Forever Dreaming

04x06 - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/22/06 03:33 ]
Post subject:  04x06 - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

Previously on One Tree Hill.


Lucas : I guess I was wrong. I'm not the guy for you, Brooke Davis.

[High School]

Nathan : I traded the car for the bike and I made 200 bucks.

(we see Nathan's accident.)

[Lucas & Karen's home]

Whitey : Your mom wants you back on the team.

Karen : You have to stay on your medicaton, and we limit you to 15 minutes a night.

[Nathan & Haley's home]

Nathan (on phone) : A full scholarship. Tell Coach K I won't let him down.

(Haley comes.)

Nathan : Haley, I'm going to Duke !

Haley : I'm pregnant.

[Rachel's home]

Rachel : You're gonna be okay.

Nathan : I think my dead uncle saved my life.

(We Dan at home and in his office with tag on the wall.)

Dan : I killed my brother.

[In a bar]

Rachel : He's a part-time model. You are a 23-years-old fashion designer named Peyton.

Brooke : Very funny !

(The man comes.)

Nick : Hi.

Brooke : Hi, I'm... Peyton.

(We see them kiss.)

(We see Derek in his room with a lot of pictures of Peyton.)

Lucas : Look, I just have a really bad feeling about this guy.

Peyton : Leave me alone !

(Psycho Derek breaks the window and enter in Peyton's house.)

Peyton : Oh God !

(He catches her and pushes her on the bed.)

Psycho Derek : Don't you know we're supposed to be together ?

(The real Derek appears)

Psycho Derek : Who the hell are you?

Derek : I'm her brother, bitch.

(Psycho Derek falls from the window.)

End of previously on.

Lucas (vo) : Life comes at us from out of the darkness.

(He knocks on Peyton's door)

Lucas : Peyton ! Peyton.

(She throws keys at him. He picks them up and enter. Peyton opens all the bolts on her room‘s door.)

Lucas (vo) : And at times, we can struggle to find the courage to face it.

(Lucas enters in her room. Peyton takes a paint pot.)

Lucas : Thanks for almost braining me with the keys.

(he sees the new decoration. Her room is white now.)

Lucas : Wow... it's bright.

Peyton (painting) : Yeah, well, Psycho Derek's still out there. I really haven't be able to sleep for 48 hours. I thought maybe I'd try to paint the shadows away.

(Lucas is looking at her.)

[Nathan and Haley leave their home]

Haley : Can you talk to your mom? Maybe she can help.

Nathan : Come on, Hales. You've seen my mom. She can't even help herself right now.

Haley : I hate to say it but what about your dad?

Nathan : Look, Hales, I know that we're in trouble financially right now but I'm gonna take care of it, I promise. As soon as the basketball season end, I'm gonna get a job, but I'm not gonna go to my dad for anything.

Haley : Okay, I'm sorry,. It's just... we're gonna have a family soon and I guess I just need that guy from the press conference to tell me everything's gonna be okay again.

Nathan : It will. Oh, and I know that we're gonna eventually need to get a car so i figured until then, you can ride with me.

(he gives her a helmet.)

Haley : I know you don't expect me to wear this.

Nathan : Come on, it's so Garden State. Besides, you were the one that needed a helmet to ride a motorcycle...

(The bike is taken by the pround.)

Nathan : Hey ! Hey !

[High School - Corridor]

Brooke : Hey.

Rachel : Hey, girlie.

Brooke : You are a full-on Genius.

Rachel : I don't know why you even doubt me. Just bow down to the master.

Brooke : Oh, bowing. I am so crushed out on model boy, or should I say model man? (she shows her earring) You like? Real, cultured, Tiffany's, courtesy of Nick.

Rachel : So, I'm thionine you might be ovr Lucas right about now.

Brooke : Well, let's see, the last thing Lucas gave me was a mix tape. Mix tape, earrings. Mix tape, earrings. I totally owe you one.

(They enter in class.)

Nick (writing on blackboard) : Come on, take your seats. I'm your new English teacher, Mr Chavez.

(he turns round)

Brooke : Nick !

Nick : Peyton !

Peyton (raising hand) : Here.

(Nick and Brooke look at each other.)

Brooke : I have to go to the nurse. I'm gonna be sick.

(She leaves.)

[High School - In toilets]

(Rachel makes up, Brooke is angry.)

Brooke : This is all your fault ! Well ? You skanked me into this. How about you help me out?

Rachel : Hey, I am not the one that ditched my boyfriend to have my horns trimmed by our High school English teacher.

Brooke : Oh !

Rachel : Although, I am kind of jealous.

Brooke : Thank you. That is very constructive ! What am I supposed to do about it now, genius? I have to see him every day until I graduate. This is so embarrassing !

Rachel : Ok, look, he's probable just as embarrassed about the situation as you are. (Brooke looks at her) Okay, maybe not that embarrased. But bottom line, Brooke, you have to deal with him.

Brooke : Deal with him? Deal with him how? Car crash, drowning? What do you suggest?

Rachel : Brooke, why don't you just wait till school is over and that way you can talk to him alone? I mean, you can't skip school forever.

Brooke : Oh really? Says who? What do I need stupid English for anyhow? (silence) Okay. Would you do me a favor and check the hallway to make sure the coast is clear?

(Rachel goes to see if Nick is not here and sees Lucas and Peyton)

Rachel : Actually, you might wanna wait a second.

[At the same time, in the corridor]

Lucas : Are we expecting an outbreak of stalkerazzi photographers or you just ashamed to be seen with me?

Peyton : No. Everybody knows. (people look at her) I guess bad new travels fast.

Lucas : Are you gonna be okay?

Peyton : Everytime I close my eyes, I see him there, watching me and now I've got to come to school and deal with all of them watching me?

Lucas : Did you try calling your dad?

Peyton : No ! Look, I know he would come home the minute I called. But what's the point, okay? It's over. And there's probable, like, 100 police officers out there looking for Psycho Derek, so what's my dad gonna do?

Lucas : Protect you.

Peyton : I can take care of myself.

Lucas : Hey, I know that. But it's okay to be afraid from time to time.

Peyton : Really? What are you afraid of?

Lucas : This morning I asked Whitey if I could play again.

Peyton : That's great, Luke.

Lucas : Yeah but with my heart condition it still doesn't change the fact that it's scary.

Peyton : Well, then why are you playing?

Lucas : ‘Cause it's who I am. And you .. (he takes off her cap) need to be who you are.

(Two girls look at her.)

Girl: Close it.

(They leave. Peyton gets back her cap and leaves too.)

Peyton : I'm out of here.

Lucas : Wait. Peyton, if you let this change you, he wins.

Peyton : Maybe he wins.

(She puts her cap back and leaves.)

[High School - In courtyard]

Mouth : Gigi.

Gigi : Mouth, I was just thinking about you.

Mouth : Good, you know, now that we made the play-offs, we got to step up our game for the webcast.

Gigi : I'm gonna ask you out.

Mouth : Huh did you just ask me out, like on a date?

Gigi : No, not yet, but I'm going to. Just wanted to let you know.

(She leaves. Mouth whispers.)


(Nathan is waiting for bus. A car approaches and stops in front of Nathan. A man opens the window.)

Man : What do we got here? The Raevns' star forward riding a bus. Someone wants to talk to you.

(Another man opens back car's window.)

Daunte : You know me? (Nate says no with his head) I know you. Nathan Scott. Tree Hill's best power forward in 15 years. You averags 28 points a game. You just recorded your 14th triple-double this year. That, plus a wicked jump shot puts your old man to shame. How am I doing so far?

Nathan : Pretty good.

Daunte : Daunte Jones.

Nathan : Hey.

Daunte : How come you're not signing with Duke?

Nathan : I never said I wasn't.

Daunte : Good anwser. The more important question is, are we gonna win State?

Nathan : You can bet on it.

(Daunte smiles)

Daunte : I just might. You want a ride?

Nathan : No, I'm good. Thanks.

Daunte : All right, suit yourself. Let me give you some advice. Win State and go to Duke. This town's been waiting a long time for State title. Too long. Take care of that knee.

(The car leaves.)

[High-School - Coach's office.]

(Dan arrives.)

Dan : If you're not gonna coach, at least you could mentor the kid a little. It's a full ride to Duke. It's something he's been working for all his life.

Whitey : I made that mistake with you I‘m not gonna make it with Nathan. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a State Championship to win.

Dan : What do you know about the art on my office wall?

Whitey : « And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood cries unto me from the ground? » Cain and Abel, Danny. I know my Bible. Question is, what's it doing on your wall?

Dan : Probable a prank. It seems someone thinks I mistreated Ketih while he was alive.

Whitey : We all have to atone for our sins.

Dan : What's that supposed to mean?

Whitey : It means judgment day's waiting for us all.


Dan : It's a good thing you pray, Whitey.

(Dan leaves.)

[High School - Corridor]

(Brooke is waiting in front of Nick's class. Rachel arrives.)

Rachel : What are you doing?

Brooke : Just praying that he won't kill me. How does it look? Does it look mad?

(Rachel looks at Nick.)

Rachel : Yes, but in a hot way. Maybe I should talk to him for you.

Brooke : Would you? Thanks.

(She tries to leave but Rachel catches her.)

Rachel : Not so fast. All right, look, I sort of have a lot of experience in this. He's gonna say you should have never lied to him and that it can't work ‘cause of the age difference. Then he's gonna say there's no way you two can be together because he's your teacher, and then he's gonna yell a lot. But then it'll be over. Just remember, if he gets really mad, start crying. Works every time. See you in the quad. Good luck !

(She pushes her in the class. )

Brooke : Hi. Brooke Davis, 18, High school student.

(she holds out her hand to him but he ignores her and goes to close the door. Rachel is disappointed.)

Brooke : Okay hum. I know. I'm sorry. I should have told you the truth about how old I am and who i am but we met and we went out and I liked you. I just didn't know...

(he kisses her.)

Nick : You shouldn't have lied.

Brooke : I know.

Nick : We really can't do this, right?

Brooke : Right.

(She kisses him.)

Nick : You said you were 23.

Brooke : You said you were a model.

Nick : Part-time but full-time, I'm your teacher, so we really can't do this.

Brooke : Absolutely not.

Nick : But if we were to do this, we'd have to make sure that no one knows. No one.

Brooke : Not a soul.. If we were to do this.

(they kiss)

Nick : I won't tell if you won't.

Brooke : Done.

(They kiss again.)

[High School - Gym]

(Lucas is training, his guys enter in the gym)

Skills : Look who all up in my house, dog.

Lucas : Oh my God, you have one decent game and all of a sudden it's your house, huh?

Skills : I heard a Rumor you might be coming off the benche in the play-offs.

Fergie : Yeah, is that true, Luke?

Lucas : It's true, my friends. I'm back.

(Guys are glad)

Skills : Okay. Me and my boy, back together again. Forty minutes a night in the big time.

Lucas : Actually, Whitey's only giving me 15 minutes a game, you know, due to my heart condition.

(Skills looks at Fergie and Junk then he takes jersey that Lucas gave him.)

Skills : So, I guess you'll be wanting this back, huh?

(Lucas takes it then he gives it back to Skills.)

Lucas : It's a starter's jersey. You keep it.

Skils : You sure?

Lucas : Yeah, I'm sure.

Skills : Cool. (he puts back the jersey in his bag) All right, look, game to 21. Make it, take it. (he throws his bag to Fergie) Or in your case, Mr 15-minutes-man, we gonna make the game 11.

(He takes the ball.)

Lucas : All right.

(They start playing, Whitey is watching them.)

[High School - Courtyard]

(Mouth looking at Gigi who is with Rachel when Brooke arrives getting dressed again.)

Brooke : Mouth, what are you doing?

Mouth : Gigi wants to go out with me.

Brooke : Gigi's cute.

Mouth : Well, I don't really think about her in that way. I mean, I really don't even know her but I don't want to hurt her feelings. What should I do?

Brooke : Oh, I'm not the Relationship expert these days, trust me. But you're smart, Mouth. You'll figure it out. Whatever you do, just be nice.

(Gigi leaves, Brooke joins Rachel.)

Rachel : So?

Brooke : You were right. It was really intense.

Rachel : So, it's over?

Brooke : Hmm hmm. Yeah, it's over.

(Rachel passes her hand in her back to comfort Brooke. Brooke is hiding to smile.)

[Karen's Cafe]

(Haley is on phone.)

Haley : It's over the limit? (Karen looks at her) Are you sure? Can you just check again? Yeah. Okay. No, yeah. Hmm hmm. Thanks.

(She puts the phone down)

Karen : Everything okay?

Haley : I tried t use our credit card this morning, and it was denied. And now the card company's telling me we're over the limit.

(She sits down.)

Karen : Have you talked about this with Nathan?

Haley : Well, sort of, but he just says everything's gonna be okay. Karen, if we can't make ends meet now, what are we gonna do when the baby comes?

Karen : Okay, all right, let's no panic. You know, if it's more hours of work you need, I can help you with that. You know, mornings before school and nights, whenever.

Haley : Okay.

Karen : If you need a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to, I can help you with that, too. After all, I am the expert on teenage pregnancy.

(Karen leaves. Haley is lost.)

[Peyton's threshold house]

(Peyton is drawing. Lucas comes.)

Lucas : Pretty dark, don't you think?

Peyton : I love you, Luke, but I've chosen darkness.

Lucas : Well, I just wanted to come check up to you, girlie. How's your head?

Peyton : Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave? Am I the reason all these things keep happening to me? Maybe I'm just destined to be alone.

Lucas : It's not you and you're not alone. But eventually you're gonna have to be.

Peyton : No, you're right. I can do it.

Lucas : All right. But just in case, you have a key to my place and I'm just a phone call away.

(She hugs him.)

Peyton : Thanks.

(Lucas leaves.)

[Brooke and Rachel's house]

(Brooke believes Rachel sleeps. She wakes up.)

Rachel : Where are you going?

Brooke : i just need to get a workout in, so I'm going for a run.

Rachel : You're gonna have to run a marathon to take care of that ass !

(Brooke leaves and she exchanges clothes then she takes a ride with Nick.)

[Lucas' room]

(Lucas is spleeping when Peyton sits down on his bed. He opens his eyes.)

Lucas : Hey.

Peyton : Hi. I'm... I'm sorry. I tried.

(she shows him keys, he smiles and takes her hand)

Lucas : Have you talked to your brother?

(She says yes with her head.)

Peyton : He won't call me back. He's like a Marine or something. (Lucas smiles) Can I stay?

(Lucas smiles again)

Lucas : Sure.

(She lies down close to him)


(Nathan's training. Two cars come. Daunte and his guy get out. Bear throws him the keys of Nathan‘s old car.)

Daunte : Good thing the dealer was an old friend. Seems he was unaware that our star forward had a pregnant wife. Yeah, when he heard about your situation, he was happy to take the bike back in trade.

(He shows him the keys)

Nathan : Thanks, but I can't accept this from you, NCAA rules.

Daunte : Nathan, it's your car. There's no money changing hands here. Just consider this the Tree Hill alumni lending a helping hand.

Nathan : Is that what you guys calling yourselves these days, alumni?

Daunte : Why'd you go ruin a perfectly good gesture by making me feel bad? Just take the car. (He throws him the keys) What am I gonna do with that piece of crap? (they smile) You know, Nate, us Ravens got to stick together.

Nathan : Daunte. Thanks.

(Daunte and Bear leave.)

[Military Camp] (Soldiers sing their hymn when Lucas comes.)

Derek : Squad, halt ! Left face ! Strauss, continue the run, please !

Strauss : Yes, Corporal !

(Derek joins Lucas)

Lucas : I tried to call you.

Derek : I know.

Lucas : Look, it's Peyton. She's not doing well.

Derek : And remind me why this is my concern?

Lucas : She's your sister !

Derek : I don't even know her, and to be honest if the introduction was any indication of what her side of the family might be like, I'll pass.

Lucas : Look, with Larry gone, you're the only family she's got.

Derek : Look around you, Scott ! We deal with some pretty serious situations here, life-threatening type situations, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't have time for your high school drama.

Lucas : Hey come on, man. She needs your help. I need your help.

Derek : When I started my first tour overseas I made it a point to get to know all the guys in my unit because they also needed help. But it's a war and people die. So, after a while, I learned to stop getting to know the new guys. It was just easier that way. I'm sorry you made the trip, but I can't help you.

Lucas : you'll travel halfway around the world to fight for a complete stranger, but you don't have it in your heart to fight for your own flesh and blood.

(Lucas leaves.)

[High School - Near the bus]

(Haley comes running)

Haley : Hey, sorry.

Brooke : Haley, you're late. And where is Peyton?

Haley : I know, I'm sorry. I had to close up the café. Peyton didn't even come to school today. I think cheering's out of the question.

Brooke : Oh, well, she lets one little stalker into her life and we all get screwed, that's nice.

Haley : Look, some of us actually have real problems.

Brooke : Fine. How is she doing?

Haley : Hoeselt, I don't think she's doing that well and it would kind of be nice if you knew that. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you guys used to be, like, best friends? I mean, when are you gonna end this?

Brooke : Don't ask me, okay? I'm not the bitch who started it.

Haley : Okay, well, while we're dealing with all things, Brooke, somebody left a message for you at the apartment about styling a fashion show or something.

Brooke : What? Well, why didn't they just call me?

Haley : I don't know. Maybe because you move from house to house like a little nomadic camel. I saved the message.

Brooke : Thank you. Oh, Haley ! Just don't tell Peyton I asked about her, okay?

Haley : Okay.

(They get on the bus.)

[High school - Coach's office]

(Lucas Knocks on the door)

Lucas : You wanted to see me, coach?

Whitey : Yeah. Come on in, son.

(Lucas comes in. Whitey gives him a new jersey.)

Lucas : This is Keith's number.

Whitey : I'm pretty sure he'd want you to have it. Taking your médications?

Lucas : Yes, sir.

Whitey : Good. You know, it took every ounce of strengh your mother has to come in here and ask me to take you back. (Lucas says yes with his head) She loves you that much, enough to put your dreams ahead of her fears. You got 15 minutes of game to make her proud. And a lifetime to make them both proud.

(Lucas smiles and put his new jersey on him.)

[High School - Gym]

(The game started.)

Mouth : All right, fans, the possession is under way. If the Ravens can win the next five games, they'll be State Champions. But lose one and the season is over. (Nathan scores.) Nathan Scott with authority. The triple threat of Antwon « Skills » Taylor and Scott brothers, Nathan and Lucas, are unstoppable. Ravens by 10. (Gigi smiles to him.) Lucas Scott has become the Ravens' secret weapon off the bench. They swing it over to Skills Taylor. Skills with the sweet River Court move, and he lays it in for two.

(Skills scores.)

Skills (to opposing player) : Smell like burnt white toast, baby.

Mouth : Ravens, 84. Bear Creek, 62. The Ravens win and advance. Bear Creek's season is over.

(We see Haley busy at the café. Brooke and Nick kissing in toilets.)

[High school - Gym]

(Next game. Girls encourage The Ravens.)

Mouth : Folks, the Ravens look like the dominant force in these playoffs as the Scott brothers are on a roll. Luke works the ball to Skills. Skills with the alley-oop to Nathan, and Nathan drives it home.

(Nathan scores. Daunte and Bear are here. Lucas scores.)

Mouth : Long range from Lucas Scott. Ravens are up by 15 now, and is the magic number as Coach Durham calls it a night for number 22. (Lucas returns to the bench.) That also looks like the end of the road for the Cove City Cougars as the Ravens coast to an easy win. (Karen applauds) Gigi?

Gigi : Dinner or a movie when I ask you out?

(Mouth smiles)

Mouth : And the Ravens advance to the State quarterfinals.

[High School - Class]

(We see Brooke and Nick in class. Rachel is watching them like she had understand their secret.)

[Lucas' bedroom]

(Lucas is with his computer on his bed. Peyton is lying down on the bed too. Lucas looks at her.)

[High school - Gym]

(Another game)

Mouth : Skills Taylor brings the ball up court. He finds Nathan Scott with the no-look pass ! Nathan lays it in, and the Ravens have a huge lead. Whitey Durham can feel it. This one's over. (everybody is glad. Daunte and Bear are still here.) Don't look now, folks, but if Tree Hukk can win one more game, they'll be playing for the State Championship. (Daunte and Bear leave.) The fans are on their feet, and they should be. I'll tell you what, this could be the best Ravens team we've ever seen.

(Lucas, Nathan and Skills hug each other.)

[At Nathan & Haley's home]

(They come in.)

Nathan : Yes !

Haley : Yes ! One more game and we're in the State Championship.

Nathan : Not so fast, Hales. I mean, we still got Verona and they're pretty tough.

Haley : Oh yeah, but between you, Lucas and Skills, nothing can stop us now. (They hug, light goes off.) Oh maybe I spoke too soon. (she looks through the window.) Nathan, it's just our lights. What's going on?

Nathan : Guess that was our third notive.

Haley : Oh, God, Nathan. As much as I hate to say this, i really think it's time you talk to your dad.

(She leaves, Nathan whispers.)

[Dan's office](So Nathan goes talk to his dad...)

Dan : I hope you're here to tell me you're signing with Duke.

Nathan : I'm not here to talk about basketball. I'm having money problems, Dad. It's serious and I need your help.

Dan : You know, Nathan, it broke my heart when you emancipated yourself and turned away from me as a father. God know I‘ve tried to be there for you. But you're married, and you're a man now. My solemn wish for you is that you find your way but you're gonna have to do that on your own.

Nathan : So you're saying you're not gonna help me, not at all.

Dan : No, what I'm saying is, whenever I invest money, I look at the potential for return on that money. Right now, you're not an investment I'm interested in.

Nathan : But I'm your son !

Dan : Really? I thought you were emancipated.

Nathan : Thanks for nothing, Dad.

(He leaves, Dan whispers.)

[Karen's Cafe]

(Haley comes in tears.)

Karen : Haley.

Haley : I don't know if I can have this baby, Karen.

(Karen goes near)

Karen : What do you mean?

Haley : They shut the power off last night (she sits down) and I'm the only one of us with a job. And I'm pregnant and I'm pregnant and I'm in high school. And Nathan is this close to getting his basketball scholarship which he can't do that and have time for a job. And I really have no idea how this is gonna work out, Karen.

Karen : Haley, when I was your age and I was pregnant with Lucas I didn't have two pennies to rub together. I didn't have any friends. I didn't have college. Matter of fact, I didn't even have a family.

Haley : That doesn't really make me feel better, Karen !

Karen : Look at you. You have a great support system in friends and family. You have a future ahaed of you in college, but most of all, you have Nathan. (Haley starts crying) Sure, it's not gonna be easy but you got to have faith. Trust me. You can do this. You can do this.

[Lucas's room]

(Skills is reading on the bed while Lucas arranges his bag.)

Skills : So, let me get this straight. You and Peyton just friends, right?

Lucas : Huh huh.

(Skills shows him Peyton's panties)

Skills : I wish I had friends like that.

(Lucas drink some water then we Knock at the door. He smiles and go to open.)

Lucas : Derek, hey. Skills, this is Peyton's brother, Derek.

(Skills stands up)

Skills : Damn, who would have guessed Peyton's brother was a brother?

(Lucas smiles.)

Derek : Lance Corporal Sommers.

Skills : Big Daddy Skills.

Derek (to Luke) : I wanted to talk to you about...

(Peyton comes.)

Peyton : Luke...

Derek : Peyton.

Lucas : I'll leave you to it. Thank you.

(He pulls Skills out)

Peyton : I tried calling you.

Derek : I wasn't sure I wanted to see you.

Peyton : Like the first time I called you and you hung up on me.

Derek : A simple « thank you » would suffice.

Peyton : I was the victim, okay? It wasn't my fault.

Derek : Well, there's your first problem, right there, thinking like a victim.

Peyton : Don't. Don't judge me, ‘cause you don't know the first thing about me.

Derek : You're right. Let's change that. Take a ride with me.

Peyton : Give me one good reason why I should.

Derek : Because right now I'm the only family you got. And if you don't mind me criticizing your personal appearance, one of these days, you're gonna have to sleep.

(She comes with him.)

[Military camp]

(They walk.)

Peyton : You're not really what I expected.

Derek : How do you mean?

Peyton : Well, I don't know. I just expected someone... I thought you'd be more like...

Derek : More white !

Peyton : No. That's not what I meant. Maybe it's the Marine part.

Derek : My mother's African-American. And as far as the Marine go, this place saved my life. When I was just a little younger than you, my dad, our dad, he left me and my mom.

Peyton : Well, figures. Psycho boy was right about one thing, got a deadbeat dad.

Derek : It was Tough. She worked two jobs and that left me pretty much on my own. I started getting in trouble. Nothing horrible but nothing I'm proud of, either. What I didn't know at the time was that, I was just scared. This place showed me how to not be scared. Fear is like a disease, Sawyer. If you don't treat it, it'll eat you up.

Peyton : All right, but guess what? The last Derek I trusted tried to kill me.

Derek : I didn't say it would be easy. Do you think this is easy for me? I didn't ask for anyone new in my life.

Peyton : Well, then why are you helping me?

Derek : ‘Cause your friend, Lucas, cared enough to convince me. And looking at you, I see that fear. But I also see strengh. Come on.

(She follows him.)

[Brooke & Rachel's house.]

(Brooke ends a dress. Nick helps her.)

Brooke : Just hold it up, okay?

Nick : Remind me why I'm doing this again.

Brooke : Because it's one of my dresses for TART.

Nick : TART ?

Brooke : Textile Art Road Tour. It's a touring fashion show to showcase new designers and a designer dropped out, and now I'm in but I'm running out of time, so chop-chop.

Nick : And what do I get in return?

Brooke : Well, you're helping me with my work, so I could help with yours. I could grade your important papers, give Peyton an F.

(she smiles)

Nick : I was thinking something a little more physical.

Brooke : Is that all this is about for you, sex?

Nick : Of course not.

Brooke : What is it, then? I mean nobody knows we're together, and all we do is sneak around. Not that there's anything wrong with sneaking around but... what's it about if it's not just sex?

Nick : I know it's not fair to you, Brooke. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should stop this.

Brooke : You could do that?

Nick : I don't wanna hurt you. (she pricks him with her needle) Oh !

Brooke : Care to revise that answer?

Nick : How about this? In three months, you'll be done with school and then it dosent matter what anyone thinks. Then the world can know, and it'll be just about us, you and me.

Brooke : Yeah, that's a good answer. You get an A. Now hold this !

[Military camp]

(Derek takes Peyton near to a ring.)

Peyton : Looks like we're a little early for Smackdown !

Derek : We have a boxing team on base.

Peyton : Well, you better Watch out for my right hook.

(They come up onto the ring)

Derek : You think so?

Peyton : Hmm hmm. Hey, thanks.

Derek : Okay. Let's see it.

Peyton (she smiles) : Right.

Derek : I'm serious. Hit me.

Peyton : Forget it. This is weird.

Derek : The first step in Learning how not to be scared is knowing how to defend yourself. Come on, hit me.

Peyton : I'm not gonna hit you, okay?

(Silence. Derek pushes her.)

Peyton : Derek. (he pushes her again) Stop !

(she tries to hit him but she misses him)

Derek : Is that all you got? Punch me like you mean it, Sawyer. (she hits his hand) You hit like a girl.

Peyton : I am a girl !

Derek : A weak, scared, defenseless little girl. (she hits him again.) Okay, Sawyer. So there's actually a real person in there. Again. Hands up ! Yeah, yeah. You scared, huh? You gonna act like a litlle baby and cry and stay in the house all the time?

Peyton : No.

Derek : Yeah?

Peyton : Shut up !

Derek : Picture him, Peyton. Picture everything that hurt you and fight back. Yeah !(We see psycho Derek) Yeah ! Fight back ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Fight back. Yeah.(We see Ellie's death.) Yeah. Yeah ! (we see a draw with Jake and Jenny) Fight back ! Fight back ! Yeah. Yeah. Fight back ! (we see Brooke slaping her , Jimmy Edwards firing, and her mother's tomb.) Fight back. (We see Peyton and coke.) Yeah ! Fight back ! (We see Nikki slaping her and psycho Derek‘s attack)

Peyton : Shut up !

(We still see the attack and Psycho Derek's fall. Peyton hugs Derek in tears.)

[High School - Courtyard]

(Gigi makes a wave to Mouth who doesn't know what to do with her.)

Mouth (to Gigi) Hey. (to Brooke) : Okay, this Gigi thing is at DEFCON-5. You got to help me, Brooke.

Brooke : Okay. The Blow-Off 101, let's review. One, you can't date her right now, but it's not her, it's you. Two, you're so messed up right now, she'd be miserable dating you. Three, there are way better guys she could have in her life. And four... Are you ready for this? Dating would ruin your really special friendship. (Mouth is looking at Rachel) But listen Mouth, if she gets bummed when you tell her you want to be good friends, then tell her you wanna be great friends, okay? Mouth? Are you listening?

Mouth : It's okay. I've already heard this speech.

(he joins Gigi. Brooke leaves.)

Gigi : Hey, Mouth.

Mouth : Gigi, I know you want to ask me out, but I don't want you to (Gigi seems disappointed) because I wanna ask you out.

Gigi (she smiles) : Oh ! I'll have to think about it and get back to you.

(She stands up, Mouth didn't expect that answer.)

Gigi : Okay, I've thought about it, and I'd love to go out with you, Mouth.

(Mouth smiles)

Lucas (vo) : When life comes to rushing at you from out of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust?

[Nathan & Haley's home]

(Nathan joins Haley in bed.)

Haley : What are we gonna do, Nathan, if we...

(lights go on)

Nathan : I took care of it.

Haley : I know that must've been really difficult for you to talk to your father. Thank you for doing that for me. (she takes his hand and puts it on her stomach) Thank you for doing that for us.

[Dan's office]

(he receives messages from an anonymous person)

RE : REDRUM : Burning the midnight oïl, killer?

GreatScott33 : Who is it?

RE : REDRUM : I know what you did.

(Dan is choked.)

[Karen's Café]

(Karen closes up, Haley hugs her)

Lucas (vo) : Will they be wise?

Karen : Oh, what's that for?

Haley : ‘Cause you were right. I have a great future and I have great friends. And I have the best husband. You know what I'm really thankful for? I have you.

(Karen smiles. They hug again.)


(Nathan is training when Daunte's car comes.)

Daunte : How's our star player doing?

Nathan : Good. And thanks, man. I know that was a lot of money but I'm gonna pay you back every cent.

Daunte : Take your time. Just don't disappoint me out there, Nate.

(Daunte leaves)

Lucas (vo) : And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness?

[Brooke & Rachel's home]

(Brooke goes out secretly. But Rachel wakes up and sees her leave with Nick th rough the window.)

Lucas (vo) : Will they make noble choices? Or that person be someone untested, someone new?

[Peyton's room]

(Peyton and Derek come in her room)

Peyton : So you're leaving?

Derek : I know we're related, Peyton, and maybe in another life we'd be closer, but I'm a Marine and you've got your own life. I can't be that guy for you.

Peyton : Why not?

Derek : I guess what I'm saying is I... I don't wanna be that guy. I'm sorry.

(He leaves. Peyton closes the door and all the bolts. She looks scared.)

[Ahead of Peyton's home]

Derek : You can take a pass on tonight. She's gonna be fine.

Lucas : You sure?

Derek : No, but if you keep babying her, you'll never find out.

Lucas : Look, you know, you should really get to know her. She needs someone special in her life, you know.

Derek : She's already got someone special in her life. She has you. Thanks, Scott.

(he gets into his car.)

Lucas : So what, you're just gonna leave her?

Derek : I didn't say that. I've got some experience with late-night guard duty, but she doesn't need to know that. She needs to know that she can do it alone.

(Lucas smiles and looks at Peyton's room window then he leaves.)

[Peyton's room]

(She goes to bed...)

Lucas (vo) : Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness. When it does, is there someone in your life you can count on?

(Derek is still in his car looking at Peyton's room window)

Derek : Come on, Peyton, you can do this.

Lucas (vo) : Someone who will Watch over you when you stumble and fall and in that moment give you the strength to face your fears alone?

(Peyton finally turn the light off.)

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