Forever Dreaming |
02x21 - What Could Have Been |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 05/31/05 08:59 ] |
Post subject: | 02x21 - What Could Have Been |
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. NATHAN’S CAR – RACE TRACK – DAY] (Nathan is racing the car unbelievably fast.) CUT TO: [EXT. COOPER LEE ENTERPRISES, INC. – RACE TRACK – DAY] (Birdseye view of the car as it collides with the wall repeatedly.) DAYTONA: (v.o) He aimed for the wall. CUT TO: [EXT. COOPER LEE ENTERPRISES, INC. – RACE TRACK – DAY] (Lucas and Daytona are out on the track. It’s quiet and they are talking after the aftermath of Nathan’s accident.) DAYTONA: Like he tried to crash. CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – WAITING ROOM – DAY] (Lucas is sitting by himself. Brooke is hovering over him, having just arrived.) BROOKE: Hey. (Lucas stands and she hugs him.) BROOKE: It’s OK (Cut to Lucas’ distressed face.) BROOKE: (Rubbing his back.) I’m here for you. CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – SEATING AREA – DAY] (The doctor looks at Deb accusingly.) DOCTOR: Mrs. Scott, how long have you been abusing prescription drugs? (Dan glares at Deb as she stares ahead, embarrassed.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – NATHAN’S ROOM – EVENING] (Nathan has woken up from his coma and is talking to Deb.) NATHAN: I love you, mom. (Deb’s eyes are wide and red. She blinks.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – SEATING AREA – EVENING] (Karen is sitting with Whitey after tying to get hold of Keith.) WHITEY: Were you able to get a hold of Keith? (Karen shakes her head sadly. Whitey puts his arm around her.) KAREN: (Crying into his shoulder.) Where is he, Whitey? CUT TO: [INT. NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY JAIL – VISITORS ROOM – EVENING] (Peyton is talking to Jake through the phone. A glass partition separates them.) PEYTON: I love you. JAKE: I love you, too. CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DAN’S OFFICE – EVENING] (Close-up of the piece of paper being put into the shredder. Lucas watches Dan from just outside of the office. Dan looks up shiftily and spots him.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – DAN’S OFFICE – EVENING] (Lucas removes the bag of shredded paper.) CUT TO: [INT. AIRPORT – DEPARTURES – EVENING] (Haley stands in the airport, on the phone to Nathan.) HALEY: I’m coming home tomorrow, OK? CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – NATHAN’S ROOM – EVENING] (Nathan sits up in the bed with a tube in his nose, taking on the phone to Haley.) NATHAN: Don’t come home, Haley. CUT TO: [INT. AIRPORT – DEPARTURES – EVENING] (Haley listens to him, disbelievingly.) NATHAN: (Through the phone.) Coz I don’t want you to. FADE TO BLACK: END OF PREVIOUSLY ON: OPENING CREDITS ROLL: FADE IN: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – FRONT DOOR – DAY] (The front door opens and crutches appear in the camera’s line of view. Nathan struggles past the door, Lucas behind him, ready in case he falls. There is a notice on the door which Nathan spares a glance. It says: ‘NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR QUIT’.) NATHAN: (o.s) Welcome home. (Lucas takes the notice off the door and walks in. Nathan sits at the counter and Lucas follows suit. He hands the notice to Nathan.) NATHAN: (Groaning as his picks up his mail.) Bill. Bill. Final notice. Way final notice. (Shakes his head.) You ever robbed a bank, Luke? LUCAS: Hey, you got friends. We’ll help. NATHAN: Yeah, that sounds great. All I need is the money for these bills and, uh… (Looks at the letters.) a hundred-thousand dollars to pay the hospital. LUCAS: (Evasively) Wow, woulda been a lot cheaper if you’d just… (Looks at him pointedly.) hit the brakes, huh? (Nathan stares ahead desolately; Lucas follows suit.) LUCAS: (Frowns) What happened out there, Nathan? (Nathan remembers.) FLASHBACK TO: [EXT. COOPER LEE ENTERPRISES, INC. – RACE TRACK – DAY] (Nathan’s car skids and hits the wall forcefully.) END OF FLASHBACK: CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – KITCHEN – DAY] NATHAN: You were there. Why don’t you tell me? (Lucas nods, still disturbed.) LUCAS: Look, did you… you know, feel like… (Sighs) I mean, did you wanna- NATHAN: Did I wanna, what? LUCAS: (Pain behind his eyes.) Kill yourself. (Nathan stares straight at Lucas.) LUCAS: Coz, if that’s what happened, you need to see somebody. NATHAN: I’ll check out Dr. Phil this afternoon. LUCAS: (Angrily) How long are you gonna dodge talking to me about this?! NATHAN: How long are you gonna dodge telling me you knew my mom was a pill-head?(!) (Lucas looks up, caught.) NATHAN: Now, look, I screwed up; I hit the wall. That’s all there was to it. OK? (Lucas moves imperceptibly, he has to accept the half answer. Nathan looks down.) FADE TO: [EXT. DAN SCOTT MOTORS (EST) – DAY] (Shot of the building.) LUCAS: (v.o) Hey, Brooke, what’s going on? BROOKE: (v.o) Um,…- CUT TO: [INT. DAN SCOTT MOTORS – SALES FLOOR – DAY] (Brooke is standing with Lucas as he leans on a car. She has a bag slung over her shoulder.) BROOKE: (Slightly nervous.) -total hypothetical here; say you had a friend living in your room aaaand she was going through your closet looking for her favourite pair of Jimmy Choo’s (Lucas’ look deepens.) but all she found… was this freaky bag of shredded paper that you said was a puzzle? (He looks away.) And, let’s say she got bored. (He immediately looks back at her.) BROOKE: You know, or… nosey… so… She kind of put the pieces back together? (Nervously) Would… you be ticked off? LUCAS: (Restrained) Only if this hypothetical (Makes air quotations.) ‘friend’ didn’t bring me the finished product. BROOKE: (Relieved) Well then(!) (Opens her bag and looks in.) (Lucas stops her from taking anything out. She looks at him questioningly. He looks up at the camera with the flashing red light.) LUCAS: Come here. CUT TO: [INT. DAN SCOTT MOTORS – BACK ROOM – DAY] (Lucas walks into the room cautiously. Brooke follows, a little miffed. Lucas locks the door behind her.) BROOKE: (Grinning) OK, paranoid much? (Lucas walks to her as he sighs and nods.) LUCAS: Just enough. (Looks at her bag.) So what you got? BROOKE: It’s a bill of sale. (Opens her bag and pulls the pieced together paper out.) For… a used car. (Looks at it.) Sold to some lady named Christine Gersio? (He takes it.) BROOKE: Who is she? LUCAS: I don’t know. I think Dan might be running some kind of scam, and this bill could be tied to whatever he’s doing. BROOKE: (Impressed) Oh, you go detective-boy. In the mean time, I am off to do a little recon at my favourite clothing store. (Moves to the door and unlocks it.) LUCAS: Hey, Brooke. (She faces him.) LUCAS: Thank you for this. You really helped my out. BROOKE: No problem. Every Sherlock needs a doctor Watsit, right? LUCAS: (Amused) Watson. (Brooke smiles and shrugs before walking out of the door.) BROOKE: (Whispering) Bye. (She closes the door.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – SOUND UNIT – DAY] (Peyton is shuffling through some CD’s in a box. She pulls one out and looks at it. Lucas walks in and looks at her.) LUCAS: Making a mix? (Peyton looks at him and smiles.) PEYTON: No, just… sorting CD’s. LUCAS: Any of those contenders for the next… All Ages night? PEYTON: I don’t know. I’m not really into hustling bands these days. (Lucas frowns and straightens up a bit.) LUCAS: Have you seen Jake? (She dumps a CD back into the box.) PEYTON: He doesn’t want me to. (Pause) I just wish that there was something I could do for him. LUCAS: Oh, you mean other than riding his lawyers to stay on the case? PEYTON: It’s not enough. (Lucas straightens and walks to her.) LUCAS: Well,… how about I distract you from something that sucks with something that sucks? PEYTON: (Laughs) And what’s that? LUCAS: …Nathan’s having some… pretty serious money problems. So… I was thinking that maybe if… we got everybody together, we could… figure out a way to raise some cash. PEYTON: Cool. I’m in. LUCAS: Yeah? PEYTON: (Nods) Um-hm. (Lucas is pleased but doesn’t say so. He turns to the exit.) LUCAS: Oh, by the way, remember, um,… right before Jake came back… and you accused me of being a crappy friend? PEYTON: (Meekly) Yeah,… lo-I’m really sorry, I- (Shrugs) LUCAS: No(!) You were right. (Pause) I don’t ever want that to happen again. (Peyton nods.) LUCAS: So if you need anything… I’m around, OK? PEYTON: (Nods) OK. Thank you, Lucas. LUCAS: (Straightens) Alright. (He walks to the stairs and looks at her for a beat. His image is blurry. Peyton continues to stare ahead and Lucas descends the stairs.) FADE TO: [EXT. KAREN’S CAFÉ (EST) – DAY] CUT TO: [INT. KAREN’S CAFÉ – DINING AREA – DAY] (Tim gets into his seat at a table that is already being occupied by Lucas, Junk, Brooke, Peyton and Fergie.) TIM: We could have a car wash. LUCAS: (Laughs harshly.) Nathan and cars, not a good combo. (Mouth walks across and sits next to Brooke.) MOUTH: Bake sale? BROOKE: (Reluctant expression.) Speaking for the girls, bikini season is right around the corner (Peyton laughs.) so no(!) JUNK: What about TRIC? Peyton could hook up a benefit or something, right? PEYTON: Uh,… well that’s where Haley met Chris so… I doubt Nathan’s gonna wanna go anywhere near there. TIM: But I bet he’d be down with a brothel(!) (Everyone looks at him with varying degrees of speechlessness. Fergie shakes his head. Junk throws a chip at him.) TIM: What(!)? (Junk shakes his head.) It worked for Tom Cruise in ‘Risky Business’(!) PEYTON: (Agreeing) That’s it(!) BROOKE: (Astounded) Peyton, don’t encourage Dim! PEYTON: (Smiling) No, we-we throw a movie night, OK? And we can… take donations and sell concessions- LUCAS: Yeah, no, we can… do it at the Rivercourt(!) You know, we could bring a big screen(!) MOUTH: And rig the AV closet for films and a projector. LUCAS: (Slyly) You mean the same closet I caught you making out with Erica last week? (Everyone laughs and Brooke nudges him, impressed.) MOUTH: (Grinning widely.) It’s good to be an AV geek with keys. (Laughs as Brooke pats him.) But, I’m flying solo this weekend; Erica’s visiting her grandmother. (Brooke looks at the phone and laughs.) TIM: What if it rains? BROOKE: (Still looking at her phone.) I’m already on it. (The weather on her phone is not good; with a 60% chance of rain.) BROOKE: Oh,… no, we need a plan B, it’s gonna pour all weekend. (Peyton’s enthusiasm dies and she looks away. Cut to Lucas’ saddened face.) PEYTON: We could do it at TRIC. If you convince Nathan to go. (Looks pointedly at Lucas.) (Lucas smiles.) FADE TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – KITCHEN – DAY] (Nathan hops around, unsteadily, with a saucepan as he talks to the hospital on the phone.) NATHAN: I’m gonna pay the hospital bill; it’s just that… right now I’m… completely tapped out (Drops the pan in the sink.) and I can’t go back to work yet. RECEPTIONIST: Let me pull up your file. (Nathan hops over and grabs a crutch.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – RECEPTION – DAY] (The receptionist clicks on the computer and then pauses with a frown.) RECEPTIONIST: Uh, Nathan, your bill’s paid. CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – DAY] (Nathan stops struggling and stands straight, confused.) RECEPTIONIST: (Through the phone.) The insurance must have covered it. CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – RECEPTION – DAY] RECEPTIONIST: (Pen hovering over pad.) What kind of plan do you have? CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – DAY] (Nathan sighs.) NATHAN: I don’t know. My, uh,… my wife usually pays attention to that stuff. CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – RECEPTION – DAY] RECEPTIONIST: (Impressed) Well, apparently, you’re all set. CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – DAY] (Nathan shakes his head, thinking.) RECEPTIONIST: (Through the phone.) She sounds like a keeper. Don’t let her get away. NATHAN: (Seeing the irony.) Yeah,… thanks. (He hangs up the phone and turns his head as his front door opens. He turns around completely and Dan enters. Dan shuts the door.) DAN: Nathan, why didn’t you tell me they were releasing you today? NATHAN: (Hopping away from him.) Coz it’s none of your business. (He drops the phone and then bends down to pick it up. Dan smirks.) DAN: Why don’t you move home, son? At least until you’re back on your feet. NATHAN: Forget it, alright!? I don’t want your help, I just wanna move on with my life. DAN: (Pause) In that case, I can help. (He gives Nathan the envelope he’s holding. Nathan snatches it from him and opens it. Dan has a sick smirk on his face. Nathan pulls up the papers, exposing the title which says: ‘Petition for Annulment’) NATHAN: (Angry) What is this, divorce paper?! DAN: Annulment. Any judge who sees how young you are will say you weren’t in your right mind when you married. NATHAN: Oh, so now I’m crazy? DAN: You are if you don’t sign those papers. (Nathan looks away, pained.) DAN: Why drag Haley down with you? (Nathan looks back up, pissed.) DAN: As long as you’re married to her, she’s also responsible for you debt. NATHAN: You don’t give a rat’s ass about Haley. This is what you want(!) DAN: It’s also what’s best for you. (Nathan listens to him, however reluctantly it is.) DAN: She made her choice and it wasn’t you. Why hang on? (Nathan pushes the papers back at him.) NATHAN: Get out(!) DAN: (Grabs the envelope.) You have a chance, right now- NATHAN: I hit you once, dad, alright? I don’t have a problem doing it again. DAN: Listen, you wanna wallow in self-pity, fine(!) (Pause) But she’s ready to move on, I think you know that. (Nathan just looks away. Dan can’t leave without another jab. He puts the envelope on Nathan’s counter.) DAN: Just in case. (He exits and Nathan looks at the annulment form. He turns it slightly and reads the heading again.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [EXT. RIVERWALK – THE RIVER – DAY] (The camera pans down from a shot of the bridge to Lucas and Brooke walking by the river.) LUCAS: So,… (Sighs) the bill of sale you pieced together was for twelve thousand. But the one on file at the dealership… said the woman paid nine. BROOKE: A counting mistake? LUCAS: Well, that’s what I thought, too. So I called her… she said she paid twelve, in cash(!) BROOKE: So, Dan destroyed the bill with the higher price and pocketed three grand. LUCAS: Seems that way. (Pause) BROOKE: Alright, I’m not math wiz, but it doesn’t seem like such a major scam. LUCAS: (Scoffs) Depends on how many times he’s done it. (They walk straight past the camera.) CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – KITCHEN – DAY] (Shot of Nathan’s hand and the fridge door as Nathan holds it open.) NATHAN: So that’s why you’re still staying at the house? (Lucas is sitting at the counter with an anxious look. Nathan shuts the fridge door.) NATHAN: Trying to figure out what he’s doing? LUCAS: I need all the access to him I can get. (Nathan sits opposite him with a bottle of water.) NATHAN: Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner? LUCAS: I… didn’t know how you’d feel about my trying to take down Dan. (Lucas looks at him, waiting for a response.) NATHAN: It’s fine by me. (Lucas nods and looks down, smiling. Nathan laughs and drinks from the bottle.) (There’s a long pause as neither says anything.) LUCAS: Listen, uh,… about your mom,… I did see her take some pills. Once(!) (Holds up a finger.) OK? I confronted her… and she told me to mind my own damn business. I’m sorry, I should have mentioned it. NATHAN: Nah, it’s OK. My dad and I should have noticed it anyway. LUCAS: Ah, don’t worry about it. You know,… she’ll get through it. (Laughs) Deb’s tough. NATHAN: She has to be; look who she married. (Lucas inhales and holds his fist out.) LUCAS: So, we good? (Nathan knocks fists.) NATHAN: Just, uh, make sure you keep me posted on my dad. I need all the entertainment I can get these days. (Lucas nods.) NATHAN: By the way, uh,… my insurance paid for my entire hospital stay. So… I don’t even really need a fundraiser anymore. (Lucas makes noises of protest.) LUCAS: You know, you still got, um,… (Picks up some letters.) bills(!) Rent(!) NATHAN: Yeah, I’ll figure something out. LUCAS: COME ON! It’ll be fun(!) (Pause) Besides, everyone really wants to help out. NATHAN: (Pauses as he considers.) Rig up the dart board with Chris’ face on it and I’m in. (They laugh quietly.) CUT TO: [INT. CLOTHES SHOP – SHOP FLOOR – DAY] (Brooke rushes to a top on the shelf and picks it up.) BROOKE: I love this… (Walks forward with it.) (Peyton looks up from browsing the rack.) BROOKE: And I have got to have… (Picks up a yellow top from a different shelf.) this! (She picks up a green top.) BROOKE: And I need this. (She stops in front of Peyton and looks in awe.) BROOKE: Oh,… (Picks up pink spotted shoes.) look at these adorable wedges(!) PEYTON: Brooke, pace yourself. You gotta shoot for gradual ramp up to your full shopping speed. (Brooke grins giddily and shakes her head, walking past Peyton.) BROOKE: Just don’t let me lose track of time, OK? I promised Lucas I would help him cook dinner for Nathan, although, (Turns to the rack.) when I say cook, I actually mean order pizza(!) (Peyton grins.) PEYTON: (Discretely) Seems like you and Lucas have been spending a lotta time together lately, huh? BROOKE: (Nonchalantly) Yeah. I think this whole ‘friends’ thing is actually working out. PEYTON: (Not believing.) Um-hum! BROOKE: And he’s been taking such great care of Nathan. PEYTON: (Amused) Ummm-hm(!) BROOKE: (Grinning) OK. (Turns to her.) Enough with the ‘um-hm’s’ already(!) (Peyton hold up her hands in surrender.) PEYTON: Fine(!) But, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were vibing on him again. (Grins) BROOKE: (Turns to her with a set face.) Seriously, we are just friends. (She doesn’t seem too pleased about the fact.) PEYTON: OK, all I’m saying is on the off chance that… you wanted more… (Pause) I think it would be great. BROOKE: Really? PEYTON: (Nods) Um-hm. BROOKE: You’re not afraid the three of us will get… sucked back down into the Bermuda Triangle of drama? PEYTON: No. (Shakes her head.) Not this time. (Smiles) BROOKE: But we said ‘Hoes over Bros’. PEYTON: Well that doesn’t mean no ‘Bros’ ever(!) (Brooke laughs.) PEYTON: The thing I’ve learned from all this Jake craziness is we’ve gotta grab every second you have with the people you love. (They smile.) PEYTON: Just don’t forget about your ‘Hoes’. (They laugh.) BROOKE: Come here. (Hugs her.) You are the best friend ever, P. Sawyer, but… honestly, if Lucas and I couldn’t make it as a couple before… (Shrugs) what makes you think we can now? PEYTON: Well, for one thing, I wouldn’t make out with him this time(!) (Looks at Brooke pointedly.) BROOKE: Heh(!) PEYTON: Heh(!) (Laughs) And another, he’s not the same guy, and you are definitely not the same girl. (Peyton smiles and walks past Brooke, touching her lightly on the arm.) (Brooke watches Peyton before turning to the mirror and holding the tops and wedges up to it. She considers and looks down at them, thinking.) FADE TO: [INT. THE TOUR – SEATING AREA – DAY] (The place is very dark. The backstage guy talks to the people on stage who are setting up equipment.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Looks good fellas. Let’s just keep an eye on the clock. (He walks down the aisle.) HALEY: (Appearing) Hey, uh, do you have a second? BACKSTAGE GUY: Yeah, yeah, sure, listen, listen. You know I love you, right? (Haley listens.) BACKSTAGE GUY: But you have got to lose that fluffy top you wore last night. (Haley smiles.) BACKSTAGE GUY: I mean, come on this is rock n’ roll princess. This is not the senior prom(!) HALEY: Listen, um,… I need some time off. There’s some things going on with my husband- BACKSTAGE GUY: (Laughs) Again? (Haley glares at him.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Haley, look, I like you… I mean you’ve been a major pain in my ass, but in a good way. So, I mean, if you gotta go, I can’t stop you. But… I may need to replace you. HALEY: (Torn) Are you serious?(!) BACKSTAGE GUY: The question is ‘are you’? (Pause) Come on, I mean, you got talent. I mean, you could be more than just a duet girl(!) HALEY: I know but I’ve- BACKSTAGE GUY: Look, this is a business, Haley, and I will work like hell to make you a star, but you gotta make a decision; how bad do you want the big time?! (He gives her a final look and walks off, leaving her to stew and think.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Jimmy, move that. Let’s go guys, come on, you’re on my clock, not yours. (Haley sighs and puts her head in her hands. She has no idea what to do.) FADE TO: [INT. KAREN’S CAFÉ – DINING AREA – DAY] (The camera pans from a shot of a ‘Karen’s Café’ mug to the far table where Lucas and Andy are sitting.) LUCAS: What d’ya think? (Andy’s holding the stuck together pieces of paper.) ANDY: (Flips through them.) It’s pretty clear; (Pause) any cash transaction over ten thousand dollars gets reported to the government. (He looks at the papers and shows Lucas.) ANDY: Dan changes the transaction amount from, like, twelve thousand to nine thousand… LUCAS: (Finishes the thought train.) Which allows him to keep skimming profits and pocketing the extra cash. ANDY: Exactly. If that cash you found in the ceiling at the dealership is any indication, he’s shredding a lot of invoices. (Andy gives him a quick look.) LUCAS: Well then I need to pull all the files for cash sums just under ten grand. ANDY: No, no, no, no, no, you’ve done enough. LUCAS: …Andy, I’m so close(!) ANDY: Yeah, and we’ll get him, Lucas, I promise. (Pause) Just let me find where he’s hiding this money. (Pause as Lucas sighs.) We’ll have everything we need. (Andy drinks from the mug and Lucas nods, sighing again.) FADE TO: [INT. TRIC – MUSIC DECK – EVENING] (Mouth starts the music and moves across the floor. The camera pans to Peyton who’s setting out the chairs with a little help. Somebody walks past with balloons and Nathan struggles along on his crutches. Peyton turns to watch him.) (Tim and Brooke are sorting out another corner.) TIM: (Spotting Nathan.) Yo, dude, (Nathan stops and looks at him. Tim throws a camera at him.) check out this awesome footage I swiped from my mom’s garden club. (Brooke smacks him on the arm and walks to Nathan. She holds out her hand and takes it from him.) BROOKE: (Smiling) Here. (Nathan looks at her slightly embarrassedly before breaking eye contact.) BROOKE: (Confused) What’s wrong with you? (Nathan barely looks at her.) NATHAN: …Nothing, nothing, uh,… I just… you were in this… weird dream I had during surgery. BROOKE: Yeah? And? NATHAN: And, uh, (Still red.) we were… kind of… showering together. (Tim looks wide-eyed and Brooke gapes. Nathan laughs and nods.) BROOKE: (Grins) Don’t be embarrassed, (Pats his arm reassuringly.) everybody has that dream about me(!) (Nathan looks up. Brooke laughs and looks at Tim who is looking like he’s in heaven.) BROOKE: (Hitting him on the chest.) Don’t have the dream now, Tim! (Brooke takes Nathan’s arm and they walk off-screen.) (Camera cuts to Nathan, on his own again. He walks to the stage; Peyton’s there still setting out chairs. She looks up at him. He throws an empty bottle at a bin labelled ‘Nathan Fun’. It misses.) (Peyton grins as she sets the chair out.) PEYTON: Nice air-ball. (Nathan smiles at her.) PEYTON: You haven’t learned anything, have you? NATHAN: What’re you talking about? PEYTON: (Sighs and stands straight.) Freshmen year: you rolled your ankle and your doc said ‘no basketball for a month’, and you didn’t listen(!) (Nathan pauses before sighing and hobbling over to a chair. He sits down.) NATHAN: Do you believe in dreams, Peyton? PEYTON: What d’ya mean, like,… do I… think there’s some kinda message? (Nathan shakes his head.) NATHAN: More like warnings. (Peyton considers.) NATHAN: About… how every choice you make… shapes your future. (Peyton still doesn’t say anything.) NATHAN: Like, if I hadn’t turned down High Flyers, or if I hadn’t gone after Haley,… or if my dad hadn’t married my mom. (Looks at her.) PEYTON: I know what you mean. (Looks back up at Nathan.) If my mom had left five minutes earlier to pick me up, she’d still be alive. (Nathan looks away and Peyton sits next to him.) PEYTON: (Pause) Was your accident and accident, Nathan? (Nathan looks away but Peyton waits for his answer patiently.) NATHAN: …I don’t know if I aimed for that wall, Peyton. (He looks at her and she looks back, eyebrows raised.) NATHAN: Maybe I was thinking about Haley right before the crash; (Sighs) about how we got off-track. I mean, I feel different now. (Laughs and Peyton’s eyebrows go higher.) I know what’s important; my mom, my friends,… basketball. PEYTON: And Haley? NATHAN: …Lately, I’ve been wondering if… all the energy we used trying to hold our marriage together could have been better spent on other things. (Peyton looks down and shakes her head.) PEYTON: Nathan- NATHAN: How’re you and Jake doing? PEYTON: (There’s pain in her eyes.) …He, uh,… (Smiles sadly.) is really not up to seeing me these days. NATHAN: I’m sorry. (Peyton just looks at him.) He’ll change his mind. (Nods) What about you and this place? I mean, you bringing any new bands in? PEYTON: Actually, I was thinking I was gonna drop that. (Nods) You know, it’s just caused so many problems. NATHAN: What happened with Haley and Chris is not your fault. You love music, Peyton, don’t back away from your dreams. (Pause) You’re gonna end up so bitter you’ll just destroy all the people around you. (Peyton nods at him. After a beat, Nathan returns it.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. TRIC – BAR – EVENING] (The camera pans up from the bar. The lights are off and everyone is sitting in front of the stage, looking at the big projector where the movie will be played. Nathan is putting bottles into an ice bucket and Lucas helps him.) (Junk appears.) JUNK: What’s up, Luke? (They greet each other.) LUCAS: What’s up, Junk(!) JUNK: (Looks at all the things around him.) Um,… I’ll take some pretzels, (Puts money into a bucket that Lucas holds out.) soda,… got any Crackerjack? (Nathan looks up at Lucas and Lucas understands somehow.) LUCAS: (Looking at Junk, pained.) Don’t… say Crackerjack. JUNK: (Confused) Alright. (Junk takes his food and drink.) (Cut to Mouth at the sound system again. He turns the music off and looks at Peyton who’s standing off to a side.) MOUTH: (Through a mic.) Hey, Peyton? (She looks at him and he gives her the thumbs up. Peyton returns it and walks to the stage.) PEYTON: (On the stage and with a mic.) Hey everybody, you guys ready for some movies?! (The crowd cheers and claps. Some are sitting up while others are lying on the floor in sleeping bags.) PEYTON: OK,… (Points) well then grab some snacks, stretch out and we’re gonna kicks things off with a couple of cartoons. (She walks off the stage as the crowd cheers again. Everyone settles down and Mouth turns the projector on. The screen lights up and it’s not cartoons but a man behind the wheel of a car.) DRIVER: The number one killer… of young people is traffic accidents. (The screen cuts to a shot of a horrific car accident.) DRIVER: (v.o) And that’s… that’s gotta be… one of the biggest (A guy gets pulled out of a car.) and grossest waste- (A shot of someone lying on the ground with blood all over the ground and their beaten head.) (The crowd groans in disgust.) DRIVER: -of human life. (The crowd continues to moan in disgust while Lucas broods and Nathan smiles.) DRIVER: About… forty percent of fatal and injury accidents- (Lucas is not pleased.) DRIVER: -involve people in the age group of fifteen to twenty-four. (Cut to the screen as the title ‘RED ASPHALT II’ is written in big red letters and the camera pans across a road of blood.) (Mouth tries to turn it off but he can’t seem to find the switch. Peyton rushes to him.) PEYTON: (Panicked) Mouth, we can’t show this to Nathan(!) MOUTH: I know, I know. (Rushes around.) The-the film cans are all mislabelled. (Peyton sighs and starts picking up the cans, searching for something that they can show Nathan.) LUCAS: (Groans) Ah, Nate, I’m sorry, man. This isn’t what we planned. NATHAN: (Looks at him.) What, are you kidding me, this is awesome(!) (Lucas looks at him confusedly.) NATHAN: (Turns back.) COME ON! (Cups his hands around his mouth.) TURN IT UP! (Suddenly the crowd is cheering and Nathan claps. The camera cuts back to the screen where that movie continues to play with scenes of blood and gore. Lucas doesn’t know what to make of it.) (The shot fades to the end of the movie.) (Cut to Peyton who’s looking through Nathan’s bills. Nathan and Tim are sitting in couches nearby.) PEYTON: You spent thirty bucks on pay-per-view porn?(!) (Nathan looks at her with raised eyebrows. Tim looks shifty.) TIM: (Stretches and grabs the bill.) That’s mine. (He takes the bill and Nathan and Peyton squint at him.) TIM: What? You were out of town. I was lonely. (Nathan scoffs. Brooke and Lucas approach the trio.) BROOKE: (Kneeling in front of Peyton.) Um,… I got you cookies and liquorish. LUCAS: (To Nathan.) Hey, I got you another soda and… (Sighs) some popcorn. Uh,… want me to scrounge up a pillow so you can elevate that knee? NATHAN: No, no, I’m good. (Pats his leg and smiles.) LUCAS: Alright. (Nathan nods.) BROOKE: OK, Well, uh, send up a flare if you need anything else, guys. (Peyton nods and Brooke and Lucas leave.) PEYTON: Brooke’s been really great since Jake’s been gone. NATHAN: Yeah,… Luke’s really had my back since the accident. (Peyton smiles tightly and nods.) PEYTON: (Deathly serious.) She’s driving me crazy(!) (Nathan and Tim laugh.) NATHAN: I hear ya. Luke’s this close (Holds a finger and thumb a millimetre apart.) to tucking me in and singing me a lullaby. PEYTON: (Amused) Oh(!) TIM: If you want, I could- NATHAN: Tim, stop it(!) (Tim grins and Nathan smiles.) PEYTON: (Holding out an envelope.) Looks like you got a letter mixed in with your bills. (Nathan frowns and reaches for it. He sits back and studies the handwriting.) NATHAN: It’s from my mom. (Peyton looks at him. Nathan waits for a beat before inhaling and standing up. He walks away slowly on his crutches.) (The shot fades to the projector before cutting back to show that the people are watching another movie. The shot fades to Brooke and Lucas sitting together, smiling at each other.) LUCAS: Thanks, Brooke. BROOKE: (Pauses, confused.) For what? LUCAS: For letting me vent about Dan. (Pause) For helping… Nathan out so much. (Brooke shrugs.) LUCAS: I just don’t know what I’d do without you. (They smile at each other for a long while before turning back to look straight ahead.) CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Karen is sitting alone and going through the photo album of her, Lucas and Keith with a sad smile on the face. There’s a picture of Keith and Lucas during Halloween and one of Keith on his own, smiling. Karen smiles at it fondly and flips the page. Her smile grows.) FADE TO: [EXT. TRIC – STAIRS – EVENING] (Nathan is sitting around the back of TRIC. He unfolds the letter and reads it.) FADE TO: [INT. THE TOUR – DRESSING ROOM – EVENING] (There’s a picture of Nathan and Haley’s wedding amongst all the shots of Haley and Chris. Haley reaches out and pulls it off the mirror. She thinks hard as she studies it.) FADE TO: [INT. TRIC – FLOOR – EVENING] (Nathan hops up the steps and uses the crutches to walks across the floor. He stops and stares at Brooke and Lucas who are talking and laughing with each other. He looks sadly at the movie which is of fighting and alien war. He looks at a bunch of people messing around, throwing popcorn and having a lot of fun.) (He looks at Peyton who is looking through his bill but with no sign of a smile on her face.) (The shot fades half and the other half is a shot of Haley, wiping tears from her eyes. They are a shot in a shot. It stays for a second before the shot of Haley fades and Nathan turns, hobbling away.) (Peyton looks up, keeping her tears at bay. Through his laughing with Brooke, Lucas turns to look at Peyton as she puts her hands to her face. Lucas stands and walks to her slowly. Peyton looks up with tears in her eyes and tries to laugh it off, to no avail.) (Lucas kneels in front of her and holds out some chocolate.) LUCAS: You look like you needed some chocolate. (Peyton smiles and takes it from him.) LUCAS: Don’t give up on him, Peyton. (Peyton smiles sadly at him.) LUCAS: Jake’ll let you back in. (Peyton nods and after a beat, Lucas hugs her. The camera focuses on Brooke watching the pair from where she’s seated, behind the counter. She looks the personification of last season when she found out that Lucas had cheated on her with Peyton.) (Lucas lets go and stands. Peyton smiles thankfully. Lucas nods and walks away. Peyton still has tears in her eyes as she picks up the bill again.) FADE TO: [EXT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT (EST) – EVENING] (There’s a knock on a door off-screen.) CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] NATHAN: Come in. (Nathan’s sitting there, folding a blue shirt. The door opens to Peyton.) PEYTON: Hey. Tim told me he drove you home. You OK? (Shuts the door behind her.) NATHAN: Yeah, yeah, I just, uh,… I was reading that letter from my mom and I didn’t… really feel like being in a big crowd anymore. (Peyton walks into the apartment.) PEYTON: How’s she doing? NATHAN: (Long pause.) Rehab sounds tough but she’s hanging in there. (Peyton nods.) NATHAN: Part of her therapy is to make amends; so she, uh,… she apologised for all the times she used work or pills to avoid problems at home. PEYTON: I’m sure that was hard for her to say. NATHAN: (Contemplating) Yeah. (He looks down for a beat.) She’s hoping all three of us can be together again. (Peyton looks aptly shocked at the news.) NATHAN: I mean, she seems to think that if she can change… maybe we all can. I… (Sighs) I don’t know if I can do it, Peyton. (Peyton moves around to the front of the couch so that she can sit on it.) PEYTON: I’ve been trying to believe the best in people, lately, you know? (Nods) Like, hoping Nikki will just back off,… or that Jake’s lawyers will find a way to get him out,… so I’d like to believe that… even somebody as assy as your dad could be different if he really wanted to. NATHAN: Yeah, but… you know all the crap that he’s pulled in the past. I mean, doesn’t it sound crazy to try to be a family again? PEYTON: Um,… (Laughing to herself.) I’m probably not the right person to ask. NATHAN: Well, I mean, I-I wanna know what you think. (Peyton looks at him, reluctant to say anything.) NATHAN: Tell me. (She nods once.) PEYTON: I would give anything to have one more day with my mom and dad together. (She smiles tightly and nods; tears in her eyes.) (Nathan looks down and nods too.) NATHAN: (Whispering) Yeah, um,… (Shakes his head.) I’m really sorry Peyton. I-I wasn’t even thinking- (Peyton smiles and shakes it off.) PEYTON: It’s OK. Really, it’s… (Pause) Truth is,… you have bigger things to worry about. (She pulls out a folded letter from her pocket.) PEYTON: (Holds it out.) I opened this letter from your insurance company and your premium hasn’t been paid. (Nathan takes it and looks up at her.) PEYTON: So… you don’t have any coverage. (Nathan squints and opens the letter, confused.) NATHAN: That’s not possible. I mean I just talked to the… (Points back.) lady at the hospital and she said Haley paid this. PEYTON: Oh! OK, well… maybe it was a mistake. (Smiles) (Nathan nods and thinks, frowning. He looks at her and sighs.) NATHAN: Unless it wasn’t insurance who paid. (Peyton gets it and nods slightly.) CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (There’s a loud bang as the door slams off-screen. Dan is looking through some papers and turns his head when he hears it. Nathan struggles into the room.) DAN: Nathan, what’re you doing here? You’re not supposed to drive(!) NATHAN: My insurance got cancelled; it didn’t cover my accident. (Off Dan’s face.) NATHAN: So I called the hospital and I found out that you paid my bill; and then I called my landlord… and I found out you paid my rent, too. DAN: (Laughs it off.) Well of course I did; you’re my son, you needed my help. NATHAN: (Pissed) Help from you always comes with strings attached, dad! So what’re you looking for this time, huh? Gratitude?(!) Respect?(!) Love?(!) (Dan doesn’t say anything.) NATHAN: Forget it(!) DAN: (Advances) You think I paid your bills as a ploy to get you to love me? (Nathan glares at him.) DAN: I know I’ve ruined any chance for that; with you and you mother. (Nathan looks at him in disgust.) But don’t make my mistake; don’t push her away. (Nathan hold his anger in well.) NATHAN: You save it, alright, dad? (Tries to leave.) DAN: Listen to me! (Nathan looks at him.) DAN: It’s my fault you emancipated yourself, I know that. (Nathan doesn’t buy it but he doesn’t have a chance to interrogate him.) DAN: It’s my fault your mother’s in rehab! (Nathan adamantly refuses to look at him.) DAN: Somewhere along the line, I started hurting the people closest to me. (Pause) And I haven’t figured out how to stop. NATHAN: (Bluntly) You wanna stop being a dick, dad? Then just do it(!) DAN: …I want to. (Nathan waits for him to continue.) DAN: I figured if Lucas moved in, I’d be my best self. (Pauses and then turns away.) The funny thing is,… he’s a better man than I’ll ever be. (Pause) All these years I’ve been the bad guy for abandoning him. (Shakes his head.) Seems I actually did him and Karen a favour. (Nathan is two seconds away from sighing. Dan – practising for dramatics – puts his fingers to his eyes to stop the fake tears. Nathan watches him, completely thrown and shaking his head in disbelief.) (Nathan scoffs and laughs before clapping slowly. Dan looks at him.) NATHAN: Nice try, dad. (Pause) What else you got? DAN: This is how far we’ve come? (Pause) You don’t believe when I’m sincere. NATHAN: (Smirking) History’s on my side, dad. DAN: No matter what you think, I would do anything for you. That’s what family does for each other. Even if you wife doesn’t understand that. NATHAN: Leave Haley out of this(!) DAN: You almost died; she didn’t even come to the hospital! NATHAN: I told her not to! DAN: And you were right(!) Don’t you see? (Pause) This is a chance, a clean break for you and her to be the people you were meant to be. NATHAN: This conversation is over(!) (Makes to leave again.) DAN: (Adamantly) No, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! (Grabs hold of Nathan’s arm.) THIS IS YOUR FUTURE, IT STARTS RIGHT HERE! (Nathan blinks at him.) DAN: Hey, you wanna hate me, fine! I can live with that(!) But don’t you become me(!) NATHAN: That will never happen. DAN: (Convincingly serious.) Yes it will. (Nods) (Nathan can’t respond to that.) DAN: If you make the wrong choice… you’ll spend the rest of your life wishing you were a different man. (Nathan shakes his head and sighs; actually believing him.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM –DAY] (Shot of the laptop screen. An email page is up; it’s to Keith from Karen. The only thing written in the message box is ‘Dear Keith,’.) (The cursor flashes and Karen sits there with a mug in her hands, staring at the screen. She’s at a loss on what to write. She sets the mug down after a few moments and begins typing.) KAREN: (v.o) Dear Keith, I don’t know if you’re looking at e-mail, but I need to say something. It’s hard for me not to march in and take charge when the people I love are hurting. (Pause) But I get it now:… that’s not what you need. If you have to go through this alone, I’ll respect that,… even if it’s not what I want. (Shot of her typing the message onto the computer.) KAREN: (v.o) I won’t call or write again. Just know that I’m here for you. Now and always. Karen. (She looks at her finished product for a long time. Shot of the screen again. She pauses before eventually clicking the mouse button and sending the e-mail. It sends and she just sits there.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – FLOOR – DAY] (The floor is a mess of confetti, empty packets and rubbish. A broom is dragged across the floor. Cut back to show that it’s actually Lucas, sweeping the floor. Brooke enters the club slowly.) BROOKE: (Uncertainly) Hey. (Lucas looks up at her.) LUCAS: (Grinning eventually.) Hey, thanks for coming. (Leans on the broom and pauses.) Uh, I got some extra garbage bags. BROOKE: You’re kidding, right? LUCAS: (Beat) (Laughs) Yeah. (Brooke laughs too and they sit.) LUCAS: (Setting the broom aside.) Yep. We did really well for Nathan last night. (Brooke nods.) LUCAS: Particularly since you… snuck in your allowance cheque from your folks. BROOKE: Oh, don’t think of it as an allowance; think of it as… three skirts, four tops, two bags and… (Thinks) a lot of… really hot lingerie. LUCAS: I thought that’d be tough for you. BROOKE: Just seemed like it was time to spread the karmic well. LUCAS: (Nods) That’s gonna mean a lot to Nathan. (Brooke nods again.) LUCAS: I’m just sorry you had to give everything back. BROOKE: Well… not everything. (She puts her feet on the counter so that Lucas can see.) Do you think I’m terrible for keeping these really cute wedges? (Lucas laughs which causes Brooke to laugh too.) LUCAS: No(!) (He looks down and smiles.) LUCAS: Listen,… we’ve been so caught up with Peyton and Nathan that I, that I feel like I haven’t… (Brooke waits expectantly.) really checked in with you. (Pause) How’re you doing,… without Felix around? BROOKE: (Scoffing) Oh, fine(!) He was not the guy for me. (She gives him a significant look.) LUCAS: Well, I’m sure the guy is out there somewhere. BROOKE: Maybe. (She looks at him hard.) But I’m scared to open up my heart like that, again. LUCAS: Isn’t the alternative… even scarier? BROOKE: Sure, I get lonely sometimes. (Pause) That’s hard. But,… I guess that’s the price you pay for figuring out what you really want, right? (Shot of them looking at each other.) CUT TO: [INT. THE TOUR – BACKSTAGE – DAY] (The backstage guy is there again. He’s talking on his phone to somebody.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Yeah. (Pause) No, that’s perfect. That’s great. (Haley walks on-screen and rushes to him.) BACKSTAGE GUY: We won’t let you down, take care. (He hangs up.) (He turns to her.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Great news: Gavin’s manager is excited about you as a solo act. (Haley is delighted and speechless.) BACKSTAGE GUY: We should record a demo. HALEY: (Uncomfortable) I’m sorry, um,… tonight’s my last show. (She picks up her guitar.) BACKSTAGE GUY: (After a beat.) No, no, Haley, no, no, you gotta think about this. HALEY: I have thought about this. (Beat) I’m going home to my husband. BACKSTAGE GUY: What if you’re making a mistake? HALEY: Well,… (Shakes her head.) the mistake was leaving him in the first place. (She walks past him.) BACKSTAGE GUY: (Trying to stop her.) No, Haley. HALEY: (To turning back or stopping.) I’m sorry! BACKSTAGE GUY: (Hissing) Haley(!) (He sighs.) CUT TO: [EXT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT (EST) – EVENING] NATHAN: (v.o) Hey, mom. CUT TO: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Nathan is sitting on a stool as he talks to his mother on the phone.) NATHAN: (Pause as he listens to her.) Yeah, (Pause) yeah, it’s good to hear your voice, too. (There’s a lengthy pause as Nathan listens, saddened.) NATHAN: Mom, please don’t cry. Things are gonna be OK, alright? (He pauses and sighs.) No… I’m the one who’s sorry. (Pause) Listen, I shut you out… I was so sure that I was right… only you couldn’t see it or (Struggles) you didn’t care to see it. (He listens some more and then scoffs lightly.) NATHAN: I was wrong to do that. I understand, now, that you had dreams too and things weren’t easy for you. (Sighs heavily.) I know how I didn’t make them easy. (His frown deepens as he continues to listen.) NATHAN: (Sadly) I love you, mom, for pulling it together. (Pause) I just wanted to tell you that… things are gonna be different when you get home. (He nods.) NATHAN: …I promise. (Pause) I’m gonna make sure you get the life you want. (He continues to listen as a lot of cheering sounds off-screen.) CUT TO: [INT. THE TOUR – THE STAGE – EVENING] (Haley stands in front of the spotlight and jumps lightly as she says good bye to the crowd.) HALEY: (Into the microphone.) Thank you, goodnight(!) (Haley walks off-stage, grinning and hands the mic to somebody, slapping hands with him. The curtains close behind her.) HALEY: Thank you(!) (Laughs) See ya later. (She rushed past and a woman walks past her.) WOMAN: Hey, Haley? (Haley turns to her.) WOMAN: There’s a tall, dark, hottie waiting in the Green Room. Say’s he’s your biggest fan. (Haley smiles delightedly.) HALEY: Thank you(!) (She smiles thankfully and walks out into the Green Room. She grins, hoping to see Nathan but stops short when she sees her father-in-law. Her smile freezes in place.) DAN: (Not looking at her.) Caught the show. (Pauses before turning to her.) Who knew you actually had talent? HALEY: (Beat before she sighs.) What’re you doing here, Mr. Scott? DAN: I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. (Pause) And since you’re clearly gonna be a big star… (He reaches down and retrieves the annulment papers.) I want your autograph. (Haley reads the heading.) HALEY: (Reads disbelievingly.) Petition for annulment?(!) (She snatches the papers.) DAN: It’ll be like the marriage never happened. HALEY: (Looks at him, a mixture of pain and anger in her eyes.) My marriage is none of your business(!) And when Nathan finds out that you went behind his back to get this- (Dan helps Haley flips the page to the second one. She looks at it and sees Nathan’s signature.) DAN: I’m not hiding anything from him. (Haley looks at it, gob smacked, before gaping at him.) DAN: It’s over, Haley. (Haley doesn’t move a muscle.) DAN: Why else would Nathan have asked me to come? (Haley has tears in her eyes as she considers the truth and implications of the annulment. She doesn’t say anything as she looks back down at it.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: FADE IN: [INT. NATHAN’S APARTMENT – BEDROOM – DAY] (Nathan is in his room, putting things into a box. His front door opens and Lucas enters of his own regard.) LUCAS: (Calling out.) Hey(!) (Nathan carries on moving around without missing a beat.) LUCAS: Good news: Brooke came through with the phone, the rent, you name it! (Pause) And Andy says as soon as finds out where Dan’s stashing the skimmed money, we can nail him. (Lucas enters the bedroom and stops as he looks around.) LUCAS: (Confused) What’re you doing? NATHAN: (Sighs) I’m moving back home. (The whole room is in various degrees of disorder. Everything is being moved into boxes and bags.) LUCAS: And what is that, Dan’s bright idea? NATHAN: He’s right. Haley and I have been kidding ourselves this whole time. I’ve tried so hard to convince myself of otherwise but… I can’t pretend anymore. (Looks at Lucas.) LUCAS: Nah, this isn’t you talking. NATHAN: It is, Luke. I don’t wanna end up some bitter man who punishes Haley for what I could have been. (Lucas looks at him hard.) NATHAN: She deserves better than that(!) (Pause) So do I. LUCAS: No, you love Haley, Nathan! NATHAN: It’s not enough! (Pause) Alright? Listen, I thought this marriage was gonna make both of our lives better… but all it ended up doing was getting in the way of our dreams and… Lucas, it’s time for me to focus, now; on basketball and my mom’s recovery. (Nathan can barely look at Lucas as he preaches it.) NATHAN: (Unconvincingly) It’ll be better this way. LUCAS: (Shaking his head, upset.) Just don’t do this, man. Don’t let him win. I’ll do anything I can to help you. NATHAN: Then stop going after Dan. (Off Lucas’ face.) NATHAN: Lucas, I know the man’s no saint… (Sighs) but I think my mom’s ready to give him… ready to give our family another try. (Lucas smirks, more at Dan’s power over everything than at anything else.) LUCAS: Nathan, you’re not that naïve, you know Dan’ll never change. NATHAN: You may be right, but… I owe it to my mom to give this a try. So can I count on you to back off? (Lucas doesn’t answer. He considers how close he is to destroying Dan and also about how much his brother means to him. After a lengthy pause, he replies.) LUCAS: (Almost whispering.) …Yeah. (Nathan nods his gratitude.) FADE TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Brooke is talking on the phone while looking out of the window.) BROOKE: And since all that cool new stuff went back to its home,… my closet’s looking pretty bleak so I’m gonna shove all Lucas’ junk back in- (Cut to a framed picture of Lucas and Jake, taken when Jake had a lot longer hair. Brooke picks it up.) BROOKE: -and then head to a movie. (Pause) Hey, Peyton, was it worth it? (Another pause.) Giving your heart to Jake? CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – COUNTER – DAY] (Peyton’s sitting in front of her laptop while on the phone.) PEYTON: (Smiles and considers before nodding.) Absolutely. BROOKE: (Through the phone.) Even with the way things turned out? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: He’s in jail and you’re alone and hurting. PEYTON: (Through the phone.) But- CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – COUNTER – DAY] PEYTON: -I’ve also been happier than I thought possible. So,… I don’t know, I mean, being in love; that’s how you know you’re alive, right? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: (Looks down at the box.) Maybe. I’m starting to wonder how much one heart can take. CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – COUNTER – DAY] PEYTON: Well, there’s only one way to find out, so just… (Nods) call Lucas. CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – EVENING] PEYTON: (Through the phone, laughing.) It’s just a movie. Plus, wouldn’t you rather- CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – COUNTER – DAY] PEYTON: -take a chance than always wonder what could have been? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (She smiles and looks down at the picture again, lightly touching Lucas’ image.) BROOKE: (Smiles) I’ll call you later, OK? CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – COUNTER – DAY] PEYTON: (Whispers) OK. (She hangs up the phone and looks back at the laptop.) CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Brooke sets the picture down and sighs as she turns to her phone, trying to garner some strength.) CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK - CAFÉ – DAY] (A phone rings and Lucas walks out of a café, holding a cup of coffee. He reaches down and grabs his phone. He smiles as he sees who it is.) LUCAS: (Flips the phone and listens.) Hey, Brooke? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: (Trying to act cool.) Hey, back atcha(!) You busy? LUCAS: (Through the phone.) Nah, I’m- CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] (Puts sugar into the cup.) LUCAS: -just grabbing some coffee. What’s up? CUT TO; [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: (Grinning) We’ve been doing really well with this whole friends thing, right? CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] LUCAS: (Amused) Yeah, we have. CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: (Happy) Yeah, I think so, too. (Pause) So, I wanted to ask you something. (She backs away and the box of Lucas’ belongings falls to the floor.) CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] (Lucas hears the crash through the phone and raises an eyebrow.) BROOKE: (Through the phone.) Um,… CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (She reaches for the things that have fallen.) BROOKE: Ah, hold on. (She sits on the floor and her smile dies. There’s a shoebox full of his personal belongings and Brooke takes them out. She shuffles through them: a picture of Lucas and Peyton, a card with Lucas’ name on the front that Peyton obviously did. It says: ‘Hola Lucas, Tengo en cama. Sorry, I’ve been doing Spanish homework for a while now and I think I’m starting to go slightly insane. So I took a break to color you a card, which turned out to look like a Christmas/military card. Well, back to h/w’.) (She flips past that, to a letter Peyton wrote to him.) CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] LUCAS: Hey, Brooke, you still there? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: Yeah. (She shuffles past a CD that Peyton made him.) LUCAS: (Laughs) OK. CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] LUCAS: What’d you wanna ask me? CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (She sorts through another picture of Lucas and Peyton.) (The last thing she looks at is the picture Peyton drew. It’s of Lucas and Peyton. A speech bubble hangs over Lucas’ head and written in it is: ‘I’ve wanted this for so long’. The slogan reads: ‘And now we can have it’. It’s the picture that Peyton drew after Dan’s annual Basketball appreciation party.) (Brooke is completely depressed as all the feelings of pain, inadequacy and betrayal from earlier in the year return with surprising force.) BROOKE: Let’s not screw this up, now, OK? CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] LUCAS: (Confused) …OK. CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] BROOKE: (Throws the pictures back into the box, on the verge of a breakdown.) Bye, Lucas. (She struggles to get the words out.) (She cuts the connection.) CUT TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] (Lucas looks at the phone, confused; sure that he’s missed something.) CUT TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Brooke puts a hand to her mouth as she cries. She exhales harshly.) FADE TO: [EXT. RIVERWALK – CAFÉ – DAY] (Lucas, still confused, turns and comes face to face with Andy.) ANDY: You OK? LUCAS: Yeah, I think so. (Pause) Uh, why’d you wanna meet? (Indicates the barrier.) (They walk to the barrier.) ANDY: Well, I’ve found out where at least ninety-five thousand of Dan’s skimmed money’s going. (He’s holding a folder.) LUCAS: That’s great, where? ANDY: (Pulls out something from an envelope.) Seems he’s been making a lot of, uh, small cash deposits… into a college fund. (Shows him the paper.) for you(!) (Lucas squints and reads the letter. Sure enough, it is for a college fund in his name. It has a sum of $95,000.00 already in it.) LUCAS: I don’t get it. Why would he do that? ANDY: He could be using the fund to hide the cash before he moves it elsewhere. Or,… in some screwed-up way, maybe Dan really does care for ya. (Lucas lowers the paper and looks out ahead, shaking his head.) ANDY: Look, Lucas, nobody knows about this, yet. If you want, I can just destroy the papers and call it a day. LUCAS: (Squinting) You wanna quit going after him? ANDY: (Shrugs) That’s your decision. (Pause) I don’t know what I’m gonna turn up and I really don’t care. Dan’s nothing to me. LUCAS: (Shakes his head.) Somebody’s gotta end it. He hurts everybody he touches. ANDY: But he is your father. (Pause) So, you tell me: do I keep digging? (Lucas is struggling with his morals. Does he let Andy continue and go against Nathan’s express wishes or does he bury the guy who has caused his family so much pain. He thinks hard before coming to a decision.) LUCAS: …Yes. (Andy nods and Lucas goes all-out.) LUCAS: Don’t stop until you have everything. (Nods and taps Lucas with the paper.) ANDY: OK. (Andy walks away. Lucas looks behind and sighs.) CUT TO: [INT. THE TOUR – BACKSTAGE – EVENING] (The petition for annulment is on a keyboard. Haley sits at it, depressed and playing slowly. The backstage guy comes up behind her.) BACKSTAGE GUY: I thought you were going to see your husband. (Haley wipes her nose, tear streaks on her face.) HALEY: What husband? (He walks past her and away. Haley looks on mournfully. She wipes more tears away and continues playing.) FADE TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – KITCHEN – EVENING] (The laptop makes a noise and Karen rushes to it, another cup in her hand. She sits on the chair and sees one e-mail; from Keith. She clicks to open it. His reply is three simple words: ‘Thank you. Keith’.) (Karen looks at it, content for the moment.) FADE TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – KITCHEN – EVENING] (Nathan walks into the kitchen, slowly, one bag in his hand. Lucas is sitting at the counter.) LUCAS: Sure this is what you want? (The door opens, Dan enters and Nathan drops his bag.) NATHAN: Yeah. (Dan is holding a box of Nathan’s belongings.) DAN: It’s gonna be great having you both here. (Smiles) You’ll see. (Drops a bag.) (Lucas gets that Dan, Deb and Nathan can’t be a ‘family’ if he’s there so he stands.) LUCAS: Uh,… actually, uh,… (Nods) I’m moving home. DAN: (Disbelieving) What?(!) (Nathan glances at Dan.) DAN: Why? There’s plenty of room for all of us. (Lucas looks at Nathan. Nathan nods.) LUCAS: It’s just done(!) (Picks up his bag.) (Nathan nods once and Lucas walks out of the house; Dan staring after him. Dan looks back at Nathan.) FADE TO: [INT. ROE RESIDENCE – KITCHEN – EVENING] (Brooke is laying out cutlery on the dining table and Karen brings in some candle sticks. Brooke isn’t smiling. Karen smiles and walks to her.) KAREN: Thank you. BROOKE: (Does smile this time.) Any time. (They smile at each other and Karen walks to the cooker. The back door opens and Lucas enters. Karen makes a sudden detour and hugs him.) LUCAS: I’m home(!) KAREN: (Delighted) Oh, I’m so glad(!) (Cut to Brooke who’s keeping her emotions at bay.) LUCAS: (Groans) Me too, mom. (Karen lets go and they look at each other for a beat.) LUCAS: (Looking at Brooke.) Hey, Brooke. (Brooke looks up at him, emotions held fast.) BROOKE: (Smiles slightly tightly.) Hey. (Lucas slings his bag over his shoulder again and walks to her, helping out with the placement of the plates. Brooke barely looks at him. The tension is obvious.) (Karen looks back every few seconds whilst mixing the salad.) KAREN: (Clears her throat and brings the salad over.) Well, now that we are all here together, we need to set some new ground rules. I know that the two of you had a history. BROOKE: (Almost icily.) Oh, don’t worry, Karen, we’re just friends. (Shrugs) Nothing more. (She smiles tightly and walks past Lucas, to her bedroom. Lucas looks at his mother; she’s quite aware that that’s not the case for her son. She looks away, Lucas looks at her and Karen looks back.) (Lucas picks up his bag and walks to the living room where he deposits it on the couch.) (There’s a close-up of Lucas’ face as the pain shows clearly. His eyes are unusually bright and he’s breathing hard.) (The camera pans slightly and focuses on Brooke who is back in the kitchen, giving her attention to the salad. She looks back at him but he has his back to her.) (The camera focuses back on Lucas; his eyes closed as he lets her words sink in. He opens them slowly.) END |
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