Forever Dreaming

04x03 - Good News for People Who Love Bad News
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 10/25/06 10:04 ]
Post subject:  04x03 - Good News for People Who Love Bad News

LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on one Tree Hill

[Molina Bridge-Day]

(HALEY looks at NATHAN who’s about to jump in the river)

HALEY: (pleading) NATHAN, DON’T!

(NATHAN dive’s into the river, head first, HALEY watches)

RACHEL: (v.o) I know that you saved my life …

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-COOPER’s Recovery Room]


(NATHAN looks down)

RACHEL: … and I’m gonna find a way to thank you

[Molina Bridge-River-Day]

(Limo underwater, NATHAN about to run out of air)

NATHAN: (v.o) I swam into the car (swims to roof of limo to gasp for air) and I got trapped …

[Molina Bridge-Night]

(NATHAN looks out onto the river, HALEY puts her head on his shoulder)

NATHAN: … (v.o) I didn’t save anybody …

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Living Room]

(NATHAN and LUCAS sitting)

NATHAN: … somebody saved me



[Department Store parking lot-PEYTON’s car-Night]

(PEYTON and LUCAS sitting outside store)

PEYTON: What’d you say?

LUCAS: Keith’s dead, Peyton

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE in her bed, RACHEL on her bed fiddling with camera)

RACHEL: The boys in Tree Hill are so boring

BROOKE: Isn’t there anybody our age you think you could fall for?

(close up of RACHEL’s camera, NATHAN and HALEY at there wedding, picture is zoomed into NATHAN’s face)

RACHEL: (v.o) Maybe

[Church-NATHAN and HALEY’s Wedding-Bridesmaid’s Room]


(LUCAS holds out a pregnancy test box)

LUCAS: Hey, ma? Are you … pregnant?

KAREN: (smiles) Yes, I am

[KAREN’s Café]

(DEB behind counter putting a prescription pill in her mouth almost impatiently)

KAREN: (v.o) Deb, you need to get back into Rehab …

[KAREN’s Café]

(A couple hours later with KAREN and DEB face to face)

KAREN: … or I will dissolve our partnership

[The River Court-Basket Ball Court-Day]


SKILLS: I was thinkin’ the Ravens could use another shooting guard

[The River Court-Parking Lot-Night]

(WHITEY, in car, watching SKILLS play, LUCAS with WHITEY)

WHITEY: I’m puttin’ him on the team

LUCAS: (taken back) What mad you decide?

WHITEY: (looks at LUCAS) You did

[DAN SCOTT Residence-Living Room]

(DAN walking up to the wall where the words “Murderer” are painted on his wall)

YOUNG KEITH: (v.o) Looks like I’m not the only one who knows you killed me

(DAN looks at wall, YOUNG KEITH looks at DAN)

DAN: Shut up you little smart-ass ghost

[DOCTORS Office]

(DOCTOR walks up with a folder)

DOCTOR: You’re definitely pregnant

(Camera moves to a shocked BROOKE who looks at and equally shocked HALEY)

LUCAS: (v.o) I was trying to call you

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ Bedroom]


BROOKE: You mean when you weren’t hanging out with Peyton?

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE slaps PEYTON cut to PEYTON, teary with red eyes, looking at BROOKE)

BROOKE: As far as I’m concerned this friendship is over

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ Bedroom]


BROOKE: I feel like I’m hanging onto the two of us for you

(LUCAS, looking down sadly, suddenly looks up to look at BROOKE)

PEYTON: (v.o) If you’ve been listening to my podcast …

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON’s computer screen: one window is of PEYTON sitting on her bed, the other is the recorder recording her voice)

PEYTON: … then you know a lot about me

(PEYTON on her bed, turns her head slightly)

PEYTON: But did you know I had a brother?

[SAWYER Residence-Front porch-Night]

(PEYTON is coming home searching for her keys in her purse, she hears a voice on the porch)

DEREK: Are you, Peyton?

(PEYTON stops suddenly to look at DEREK)

DEREK: I guess I’m your brother

End of “Previously on”

[Breakfast Restaurant]

(PEYTON, side profile angle, is wearing cheerleading uniform. She is sitting at a table, smiling, as the camera, from a far angle, looks wobbly like if someone is trying to focus it perfectly on her)

LUCAS: (v.o) You ever look at a picture of yourself …

(There’s a quick white flash and the screen freezes with PEYTON still smiling not noticing the picture shot)

(DEREK, standing outside by a window, holding a picture camera, takes it away from his face, looks at PEYTON, who doesn’t notice him, and smiles)

LUCAS: (v.o) … and see a stranger in the background (DEREK walks in restaurant) makes you wonder, how many strangers have pictures of you?

(PEYTON looks up when DEREK walks in. In the restaurant are a couple people sitting behind her and a guy, his back facing her, sitting at the table next to her, DEREK walks up to PEYTON and stands in front of her)

DEREK: Yeah, I’d figured the first time a cheerleader talks to me, were … related

PEYTON: I haven’t actually talked yet

DEREK: Well, you just did (PEYTON just stares at him) So this is a lot better than the other day when you … slammed the door in my face

PEYTON: After you hung up on me when I called

DEREK: Well, you caught me off guard--

PEYTON: --And you think I was expecting you to show up on my front porch?

DEREK: According to your podcast, yes (PEYTON shakes her head with an “Ooookay” expression) I’ve known about you for a while now … didn’t know if I wanted to meet you, so when you called it freaked me out, but … I was curious

PEYTON: Why didn’t you just call me back?

DEREK: I was afraid you’d hang up on me (smiles)

(PEYTON smiles when she realizes the purposely used irony in his last sentence)

DEREK: I’m sorry, okay--look (sits in front of PEYTON) let’s start over Hi, (extends hand) I’m Derek … (playfully makes confused face) I guess I’m your brother

PEYTON: (reaches for his hand) Hi, Derek (shake hands) I’m Peyton

DEREK: So, Peyton, who’d you bring?

PEYTON: What do you mean?

DEREK: Well, you don’t strike me as a dumb girl, so … who’d you bring as backup? In case I turned out to be a (bulges eyes out/whispers) psycho?

(PEYTON slightly smiles and looks over at the table next to her, the guy that has been facing his back to them turns around and it turns out to be LUCAS, who is making a “okay, you caught me” face)

PEYTON: Derek, Lucas, Lucas … Derek

(DEREK smiles and shakes LUCAS’ hand)

[Tree Hill Streets-Outside Of Restaurant]

(LUCAS and PEYTON walking on the sidewalk away from the restaurant)

LUCAS: That guy seems really cool. I mean, you throw a skirt on him and he’s you

PEYTON: We are not that much alike

LUCAS: (playful “of course not” attitude) Oh, no, no, he’s a photographer, you’re an artist … you wouldn’t shut the hell up about that damn Mozella album--you both ordered the same breakfast. I mean, I thought that was cute

PEYTON: We ordered scrambled eggs and toast (playfully hits LUCAS) same as you, same as everybody else (Lucas turns away and silently laughs) It was freakin’ special

LUCAS: Okay, you know what? I quit … You have absolutely nothing in common with your brother

PEYTON: I just don’t know if I want to do it anymore (LUCAS makes a confused expression) get close to somebody so they can … leave again

LUCAS: Look, on the contrary to what might be written on your wall, people don’t always leave. All right, I mean, last time I checked I’m still here--so is Nathan, Haley … Brooke?--okay, maybe not Brooke, but--

PEYTON: --Yeah (laughs) I think she wishes we would leave

LUCAS: Yeah (looks down)

(PEYTON and LUCAS stop walking and stand on the sidewalk)

PEYTON: Have you heard from her?

LUCAS: Not since she broke up with me

PEYTON: Well (puts hand on LUCAS’ shoulder a tad rough) get your game face on and talk to her, it’s playoff time--everybody should be in a good mood

(LUCAS laughs as he and PEYTON begin to walk again)

[Tree Hill High-Entrance]

(HALEY, in her cheerleading uniform, stands on a chair as she puts up a big banner, posters are all around her on the ground. NATHAN walks up behind her, he’s wearing his collar-shirt and tie that players wear before the basketball game)

NATHAN: I need to be tutored (HALEY turns to face him) I think I’m failing marriage

HALEY: (hand on hip) Did you try sleeping with the teacher?

(HALEY smiles and NATHAN laughs, he grabs her so he can put her down from the chair)

HALEY: So … what’s gotten into you?

NATHAN: I’m just tired of thinking about the accident. I need to get focused again and start thinking about basketball

(HALEY makes an “aren’t you forgetting someone?” expression)

HALEY: All right

(HALEY moves a little to grab posters)

NATHAN: (realizes her expression) And you

HALEY: (smiles) Uh-huh, you really are failing marriage, aren’t you?

NATHAN: You know I’m always thinking about you, Hales (HALEY turns back to face him) thank you for being so patient with me--I just needed some time … but after tonight … everything’s gonna be better, I promise

HALEY: I’m really glad to see you so happy but … I just don’t know if everything that happened to you on the bridge is gonna go away so quickly

NATHAN: You know--no matter what goes wrong in my life, every time I set foot on that basketball court it all goes away

(HALEY looks slightly down from NATHAN like if she’s thinking)

NATHAN: (smiles) You’ll see

(NATHAN holds HALEY’s face and gives her a kiss)

NATHAN: All right?

(HALEY winks and watches him leave with a smile on her face)

[Tree Hill High-Gym]

(The gym is dim except for a few spotlights hitting the gym, SKILLS sits on the bleachers under one of the spotlights, he’s wearing his dress-up shirt and tie. LUCAS enters holding a backpack and walks towards SKILLS)

LUCAS: You nervous?


LUCAS: You lyin’?

SKILLS: (looks down) Yeah

(LUCAS groans as he sits, they both look out towards the court)

LUCAS: (sighs) Remember my first game as a Raven?

SKILLS: Yeah … (looks at LUCAS) You played like crap … I remember walking around for a whole week talkin’ about “Man, I gotta take me a Lucas”

LUCAS: (chuckles) Look, the point is … I let to much get to my head, you know? I mean, basketballs basketball whether it’s on the river court or … in here (shakes head) You remember that and you’ll be all right

SKILLS: Yeah, I’d be better if you was out there with me though

LUCAS: Well (reaches in backpack) I will be … (pulls out Ravens jersey) Sort of

(LUCAS hands the jersey, that is balled up, to SKILLS who grabs it. When SKILLS opens it he sees that it reads “Ravens” with the number “3” on it, LUCAS’ number)

SKILLS: Wait, this is yo jersey

LUCAS: Not anymore

(SKILLS, surprised, quickly turns the jersey over and instead of “Scott” it reads “Taylor”)

SKILLS: (chuckles) Thanks, man (pauses as he stares at the jersey) …. Did you wash it?

LUCAS: Aw, man

(LUCAS laughs and pats SKILLS on the back, SKILLS playfully smells the jersey, he and LUCAS look at the court)

SKILLS: Man, I’m-a make this place look good (they both nod in agreement) This jersey, too

LUCAS: Oh, you better … it ain’t used to looking bad

(LUCAS looks at SKILLS and they share a smile, LUCAS picks up his backpack and starts to exit the gym leaving Skills alone once again but this time he’s looking at the jersey)

[Tree Hill-Graveyard]

(YOUNG KEITH is sitting on top of KEITH’s tombstone and DAN walks up to the grave from behind YOUNG KEITH, there is an old man a little off to the side fixing plants. DAN stands in front of the tomb and stares at YOUNG KEITH who’s back is facing him)

DAN: (upset) All right, Keith … enough already

(old man looks up and looks at DAN, from his view YOUNG KEITH is not sitting on the tomb)

DAN: (mad) Do you mind, (motions to tomb) I’m paying my respects!

(Old man gets up and walks away. Close up of DAN looking at YOUNG KEITH)

DAN: I know I mad a mistake (camera moves out to show him looking at Y.K who’s still on the tomb) but I can’t take it back … and since neither of us is resting in peace (close up of DAN) I have a deal for you … you stop haunting me … (looks away for a moment) and I’ll try to make things right with Karen, Lucas and your baby … (threateningly) but if you don’t leave me alone (camera moves out to show him and the grave) … I think you know what I’m capable of

(When the camera moves completely out YOUNG KEITH is no longer sitting on the tombstone)

[Tree Hill High-Busses-Day]

(BROOKE and HALEY walking from the buses to the school, both in there uniforms)

BROOKE: I swear to God if we loose tonight, I am going to kill, Peyton

HALEY: We will win, Nathan’s got that look in his eye--besides, even if we did loose it wouldn’t be Peyton’s fault

BROOKE: (mad) Yes, it would, everything is Peyton’s fault, she’s like a cursed rabbits foot, she’s bad luck (Haley laughs) I am serious, traitor girl. Do not take her side--not against me

HALEY: Hey! Wuh-wait, Do not call me traitor girl, okay? I’m not taking sides, I didn’t know there were sides

BROOKE: (getting angrier by the second) Well, there are. You’re either on team Brooke or team Peyton and nobody wants to be on team Peyton because there captain is a big whore!

HALEY: Okay, do you think that’s a little harsh?

BROOKE: Oh, you mean “Harsh” like when they shove there tongues down each others throats?

(BROOKE and HALEY stop in front of the outside lunch tables)

HALEY: That kiss was so long ago

BROOKE: Again, Haley, they kissed again!

HALEY: (looks away, shocked) What?

BROOKE: They’re sneakin’ around again, too. You should really check out Peyton’s Webcam sometime

(BROOKE and HALEY turn around and they see PEYTON and LUCAS sitting at the outside lunch tables laughing and talking, both sharing the same bench seat)

(HALEY gasps)

BROOKE: (puts arm around HALEY) Welcome to team Brooke

(BROOKE and HALEY walk away, PEYTON and LUCAS continue talking, never noticing there presence)

THEME SONG - Gavin DeGraw “I Don’t Want to Be”

[Tree Hill High-Bench-Day]

(BROOKE is sitting on a bench outside of the school, LUCAS walks up to her holding a juice)

LUCAS: Trade you my juice box for your bag of chips (sits on top of bench from behind) and I’ll throw in a cookie

(BROOKE doesn’t bother to look at Lucas)

BROOKE: Peyton must really need chips

LUCAS: (rolls eyes) Okay, how can I make this any clearer? There’s nothing going on between me and Peyton

BROOKE: (turns to LUCAS) And there’s nothing going on between us, either so why are you still here? (LUCAS looks away for second) … Do I need to make that clearer?

LUCAS: You know what, Brooke? You broke up with me. Then you never even gave me a real reason why and you just walked away and I thought … we could at least still be friends

(LUCAS stands and walks away leaving BROOKE there trying to fight back tears)

[KAREN’s Café-Counter]

(KAREN behind the register at what looks like a busy day)

KAREN: (to customer) Here you go, thanks

(KAREN hits some buttons on the register and looks up quickly to see DAN standing there, she quickly looks down to continue)

DAN: Anything I can do to help?

KAREN: Yeah (looks down/writes) Leave Deb alone

DAN: Is she here?

KAREN: (looks up) No, she quit (closes register) and I’m swamped

(KAREN walks away to other side of counter and DAN follows)

DAN: That’s Deb for you--never finishes the job

KAREN: Deb is back on drugs and she’s carrying a gun

DAN: (taking it as a joke) She didn’t have any matches, did she?

KAREN: (upset) Look, she needs help, so stop whatever it is you’re doing

DAN: I’m not doing anything

KAREN: You’re always doing something and it’s never good. Look, you said that you wanted to be a better person--here’s your chance, take it

DAN: (looks down) Okay, Karen, okay, I’ll stop (points to her) for you

(DAN turns to exit)

KAREN: Do it for you (DAN turns) and for the women you once claimed to love

(KAREN watches DAN leave)

DEREK: (v.o) That was the most …

[Tree Hill High-School sign-Day]

(DEREK and PEYTON are walking from the buses towards the school. They are towards the front of the school where the school activities board reads “TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL, ITS PLAYOFF TIME”)

DEREK: … morbid tour I’ve ever been on

PEYTON: Yeah, well not everybody gets to go on the Tree Hill death walk, so … you should feel honored

DEREK: Oh, I do, uh … my favorite part was the bridge where your friends crashed

PEYTON: You know, it’s just to bad I ran out of time ‘cause I really wanted to show you the place where I buried my prom date (DEREK gives her a weird look) kidding

DEREK: Thank, God … be really weird if we had another thing in common (PEYTON laughs) so, I want to ask you something … you okay with me being here? You’ve kind of … had your guard up all day

PEYTON: I’m sorry (pats DEREK) that’s just me, I … don’t let people in, really

DEREK: Hey, it’s okay, I mean, I get it, I’m the same way … look, Peyton, I’d … like to hang around a little bit and get to know you but if you’re not comfortable with it I understand. I will …. check out of my hotel and head home, at the very least we had one great day together (PEYTON smiles) So … you just let me know, okay? (PEYTON nods) I’ll see you

(DEREK starts walking away and PEYTON stands there hesitating whether to talk or not)

PEYTON: There’s a game tonight (DEREK turns) and a party after, if you want to go

DEREK: Yeah (smiles) Yeah, I’d--I’d like that (barley heard) cool

(PEYTON waves and watches DEREK leave, then she smiles)

[Tree Hill High-Boy’s Locker Room]

(WHITEY stands in front of the “Ravens Basketball” drawn on wall, side profile)

WHITEY: Crap! … (looks forward to lockers) That pretty much sums up this season. You started out this year with a crappy attitude. You played like crap (camera moves out to show players lined up each sides of lockers, NATHAN and SKILLS included) you took my crap, you cleaned up rat crap from a crappy gym (walks down the lockers passing players) well, all that craps over now, at least you made it to the finals. Some of you are seniors, this is your last chance for a state title. It’s my last chance … so get out there and play like the champions I know you can be!

(WHITEY is no longer facing them, he’s reached the end of the line of the players and his back is facing them and he starts clapping as well as the players and they all huddle around each other, minus WHITEY)

TEAM: One--two--three, RAVENS!

(The team walks out of the gym and WHITEY is left there smiling and then he proceeds to walk out)

(Cut to Gym)

(The players are running in the hall towards the gym)

MOUTH: (v.o) Ladies and gentlemen, lets make some noise for you’re Tree Hill Ravens!

(There is a big paper banner that reads “Go Ravens! Championship bound” covering the door. It tears because NATHAN runs through it, SKILLS behind and the other players behind him. The Cheerleaders are all lined up by the door, cheering, as the players pass them, the crowd on the bleachers cheers and applauds Cut to announcement table: sitting from left to right: GIGI SILVERI, MOUTH and LUCAS)

MOUTH: Okay, fans, you are in for a treat. Tonight, we are lucky to be joined by Lucas Scott--former Ravens shooting guard

GIGI: Very lucky … (smiles) and aroused

MOUTH: (a little uncomfortable) Yes, very lucky … before tonight’s game Mayor Dan Scott is here to present an award …

(DAN, with microphone and plaque, standing in middle of gym, spotlight)

MOUTH: … (v.o) to one of our very own Ravens

DAN: A week ago, my son, Nathan Scott, risked his life to save two people (LUCAS nodding in agreement) this act of bravery (back to DAN, all players and cheerleaders forming 2 lines from DAN to MOUTH and LUCAS) and selflessness in the face of grave danger … is a quality I most hoped to inspire in him … and I’m happy to say that I succeeded (MOUTH and LUCAS listen) on behalf of Tree Hill (holds award up) I’d like to present this award of valor (smiles) … to my son, Nathan Scott

(The crowd cheers and applauds as NATHAN goes up to DAN to receive the plaque. All of a sudden RACHEL runs up to NATHAN jumps in his arms and kisses him on the mouth. NATHAN looks shocked, DAN smiles)

RACHEL: (seductively) Thank you … hero

(RACHEL walks back in line)

DAN: (to NATHAN/without microphone) I’m proud of you, son

(DAN sticks his hand out to shake NATHAN’s. NATHAN looks at DAN’s hand for a second then at DAN and looks away)

NATHAN: (holds plaque up/to everyone) Let’s play ball

(NATHAN leaves DAN there a little hurt, or angry, and the crowd cheers as the players and cheerleaders break. PEYTON and BROOKE are walking next to each other while HALEY and RACHEL, who is looking at NATHAN, walk in front of them)

HALEY: (pushes RACHEL) Stay the hell away from my husband

RACHEL: (bitchy) I was just giving him a proper “thank you”

HALEY: (smiles) You’re thank-you’s send people to the free clinic


BROOKE: (mad) What are you laughing about? Your “I love you’s” send people to there grave

PEYTON: (smiles) Well if that’s the case, then, I love you, Brooke

(PEYTON looks at BROOKE and kisses her from afar)

BROOKE: (to herself) Whore

(The crowd is cheering and on the bleachers sits DEREK, with his camera, taking pictures. He focuses the camera on PEYTON who is holding her pom-pom’s and looking at the court, smiling, the camera clicks and the image of PEYTON stands still. He focuses it again on PEYTON and takes another picture and the image freezes, DEREK pulls the camera away and looks at the picture through the camera)

(Helicopter view of players from the opposing teams at center going to shake hands, #33 Masonboro and #32 for Ravens)

MOUTH: (v.o) Okay, here we go, it’s Tree Hill versus Masonboro (referee throws ball in the air) the winner advances in the post season (#32 for Ravens, reaches the ball and throws it to players) and the Ravens win the tip! (#1 throws NATHAN the ball) Nathan Scott has it out on the wing (NATE passes #2 of opposing team) Nathan drives past his defender

(Slow motion as NATHAN jumps to throw the ball in the hoop)

MOUTH: And he scores!

(The ball goes into the hoop and the cheerleaders, who stand behind the hoop, cheer, From left to right: HALEY, PEYTON, RACHEL, BROOKE and BEVIN. HALEY is the only one not really in a cheering mood and gives RACHEL a dirty look, RACHEL gives her a look back and looks back at the game. Camera goes to announcing table as they watch the game, then it cuts to player passing the ball to NATHAN, who catches)

MOUTH: (v.o) (NATHAN shoots) Nathan has it out on the wing again, he puts up a shot (basket makes it in) and he scores (NATHAN running with ball) as some fans know, Nathan injured his knee in that heroic rescue but he’s feeling no ill effects tonight (slow-mo of NATHAN jumping in the air towards hoop) he’s playing like a man possessed (ball goes in) and he drives again!

(The crowd goes wild and player #11 from Masonboro takes the ball)

MOUTH: Masonboro with it now on the offensive end (#11 runs towards opposing net and fakes #1) they drive to the hoop (#11 makes the shot) and the baskets good (WHITEY yelling at players) Masonboro’s keepin’ it close

(SKILLS is sitting on the bench, antsy, with a player to his left)

SKILLS: Man--I can’t believe Whitey ain’t put me in the game, man

PLAYER: Yeah, whatever, I’ve been on this team for two years and I haven’t played one game yet

SKILLS: … Yeah, but I’m good

(PLAYER looks at SKILLS with a “Whatever” expression, Cut to announcement table)

MOUTH: Scott drives to the hoop and he’s fouled (LUCAS makes a “dang” expression) he’ll step to the line for a couple of free throws

(LUCAS and MOUTH clap Cut to NATHAN in front of hoop with ball, facing the cheerleaders as he focuses on the net. Cheerleaders rubbing pom-pom’s together)

MOUTH: (v.o) Nathan’s a perfect six for six tonight, he’s got twelve points (NATHAN shoots) … and now thirteen!

(HALEY yells and cheers, RACHEL puts one hand on hip and the other in the air and smiles)

MOUTH: (v.o) Nathan has a second free-throw coming

(NATHAN is thrown the ball for his next throw, he catches it and looks up at the net, the basketball glass is dripping with water and he stares, confused, at it as the crowds cheers fade out. As he looks back at the net, the whole hoop fills up with water and the net rises from the hoop. Nathan keeps focusing on it and the camera goes back to the hoop filled with water as he appears from behind the basketball glass and pounds on the glass like if he wants air, he pounds harder and it goes back to Nathan who is looking at the image confused and scared. He looks back at himself pounding on the glass and then it cuts to RACHEL in the water and she opens here eyes then it transcends to RACHEL looking at him from behind the basketball net smiling at him seductively as her hair flows. NATHAN looks from the net to look at her and HALEY looks at RACHEL and then NATHAN, she’s upset. NATHAN shoots the ball)

MOUTH: (v.o) Second free-throw’s up (ball hits rim and misses) Oh, and he misses (NATHAN closes his eyes disappointedly) that’s his first miss (RACHEL stares seductively) of the night

(HALEY looks at RACHEL then at NATHAN, then looks down sadly)

[Tree Hill High-Boy’s Locker Room]

(The team is sitting in the benches upset with there heads down and some with there heads leaning on the lockers. NATHAN sits by the “Ravens Basketball” wall. WHITEY walks in and smiles)

WHITEY: (comforting) Are you guys tired? … I know I am but then again, I’m old … and you guys are young and you’ve BEEN SLEEPIN’ THE ENTIRE FIRST HALF! (throws clipboard on the ground and startles players) WAKE UP! … WE SHOULD BE BLOWING THESE GUYS OUT, NOT DOWN BY FIVE! (turns to NATHAN) SCOTT! You haven’t hit a shot since you stepped up to the free throw line! (NATHAN looks away) At the first quarter! IS THERE SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW?!

(NATHAN shakes his head negatively)

NATHAN: I’ll be okay, coach

(WHITEY looks at all the player, gives a big sigh and walks away)

(Cut to Gym-Bleachers)

(Since it’s half time, MOUTH, smiling, walks up to RACHEL who is by the bleachers tying her shoes she finishes and smiles back)

RACHEL: Hey, big mouth

MOUTH: (laughs) Other than you saying it--there is nothing that I like about that nickname (laughs) it’s good to have you back

RACHEL: (smiling) Yeah, I’m much happier in my cheer uniform than I was in that hospital gown (nods) then again, the gown was drafty in different places

(RACHEL walks away)

MOUTH: I’ll bet (follows RACHEL) um, so listen (RACHEL turns) Cooper’s gone and, um … (looks down for a second) well, you know how I feel about you

RACHEL: I know … I’m really lucky to have you, Mouth (smiles) you’re a good friend

(MOUTH’s smile fades)

MOUTH: (nods) A good friend

RACHEL: (frowns) A great friend? (MOUTH walks away) You don’t want me, Mouth (MOUTH turns) … I’m a mess

MOUTH: I gotta get back to my broadcast

(MOUTH walks away heartbroken and RACHEL stands there watching him leave feeling bad for hurting his feelings)


(Cut to Boy’s locker room)

(NATHAN and SKILLS sitting on bench behind “Ravens Basketball” wall. As they hear the sound of the buzzer, they stand and start heading towards the exit to the gym)

SKILLS: You know, y’all are missin’ something out there, right? … You want to know what it is?

NATHAN: (smiles) Let me guess--you

(NATHAN and SKILLS stop by door)

SKILLS: Psssh! Same old story, dawg. Whitey tryin’ a keep a brotha down

(Camera turns to show WHITEY a couple feet behind from SKILLS who can’t see him. NATHAN smiles because he can see WHITEY)

SKILLS: Look, somebody got tah tell the old man, they don’t call me Skills ‘cause I’m really good at picking splinters out my ass

NATHAN: (to WHITEY) They don’t call him Skills (SKILLS turns to WHITEY) ‘cause he’s really good at pickin’ splinters out his ass

(SKILLS turns back around to NATHAN, scared, as WHITEY approaches looking like he’s about to commit murder. SKILLS waits as he hears his footsteps)

WHITEY: All right, Skills (NATHAN looks down) Let’s see what you’ve got (NATHAN looks away uncomfortably or scared) God forbid Whitey should keep you down

(WHITEY exits as SKILLS stays facing NATHAN)

NATHAN: (smiles) You’re welcome

(NATHAN exits leaving SKILLS there who looks up with an “Oh, Lord” expression)

(Cut to Gym)

(SKILLS is on the court by the side lines and then runs towards the net)

MOUTH: (v.o) So Skills Taylor has checked into the game (they pass SKILLS the ball and he runs) for his first time as a Raven, he’s wasting no time (SKILLS takes a shot) !as he drives to the basket and scores!

(Ball makes the net and SKILLS taunts #33 from Masonboro)

SKILLS: Yo, man, you’re as easy to score on as your mom--oh, my fault, ain’t nobody that easy (to teammate) gimme the ball, I got mad “D” boy, better protect the ball

(SKILLS is blocking #11 from Masonboro who has the ball and SKILLS manages to steal it)

MOUTH: (v.o) Skills with the steal, he knocks the ball away (slow-mo of SKILLS throwing ball to NATHAN) picks it up and he throws it ahead to Nathan Scott. Nathan racing up court (slow-mo as NATHAN shoots) and Nathan’s gonna lay it in for two (shot goes in)

(BEVIN holds up her pom-pom)


(SKILLS is looking at the basket and runs backwards Cut to announcement table)

MOUTH: As most of you know, Lucas Scott was co-captain until he was sidelined for health reasons. It must be tough to go from playing the game to watching

LUCAS: Aw, man, well I’d be lying if I say I don’t miss it but I’m really happy for my friend Skills Taylor …

[KAREN’s Café-Counter]

(KAREN, lights dim, sits as she does her receipts and her deposits for the day, listening to the game)

LUCAS’ VOICE ON RADIO: … There’s nothing like that first night when you step out on the floor (Karen stops) feeling you have an-- … you don’t ever wanna give it back

(KAREN sits there and thinks)

[Tree Hill High-Gym]

(Crowd cheers and SKILLS has the ball, taunting the players)

SKILLS: You in my bedroom … ‘cause I can go all damn night

(Slow-mo as SKILLS fakes #2 of Masonboro and runs to an empty spot, he shoots and the ball fly’s through the air from the 3-point line and passes through the air towards the net)

[GATINA Residence-After game party-Pool table]

(There is a close up of a blue plastic cup and an orange ball goes in it)

SKILLS: Like I said--all damn night, baby, now drink up

(BEVIN is across from SKILLS and drinks from a cup, drops it and puts her hands in the air and smiles, people around them cheer. People congratulate SKILLS)

[GATINA Residence-Driveway-Night]

(HALEY and NATHAN walk from the car. NATHAN is wearing what he wore to school only his shirt is tucked out and the tie is un-done and hanging from his neck, they head towards the back of the house)

HALEY: It’s like Rachel wants people to hate her (holds NATHAN’s hand) I mean, first of all, she goes after Lucas just to upset Brooke and then she gets drunk and nearly kills Cooper now she’s … throwing herself at you

(NATHAN seems to be acting a little weird, a little out of a party mood. They enter RACHEL’s backyard)

NATHAN: Yeah, that … sucks

HALEY: That sucks? (sighs) What’s wrong, the Raven’s won, aren’t you happy?

NATHAN: Yeah, I just think maybe you should go easy on her. I mean--she’s probably having a tough time with the accident

HALEY: She caused thee accident

NATHAN: (wanting to end conversation)Yeah, you’re right--lets go inside (barley heard) come on

(NATHAN and HALEY start to get inside. There is a shot of the backyard and it’s more of a pool party, even thought it’s night, since people are at the pool and those who aren’t are wearing swim cloths. There is a ton of people hanging by the pool around the yard at the porch and on the second floor porch)

[GATINA Residence-Living Room]

(LUCAS is walking and looking around holding two drinks he walks to the living room and BROOKE is sitting and talking on a chair)

LUCAS: (holds cup out) A piece offering?

BROOKE: (looks at cup for a second) We’re not at war

(BROOKE stands next to LUCAS)

LUCAS: Could’ve fooled me

(LUCAS holds the drink up for BROOKE, it obviously contains alcohol)

BROOKE: I’m on DW-not-I duty tonight

LUCAS: Want some company?

(The door opens and BROOKE rolls her eyes to see PEYTON and DEREK walk in sharing a laugh. PEYTON turns and looks at BROOKE who stares at her like if she crashed her very own party and walks up to them)

PEYTON: (to DEREK) Uh-oh--here comes the Brookie Monster

(DEREK gives BROOKE a sort of mean look)

BROOKE: (to PEYTON/smiles) Welcome to my house (smiles fades) Did you come to steal it?

PEYTON: Um … (smiles) It’s Rachel’s house and I’m pretty sure you stole it from her

(BROOKE gives PEYTON a bitchy smiles)

BROOKE: (to DEREK) Are you with Peyton?

(BROOKE grabs DEREK and kisses him, he kisses her back as PEYTON stares and smiles with a “Come on”)

BROOKE: Don’t worry, it’ll just make her like you more

(BROOKE walks away and we see that LUCAS and MOUTH have been watching the whole thing)


(PEYTON tries to give an explanation to DEREK but she can’t so she just smiles and he laughs)

[GATINA Residence-Dining Room]

(PEYTON walks in and looks around to see BROOKE behind a counter, PEYTON walks up to her)

PEYTON: (smiles) What the hell are you doing?

(BROOKE looks at her like if she’s innocent but doing it in a bitch-like way)


PEYTON: Kissing Derek?

BROOKE: (bitchy) Oh, I’m sorry, Peyton, I can’t help who I like … new boyfriend?

PEYTON: (grins) He’s my brother

BROOKE: (not buying it) You have a brother?

PEYTON: (smiles) Yeah

BROOKE: Huh--Well, then I guess your mom slept around even more than you do

(BROOKE walks away and PEYTON looks straight ahead hurt by her comment on her deceased mom)

[GATINA Residence-Living Room]

(SKILLS and NATHAN walk up to LUCAS)

SKILLS: Yo! (to LUCAS) Look, I just got to thank the brother who helped a brother get on the team (to NATHAN) and a brother who helped a brother score once he got there

(NATHAN gives a “no problem” pat on the should to SKILLS)

LUCAS: I lost track, which one am I, again?

(They start walking towards other side)

SKILLS: So what’s up, man? How ‘bout some shots with the Scotts?

NATHAN: Look, man, you blew up out there but it’s only gonna get tougher--so you got to keep bringing it, all right?

SKILLS: Look, man, I’m-a be so tight out there, dawg, they ‘bout to be calling me Ziploc

(LUCAS laughs)

NATHAN: Just say you’re gonna bring it, Skills (they stop/to LUCAS) and you (shake hands) missed you out there, man

LUCAS: Hey, you guys played great

NATHAN: Still missed you (to SKILLS) all right, brother

(NATHAN pats SKILLS on the chest and exits)

SKILLS: Look, I just gotta thank you for going to the White man for me, dawg. So, look, just to show my appreciation (looks around) I send Bevin on a little spy mission for you

LUCAS: Oh! (in a “you shouldn’t have” way)

(LUCAS puts his hand on SKILLS head and kisses his hand as if he’s kissing SKILLS head, BEVIN runs up to SKILLS)

BEVIN: Okay, big news but keep it on the BLT … Brooke (sing-song voice) broke up with Lucas

LUCAS: Thanks, Bevin

(BEVIN not really noticing or caring about LUCAS’ presence quickly glances at him but then back to SKILLS and blows SKILLS a kiss before she leaves. He looks awkwardly at LUCAS and points around. LUCAS motions that maybe he should go and SKILLS nods)


(LUCAS goes one way, SKILLS goes behind him)

[GATINA Residence-snack table]

(MOUTH drinking and hanging around table. PEYTON walks up to him with DEREK behind her, MOUTH seems … drunk, well tipsy)

PEYTON: Mouth, hey, how you doin’? (MOUTH turns) Um, I want to introduce you to Derek--Derek, this is my great friend, Mouth

MOUTH: (tipsy/depressed) I’m everybody’s great friend

PEYTON: Right, um, look, the line to the bathroom is longer than the line to the keg so would you mind hanging out with Derek for just a couple minutes?

MOUTH: Sure, that’s what friends are for, right?

PEYTON: (pats MOUTH) Thank you

(PEYTON walks away)

DEREK: (food in mouth) It’s good to meet you, man

(DEREK extends his hand but MOUTH just drinks his drink)

MOUTH: What’d you say your name was--Cooper

DEREK: It’s Derek

MOUTH: (looking at drink) Whatever, Felix (sighs/looks forward) You ever been a girls friend? It sucks. You know what else sucks--new guys (drinks)

<Note: For those of you who don’t remember, FELIX was the guy involved with BROOKE in season 2>

DEREK: My names Derek

MOUTH: (not really caring) Right, look, if you want to get on my good side … (looks at DEREK) and you do … stop kissing Brooke (looks forward) don’t even look at Rachel and don’t move here ‘cause nobody likes new guys … new guy … what was I talking about?

DEREK: (thinks) You don’t like new guys

MOUTH: (inhales) Oh, yeah (looks DEREK up and down) Damn, new guys

(MOUTH exits and DEREK stands there with a “weird-o” expression before he walks away)

[GATINA Residence-Back Porch-1st Story]

(RACHEL leaning by the door frame outside to her porch. NATHAN walks and stands from behind her and leans on the frame with her, she moves her back a little closer to his chest to talk to him)

RACHEL: I was told to stay away from you?

NATHAN: And--since when do you do what you’re told?

(RACHEL turns to NATHAN, still leaning on frame)

RACHEL: (flirty) Since never (NATHAN looks down) Let me guess … you liked my last kiss so much you want another?

NATHAN: (laughs/holds wedding ring up) Guess again

(NATHAN moves from behind her to the other side of the door)

RACHEL: (moves close) So what then?

NATHAN: When we were under water did you … see anything?

RACHEL: (thinks) The last thing I remember is the limo going off the bridge … then, waking up in the hospital

NATHAN: Nothing else?

RACHEL: (flirty) Just you saving my life … why?

(NATHAN mouths “forget it” and starts walking away on the porch, RACHEL follows)

RACHEL: Nathan, wait (NATHAN stops) my memory’s still a little hazy

(NATHAN and RACHEL are standing by a door, really close to each other. HALEY is walking from a distance and stops when she sees them, positioning herself in between them from afar. RACHEL grabs his tie and fiddles with it)

RACHEL: But if I do remember something (NATHAN uncomfortably pulls her away) you’ll be the first to know

NATHAN: (smug) Thank you

(NATHAN drops his smile and heads to the house but doesn’t notice HALEY. RACHEL watches him leave then looks over at HALEY who looks at NATHAN before walking the opposite way, upset. RACHEL looks at her leave and smiles to herself with a “mission complete” face)

[GATINA Residence-House Entrance Stairs]

(HALEY walks up to LUCAS who is hanging by the stairs talking to a girl)

HALEY: (to his ear) What are you gonna kiss her now, too?

(HALEY walks a couple feet away)

LUCAS: (to girl) Excuse me for a second (to HALEY) What?!

HALEY: Brooke told me that you kissed Peyton again (LUCAS closes his eyes) … Luke, that’s the dumbest thing you’ve done since the first time you kissed her--what the hell where you thinking?

LUCAS: (upset) I was thinking that she was dying … she’s lying in my arm--blood is pouring out of her leg and she kissed me, well, and anyway (smiles coldly) wait--do--you--know-- … do you really wanna go there?

HALEY: What does that mean?

LUCAS: What leg were you shot in when you kissed Chris Keller?

(LUCAS gives her a “hypocrite” look and walks away. HALEY stands there mad before she finally walks away)

[GATINA Residence-Backyard]

(LUCAS walks from the porch down to the yard and sees BROOKE talking to a bunch of guys as he walks up to her)

LUCAS: Brooke, got a second?

(BROOKE turns)

BROOKE: Uh … this kind-a feels like déjà vu

LUCAS: No really … you told me to fight for you and I did … but you never fought for me

BROOKE: And I’m not going to

LUCAS: (looks around) Okay, then I guess I was wrong … (shakes head negatively) I’m not the guy for you, Brooke Davis (BROOKE stares coldly)(to guys) She’s all yours

(LUCAS stares at her, mad, for a second before he walks away. BROOKE stands there staring at him with a cold expression on her face)

[GATINA Residence-Porch-1st Story]

(MOUTH, holding a drink, walking out from the house onto the porch, he heads out of the door just as a girl is gonna go in and he holds his hands out with a “whoa, I was here first” expression. He seems a lot drunker than before and he walks up to LUCAS who is sitting on a couch)

LUCAS: What’s up, Mouth?

(MOUTH goes to sit next to LUCAS)

MOUTH: (cruelly, but in a funny way, mocks LUCAS) ‘Sup, Mouth-- ‘Sup Mouth (normal) that’s all you ever say

(MOUTH sits and LUCAS points to his drink)

LUCAS: You been drinking?

MOUTH: (scoffs) This party sucks

LUCAS: Yeah, I know what you mean

MOUTH: (sarcastically) Yeah, I’m sure you do ‘cause every time you tell a girl you like her she says what a great friend you are, right? (LUCAS looks confused) Oh, wait, that’s me. You’re the guy they all throw themselves at … Brooke, Rachel, Peyton (LUCAS shakes his head negatively) probably even new guy

(MOUTH sighs and drinks)

LUCAS: How many of those have you had?

MOUTH: (looks at drink) Counting this one? … One

(LUCAS pats MOUTH like if he’s telling him its gonna be okay, MOUTH drinks)

[GATINA Residence-House Entrance Stairs]

(HALEY is sitting on the first step, feet laying across it, and two girls skip over her and head downstairs. LUCAS walks up to her and she scoots so he can sit with her)

HALEY: I’m sorry (LUCAS sits) … I’m an idiot--I shouldn’t have come at you (LUCAS sighs heavily) like that

LUCAS: I’m sorry, too--

HALEY: --I hate Rachel

LUCAS: You know, she probably just-- (HALEY gives him a look) Oh, I hate her, too (laughs)

HALEY: (sympathetically) I’m really sorry about you and Brooke

LUCAS: (sighs) Me too

HALEY: She’s probably going thought a lot right now

LUCAS: Yeah, well, she’s just gonna have to go through it alone

HALEY: Hey, Luke, will you promise me something?

LUCAS: Mm-hmm

HALEY: No matter what happens … you and I, we’ll always be friends

(LUCAS playfully touches her knee)

LUCAS: Always … (deep voice) and forever

HALEY: (whispers) Shut up

(HALEY playfully hits him on the shoulder with her elbow and he laughs but she doesn’t find it that amusing)

[GATINA Residence-Backyard-Gazebo]

(NATHAN is sitting at a table by himself and PEYTON walks up to him and sits herself down and he positions himself to face her)

PEYTON: I saw you come over here by yourself … that use to be our signal

(NATHAN smiles, RACHEL walks up to the gazebo and looks at PEYTON and NATHAN talking)

PEYTON: (v.o) You okay?

NATHAN: (v.o) Yeah … I was just … thinking

(RACHEL stops)

PEYTON: (v.o) About Keith?

NATHAN: What about him?

(NATHAN looks at PEYTON then looks behind her)

PEYTON: Lucas told me you saw him the day of the accident (NATHAN looks down) there’s nothing to be embarrassed about

NATHAN: No, I’m not embarrassed, I just-- … I just don’t know if I should believe it

PEYTON: What don’t you believe--that it could happen? Or that it could happen to you?

NATHAN: Either … both

(NATHAN sadly laughs and looks away)

PEYTON: I use to feel that way when my mom died … You know--what?--I’d go and I’d visit her grave all the time and I’d really like to think I’m not just talking to a (whispers) rock (NATHAN nods) It’s not crazy to think that someone you cared about and lost might still be watching you

NATHAN: But--what if he did more than just watch? What if he actually saved me?

PEYTON: Well, so what if he did? … Do you think he saved you so you could just sit here … all by yourself and pout? (NATHAN smiles) If you ever want to come with me to the cemetery sometime … maybe the four of us can have a picnic

NATHAN: (smiles) All right

PEYTON: (pats NATHAN) Come on

(NATHAN mumbles something and they both stand to go back to the house, thanks to PEYTON’s talk he seems in better spirits as he walks away, a guy comes from behind them holding the plaque DAN gave NATHAN)

PARTY GUY: Yo, Nate, don’t forget your award

(NATHAN grabs the award and looks at it, it reads “Award of Valor, presented to Nathan Scott by the city of Tree Hill, N.C, For bravery and selflessness above and beyond the ordinary in the rescue of Rachel Gatina and Cooper Lee, 2006”)

NATHAN: It’s not mine

(NATHAN throws it in the trash and the guy pats him on the back. PEYTON and NATHAN go inside and RACHEL stands there watching him and playing with her hair, HALEY passes by her not really noticing RACHEL)

RACHEL: If you’re looking for Nathan … (smiles) He’s in my bedroom

HALEY: If you’re looking for a black eye it’s in my fist (RACHEL laughs with an attitude) why do you always go after guys that you can’t have?

RACHEL: Let me know if you see any?

HALEY: !I would! except I heard he left town

RACHEL: I understand why you’re so angry, Haley (looks HALEY up and down) I use to be a fat chick with a little head, too

(RACHEL walks away and HALEY stands there for a moment before closing her eyes)

[GATINA Residence-Pool]

(MOUTH sits on the bench in front of the pool and LUCAS, holding water, walks up to him)

LUCAS: Hey, what’s up, Mouth (realizes he always says that) Hey, Mouth (laughs) you all right?

MOUTH: I wish none of us ever left the river court … we were all happy back then ….

LUCAS: … Well, look, I’m gonna take off … you need a lift?

MOUTH: Naaah, I think I’m gonna stay for a while

LUCAS: Okay … just call me if you need a ride

MOUTH: Hey, you too (drinks)

(LUCAS grabs the cup away from MOUTH and gives him a little bottle of water. MOUTH smiles and takes it. LUCAS smiles at him for a second then gets up and walks away. MOUTH sighs depressed, looks up, then at the bench and lies down)

[DAN SCOTT Residence]

(There is a knock on the door and DAN goes to answer it, he opens the door and it’s KAREN)

KAREN: Can I talk to you?

DAN: Not if you’re gonna yell at me

(DAN walks back towards the house, KAREN clears her throat and walks in, closes the door behind her)

KAREN: I wanted to … ask you about basketball

DAN: (holding drink) Wow, if you had a cigar and a scotch in your hand--I’d think I was dreaming

KAREN: (rolls eyes) Oh, forr---I knew this was a mistake

(KAREN starts exiting to the door)

DAN: Karen (KAREN stops) I’m sorry … What did you want to know?

KAREN: (walks towards DAN/sighs) Why was having basketball in your life so important?

DAN: It’s the only thing I ever new I was good at … people counted on me and I never let them down, it’s the best feeling in the world … and when that went away I didn’t know who I was anymore … it’s scary when you loose your way … I don’t know if you ever find it again (KAREN looks down, uncomfortable) but what brings you in here in the middle of the night to ask about a game?

KAREN: … Lucas is missing it … and, uh, I just-- … wanted to be sure he was gonna be okay without it

DAN: I’m not the right guy to answer that

<Note: Obviously he’s not okay with missing it>

(KAREN looks at DAN for a moment)

KAREN: Thank you … and thank you for the crib

(DAN and KAREN stare at each other for a moment before she walks out and exits. DAN watches her leave and turns to look at his basketball team picture and trophies)

[GATINA Residence-Pool]

(BROOKE and RACHEL cleaning up)

BROOKE: Okay, I know that you were drunk at the wedding and in a coma for the honeymoon but just to keep you up to speed Nathan and Haley are still married

RACHEL: Thanks for that update. I hate those cute couply newsletters

BROOKE: Rachel … trying to steal a girl’s boyfriend is bad enough, trying to steal a girl’s husband is unacceptable! Especially when the couple is Nathan and Haley!--they’ve been through enough

RACHEL: (bitchy) Well, I’ll make a note of that in my “Mind your own business” stationary

BROOKE: No, because as one of Haley’s bridesmaids making sure they stay together is my business, so back off! (RACHEL making “oh, yeah?” expression) She might be to classy to fight you but I will kick you little ass

RACHEL: Oh, I think you’re gonna stay out of it

BROOKE: Really? Why is that?

(RACHEL looks at BROOKE’s stomach)

RACHEL: Because you’re pregnant (BROOKE looks in shock)(walks away to throw trash) So, who is the father? … Lucas

BROOKE: You don’t know Jack unless he was one of those guys who’s beanstalk you climbed the other night

RACHEL: You gonna kiss your unborn baby with that mouth (BROOKE tries to speak) you have been begging me to find out--you haven’t been drinking (looks at her clothes) you’re making maternity cloths and, uh, I found the pamphlets from planned parenthood in your night stand, what is that, bed time reading?-- “The story of the knocked up cheerleader”

BROOKE: (smiling) You were looking through my drawers?

RACHEL: My house! My drawers, and, uh--I was looking for condoms--something you probably should’ve been doing--

BROOKE: (mad)--I am not having this conversation with you!

RACHEL: I was talking to your baby

(RACHEL walks away and BROOKE, angry, walks the opposite direction. MOUTH opens his eyes, having heard the whole argument and lays there shocked)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(DEREK is looking at the walls of PEYTON and checking out her drawings. PEYTON at computer)

DEREK: Being an artist must be really easy

PEYTON: Excuse me?

DEREK: (looking at pictures) Well--you can draw anything (PEYTON looks at him) If I wanted to … take a picture of a unicorn … (looks at PEYTON) I’d have to find one

PEYTON: (sarcastic) Oooh, right, and then you’d have that ever-so-difficult task of pushing a button (looks at her walls) were are you seeing a unicorn, anyway?

DEREK: Oh, this one’s amazing

(DEREK is looking at her “Where are they now?” wall, Shot of “Angel of Death Peyton” drawing)

DEREK: (v.o) it’s so beautiful and tragic

PEYTON: (walks to bed) Great, well you picked the one I didn’t do … Ellie drew that for me

(PEYTON sits on her bed and looks at the picture for a moment before she takes if off her wall and hands it to DEREK)

DEREK: (holds hands out) Oh, no--no--no--no, I--I, I can’t

PEYTON: (holding it out) Ellie brought us together, I want you to have it … I’ve seen enough of the Angel of death, anyway

DEREK: (frowns) Thank you, Peyton (smiles)

(PEYTON smiles)

DEREK: I’m gonna find a really special place for this (half smiles) Well, I should go (deep sigh) … hey, listen, I know you haven’t asked about our father and … I haven’t volunteered much because the truth is (shakes head) I don’t know anything, really (PEYTON nods) I mean--other than he skipped out on me at a pretty early age … I’m sorry but I can tell you what I do remember … if you want, maybe tomorrow?

(PEYTON thinks for a moment)

PEYTON: (smiles) Sure

DEREK: All right (holds picture out) Thank you

(DEREK walks backwards towards the door as he looks at PEYTON then turns and exits. PEYTON sits on her bed, truly happy, and sits there thinking … and smiling)

[The River Court-Basketball court-Night]

(SKILLS holding a basketball stands in front of the net, shoots and the basketball goes in the hoop, he runs to grab the ball and throws it in the basket again as LUCAS walks up behind him. He quickly runs up behind SKILLS)


(LUCAS jumps in air and tries to hit the ball away from SKILLS)

SKILLS: (moves ball) Oh!

LUCAS: (laughs) You played a hell of a game this time

SKILLS: Yeah, but it wasn’t no Lucas Scott game, though

LUCAS: No, it was a Skills Taylor game and that’s exactly what the team needed

SKILLS: (smiles) … Look, man, I’m sorry about the way everything went down with Brooke

(LUCAS makes a “Yeah, me too” face, then hesitates to talk)

LUCAS: You know what … Mouth said? (SKILLS listens) He said that he wished we never left the river court

(SKILLS looks away thinking)

SKILLS: So you think he was right?

LUCAS: I think things would be a lot easier … now I know if we never left … I wouldn’t have lost Brooke (SKILLS makes a “true” face) … twice and Keith and Jimmy would still be alive

SKILLS: (sighs) Well that’s a real stupid way to think though, dawg …. I mean, considering … if you wouldn’t have left the river court (LUCAS listens) you would have never got with Brooke … twice, you’re brother would still be a stranger, and … rock star Haley Scott … she’d probably be still good ol’ bookworm Haley James (LUCAS laughs) you can’t hide from life, dawg … eventually you gotta live it

LUCAS: Like you did tonight

SKILLS: Don’t sweat it, man (LUCAS claps) Look, (points) I got a feeling there’s something about to happen to you … real big, right around the corner (LUCAS claps his hands for the ball) Check

(SKILLS throws the ball to LUCAS who throws it into the hoop and makes the shot, SKILLS grabs the ball)

[DAN SCOTT Residence-Living room]

(Helicopter view of DAN lying on the couch with the ceiling fan on looking at one of his trophies. He sits up and YOUNG KEITH is sitting to his right, DAN places trophy on coffee table)

DAN: (not bothering to look at Y.K) Thought I was rid of you? (little mad) Guess you’re not accepting my offer

YOUNG KEITH: There’s only one way to get rid of me, Danny … (whispers) I think you know what it is

(Camera moves to DAN and it slowly starts zooming out as he stares at the coffee table. It zooms out to his trophy and more out to show a gun lying on top of a book on the coffee table and DAN just stares at it)

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Bedroom-night]

(NATHAN walks in and closes the door carefully. He walks over to the bed and HALEY is lying there, her back facing him, she is wide awake but I don’t think he realizes that. NATHAN stands by the drawer as he takes out his keys, miscellaneous items etc)

HALEY: (back facing NATHAN/teary) You keep going to that bridge (NATHAN looks at her) I never thought I’d be jealous of a river

NATHAN: (sighs) You know how much I like the water

HALEY: I’m really trying not to be jealous and I want to be understanding but, uh (NATHAN leans on drawers) it’s really hard with you sneaking around

NATHAN: (shakes head/whispers) I’m sorry

HALEY: I don’t want you to be sorry, I want you to let me in … whatever it is, you know? … even if it has suh--something with Rachel … even if you like her (voice breaking) I just want you to tell me

(NATHAN stands and walks to HALEY at bed)

NATHAN: Do you think I like Rachel? Haley, I was just, I was just talking to her about the accident

(NATHAN sits on the bed and HALEY moves to looks at him, still lying down)

NATHAN: (looks down) I just wanted to know if she saw him, too

HALEY: (confused expression) Saw who?

NATHAN: (sighs) Keith (looks at HALEY) I think he’s the one that pulled me out of that car (HALEY lies on her back) I’m nobody’s hero

HALEY: Why didn’t you tell me?

NATHAN: Because I thought it would go away--I thought basketball would fix it, but it didn’t

HALEY: Nathan (sits up) your problems are my problems … I want us to figure this out together (looks at NATHAN for a moment) … and you’re wrong

(HALEY grabs NATHAN and pulls him down with her on the bed. He positions himself on top of her)

HALEY: You’re my hero

NATHAN: (sighs) So you don’t think I’m crazy?

HALEY: No, I do not think you’re crazy

(NATHAN plays with HALEY’s hair)

HALEY: … You think I’m fat?

NATHAN: What?! … Of course not

HALEY: Do I have a little head?

NATHAN: (reassuringly) No … I love your head (laughs) come here

(NATHAN kisses HALEY on the forehead and she smiles)

HALEY: … So that’s why you keep going down to that bridge?

(NATHAN shakes his head with a “Yep” expression)

NATHAN: For that and …

(NATHAN reaches into his pocket and pulls out the cracker jack bracelet he gave her in season 1 which is also the bracelet HALEY put on him seconds before the limo was going to fall in the river)

NATHAN: … this (puts it on HALEY) I love you, Haley

HALEY: (smiles) I love you, too, Nathan Scott

(NATHAN and Haley kiss)

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(A shot of someone holding NATHAN’s plaque that was given to him at the game. The camera moves out to show RACHEL looking at it, she is lying down on her bed in her room, belly down)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON is on her computer and gets a message that says its from “dsommers86@ ” below that says “Subject: Hello Peyton!” and below that says “To: “ Peytonsgt@” it also shows a paper clip and next to it reads “1 attachment” titled “PetyonPic.jpg” there is a message below that reads “Had a great time 2nite. Thought yyou might like this pic.”)

(PEYTON clicks. It’s a picture of her at the game that DEREK took)

LUCAS: (v.o) You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background …

(PEYTON looks surprised, but in a good way, and smiles)

LUCAS: (v.o) … It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you

[The River Court-Basket ball court-Night]

(LUCAS and SKILLS playing basketball)

LUCAS: (v.o) How many moments (LUCAS passes the ball to SKILLS) of other peoples lives have we been in

(SKILLS runs and makes the shot)

[RACHEL’s Bedroom-Night]

(RACHEL asleep hugging NATHAN’s plaque)

LUCAS: (v.o) Were we part of someone’s life when there dream came true …

(Camera moves to BROOKE’s bed who’s not facing RACHEL and she is crying)

LUCAS: (v.o) … or were we there when there dreams died

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Bedroom-Night]

(A close up of NATHAN’s chest with his hand on his heart. HALEY’s puts her hand on his hand, she’s wearing the bracelet. Camera zooms out to show HALEY asleep)

LUCAS: (v.o) Did we keep trying to get in …

(Camera moves out and NATHAN is also asleep, his arm around HALEY)

LUCAS: (v.o)… as if we were somehow destined to be there …

[DAN SCOTT Residence-Living room]

(YOUNG KEITH sits there and looks over at DAN who is lying on the couch with a drink in his hand as he stares into outer space)

LUCAS: (v.o) … or did the shot take us by surprise

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON is by her bed looking at something. She then goes over to her wall and puts up the picture DEREK took of her the camera zooms into the picture until that’s all the screens showing, “PeytonPic” when it zooms out there is a wall plastered with pictures of PEYTON, they are overlaid over each other so you can’t even see the wall color--you know the kind of wall that psycho’s have when there obsessed with someone? It’s DEREK’s Hotel Room)

LUCAS: (v.o) Just think … you could be a big part of someone else’s life …

(The camera moves over the wall to show all the many different pictures, the thing is most of these pictures where taken and PEYTON wasn’t aware of it, some of them are from a couple years back, there are a couple of “Angel of death Peyton” some in black and white, there is one with her and LUCAS walking that morning after breakfast with DEREK)

LUCAS: (v.o) … and not even know it

(DEREK stands in front of his “Psycho wall-Peyton pictures” and sits on the desk leaning on it, holds up a pair of scissors and the “AOD Peyton” picture that she gave him and starts cutting, the camera starts exiting and the door closes)

The End

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