Forever Dreaming |
03x04 - An Attempt to Tip the Scales |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 11/09/05 21:32 ] |
Post subject: | 03x04 - An Attempt to Tip the Scales |
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Brooke and Lucas are alone in the apartment. Brooke is propositioning him to stay.) BROOKE: So, are we staying yet? LUCAS: (Looking at her longingly.) Are we exclusive yet? (He leans in to her neck and she smiles widely.) LUCAS: (In her ear.) Game on, Brooke Davis. (Brooke gapes as Lucas leaves.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – BOARD MEETING – EVENING] (Karen stands up after Dan says his piece in an attempt to get Whitey fired.) KAREN: I would like to say something. DAN: Uh, Mayor Mullins, I object. MAYOR: Well this is not a court of law, Dan. (Dan’s annoyed.) MAYOR: Sit down. CUT TO: [EXT. THE RIVERCOURT – DAY] (Lucas stops playing basketball, by himself, and holds his chest; finding it hard to breathe. He leans down, still struggling.) CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – LUCAS’ BEDROOM – EVENING] (Lucas tips his medicine container upside-down and out falls his last pill. He looks up worriedly.) CUT TO: [INT. SAWYER RESIDENCE – PEYTON’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Peyton is in her closet, having just run away from her father. He’s at her door, shouting at her.) LARRY: I’m still your father(!) PEYTON: (Distraught) But you’re not my father, are you?! CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – NATHAN’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Dan and Deb are in Nathan’s bedroom.) DAN: A divorce is fine, Deb. (He looks down. Deb doesn’t dare to hope.) DAN: You seem surprised. CUT TO: [INT. RESTAURANT – DINING AREA – EVENING] (Peyton places the cocaine vial Rick gave her last season in front of Ellie.) PEYTON: Here. It’s my cocaine vial. (Ellie looks at her.) PEYTON: I thought you might like it considering you were buying drugs today. (She smiles unkindly.) LUCAS: (v.o) Ellie was- CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – THE GYM – EVENING] (Peyton and Lucas are in the gym, talking.) LUCAS: -buying marijuana… but not for the reasons you think. (Pause) She’s sick. She has cancer, Peyton. (Peyton’s smile drops.) CUT TO: [INT. HIGH FLYERS – CHANGING ROOM – EVENING] (Nathan is alone in the changing room.) NATHAN: (v.o) Always and forever. (He puts the chain, which holds his wedding ring, around his neck.) NATHAN: (v.o) That’s what sucks, Haley. (The camera zooms in on it and the scar he got from his car accident.) NATHAN: (v.o) I still do love you- CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – NATHAN’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Nathan is talking to Haley who is off-screen. He’s in his bed, propped up on one elbow.) NATHAN: -I just can’t trust you. (Haley stands by the door with her hands at her neck, miserable.) FADE TO BLACK: END OF PREVIOUSLY ON: OPENING CREDITS ROLL: FADE IN: [INT. COSTUME SHOP – DAY] (Lucas stands behind the doors of the changing room. The camera focuses on his bare feet.) LUCAS: (Sighing) Now way, Hales! HALEY: (o.s) Let me see it(!) LUCAS: I look… like an idiot. (Cut to Haley who is standing next to a big stuffed bunny and trying on a clown hat.) HALEY: Dude, I saw you in your headgear. (The hat falls down around her ears, her head inside.) LUCAS: Don’t call me dude and I thought we promised not to talk about that in public(!) HALEY: (Pulls the brim of the hat up.) Whatever, dude. (Pause) Look, I’m counting to three and then I’m coming in there. One, two- (Lucas pushes the doors open and walks out – with a withdrawn expression. He dressed as a caveman and holds the plastic club up, embarrassed.) (Haley takes one look at him and starts laughing. She can’t help herself. Lucas, mortified, walks back into the changing room. Haley continues to laugh.) (Lucas comes out dressed as a cowboy, holding fake money.) (Haley waves her hand, saying no.) (He comes out dressed like a bull tamer.) (Haley does a few dance moves and Lucas puts the cloth around his shoulders. She adamantly mouths ‘no’.) (He comes out dressed as a cowboy, Stetson and all. She makes motions of shooting a gun and his tips his hat. He aims his fake gun and Haley pretends to get shot. She laughs and he walks back into the changing room.) (He exits again, this time dressed all in black, like a ninja and holding a fake plastic sword. Haley does a few karate moves and Lucas shrugs before changing again. She dances while he changes.) (He opens the doors, wearing a fake afro and a fake necklace with the ‘peace’ symbol. He holds up two fingers in a peace sign and Haley shakes her head.) (He tries again, dressed as Elvis. Haley pretends to be a mad screaming fan. Lucas pulls at an invisible string and the corner of his top lip moves up and down. Haley continues her fake screaming. She laughs.) (He opens the doors and walks out dressed as Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. He does the moves well.) HALEY: (Impressed) Who-ho-ho(!) OK, this is hot! LUCAS: (Straightening) Excuse me? (Raises an eyebrow.) HALEY: Well, I mean, oh-ew-no, I mean, not that I noticed or I could possibly think of you that way. I just (Giving up.) OK, ew, eurgh(!) (She turns away.) LUCAS: Look, this party’s my one chance to get Brooke to finally rethink this whole ‘non-exclusive’ thing. (Haley looks at a scarf made of feathers.) LUCAS: And, just be,… well, exclusive. (Smiles sadly.) Do you think she’ll like it? HALEY: I don’t know. You’re asking me to enter the sexual mind of Brooke Davis? LUCAS: She’s your roommate. HALEY: She’s your girlfriend. (Wraps the blue feather scarf around her neck.) Sorta, kinda. (Lucas turns away in defeat.) HALEY: Alright, let me see what I can find out. I’ll do a little ‘roommate recon’ for ya. LUCAS: Thank you. HALEY: You’re welcome, darl. LUCAS: Now it’s your turn. (Haley looks behind to a mannequin in a costume.) LUCAS: (Great imitation of Jack Sparrow.) I see a belly-dancer costume with your name on it, love. (Haley closes her eyes and sighs.) LUCAS: (Normal voice.) Nathan won’t know what hit him. (Haley groans and takes the scarf off.) HALEY: Please, I could go naked to this stupid party and it wouldn’t make a difference. (Walks away.) LUCAS: (Tosses the gun.) OK, ew. (Follows her.) CUT TO: [EXT. HOTEL – ROOM 751 – DAY] (The door is opened and someone is on the bed with two hookers.) DAN: (o.s) Well, well, well, Mayor Mullins. (The Mayor yells, his tie in his mouth, and separates the women so that he can see who’s walked in.) DAN: (o.s) What have we here? (Close-up of the camera Dan’s holding. He’s recording what he’s seeing.) DAN: Sex scandal 101? (Long shot of Dan standing over the bed, pleased with himself.) DAN: Handcuffs, (Moves the camera to the bedside table.) cocaine, (Moves it back to the bed.) skanky hookers. (One of them smirks unimpressed.) DAN: No offence ladies. (To the Mayor.) So, what’s your preference: video or stills? (Pause as he zooms in.) Then again, I’m a business man; we could make a deal. (He shuts the camcorder screen.) You drop your bid for re-election… and resign immediately… and this video goes away. (There’s a beat before Mayor Mullins nods.) DAN: Good boy. At least you’re a smart pervert. (Makes to walk out before turning back.) Oh, by the way, (Grins) You’re gonna endorse me for Mayor. (He walks to the doorway as Mayor Mullins struggles with his bindings. Dan shuts the door behind him.) CUT TO: [INT. SAWYER RESIDENCE – PEYTON’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Shot of the doorway.) LARRY: (v.o) Hey, knock-knock. (Walks in holding laundry.) I’m making lunch. You hungry? (Peyton is standing in front of white wings. She turns to her dad.) PEYTON: (Withdrawn) Not really. LARRY: Come on. I’ve seen enough after-school-specials to know that you gotta eat. PEYTON: (Looking at him.) I know. I will. I just… not right now. LARRY: (Nods) OK. What’re you going as? PEYTON: (Points to the wings.) An angel. (Pause) Brooke’s gonna be the Devil. LARRY: Oh, imagine that. PEYTON: I’m just… not really feeling it. LARRY: (Nods) Alright, well, if you get hungry, let me know. PEYTON: (Calling him before he leaves.) Hey, um, (He turns to her.) Look, I know, alright; about Ellie. LARRY: (Confused) What? PEYTON: (Raises her eyebrows.) The breast cancer. Did you think like I-I could handle it or…- (Larry looks down.) PEYTON: -coz if you were keeping it from me then- LARRY: (Shakes his head.) I wasn’t. PEYTON: -I- (Peyton pauses and her smile freezes before falling.) LARRY: (Shakes his head before repeating.) I wasn’t. (Pause) I didn’t know. PEYTON: Oh. (Looks down before looking back up with a strained smile.) Well, now you do. LARRY: I’m sorry. PEYTON: No. (Tearful) Guess my mom’s are just dropping like flies, huh? (She looks back at her wings. Larry doesn’t know what to say to her and he leaves the room. Peyton holds a feather and moves it along the wings she’s made.) CUT TO: [EXT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – BACK GARDEN – DAY] (The back door opens and Deb hangs out of it. The camera pans across a recliner to show Dan on it.) DEB: What the hell are you doing here?(!) DAN: Just savouring the Indian summer. DEB: Well savour it at the beach house, Dan. It’s what you’ll get in the divorce if you’ll just sign the damn papers already. (Dan smiles and reaches for the folder on the end table beside him.) DAN: You mean these papers? (Deb looks.) DAN: I’ll sign them for you right now, sweetheart. (Deb walks out eagerly. Dan signs them.) DEB: Thank you. (Hold her hand out for them.) DAN: (Gives them to her.) I just need you to sign these for me. (He gives her his own yellow papers. Deb takes them and reads over it.) DEB: Declaration of candidacy? DAN: (Smiling to himself.) I’m running for Mayor. (Drinks from his glass.) DEB: (Laughs amusedly.) You’re running against Mullins, a ten year incumbent? Fat chance. (Signs it.) DAN: Guess you didn’t hear – Mullins resigned this morning. (Grins) Shocking. DEB: (Beat) Fine. Run for Mayor. Run for Miss Teen, North Carolina for all I care. (Drops the papers and pen on his lap.) At least I won’t be around to watch. (She turns and heads back for the house.) DAN: Don’t be so sure. (Deb pauses.) DAN: Check the date. (She opens the folder with the divorce papers and reads.) DEB: You post-dated this for two months from now. (Dan inclines his head.) DEB: Dan, why don’t you just go and quit torturing me? DAN: I will, in sixty days. (Pause) After we play house and show the Tree Hill voters what a great family man Dan Scott is. (Deb laughs to herself.) DAN: Appearances are everything, right Deb? DEB: Why are you doing this? DAN: Because Mullins got in my way with Whitey and I don’t like it when people get in my way. (Deb nods.) Besides, I’ve got money and I’ve got freedom. At least I will when I get rid of you. (Lies back and closes his eyes.) The only thing left is power. (Deb smiles and drops the folder with the divorce papers onto his lap too.) DEB: Forget it. (Walks to the doors.) DAN: And what about Nathan? (Deb stops at the door.) DEB: You stick around for the next two months… I’ll leave him alone. (Pause as Deb considers.) I could turn him against you, Deb. But if you stay, with me, (Pause) I’ll back off. For as long as you like. Who knows,… after sixty days, you may fall in love with me again. DEB: You want us to live together, fine. I’ve been pretending to love you for a long time, now, Dan. Sixty days is nothing. (Opens the door and walks in.) (Dan grins and rests his head back on the recliner.) DAN: Mayor Dan Scott – I like it. CUT TO: [INT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – DAY] (Haley is sitting on the revolving couch, playing her guitar. Brooke is at the table, sewing.) BROOKE: New tune? (Haley moves her head slightly in agreement.) BROOKE: (Nods) Sounds pretty good. Speed it up a little. (She speeds it up slightly.) BROOKE: (Nodding) Faster. (Haley goes faster.) BROOKE: Faster. (She goes even faster.) BROOKE: (Nodding along, annoyed.) For he’s a jolly good fellow(!) (Haley rolls her eyes and stops playing. She groans in frustration.) BROOKE: (Barely sincere.) Sorry. (Brooke returns to her sewing.) HALEY: (Sighs and puts her guitar aside.) You know, the Devil doesn’t have sequins, or feathers or… breasts for that matter. BROOKE: Well, in my universe, she does. (Sticks her tongue out.) HALEY: (Standing) Did you even follow the pattern? BROOKE: No. HALEY: Brooke, you have to do that(!) BROOKE: Says who?! HALEY: Says like every sewing teacher ever. Otherwise you’ll end up with something like… BROOKE: Like this? (Brooke holds the corset-like top to her chest. It’s red and has feathers and sequins on it.) HALEY: (Wrong footed.) That… looks really good. BROOKE: Thank you. I just whipped it up. Now what’re we gonna do for you? I was thinking… (Haley waves her arms in frustration and sits back down.) sexy nurse, catholic schoolgirl, Playboy bunny- HALEY: Uh, no, no and forget it(!) BROOKE: Haley, it’s a costume party – you just go as a sexy whatever. HALEY: Alright, well sexy, not slutty. BROOKE: Fine. (Gasps) Oh, I know. The classic ‘get my man to see me in a new light’ costume. HALEY: How about a glass of ‘get my man to come to this thing’ costume? You got one of those? Coz I’m not even sure Nathan’s showing up at this thing. CUT TO: [EXT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – BACKYARD – DAY] (Close-up of the hoop as Nathan jumps and puts the ball through. Brooke walks up behind him.) BROOKE: Well, you’re gonna make my job easy this year; nothing worse than cheering for a bunch of losers. (Nathan turns and smiles.) NATHAN: Well, it’s all about you, Brooke. (She smiles and curtseys.) NATHAN: What’s up? BROOKE: Are you going to this masquerade party at TRIC? (Nathan hugs the ball and shrugs.) NATHAN: I wasn’t planning on it, why? BROOKE: Just figured it might be the perfect occasion to stop punishing your wife. (Smiles) (Nathan looks down.) BROOKE: Haley’s really hurting, Nathan. (Pause) I mean, come on, how hard would it be to stop by and smile at her and tell her she looks cute? NATHAN: Harder than you think. BROOKE: (Shrugs) Well, she hasn’t written a song since you guys split up. (There’s a pause as Nathan processes it.) BROOKE: Guess her talent was tied to you; no Nathan, no music. (Nathan looks down again.) NATHAN: She put you up to this? BROOKE: No… but if I here one more accidental cover of ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’, I am going to slit my wrists(!) So please Nathan, do it for me. (She steps up to him. He smiles.) BROOKE: Besides, you might get through with her. She’s gonna look hot as hell. (Smiles) You can trust me, I’m the Devil. (Nathan laughs.) NATHAN: I’ll think about it. BROOKE: K. (She pats him on the arm, waves and walks back to her car. Nathan puts the ball though the hoop again.) CUT TO: [INT. KAREN’S CAFÉ – FRONT DOOR – DAY] (Lucas enters the café and looks around. He spots Haley quickly.) LUCAS: Hey(!) So did you talk to Brooke about my costume yet? HALEY: Yeah, um, how do you feel about head-to-toe tattoos and a nose ring? LUCAS: (Uncertainly) Not good. HALEY: OK, well, think about it, Tommy Lee. (Grins and laughs.) (Lucas watches her before closing his eyes.) HALEY: (About the bucket of dirty dishes.) I gotta dump these. (Walks around the counter.) LUCAS: What is this, some kinda California thing Brooke picked up in the OC? HALEY: I’m sure it goes back further than that. (Lucas checks to make sure Haley isn’t looking before walking to the cash desk and opening the till drawer. He looks back again before taking out a lot of 20 dollar notes.) LUCAS: Hey, since when is Brooke such a metal head, anyway? (Haley turns back and stops when she sees what he’s doing. She just stares at him, completely stunned, as he counts the money.) HALEY: (Quickly) Um, I-I don’t (Turns back around.) know. I guess (Camera cuts to her disappointed face as she keeps her back to him so he doesn’t know she saw him.) even after all this time, people can still surprise you. (Lucas takes the money in his hand and carefully shuts the drawer again. He pockets the money and the camera cuts back to Haley’s face. She can’t believe what she just witnessed. Lucas walks back around the counter.) CUT TO: [INT. THE HOTEL – ELLIE’S ROOM – DAY] (Ellie is on her laptop. There’s a knock on the door and she looks at it. She walks to it and looks through the peephole before opening the door. Larry is standing there, arm on the doorframe. He stares at her.) LARRY: Is it true, do you have cancer? ELLIE: (Sighs) Yes. LARRY: Is Peyton at risk? ELLIE: She might be. But only ten percent of all breast cancers are genetic. LARRY: Is yours one of them? ELLIE: I don’t know(!) So at some point down the line, you should get her checked. (Larry shakes his head slightly and sighs.) LARRY: And what about you? ELLIE: I was in remission… for a while. (She turns around and walks into the room.) Not anymore. (Larry enters.) LARRY: I’m sorry. ELLIE: Yeah, it’s not how I pictured my life turning out, that’s for sure. I know it’s crazy but I can’t help feeling like it’s some kind of karmic payback, you know? LARRY: Yeah, I don’t think it works like that. (Pause) Is this why you came back, to make things right with Peyton? ELLIE: I wanted her and you to be aware of her genetic history. (Larry nods, unconvinced.) ELLIE: And, sure, I wanted to get to know her; I wanted her to get to know me. (Larry nods.) LARRY: So she could lose another mother. ELLIE: No, that is exactly what I didn’t want! I was still in remission when I first got here (Pause) and don’t worry, I am not about to let her watch me die. LARRY: Look, Ellie, I am sorry for everything that you are going through but you understand that I have to think about Peyton first; last; always. ELLIE: Oh, you mean now that you’re back in town? Like me? LARRY: No, nothing like you, actually. (He turns to leave.) ELLIE: Larry! (Steps forward as he stops.) I’m sorry. (Pause) If you want me to leave for good this time… just say the word. (Nods) She’s your daughter now. It’s up to you. (She has tears in her eyes.) (Larry looks at her whilst thinking.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. THE MALL – SUBURBAN FILTH – DAY] (Brooke is behind the cash desk at work, still sewing her top. One of the workers walks up to her and looks down at the top.) WOMAN: Is that one of ours? BROOKE: Inspired by, but I made a few modifications. WOMAN: Like what? BROOKE: Well, if you cut the leg higher, it’s less coverage but it’s actually more flattering and a halter is way better for faking buff, Madonna, arms. WOMAN: (Smiling) Interesting, but the Devil doesn’t have feathers. BROOKE: (Exasperated) What is with you people, so she’s a feathery Devil(!) (The woman smiles and walks away. Lucas walks up to Brooke and she quickly hides her costume under the desk.) BROOKE: (Smiling) Hi(!) LUCAS: (Pointing) Was that your costume? BROOKE: Uh,… (Looking at his bag.) is that yours? LUCAS: Maybe. I think you’ll like it. BROOKE: (Grinning) I know I will. LUCAS: You might wanna warn your other boyfriends if they plan on seeing you at the party, I think you’re gonna be all tied up. So to speak. BROOKE: Really? Well a girl can dream. But I thought you were playing hard-to-get. LUCAS: Actually, I believe you’re the one playing hard-to-get. BROOKE: Doesn’t mean we can’t have a whole lot of fun in the meantime. LUCAS: Just means we’ll be wearing a whole lot more clothes while we’re having it. BROOKE: Right, commitment thing. Think my costume’s gonna help you change your mind. (Lucas laughs. A woman approaches them with a blue bra.) CUSTOMER: Um… I’m sorry to interrupt but do you have a matching thong? (Holds up the bra.) (Brooke looks at Lucas and smiles.) BROOKE: Oh, you know it, sister. (She smiles mysteriously before stepping down to help the woman. Lucas smiles.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – FRONT DOOR – DAY] (Shot of wheels as they move across the floor. Cut to the side as a whole trolley full of clothes is wheeled along the hallway. Dan is reading a newspaper which he lowers when he hears the noise. He’s not smiling.) (Deb walks in carrying a lot of bags and another man enters, holding a tower of boxes.) DAN: (Annoyed) What the hell is this? (She turns to him and smirks.) DEB: New campaign. (Holds up the bags.) New wardrobe. (Pause) (Walks forward.) And, that ‘candidate’s wife’ look doesn’t come cheap. (Dan frowns and she gives him the bill.) DEB: Appearances are everything, right Dan? (She turns around and points down the hall.) DEB: Bedroom’s this way, boys(!) (She looks back and smiles before following them. Dan looks to the side before sighing and holding the bill up.) CUT TO: [INT. SAWYER RESIDENCE – PEYTON’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Birds-eye view of Peyton kneeling on the floor in a black and blonde streaked wig. She’s wearing black wings. She looks up, wearing heavy eyeliner and red eye shadow.) LARRY: (o.s) Peyton? (Peyton stands and the camera slowly moves to eye level.) LARRY: (o.s) Peyton, listen- (He appears at the door, sees his daughter and stops dead.) LARRY: I thought you were going as an Angel. PEYTON: I am. I’m… the Angel of Death. (She claws her hands and bares her teeth. She’s dressed al in black.) PEYTON: (Smiles sadly.) I though it was appropriate. LARRY: (Sighs and enters.) Honey… (Her smile falls as he walks up to her.) LARRY: You know the worst part about your mom dieing? PEYTON: I have to pick just one? LARRY: How suddenly she was gone. (Pause) I mean, it was like… one minute she was there talking about what we were gonna have for dinner and then the next, she was just… (Shakes his head as he remembers.) gone. (Looks down.) PEYTON: Forever. LARRY: I kept thinking about all the things I would have said to her if I had known. (Peyton looks down sadly.) LARRY: And then I realised what I really had to worry about was all the things I was gonna say to you. PEYTON: (Whispering) Daddy. LARRY: No, honey, you were so little and there was so much left to talk about with mom and… so many things she would have told you as you grew up. (Peyton looks away.) So I-I started writing it all down, wha-whatever I could think of, you know; her favourite colour, her favourite food,… her first date, first kiss. (Peyton smiles.) LARRY: But… all that did was make me realise all the things I didn’t know. Things I couldn’t know – girls stuff. Like… what she would’ve said to you about sex or… (Peyton looks away, embarrassed.) LARRY: the day you got your first- PEYTON: (Trying to stop him.) Dad, I just- LARRY: I know, honey, but… don’t you ever just wonder? PEYTON: (Whispering) Yeah. (Tearful) All the time. LARRY: Well, now… Ellie has the one thing… your mother didn’t – she’s got a fair warning. (Peyton looks away; she doesn’t want to hear it.) LARRY: There’s time. (Pause) Time for no regrets. No… wondering. (Pause) Maybe you should go see her, talk to her. (Peyton opens her mouth.) LARRY: Let her answer any questions that you might have. PEYTON: Like what? LARRY: Like… who your real father is. (Larry stands there, waiting for something. Peyton looks at him but doesn’t respond.) LARRY: (Nodding) I think you make a very pretty Angel of Death. Have fun. (He leaves and Peyton stands there, arms crossed and a deeply depressed expression on her face.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – NATHAN’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Shot of the computer screen. There’s a picture of a lot of guys playing basketball in the High Flyers gym. There’s a click and the shot cuts to a picture of Nathan and his friend. It changes to a picture of Nathan jumping with a ball in his hand, about to dunk it. The next picture is of Nathan and a girl sitting on a bench and looking at the camera.) (Nathan looks at the picture and smiles. He reaches for his wedding ring which is around his neck, on the chain, and sighs. He thinks before picking up the phone and dialling a number.) NATHAN: (Into the phone.) Hey, it’s Nathan. (He listens for a second.) NATHAN: We should, uh,… should get together, tonight. There’s this costume party, we can meet up afterwards. (Listens.) And, yeah, there’s just one thing; Haley can’t know. (He listens some more.) NATHAN: Alright. FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (Shot of the TRIC sign. The party’s underway. The camera pans across with shots of a lot of people in costumes who are having fun. They are drinking and dancing. Haley and Brooke walk up the stairs. Brooke is dressed as the Devil, with bright red hair. Haley is dressed as Sandy from ‘Grease’.) BROOKE: Remember, no tugging(!) HALEY: (Failing miserably.) OK, but I’ve got a major- BROOKE: NO tugging! (Haley sighs and they continue onto the floor.) HALEY: God, you’re tough(!) Any chance I can… lose these heels half way through the night? (Finding it difficult to walk.) BROOKE: No pain no gain, girl. Now get your game face on. (Puts a hand on her hip.) (Haley, unsure, smiles widely.) BROOKE: Other game. (Haley tries for a sexy look.) BROOKE: (Looking away.) OK, we’ll work on that. (Haley looks down at her costume. Mouth walks up to them dressed as Tony Manero from ‘Saturday Night Fever’.) MOUTH: (Grinning) Hellllo, ladies. (Brooke and Haley gape.) HALEY: Mouth! (Laughs) BROOKE: (Impressed) You look incredible(!) MOUTH: Thanks, so do you. (Brooke grins.) MOUTH: Wow. (Flirting) It’s a good thing you and Lucas are, uh, non-exclusive. BROOKE: (Amused) So I guess you’re over Erica. (Haley’s confused.) MOUTH: (Explaining) My girlfriend. (Amends) Ex-girlfriend. HALEY: Oh, I’m sorry, Mouth. MOUTH: Nah, nah, I’m OK. I’m not gonna spend my senior year chasing after someone who doesn’t care about me anymore. (Brooke smiles.) HALEY: (Uncomfortably) Yeah, that’s… (Tugs at her top.) that’s really smart. (Brooke looks at her uncomfortably and then looks away as the awkward pause drags.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – HALLWAY – EVENING] (Dan walks into the hallway and loosens his tie. He stops as he hears Deb moaning and groaning from his bedroom.) DEB: (o.s) Oh, god! I’m so sore(!) (Dan glares as he rushes to the bedroom.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DAN’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb is on the floor with a guy on top of her.) DEB: Oh, thats it. (The door opens and Dan stands there. He sees that a personal trainer is exercising her legs and that there is equipment all over what used to be his bedroom.) DAN: Where the hell is my bed? DEB: Oh, hi, Dan. Nice to see you too. DAN: Where is all my stuff, Deb? DEB: I gave it away. DAN: You what?! DEB: I had to. It was all wet and smelly. DAN: And how did that happen? DEB: The sprinklers came on… by accident after I tossed everything out the window. (Grins happily.) DEB: That part was on purpose. Besides, I had to make room for Hans to whip me (Laughs as he exercises further.) into shape. A politician’s wife has to look the part. (Smiles) Right, Dan? I guess you’ll have to find someplace else to sleep. (Dan leaves and shuts the door. Deb moans some more.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (Brooke and Haley are standing off to one side as Brooke helps Haley with her costume. She won’t stand still and keeps fidgeting. A guy dressed as Batman walks past them, straight to Peyton.) NATHAN: Nice wings. PEYTON: (Shocked) Nathan? (Laughing, impressed.) I couldn’t even tell it was you. NATHAN: This is how I can see everything and pretend like I was never even here. PEYTON: Mmmm, very sneaky Bruce. (Smiles) (Cut to Brooke and Haley looking over at them. Brooke waves.) PEYTON: Hate to say it but… your wife looks pretty hot. (Nathan looks at Haley who is saying bye to Brooke and heading over to them.) NATHAN: Haley always looks hot. (He smiles and walks away. Peyton stays put.) HALEY: (Walking up to her.) Hey(!) (Smiles) You look great. Are you talking to me yet? PEYTON: Not really but I guess you’re talking to me. (Smiles stiffly.) HALEY: Peyton, I don’t understand why you’re so pissed off. PEYTON: Really? You come back to town after months of being away and try to pretend like nothing happened. HALEY: (Annoyed) I’m not pretending anything. I’m just… I’m sorry I didn’t stay in touch with you. It was hard to keep up with people. PEYTON: Haley, it wasn’t me, OK? I’m not that needy but you didn’t even call Nathan. HALEY: I did call. PEYTON: And, anyway, I just don’t like what you did(!) But you know what, you’re husband just said you look hot, so if you do still love him, there’s you’re hint. (Peyton glares for a beat before walking away. Haley looks around, trying to see if she can spot what her husband came as. Peyton walks to the bar and leans against it. She watches everyone. Mouth walks up.) MOUTH: Hey, Peyton, I love your costume. PEYTON: (Delighted) Mouth, look at you, you’re like the hottest guy here! (Mouth blushes and looks down. She pats him on the chest. Her mouth falls open as she spots Lucas who has a lot of tattoos, wig and is dressed in leather.) PEYTON: Oh, no. MOUTH: (Approving) Oh, nice. PEYTON: (To Mouth.) Wait till Brooke sees him. MOUTH: She’s gonna love it, right? PEYTON: Uh-uh, no, she’s thinks Motley Crew’s, like, the least sexy band of all time. MOUTH: W-We gotta tell Lucas. (They look as Lucas spots Brooke and walks to her.) PEYTON: Er. (She shrugs.) (Brooke’s at her phone but looks up when Lucas approaches.) BROOKE: (Amused) Oh, no you didn’t. LUCAS: I did. BROOKE: You are so gullible. Tommy Lee? LUCAS: (Looks down for a beat.) What? BROOKE: He’s, like, forty and looks like that(!) (Grins) LUCAS: (Disbelieving) You set me up? BROOKE: You should have been a pirate; you know, nothing like a little Johnny Depp to make a girl wanna commit. (She takes a picture of him with her phone.) (Lucas holds his hand up, trying to fend her off. A girl walks up behind him.) RACHEL: I heard we got back together again. (He looks at her, confused.) RACHEL: (Explains) Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson. LUCAS: (Looks at Brooke.) Right. RACHEL: Or, at the very least, we did just have a hot weekend together in Vegas. (Smiles) You wanna dance? (Lucas looks back at Brooke.) RACHEL: Unless you’re seeing someone. LUCAS: (Shakes his head) No, not exclusively. (He holds his hands out to her. She puts her own in his and he pulls her onto the dance floor.) (Brooke scoffs and walks to Peyton.) PEYTON: You OK? BROOKE: (Cattily) Peachy. (They watch Lucas and Rachel dance. Rachel’s moves can only be described as raunchy. Brooke scowls at them, turning her nose up. Peyton smiles uncertainly.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb opens the door to her bedroom and enters. She unties her nightgown but stops when she sees Dan in her bed, his arms over his head. He’s grinning at her.) DEB: (Hands on hips.) Excuse me? DAN: Hiya, wifey. You told me to find another place to sleep. (Deb smiles to herself, refraining from shouting.) DAN: In the buff, actually since thanks to you, some homeless person has all my clothes. Great way to kick off my humanitarian campaign though. Forgot to thank you for that. (Smiles) Would you care to join me or would you rather sleep on the floor? (She kicks off her shoes and takes her nightgown off.) DEB: Fine(!) (She gets into bed, sighs, and turns the light off. She reaches over and pulls open the drawer to her bedside cabinet, taking something out. She puts her arms under the covers. There’s a beat before the sound of electricity is heard and a bright blue light shines beneath the covers. Dan screams, shakes, and falls off the bed.) (Deb sits up and sighs happily, pulling her hand out of the cover again.) DEB: (Grinning) Sweet dreams, Danny Boy. (She presses the button on the tazer twice and the blue electrical current appears again. Her grin widens. She puts it back into the drawer.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (Karen walks around dressed as a cop, handing out glasses. Haley walks up behind her.) HALEY: Hey, have you seen Nathan? KAREN: What’s he dressed as? HALEY: Uh,… I don’t know, actually. I know he’s seen me but he’s like the invisible man or something. KAREN: Um,… Haley? Are you OK? (They stop.) HALEY: Yeah, if OK’s, like,… heels that are killing me and underwear that’s digging into my ribcage and I’m about five minutes from going home and binging on cookie dough. KAREN: That’s not what I mean. (Haley’s smiles falls.) KAREN: There’s money missing from the register at the café. Now, I’ve noticed a pattern the past couple of weeks and it always finds its way back right after payday but that’s not the point. HALEY: Karen, I- KAREN: Look, I know your parents are gone and I know that things are a bit tight (Pause) was it you? (Haley closes her eyes and lies through her teeth.) HALEY: Yeah. I’m… (Shakes her head.) I’m really sorry. KAREN: (Sincerely) So am I… that… you didn’t feel that you could come to me and ask, if you needed help. I thought we were closer. HALEY: We are. It won’t happen again. KAREN: Good. (Pause) I want you to know that I am always there for you, no matter what. HALEY: (Smiles sadly.) Thanks. (About the tray of glasses.) Why don’t I take this? Consider it interest. KAREN: OK. (Haley smiles forcedly as Karen walks away. She walks forward and trips over someone’s feet with her high heels. She falls on her front, the tray hits the floor and the glasses smash.) (There’s a beat as the people stand around, shocked, then they start laughing. One guy points and other people laugh and clap. Haley looks around, upset, as she uses her arms to push herself up.) (Nathan comes around in his Batman outfit and picks her up. She looks at him as he puts her in a chair and walks back around the table so it’s between himself and her. She still doesn’t know it’s him. He takes the mask off.) HALEY: (Mouth open.) Hi(!) NATHAN: Nice costume. HALEY: (Looks down.) Do you like it? (Smiles) NATHAN: Not really. (Haley’s hurt again.) NATHAN: I mean, it’s just not… really you. HALEY: Yeah. I… Brooke thought I could… (Trails off and smiles some more.) I just wanted you to… want me again. I… (Looks down and shakes her head.) NATHAN: That’s not the problem, Haley. Trust me. (She looks up at him, eyes bright.) NATHAN: I mean… the sexy makeover’s not gonna fix us, right? HALEY: (Nods) Yeah, you’re right. I mean, I… (Looks down and laughs. There are tears in her eyes when she looks back up.) I look ridiculous, don’t I? (She’s laughing to cover up her pain.) NATHAN: (Realising what he’s done.) Haley, no- HALEY: (Shakes her head.) I’m sorry. (She jumps off the chair and runs away. Nathan watches her.) (Cut to Mouth who is walking along. He spots Peyton and smiles. She’s at the bar, bored.) MOUTH: Having fun? (Peyton looks at him.) PEYTON: Not really. I mean, I’m syked to see the band but I still had to force myself to come here tonight. MOUTH: (Nods) Me too. PEYTON: (Annoyed) I’m just dealing with some personal stuff. MOUTH: Yeah, me too. PEYTON: And someone spilt soda on my wings. MOUTH: I… think that was me. (Peyton looks down at him before looking away.) (Disco music – Burn Baby Burn – starts up and Mouth grins.) MOUTH: I’ve got an idea how we could make this night less sucky. PEYTON: (Grinning) Are you propositioning me, Mouth? MOUTH: Ah, yeah. To dance(!) (He holds out his hand and Peyton takes it. He pulls her forward.) (Cut to the revolving disco ball. Cut to Mouth’s feet as he moves onto the dance floor and does a few dance moves. He dances by himself for a while before Peyton comes up behind him. She looks at him before joining him in the 70’s disco moves. The crowd are at the edges of the floor, watching them and cheering them on. They are completely in sync with each other.) (They end and the crowd cheers louder. Peyton puts her hands to her head in embarrassment. Brooke approaches them.) BROOKE: (To Peyton.) Oh my god, you were amazing! (They hug.) KAREN: (o.s) Alright. (Karen’s on the stage.) KAREN: Are you guys all ready for Fall Down Boy? (Brooke’s smile drops.) PEYTON: (Quickly) Fall Out Boy(!) KAREN: Oh, oh, um… right-right. Uh-hum, anyway… do I hear a whoot-whoot? (The crowd is silent. Lucas looks down, mortified. He smiles like a little boy. Peyton looks around, unsure.) KAREN: (Stands straighter.) Guess not. (Louder) Alright, well, (Moves the microphone to the middle of the stage.) without further ado,… Fall Out Boy. (The crowd cheers and claps as Karen walks off stage and Fall Out Boy walk on. They play ‘Dance, Dance’.) (Brooke smiles as they play. She looks sideways at Lucas who is clapping along. She looks at Rachel who’s dancing along beside him and turns back around. Peyton is having fun for the first time. Brooke turns and walks away. Lucas tries to stop her but there’s nothing he can say.) (The band continues to play.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – BACKROOM – EVENING] (Haley sits in front of the lit mirror and takes her wig off. She slams it down and sighs. Brooke enters.) BROOKE: What are you doing?(!) The band is playing, you’re missing it. HALEY: (Shakes her head and wipes her face with a tissue.) This is… such a bad idea. BROOKE: But Nathan totally talked to you. He… swooped in like some kind of knight in… Batman armour- HALEY: It’s not the point, I look like an… idiot! BROOKE: Well… OK, maybe now that you’ve messed up your hair, but- (Haley looks away, exasperatedly.) HALEY: This Grease thing is a lie. I mean, what, you turn into some spandex wearing, cigarette smoking hussy and you get your man? That doesn’t work. BROOKE: You were smoking? HALEY: Even if it did, (Looks down again.) this is not who I am. I’m a tutor. I’m-I’m a… nerd(!) BROOKE: (Kindly) You’re a rock star. HALEY: (Smiling tearfully and shaking her head.) Not anymore. (Shrugs) I’m just Haley. (Sighs and talks to the mirror.) That really should be enough. (She shakes her head and looks back at Brooke.) HALEY: I’m done playing games, Brooke. I’m just gonna go home. BROOKE: (Nods) OK. HALEY: And there better be cookie dough. (She laughs sadly. Brooke puts her hand on Haley’s arm for a beat before exiting the backroom again. Haley smiles and looks at her feet.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (The band is still playing and the crowd are still loving it. Brooke’s back in there and she yells out loud, cheering them on.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – BACKROOM – EVENING] (Haley walks to the exit slowly. She stops when Nathan enters in his Batman outfit, flapping his cloak, and walking through the mist covering the back exit.) HALEY: (Sincerely) Hey, thank you for helping me earlier. I’m sorry I… freaked out like a baby. I just want things back the way they were. (He leans down and kisses her. The camera pans around them.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (Quick pan across the crowd and band.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – BACKROOM – EVENING] (They are still kissing. He pulls away.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE – EVENING] (Fall Out Boy finish the song. The crowd goes wild again.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – BACKROOM – EVENING] (Nathan turns around and exits the way he entered – through the mist – without having said a single word. Haley opens her eyes and looks a little lost. She can’t believe it.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT – FRONT DOOR – EVENING] (Shot of the front door as someone knocks incessantly on it.) (Haley bounces to it and opens the door. She sighs happily and turns away.) LUCAS: Hey. (He enters. He’s taken his wig off but everything else’s the same.) LUCAS: (Shutting the door.) I wanted to make sure you were OK. (Haley has her back to him and her hands to her head.) LUCAS: I saw you… take the plunge and- HALEY: (Interrupting) Nathan kissed me. (Smiles proudly.) LUCAS: What? HALEY: I didn’t even know what was happening. It just, it happened and then he was gone(!) (Laughs incredulously.) LUCAS: Did you go after him? HALEY: No. It was just so romantic and perfect and I just wanted to come right home and not mess it up, you know? (She’s like a schoolgirl with her first crush. She yells silently and grabs her head again. Lucas smiles happily.) LUCAS: Well, then I guess you’re OK. HALEY: Yeah. It was like… a totally out-of-body experience for me. LUCAS: Then, maybe I should get Nathan to kiss me. HALEY: Oh, shut up(!) (Slaps him on the arm.) (Lucas laughs.) LUCAS: Alright, then, uh… (Looks at his attire.) I’m gonna head home. HALEY: (Laughing) OK. LUCAS: (Points) Thanks for the costume advice. (Pause) Remind me to never have you spy for me. HALEY: (Amused) I’m sorry(!) (Lucas opens the door and is halfway out before Haley remembers and stops him.) HALEY: Luke, uh,… (He backs up.) there’s just one more thing that I’d… (She struggles to find the words and Lucas shuts the door.) HALEY: (With difficulty.) Your mom thinks I stole money from the café. LUCAS: (Slowly) Why does she think that? HALEY: Coz I told her I did. Coz I… was covering for you. (Lucas looks down, caught.) HALEY: I saw you take it and… what’s going on, Luke? (Lucas looks up and realises that he has to tell her. He walks forward, against his better judgment and sits opposite her.) LUCAS: I needed to buy some medicine. HALEY: (Sighs, not wanting to know.) For what? LUCAS: (Pause) For my heart, Hales. (Nods) I have HCM. (Haley’s speechless.) CUT TO: [EXT. THE HOTEL – ELLIE’S DOOR – EVENING] (Peyton stands outside Ellie’s door and knocks. Ellie opens it and her eyes widen.) ELLIE: Angel of Death. You’re a little early. (Peyton smiles slightly.) ELLIE: (Kindly) How was the show? (Peyton looks down.) ELLIE: You wanna come inside? PEYTON: I’m… I’m not staying. ELLIE: Well, I’m still glad you came. You, not the death part. PEYTON: Look, I… I don’t wanna be curious about you but I can’t help it, I am. ELLIE: Well, selfishly, I’m glad that’s one battle you’re losing. PEYTON: … I’m just scared. ELLIE: Of what? PEYTON: Of… forgetting my mom, OK – Anna. (Ellie nods.) PEYTON: I actually have one of her t-shirts that smelled like her and I slept with it every night… until one day, it started to… smell like me than it did her. (She is gradually getting more tearful.) And so I took it out and I tried every detergent I could find… just trying to find that smell and I couldn’t(!) It was gone and… and so now, sometimes, I test myself; you know, just to see if I can find that smell (Pause) and once in a while I can… but it’s getting harder and harder. ELLIE: I understand. PEYTON: (Smiling desolately.) It’s bad enough that you’re, like, really into music, OK? I don’t wanna find out you’re an artist, too. ELLIE: Peyton- PEYTON: Because there are some things I know I got from her. I had to(!) (Pleading) (Ellie nods.) PEYTON: And, I don’t… I don’t wanna change that. ELLIE: W-well, uh, the tendency towards drugs – which I would love to yell at you about – that’s from me. (Peyton looks down.) ELLIE: But I can’t draw to save my life. You know, those sketches I saw in your room… that’s from your mom. Know that. (Peyton nods.) ELLIE: And as far as your dad’s concerned, when he sent me away all those years ago, it was the right move. (Smiles) I’ve done so pretty questionable things in my life, Peyton. I would have sent me away too. (Peyton looks at her reservedly.) PEYTON: But you’re here now. ELLIE: That’s right… and if you wanna know things, then I want you to know them. I’ll tell you anything, everything. (Pause) And if you don’t wanna know, that’s OK, too. (Nods) It’s up to you. (They look at each other and Peyton opens her mouth.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [EXT. THIRD AND LONG (EST) – EVENING] (A car speeds past.) CUT TO: [INT. THIRD AND LONG – DINING AREA – EVENING] (Nathan is sitting at a table, eating.) CHRIS: (o.s) Well, well, we meet again. (Sits opposite Nathan.) NATHAN: Thanks for coming. CHRIS: How could I not? You musta got my letter. NATHAN: Yeah, I got it. CHRIS: D’ya like the perfume? Kinda sexy like that, sometimes. (Nathan scoffs and looks away.) CHRIS: So what can Chris Keller do for you? NATHAN: (Sighs) He can help Haley with her music. (Chris laughs, unable to believe him.) NATHAN: No, I’m serious. Apparently, she’s hit some kind of slump. CHRIS: And you care, why? NATHAN: Because she loves it… and I love her. CHRIS: Wow, how heroic. (Nathan blinks repeatedly and looks away.) CHRIS: Or maybe just completely stupid(!) I mean, why call me? NATHAN: Because even though you’re an ass, Haley’s music came a long way with you. (Pause) Now, you said in that letter that you’d do anything to help her. This is it. CHRIS: (Pause) Look, not that I don’t love second chances, but what makes you think you can trust me? NATHAN: Oh, I don’t trust you. (Pause) But Haley does. Besides, if you touch her… I’ll crush you. (There’s a beat as Chris digests that simple fact.) CHRIS: (Smiles and sits back.) Well, this is gonna cost you. I mean we’ve got… studio space; first class accommodations; my time, which is worth a lot (Pause as he looks at Nathan’s wrist.) and I’m kinda digging that watch. NATHAN: Don’t screw with me, Keller. CHRIS: … Alright, tell you what, give me the rest of this sandwich (Takes it off Nathan’s plate.) I’m in. (Chris looks at it happily and starts to eat it.) NATHAN: Alright, it’s a deal then. And this stays between us. (Chris holds his hand out and Nathan shakes it. It’s clear that Nathan really doesn’t trust him. Chris grins conspiratorially and sits back in his chair.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb is asleep in her bed. Dan’s nowhere to be seen. The phone on her cabinet rings. She sighs, picks it up, presses receive, and holds it to her ear.) DEB: (Sitting up with a groan.) Hello? DAN: (Through the phone.) It’s me. (Deb doesn’t say anything, she waits.) DAN: (Through the phone.) I’m sorry, Deb. I never meant for it to come to this. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Dan is lying across the couch in his clothes.) DAN: I mean, we loved each other once, didn’t we? (He grins slightly.) DAN: I know I loved you. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] DEB: (Exasperatedly) Uh, Dan, what’re you doing? DAN: (Through the phone.) I just had to talk to you. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Dan finds it harder and harder to hold back a smile.) DAN: … Because… I’m waiting for the glue to dry. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb becomes more alert. She figures it out and pulls at the phone. It’s stuck to her face. She yanks at it harder, struggling to get it off.) DEB: YOU SUPER GLUED THE PHONE?! CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] DAN: (Viciously) You wanna play with me – game on, bitch! (He pulls out an air horn and holds it close to the receiver before pressing the button down.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb jerks around in bed, screaming. She’s unable to get the phone off and the noise practically deafens her. She shakes her head in pain.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Dan quits with the torture and puts the phone back to his ear, laughing.) DAN: Good night. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DEB’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Deb seethes in bed.) CUT TO: [INT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT – BEDROOM – EVENING] (The camera pans up from Haley‘s blanket covered legs. Fade out to a full shot of her. She’s awake and worried. Brooke walks into the bedroom, annoyed and still in costume, wig in hand.) HALEY: Hey, how was the rest of your night? BROOKE: Well, Lucas thought he could make me jealous with that ‘Baywatch bimbo’. Two can play at that game. (She smiles and turns away.) HALEY: (Still distracted.) Brooke,… (Sits up.) (Brooke walks back to her, having put her things aside.) HALEY: Be careful. (Pause) His heart’s more fragile than you think. (Brooke doesn’t respond but she considers it seriously. The camera pans right until Brooke’s ‘Vacation Wall’ is visible – the picture of herself and Lucas kissing in the middle.) FADE TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – LUCAS’ BEDROOM – EVENING] (Peyton’s painted one side of his wall to greatly resemble the Rivercourt. He puts a box down in front of the mirror and looks into it. He shakes his head.) LUCAS: (v.o) Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: (Lucas holds one of Brooke’s red feathers up.) ‘There is no privacy that cannot be penetrated. (He puts the feather into the open box which also houses his HCM pills. He puts the lid back on and looks into the mirror.) LUCAS: (v.o) No secret can be kept in a civilised world. FADE TO: [EXT. SAWYER RESIDENCE – FRONT DOOR – EVENING] (Peyton walks up to her door and opens it. She’s holding her wings. Her dad is on the sofa, reading a newspaper and waiting up for her.) LARRY: Hey. PEYTON: (Smiling) You’re still awake. (Shuts the door.) LARRY: Of course, that’s what fathers do. They wait up for their daughters. (Peyton laughs and sits next to him.) LARRY: Did you talk to Ellie? PEYTON: Yeah. LARRY: Good. (She looks at him with a smile.) PEYTON: But I didn’t have to ask who my real father is. (Smiles at him.) I already know. (She leans on him and he puts his arm around her.) FADE TO: [INT. THE HOTEL – ELLIE’S ROOM – EVENING] (Ellie is lying on her bed, drawing. She’s drawn Peyton as she was while also displaying the fact that she lied to Peyton about not being able to draw.) (She turns the pad so it faces her straight and continues shading it in.) LUCAS: (v.o) Society is a masked ball, where everyone hides his real character, (The camera pans left and unfocuses.) LUCAS: (v.o) then reveals it by hiding.’ FADE TO: [EXT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – NATHAN’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (Nathan is seen through his window. He walks around his bed and sits on it. He thinks before taking off the chain with his wedding ring and putting it on the bedside cabinet. He switches the light off.) FADE TO: [INT. CHRIS’ APARTMENT – FRONT DOOR – EVENING] (Chris walks in and switches the light on. He throws his keys onto the couch and stops to look at said couch. The camera cuts to the couch and pans along a Batman costume until the shot reaches the mask.) (Cut back to Chris who smiles to himself.) END |
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