. This belongs here. (The quote says “Somebody told me that this is the place where everything’s better and everything’s safe”) INTERIOR NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Nathan comes into the kitchen, Carrie is already there CARRIE : Did you just walk down the stairs? NATHAN : If by "walking," you mean "falling." CARRIE : You didn't have to come down. I told you I'd bring you some breakfast. NATHAN : What is that? CARRIE : Bacon and eggs. Yes, it's rearranged into a smiley face. I do that sometimes. I'm an optimist. NATHAN : Whatever. Listen, I need you to give me a ride somewhere. Do nannies do that? CARRIE : Sure. I don't have to pick up Jamie for a few hours. Just... let me get your crutches. And no more falling. INTERIOR TREE HILL GYM Lucas and Skills are taking care of the practice. Haley walks in SKILLS : Hey, pick it up, blue! Let's go! HALEY : Hey, coach, you got a sec? LUCAS : That depends... are you gonna be one of those teachers constantly complaining about my players' grades? HALEY : If your players are failing, you bet your ass I will. LUCAS : Fair enough. Grades are the least of this team's worries. SKILLS : Oh, my God! Can't be serious. LUCAS : How's Quentin? Is he still disrupting your class? HALEY : Actually, no. Quentin has not been in class all week, and I think it's because he got kicked off the team. LUCAS : You can't save 'em all, Hales... Oh God! HALEY : I think your team looks really good. LUCAS : The J.V. is the team in white. In the blue... yeah, those are mine. We're a work in progress. HALEY : Awkward. I'm gonna go to class now. I'll see you later. LUCAS : Haley, how's my little brother doing? HALEY : He's a work in progress. LUCAS : Finish! MOUTH’S OFFICE MOUTH : Excuse me. I found my demo in the trash. ALICE : Perhaps you should have left it there. MOUTH : I don't think so. ALICE : Excuse me? What did you just say? MOUTH : Look, maybe I'm not right for the job, okay? But my audition demo doesn't belong in the trash. I worked really hard on it. ALICE : You're right. That was a mistake... and I'm sorry. I meant to put it in the recycling bin. (Skills arrives and yells from the other side of the hallway) SKILLS : Yo, Mouth! It's early lunch thursday! ALICE : Friends at work... half a strike at least. SKILLS : Thanks. Nice timing, by the way. OUTSIDE PRISON Nathan came visiting his father DAN : Hello, Nathan. It's good to see you, Nathan. Been a long time. NATHAN : 4 years. DAN : 4 years, 15 weeks, 2 days. Counting the days is kind of a popular hobby around here... that and ceramics. Tell me about the accident. NATHAN : It was a moment of anger. I had a chance to walk away, and I didn't do it. And now my punishment is... I get to regret it every day for the rest of my life. DAN : Join the club. My biggest regret's not being able to watch my grandson grow up, losing my family... those are things you still have. How is my grandson? He must be getting big by now. You got a picture of him? NATHAN : I'm not here to talk about Jamie. DAN : I understand. I just always wondered if he knows who I am. NATHAN : He found a picture of you once. We told him that you were his grandfather. He asked where you were. DAN : What'd you tell him? NATHAN : We told him you were dead. LUCAS’ OFFICE AT TREE HILL HIGH Lucas walks in the office, Haley is there LUCAS : Can I help you with something? HALEY : Hi. Sorry. No, I just thought I would lounge here while I'm on my break. LUCAS : You know, they do have a teacher's lounge for that, right? HALEY : Oh, Luke, it's so creepy in there. They're all acting like they're still my teachers. I feel like I'm being graded. LUCAS : You too, huh? HALEY : Yeah. So, I hear you rented out your office space at Tric to Peyton. Lindsey okay with that? LUCAS : Yeah, why not? HALEY : I don't know. Maybe because Peyton's not just another ex-girlfriend and everybody knows that. LUCAS : Haley, I'm just helping out an old friend, okay? That's all. Besides, you know, Lindsey's not really the jealous type. HALEY : Good answer, because I'm having lunch with her in a few minutes. LUCAS : So, this was just a sneak attack? You're just gathering information? HALEY : Yeah, pretty much. LUCAS : How did I not see this coming? HALEY : Because you're a guy, Luke, and guys are... so predictable. RIVERCOURT Skills and Mouth are having lunch SKILLS : Girls are so predictable. MOUTH : She's not a girl... she's a woman. SKILLS : She is a cougar. MOUTH : Whatever she is, she hates me, and it's getting worse every day. SKILLS : That's called "sexual tension," dog. MOUTH : You need to stay off the internet. SKILLS : No, I'm serious. Look, last year, I had this professor, right? She kept on riding me all semester, dog, and not in a good way. But one day, she started bitching at me after class. I planted one on her. MOUTH : You did not. There's no way you did that. SKILLS : That's not all I did. I'm telling you, hook it up. MOUTH : You have finally lost touch with reality. Oh, and by the way, next time you decide to stop by my work, try not to yell out "early lunch thursday!" SKILLS : Okay. I'm telling you, I think you're gonna miss out on some hot cougar love. TERRACE OF A RESTAURANT Lindsey and Haley arrive for their lunch LINDSEY : Remember the first time you invited me to lunch here? HALEY : Oh, thank you. LINDSEY : Said you wanted to get to know me better, but I knew right away, you were sizing me up. HALEY : Oh, I was not. LINDSEY : Haley, you asked me to bring photocopy of my driver's license. HALEY : I was just checking to make sure you were good enough for my best friend. Lucas had been through a lot lately, you know? LINDSEY : Lucas tell you he wrote all night? LUCAS : No, I thought he's been blocked. LINDSEY : Guess he got inspired. HALEY : Oh, that's good. Isn't it? LINDSEY : Yeah. Yeah, as his editor, I'm thrilled, obviously, but as his girlfriend, I can't help but notice the timing. HALEY : Oh, you're talking about Peyton coming back? LINDSEY : I sound like a jealous girlfriend. HALEY : No, you don't. LINDSEY : Thank you. HALEY : Look, I know Lucas better than anyone does. I'm telling you, he's very much in love with you. LINDSEY : Thanks, Haley. HALEY : Okay, now I need you to tell me that I'm not totally insane for hiring a hot nanny. JAMIE’S BEDROOM CARRIE : Wow. I'm pretty sure you have more toys than any other kid on the planet. JAMIE : You can play with them. I don't mind. CARRIE : Thanks. JAMIE : Daddy doesn't like it when I play basketball. CARRIE : Why not? JAMIE : Can you keep a secret? CARRIE : I'm the best at keeping secrets. JAMIE : Okay, but no telling. CARRIE : Okay. (Jamie shows Carrie what he has inside his closet, but we don’t see it) INTERIOR TREE HILL GYM The team is having fun. Lucas and Skills walk in SKILLS : Hey, yeah. It's good to see everybody working on their dunks, considering most of you can't even make a free throw. LUCAS : You guys lost 8 games last year by 3 points or less... 8. Now, does anyone know how many games you won by 3 points or less? SKILLS : I do. Zero. LUCAS : Oh, that's right... none. Now, maybe, if you guys could've hit a few free throws, maybe you could've made the Playoffs. So, this is how we're gonna start... fundamentals. SKILLS : See this spot? We're gonna start practice every day from this line right here. And any player who can't knock down three straight free throws in a row is gonna run... all day. LUCAS : Who wants to prove me wrong? (One player tries and don’t make the shot) SKILLS : Go ahead and start running, superstar. Hey, and don't be high-fiving nobody, either. LUCAS : Who's next? MOUTH’S OFFICE Mouth comes back from lunch ALICE : You're late. MOUTH : It's 1:00. ALICE : No, it was 1:00 30 seconds ago, which makes you late... another strike. MOUTH : Why do you hate me so much? ALICE : Why? You know, we gave you a fantastic opportunity here, but it's so obvious to me that you think you are above the work. You don't want to pay your dues. You come in late. You pass around your worthless audition demo. Somehow, I'm a bitch because I've decided that you haven't earned it yet. You know what? Why don't you just face the reality of the situation? You are wasting your time here. You are irrelevant, you are annoying... (Mouth kiss Alice) ALICE : And now you're fired. OUTSIDE PRISON DAN : I know it wasn't easy for you, coming here. It means a lot to me. NATHAN : I didn't come here for you. You know, as long as I can remember, you taught me that basketball was the most important thing in the world. So when I lost it, I thought my life was over. DAN : Only trying to give you the tools you need to succeed. NATHAN : Yeah, and those tools ended up preventing me from succeeding. "Don't ever back down." "Second place is the first loser." Do you remember that? DAN : Don't expect me to apologize for teaching you to play a game that you love, that you chose. NATHAN : A game that nearly destroyed my family. It's not worth it, and my family's all I have now. That's why I'll never let my son play. Basketball's taken enough. DAN : You're not on those crutches 'cause I handed you a basketball when you were 3. And trust me... you not letting your son play is just as bad as you making him play. And that's why you're here... to blame me for what happened to you. NATHAN : No. I've been sitting at home for four months blaming you, and now I'm done. It's time to move on. I'm letting go of the anger, and I'm letting go of you. I just had to look you in the eye when I told you that. I won't be back. DAN : Don't you see, Nathan? The strength you need to let go of it, to leave your old man behind... that's what I taught you. NATHAN : Lesson learned. DAN : I love you, son. PEYTON’S NEW OFFICE AT TRIC Peyton is arranging her stuff, Lindsey arrives LINDSEY : Wow. This is officially the coolest office I've ever been in. PEYTON : Yeah. Now I just need to sign a couple bands and prove to myself it wasn't all a big mistake. LINDSEY : From what I've heard about you, I don't think that's gonna be a problem. PEYTON : I hope you're right. LINDSEY : Oh, this is for you. (Lindsey gives her a bamboo) LINDSEY : It's supposed to bring good luck. It's a lucky bamboo. They don't need much sunlight. Just make sure you water it every day. PEYTON : I will. Thank you. LINDSEY : Well, I hope it all works out. I know we just met, but I just wanted you to know that I'm here. PEYTON : Good to know. LINDSEY : Bye, Peyton. INTERIOR TREE HILL GYM Skills is still in the gym with the team. All players are running. Lucas walks in LUCAS : Are you telling me not one of them made their free throws? SKILLS : Let's just put it this way... we could have built a new gym with all them bricks. You know they're counting on us to turn this thing around, right? This season. LUCAS : They'll get better. SKILLS : Yeah? If they don't, maybe we can start a track team. Come on! Keep going! Run, run, run! Pick it up! INTERIOR NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Carrie is in the living room, Nathan arrives CARRIE : Hey, how'd you get home? NATHAN : Took a cab. CARRIE : You took an hour-long cab ride? That must have cost a fortune. I would have picked you up. NATHAN : No, don't worry about it. I get the handicap discount. CARRIE : You'd think, in this town, they'd have a state championship discount. I went to Pontiac. You beat us in the championship game. I cried for a week. NATHAN : Sorry. CARRIE : So, how does it feel to be a hometown hero? NATHAN : I'm not that guy anymore, all right? Trust me... I'm nobody's hero. CARRIE : You sure about that? Carrie brings Nathan in Jamie’s room, who’s sleeping. She shows him his closet CARRIE : Looks like you're somebody's hero. (We see one of Nathan’s trophy, some newspaper pages and a drawing) BROOKE’S NEW CLOTHES OVER BROS BOUTIQUE Lucas walks in LUCAS : I promised my mom I'd send her a photo once you got finished destroying her café. BROOKE : Okay, that's not fair. I hated doing it. But I kept the sign. (Brooke shows him the quote) LUCAS : I'll make sure I mention it in my e-mail. So, what made you want to open up a shop here in Tree Hill? BROOKE : Same reason you're coaching the Ravens. It's home. And it's good to be home. What do you think? LUCAS : I got to be honest... I think it's the perfect way to continue the legacy of Karen's Café. I'm just amazed at how quickly you got this place together. You're very impressive, Brooke Davis. BROOKE : Yeah, that's what they tell me. LUCAS : So, is it everything you imagined? Having your own fashion line? BROOKE : Today it is. Ask me again tomorrow. PEYTON’S NEW OFFICE AT TRIC Peyton is still arranging her stuff. Haley arrives HALEY : Hey, so this is it, huh? You're doing it. PEYTON : Yeah, hopefully, it's just the beginning. HALEY : Wow, I can say I was here when it all started. Maybe I should steal something to commemorate the occasion. PEYTON : Well, if there's no stopping you... (Peyton shows Haley Lindsey’s gift) HALEY : Oh... Bamboo. PEYTON : Lucky bamboo. It was from Lindsey. HALEY : Lucas' Lindsey? PEYTON : Is that her nickname or something? HALEY : This is actually really nice of her. PEYTON : Suspiciously nice. HALEY : Oh, stop it. Keep this. PEYTON : It really did just feel like she was coming over here to mark her territory. And then she said, "I just wanted you to know I'm here." HALEY : So she was letting you know that, if you need anything, she's here to help. PEYTON : She was letting me know she's not going anywhere. HALEY : I got to be honest with you. That just really doesn't sound like her, but, I mean, even if she is doing that and marking her territory, what difference does it make? It's not like you came back to town for Lucas, right? PEYTON : No. I did not come back here for Lucas... I came back here for me. HALEY : Good. That's what I thought. (Music in the background) HALEY : So, who's this band? Peyton and Haley walk in the other room where a band is performing PEYTON : Great sound check. HALEY : Yeah, really great. PEYTON : They're local... and they're unsigned. HALEY : You can tell that just by looking at them? PEYTON : Well, four years in L.A. at least gave me that. INTERIOR OF A HOUSE Brooke is visiting the house with the owner WOMAN : Well, what do you think? BROOKE : I love the house, especially the furniture. I love the coffee table. WOMAN : We found that in Greece two summers ago. BROOKE : I want it. WOMAN : You... want the coffee table? BROOKE : I want everything... the house, the furniture, and if you can be gone in an hour, I'll throw in an extra $30,000. WOMAN : Enjoy your new house! (The woman takes her cat and then looks at Brooke) WOMAN : You didn't want Beasley, did you? BROOKE : No. You can keep Beasley. WOMAN : There's a roast in the oven. BROOKE : I love roast. Bye. RIVERCOURT, NIGHT Quentin is playing alone, Haley comes to see him QUENTIN : You must be lost. HALEY : No, actually, I've spent more time on this court than you ever will. I want you to come back to school. QUENTIN : Ain't nothing left for me up there. HALEY : "Isn't anything left." And there's more to life than basketball, Quentin. I mean, you... you got to graduate. QUENTIN : What's it matter to you? HALEY : Listen to me. Half the kids that drop out of high school have no job, and the ones that do earn a job earn 25% less than the kids that stayed in school and 63% less than the ones that graduated college. So, for me, it doesn't matter, but for you, Quentin, it matters a lot. I'm not kidding. QUENTIN : Or maybe you're just hot for me, Mrs. James-Scott. HALEY : All right, I tried. (Haley leaves) PEYTON’S NEW OFFICE AT TRIC The leader of the band comes to see Peyton PEYTON : Thank you for meeting with me. JASON : What is this about? PEYTON : Well, I think you guys are really great. JASON : Look, I'm kind of tired, so if this is just some fan-club crap... PEYTON : Oh, no, no, no. I'm sorry. Please, sit down. I own my own record label, and I would really love to sign you guys. JASON : Why should we sign with you? PEYTON : Well, I was in L.A. for the last four years working at a major label, but I decided to leave because I thought I could do better on my own. And when I hear bands like yours, I know I can. The majors are a mess right now, and so, if you sign with me, I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you guys get to be where you want to be. JASON : So, what other bands do you have? PEYTON : As of right now? I mean, there's nobody yet. I wanted you guys to be my first. JASON : Look, my ex-girlfriend told me the same thing prom night. She was a lying bitch. We're gonna pass, but thanks. PEYTON : Lucky bamboo. (Peyton takes the bamboo and put it in the trash) LUCAS’ HOUSE Lindsey is in the kitchen, Peyton walks in LINDSEY : Peyton. Hi. You just missed Lucas. PEYTON : Actually, I came by to see you. LINDSEY : Great. What's up? PEYTON : Why did you bring me that lucky bamboo? LINDSEY : Well, I just wa... PEYTON : No, I'll tell you why. You were marking your territory, and that's okay. I get it. But for the record, I am not after Lucas, okay? LINDSEY : I didn't think you were. PEYTON : Then, what do you want? 'Cause, seriously, people are just not that nice. LINDSEY : Peyton, my whole life, I wanted to be an editor, so when I made it, a friend of mine gave me a lucky bamboo for my office. Now, I'm not naive enough to think that I found my way because of some plant on my desk, but that plant was a symbol that I had finally made it. That's all I was trying to give you... a reminder of the first day you started living your dream. It's good to know you're not after Lucas. (Lindsey is holding the door for Peyton to leave) LINDSEY : Good luck. INTERIOR TREE HILL GYM Skills is looking inside of the gym from the doorway, Lucas joins him The players are making their free throws SKILLS : Man, you ain't gonna believe this. I guess they got tired of running. LUCAS : Or they just got tired of losing. SKILLS : Nice work, coach. LUCAS : You too, coach. INTERIOR NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Nathan is exercising, Carrie walks in CARRIE : How's the physical therapy going? NATHAN : It hurts. CARRIE : Good. No pain, no gain. NATHAN : You sound like my dad. CARRIE : Sorry. I used to be a personal trainer. I am full of motivational catch phrases. That's who you were visiting yesterday at the prison... it was your dad, right? NATHAN : I'd rather not talk about it. CARRIE : Does Haley know you went to see him? NATHAN : No, she doesn't. And I'd like to keep it that way. CARRIE : I'm not here to meddle. Unless I'm invited in, I mind my own business. But if she asks me, I won't lie. NATHAN : That's fair. And listen, it's good that you're here. I've pretty much been a jackass for the past few months, and Haley deserves better. I know it's been really hard on her. CARRIE : You know, if you want to do something nice for Haley, you might want to try investing in a razor. INTERIOR TRIC Peyton walks in to talk to the band PEYTON : So, maybe I don't have any other bands. There's something my label has that the others don't... me. And I have a lot of experience, more than you'd think. And the other thing that I have that none of the other labels have is an interest in you guys. I can have you in a recording studio tomorrow. So if it is really about the music, you might want to reconsider. Have a good show. MOUTH’S OFFICE Mouth walks into Alice’s office MOUTH : Before I go, I need to say something. ALICE : Of course you do. You're like a bug that can't be squashed. MOUTH : You never gave me a chance. You hated me from the start because of how I look. It's always about how people look. I mean, take you. You dress all uptight, hiding your hot body behind your cold personality. But at the end of the day, you know you got it. You know, go hire your hot anchor and hang out with your hot friends and be hot, but you'll never know what you're missing, 'cause I'm good at what I do, and I'm gonna prove you wrong. (Mouth starts to leave but Alice stops him and kiss him) ALICE : That was kind of hot. MOUTH : Yeah. (They kiss again) GARAGE OF NATHAN AND HALEY Haley arrives in her car and stays inside for a while. Carrie comes to see her CARRIE : Tough day? HALEY : Yeah. I can't remember the last one that wasn't. I just think I'm realizing that I can't help everybody, and I still somehow feel responsible. I don't know why I keep trying. Maybe I'm avoiding this... you know, coming home. That's such a terrible thing to say, I know. It hasn't been easy. CARRIE : Well, you should go inside. There's someone waiting to see you. HALEY : Jamie... he's such a good boy, isn't he? CARRIE : Bye. HALEY : Bye. Thank you. INTERIOR NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Haley arrives HALEY : Jamie. Where'd you go, Jimjams? (Haley walks into the dining room, the table is set. Jamie and Nathan, who’s shaved, are waiting for her) HALEY : What is this? NATHAN : It's the beginning. HALEY : Of what? NATHAN : Of the way it's gonna be from now on. I know that it's gonna take a lot more than dinner... but I figured it's a start, right? HALEY : I've missed you. HALEY : So, how was your day? NATHAN : Oh, enough about me. How was your day? JAMIE : Yeah, how was your day, mama? HALEY : Oh, my day just got a lot better. Well, I'm starving. Let's eat. NATHAN : Lets' eat. Give me that plate. Well, I can't vouch for any of this, because Jamie made it all. HALEY : Oh, no. NATHAN : I just watched BROOKE’S NEW CLOTHES OVER BROS BOUTIQUE Peyton walks in PEYTON : Brooke, this place looks great. Think, if I can't sign any bands soon, maybe I can get a job here? BROOKE : I'm sorry, darling, you're not nearly bitchy enough to work in one of my stores. PEYTON : Oh, I don't know about that. I have references. Just ask Lindsey. BROOKE : Lucas' Lindsey? PEYTON : Does everyone call her that? BROOKE : Were you mean to her? PEYTON : No, she was marking her territory, and I just called her on it. She thinks I'm after Lucas. BROOKE : She said that? PEYTON : She didn't have to... it was obvious. She showed up with this, like, bad-luck bamboo thing and a story about how it was, like, a symbol of my dream, but I'm pretty sure it was just to guilt-trip me. BROOKE : Peyton... PEYTON : And then... get this... she says to me, "I just want you to know, I'm here." What is that?! I mean, you're opening up your own store, and does she bring you a lucky bamboo? (Brooke shows Peyton hers) PEYTON : I'm such a bitch. BROOKE : Look on the bright side... now I'd hire you to work in one of my stores in a second. PEYTON : No, really, I suck. BROOKE : Yeah, you do. Matter of fact, it's a wonder that you have any friends at all, but you do. Come with me. INTERIOR NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Haley and Nathan are sitting on the couch, talking HALEY : So, the entire class stands up, and I said, "any student that walks out that door fails this quarter." NATHAN : You didn't say that. HALEY : I totally did. NATHAN : You're, like... you're, like, the mean teacher. That's kind of hot. (Jamie join his parents) HALEY : Well, well, don't you think it's a little past your bedtime, mister? JAMIE : I think so. NATHAN : Hey, I'll tell you what... since it's a special occasion, I think we should stay up a little later tonight, unless you're too tired. JAMIE : No, I'm not tired! HALEY : Okay. Come here. NATHAN : I was thinking maybe we could go outside and shoot around with this thing. Is that something you'd like to do with me? JAMIE : I don't know. NATHAN : Yeah. I don't really know, either. JAMIE : No, no, no! Play! NATHAN : All right, well, let's see if you're ready. Show me your jump shot. Nice! Nice arc. Use that follow-through. There you go. BROOKE’S NEW HOUSE Brooke is covering Peyton’s eyes while they enter the house BROOKE : Surprise. PEYTON : You rented a house? BROOKE : Well, not exactly. PEYTON : Brooke, you did not just buy this house. What are you thinking?! BROOKE : What... you don't like it? PEYTON : No, it's incredible! BROOKE : Good, 'cause that's your room. PEYTON : Oh, my God! INTERIOR PRISON GUARD (to Dan) : Your son left this for you earlier. (He gave Dan an envelope. There is a picture of Jamie inside) OUTSIDE NATHAN AND HALEY’S HOUSE Jamie is playing with his ball NATHAN : Try one more time. Beautiful. That was awesome. You'll be doing that on 10-foot baskets someday. (Haley is watching from a far) NATHAN : All right, let's see some more. Nice! PEYTON’S OFFICE AT TRIC Jason walks in JASON : So, we're gonna give you a chance. Don't let us down. PEYTON : I won't. (Peyton is taking her bamboo from the trash and put it in her desk) LUCAS’ BEDROOM Lucas is working, Lindsey walks in LINDSEY : I've been putting on a brave face for a few weeks now. You have these two gorgeous ex-girlfriends back in town, and I'm trying so hard to be okay with it, but I have to ask you a question, and I promise, I'll never ask it again. Should I be worried about us? LUCAS : Lindsey... I love you. That is never gonna change. You have nothing to worry about. TERRACE OF BROOKE AND PEYTON’S HOUSE Brooke and Peyton are sitting, watching the sunrise PEYTON : Hey, you know what? I just thought of something. What if Lucas' Lindsey gave you a lucky bamboo because she was marking her territory with you, too? BROOKE : Let it go. PEYTON : I'm calling her "Lucas' Lindsey" now. God. BROOKE : Yeah... PEYTON : Look at the view. Look, this place is beautiful, but... BROOKE : But? PEYTON : I just worry I'm keeping you from your life. I know you came down here for me. BROOKE : You know, in New York, I had everything I thought I wanted... money, celebrity, success. But you know what I didn't have? Sunrise with my best friend. (Victoria just walks in) VICTORIA : Well, isn't that sweet? BROOKE : What are you doing here? VICTORIA : When you stupidly charge a house to the company, we have to confirm the address. Vacation's over. It's time to get back to work. BROOKE : Forget it. I'm staying here. VICTORIA : Stop being a spoiled brat. There's a flight in a few hours. I will be on it, and you will be sitting next to me. BROOKE : No, I'm not going back. VICTORIA : Brooke. BROOKE : Mother. VICTORIA : I'll see you on the plane, my dutiful daughter. Goodbye, Peyton. PEYTON : Goodbye, Mrs. Davis. (Victoria leaves) PEYTON : Well, your mom's still a bitch. What are you gonna do? |
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