Forever Dreaming

02x20 - Lifetime Piling Up
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/24/05 16:50 ]
Post subject:  02x20 - Lifetime Piling Up


(Camera pans up to Nathan in the operating theatre, picking up where they left off.)

NATHAN: (v.o) Douglas Adams once wrote: ‘He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream,…

(The nurse pulls his coverings up.)

NATHAN: (v.o) and he sometimes wondered whose it was,…

(The camera zooms in on him.)

NATHAN: (v.o) and whether they were enjoying it.

(There are beeps in the background which signify Nathan’s heart rate.)



(Its 6:59 am, Lucas alarm clock beeps and he reaches over, turning it off.)

(He sighs and sits up, putting his earphones on and turning his music on. He exits his bedroom and shuts the door.)



(Pills are tipped into a glass of yellowish water. The camera pans up to show Dan. He’s looking at the glass, transfixed.)

LUCAS: (Appearing) Breakfast of champions, Dad?

DAN: (Smiling) You were out late. You have fun?

LUCAS: Ah,… you know, I was… out with the guys.

DAN: (Expectantly) I thought maybe we could work out after school; do some weights.

LUCAS: Yeah, whatever.

KAREN: (o.s) We should be offering organic entrees in all our locations.

(Shot of her as she walks to the sink, talking on the phone.)

(Lucas’ eyes harden and he puts his earphone back in.)

KAREN: We’ll talk about this when I get in. (Pause) Yeah, I’ll see ya in ten.

(She looks at Lucas.)

KAREN: Good morning, honey.

DAN: Morning, wife. You’re outta here early.

KAREN: Meetings all day.

(She kisses Lucas on the cheek.)

KAREN: Good morning, Lucas.

(He takes his earphone out but doesn’t even turn to her. She looks at Dan.)

DAN: (Changing the subject hopefully.) Will you be home for dinner?

KAREN: I’ll call ya. I better go. (Smiles and walks up to him.)

(He kisses her on the cheek.)

KAREN: Got my eye set on a new location.

DAN: (To Lucas.) How many café’s can one person own?

KAREN: (Turns to look at them.) Even dozen should do it.

(She leaves and Dan looks at Lucas. Lucas picks up an empty bottle of alcohol from the bin.)

LUCAS: (Looks at it before showing Dan.) Late night for you too, huh dad?

(Drops the bottle back in the bin and walks away. Dan smiles demurely. He tries to say something to Lucas but can’t find the words.)



(Nathan, wearing a hoody with ‘Deb’s Den’ on the back, bounces his basketball on the tarmac as he heads to his friends.)

SKILLS: (o.s) Oh, man, I’m telling you, I’m telling you, I’m telling you.

MOUTH: (Watches Nathan as smiles before talking into his mic.) Finally taking the court – ladies and gentlemen – is the Rivercourt’s own Nathan Lee,-

(Nathan pulls his hood down and sighs.)

MOUTH: -star player and recent applicant to the prestigious High Flyers basketball camp.

(Nathan greets all of his friends.)

SKILLS: Oh, you forgot, uh,… ladies usual.

(Fergie laughs.)

NATHAN: Had to stop by the post office. (Pulls out an envelope from his pocket and shows it to them.)

FERGIE: High Flyers, baby. What’s the word?

NATHAN: I dunno; I haven’t opened it yet.

JUNK: (Snatching the envelope.) Dude, what is wrong with you?

NATHAN: (Laughs) That’s a felony.

(Junk opens it, not caring.)

SKILLS: Yeah, whatever, turn us in. (Junk finally gets the letter out.) Come on, what-what’s it say?

(They all read it.)

FERGIE: (Pointing to the letter.) Say’s he’s a finalist.

(Nathan exhales and his panicked expression fades.)

MOUTH: Nathan, that’s awesome(!)

NATHAN: Alright, I’m just a finalist(! ) It’s not the same thing as me actually getting into the camp.

JUNK: (Giving the letter back.) Uh-huh, act like you don’t want it.

NATHAN: (Takes the letter.) What I don’t want is to get my hopes up. There’s no way they’re gonna pick some guy that’s never played organised basketball.

MOUTH: They’ll pick a guy who played like you did on my videotape.

SKILLS: Nate, uh, I’m your best friend, right? So I feel like I can tell you this; uh,… stop being so damn modest and come out here so we can keep you humble. (Nathan smiles.)

(They laugh.)

NATHAN: Shoot for teams, huh?

SKILLS: Exactly.

(Nathan bounces the ball. Fergie bounces his to Skills who catches it. Nathan shoots and it goes straight through the hoop.)

SKILLS: Oh, OK, OK. (Skills takes his position.)



(Lucas comes racing down the road with Peyton sitting in the passenger seat.)

LUCAS: So, you wanna hang with the guys tonight?

PEYTON: (Bored) Oh, gee, there’s a unique idea.

LUCAS: Come on, Peyt, what, I can’t bond with the team?

PEYTON: What about bonding with your girlfriend?

(Lucas sneers and turns away, shaking his head. Stops her CD.)

PEYTON: I was listening to that(!) (Turns in back on.)

LUCAS: Fine! You don’t wanna hang out with us?! (Peyton looks away in exasperation.) Why don’t you just sit in your room; listen to your loser rock… and do live sex shows on your webcam for all I care!

(Peyton turns to look at the road and her eyes widen.)

PEYTON: (Pointing) Lucas, LOOK OUT!

(Lucas grabs the wheel and presses the brake, hard. The car skids to a stop, inches from Nathan who is listening to music and bouncing his basketball.)

(Nathan stops, shaken, and turns to look at them. He pulls his hood off and takes an earphone out of his ear. Lucas revs the engine threateningly.)

NATHAN: Daddy teach you how to drive?

(Peyton looks between the pair, worriedly.)

LUCAS: (Smirking) Yeah, he sends his love. Now get outta my way, loser(!)

(Nathan doesn’t move. Lucas inches the car forward; just touching Nathan. Nathan looks down at the bumper; Lucas smirks and does it again.)

(Nathan looks up at Peyton.)

PEYTON: (Mouthing) ‘I’m sorry’.

(He puts his hood and earphone back on and walks away.)

PEYTON: (Turning to Lucas.) Why do you have to treat him like that? (Lucas looks at her, eyebrow raised.) Could’ve easily been you, you know? If your dad had married his mom instead of yours.

LUCAS: (Sneering) Yeah, like that was ever gonna happen.

(He shifts the gear down, presses on the gas and they speed off.)

(Shot of the sign on the back of the car that reads: ‘I Got Mine At Keith Scott Motors’.)






(Camera pans across the sign inside the building and a cardboard cut-out of Keith; grinning toothily and pointing.)

KEITH: (Selling to a customer.) You see, it’s this… retro style and the, uh, leather interior package; makes this one-one powerful sexy machine. (Pause) And when you factor in the Keith Scott service guarantee and that elusive thing that we call the, uh, (Grins) the cool factor; this car is definitely gonna get you laid.

(The customer considers and then grins, nodding.)

(Dan enters the shop, late and out of breath. He checks his watch.)

KEITH: (Spotting Dan.) (To the customer.) Uh, do me a favour; have a seat in my office and think about that leather interior, huh?

(The customer walks in that direction and Keith turns his attention to Dan. He’s struggling to get his jacket on.)

KEITH: Oh, let me guess: Doug ate your work ethic.

DAN: Nah, I had to go by the uniform place; sign off the new Ravens logo.

KEITH: (Snarkily) Yeah(!) Like Whitey’s actually gonna let you make a decision.

DAN: Come one, Keith, it’s early, don’t start.

KEITH: I’m the boss here. Maybe you shoulda married Deb; you mighta gotten her parent’s money, things’d be different.

DAN: Can we just leave the past in the past?

KEITH: Yeah, that’s what you’re best at, isn’t it? (Looks out of the window and indicates it.) See that lady out there eyeing the convertible?

(Dan turns to see a woman looking into a black convertible.)

KEITH: She’s ready to deal. (Dan turns back.) Try not to screw it up, huh?

DAN: I’m on it, Keith. (Heads for the exit.) Oh, hey, I gotta cut out early for basketball practice, OK?

KEITH: Just about the time the bars open up, (Smirks evilly.) right boozy?

(Dan doesn’t answer or react.)

KEITH: Huh? (Sniggers cruelly.)

(Keith walks away and Dan exits.)



(Deb is leaning on the counter, writing.)

OTIS: (o.s) How bout I buy you a cold beer, Miss. Lee.

(Deb looks to the side and smiles.)

OTIS: Huh? (He drinks from his own beer.)

DEB: (Amused) Otis, you’ve been offering for ten years; you know I don’t drink.

(Walks across to him with a cup.)

OTIS: Doesn’t hurt to try, does it?

(Deb smiles and nods. The door rings and Nathan enters the den, holding his letter.)

DEB: Hey, sweetie(!)

NATHAN: What’s up, mom. I got the mail; some, uh, bills, a letter from uncle Cooper and, uh,… (Drops an application to college, on the counter.) this.

(He sits at the counter. Deb takes the leaflet and looks at it.)

NATHAN: Thinking about taking some classes?

DEB: If they offer a course in making ends meet.

(Nathan looks at the leaflet.)

NATHAN: You ever regret it? Your folks cutting you off.

DEB: (Looking him in the eye, seriously.) Not for one second, Nate. (Puts her hand on his.) Otherwise, I wouldn’t have you.

(Nathan smiles and nods.)

DEB: Besides, money buys you nothing but misery. (Looks through the mail.) I mean,… look at Dan and Karen and Lucas.

(She takes the letter out and looks at it. Nathan smirks knowingly.)

NATHAN: Well, you know, you could up the traffic in here by hiring some… hot girls to dance in the bar.

OTIS: (Pointing at Nathan.) There you go. Yeah.

NATHAN: Just saying. (Smiles)

(Deb mumbles nonsense and smiles.)

HALEY: Speaking of hot girls (Haley enters with her Snoopy hat.) sorry I’m late. (Smiles at Deb.) School bus driver ran out of gas.

NATHAN: Where were you today?

HALEY: I told you, Mr. Hirshfield took us to the planetarium. If you ever listen to me, maybe you’d know that.

NATHAN: OK, alright. I just can’t believe you went out in public with that hat.

(Deb turns to Haley and Haley glares kindly at Nathan.)

HALEY: Remind me why I’m friends with you again.

(Deb opens the High Flyers letter.)

DEB: Nathan, this is from that basketball camp.

NATHAN: Yeah, I’m a finalist. (Looking modest.) It’s no big deal.

DEB: Well, it’s a huge deal, honey, I’m really really proud of you(!)

(Nathan smiles.)

HALEY: Yeah, me too!

(Nathan looks up at her.)

HALEY: (Looking at the letter.) Congratulations. Well, we’ll have to celebrate later. Right now, (Flings the dishtowel over one shoulder.) dirty dishes are beckoning. (Sternly) You rock, don’t let it go to your head.

(She leaves and Nathan smiles, heartened.)

DEB: You know, you two are gonna end up married some day.

NATHAN: Stop it(!) We’ve known each other forever; we’re just friends.

DEB: Good place to start. (Takes a drink from her cup.)

NATHAN: (Pause) Keep dreaming.



(The camera focuses on the court as many feet walk across it.)

SKILLS: Nah, for real, man, I’m serous, dule here really got bigger.

NATHAN: Skills(!)

(Junk, Fergie, Mouth and Skills laugh.)

SKILLS: Nah, I’m serious(!)

(Their smiles freeze on their faces as they come up to the Ravens basketball tem on their court, using their hoop. Lucas and the gang are all there.)

NATHAN: You guys must be lost.

(Lucas looks at Nathan while the others keep playing. Tim turns with Lucas as he scoffs girlishly.)

LUCAS: (Advancing) Well, Whitey closed up the gym; We gotta have somewhere to run.

(The rest of the team back Lucas up.)

SKILLS: Well, you ain’t bout to do it up here.

TIM: (Scoffs) Oh contraire-

LUCAS: (Exasperatedly) Tim, just say ‘yes we are’. See, I’m in training for High Flyers. (Tilts his head.) You wouldn’t know anything about that now, would you? Street trash.

MOUTH: (Glaring) You wanna bet?

(Nathan looks at Mouth.)

JUNK: Nate’s a finalist, too.


SKILLS: It’s true

LUCAS: (Laughs amusedly.) Pipe dream, much? (Tim continues to laugh.) Coz they only take… (Walks up to him.) one player from each high school. Now who d’ya think they’re gonna pick, huh? Star shooting guard… of the undefeated Ravens… or the Rivercourt bastard.

(Lucas snatches Nathan’s ball from his hands. He glares before turning and bouncing the ball away. He jumps and dunks the ball through the hoop, grabbing the ring for a beat before letting go and hitting the ground with both feet, landing with ease. He turns to smirk at Nathan and the team back away to follow him off the court.)

(Shot of Nathan.)





(Nathan runs along a bridge, headphones in his ears as he listens to music and works out.)

(The camera pans down to show Brooke, standing beside her car as she watches him with her arms crossed.)

(Cut back to Nathan as he finishes crossing the bridge.)

(Brooke smiles conspiratorially.)



(Nathan is alone in the shower room, having a wash, his back to the camera. Brooke enters, dressed only in a towel. She looks around before walking around the partition and silently approaching Nathan. She looks him up and down and grins.)

BROOKE: So I guess the rumours are true; (Nathan starts and grabs the nearest towel; trying to cover himself.) Mr. Size 14.

(He looks at her embarrassedly.)

NATHAN: Wh-a(!) Uh,… I think… you’re in the wrong locker room.

BROOKE: (Mock confused.) Well,… (Turns and holds one side of the towel out.) the… sign says ‘Boys’… (Deliberately drops the towel.) doesn’t it?

(Nathan looks away as she exposes herself.)

NATHAN: Ohhhhkayyy, Whoa(!)

BROOKE: (Not nearly embarrassed.) Oops(!)

(Nathan doesn’t meet her eyes, red in the face.)

BROOKE: I’m Brooke; but I bet you already knew that.

NATHAN: Yeah, I-I gotta go(!)

(He rushes out of there as fast as he can without slipping.)

(Dan is standing there, having witnessed the entire thing. Brooke walks to the exit and, without missing a beat, smiles innocently at him.)

BROOKE: Hi, Coach Scott(!)

(Dan follows her exit with a curious look.)



(Lucas is pushing weights and groaning slightly with the effort. Dan comes up behind him.)

DAN: Ah-ah, I got you. Come on. (Lucas struggles to push the weights up.) Push!

(Lucas finally gets it done and sits up, pissed.)

LUCAS: God, I had it, dad(!)

DAN: (Laughing) Right(!) What’re you slinging?

LUCAS: Bout 160.

DAN: Wow, didn’t know I had a daughter. Let’s kick it up. We’re gonna have to start 200 a day if we’re gonna impress the High Flyers scout.

(He adds some more weights.)

LUCAS: Why, coz you couldn’t, back in the day?

DAN: I’m trying to help you. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did.

LUCAS: What do you know about your other son applying for High Flyers?

DAN: Don’t call him that. Don’t worry, he’ll never make it.

(Lucas looks off and scoffs.)

LUCAS: Well, he made finalist. Which means Whitey must have signed off on his application.

(Lucas gets up and leaves while Dan glares.)



(Dan stomps into the office.)

DAN: You’re not seriously considering Deb’s son for High Flyers spot.

WHITEY: Well he’s your son too, Danny. (Picks up some papers.) And good morning to you. (Smiling)

DAN: That kid’s just trying to sabotage Lucas’ shot(!)

WHITEY: (Smile drops.) That ‘kid’ sent in a tape that impressed the scouts so much that they made him a finalist. All I did was sign the papers. I’m an equal opportunity instigator. (Grins)

DAN: You did this just to get me. (Turns to the exit.)

WHITEY: Danny(!) Maybe it didn’t make the nightly news but this is not about you. (Dan turns to him.)

DAN: Nathan’s never played for a real team. He’s a street-ball player, Whitey(!)

WHITEY: (Angry) And apparently, a pretty damn good one! Least he got something from you.

DAN: (Shakes his head.) What’re you up to?

WHITEY: Just fairness. I wouldn’t expect you to understand that. (Pause) But if Lucas is the better player, he’s got nothing to worry about. (Grins evilly.) Till then, let the best man win.

(Dan turns back to the exit.)

WHITEY: Oh, and, uh, (Dan stops.) be sure and let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

(Whitey laughs as Dan shuts the door behind him. The camera pans to a framed picture of Dan and Whitey. Whitey’s holding the trophy in front of Dan’s face so it can barely be seen.)



(Camera pans down from the trees to the small table and benches that Nathan and Haley are sitting at. They are eating Crackerjacks.)

HALEY: She was totally naked?

NATHAN: As the day she was born.

(Haley groans and looks away.)

NATHAN: Only a lot more… curvy.

HALEY: Well what happened then?

NATHAN: (Shrugs piteously.) I got the hell outta there(!)

HALEY: (Amused) You and Brooke Davis. (High voice.) Captain of the ‘CheerSluts’(!) That is hard to picture.

NATHAN: (Nods as he looks into the Crackerjack box.) Yeah, I’d say ‘hard’ is the right word.

HALEY: Eeew(!) (Smacks him on the arm.)

(They laugh. He pulls out the gift from the box.)

NATHAN: OK, what’s this?

(Rips it open and pulls out the purple bracelet; the same from last season.)

HALEY: Oh, score, a bracelet. Last time I got some fake tattoo with a random number.

NATHAN: Well, here.

(He stretches out the bracelet so that she can put her hand through it.)

NATHAN: It matches that, uh, thing you call a shirt.

HALEY: (Pointing to her poncho.) My mother made this for me, and shut up(!)

NATHAN: You shut up.

HALEY: You shut up.

(She smacks him on the hand and puts her other one through the bracelet.)

NATHAN: (Pointing) Don’t say I never gave you anything. (Smiles)

(Haley smiles and eats another Crackerjack.)



(Nathan is sitting in his bedroom, working, when there’s a light knock on his door. He looks for a beat before standing and walking to the door. It opens to Whitey.)

NATHAN: I think you… have the wrong son’s house.

WHITEY: …I need to talk to you about your game.

(Cut to Whitey putting a picture of Nathan and Deb back onto the shelf. Turns and sighs.)

WHITEY: I didn’t know you were that good a player till I saw that tape. You’re a little rough round the edges but you got the makings.

NATHAN: (Leaning on his desk.) If this is about me joining the team, you can forget it.

WHITEY: (Laughs) Son, I’m a lot smarter than you give me credit for. (Pause) Asking you to play alongside Lucas, when that, uh, ass-crack (Nathan smiles agreeably.) of a father of yours is my assistant coach; I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

(Nathan nods. Whitey sits in Nathan’s bed.)

WHITEY: Tell me, why did you apply to the High Flyers?

NATHAN: Coz I love the game. (Pause) Coz all the messed up… history in this town has kept me from being able to play. (Shrugs) This camp might give me a shot at playing college; where I don’t have to… live in anybody else’s shadow.

(Whitey looks down.)

NATHAN: I know I’m good, I just wanna prove that I’m good enough(!)

WHITEY: Nathan, I’m gonna level with you: you getting into that camp is a long shot.

(Nathan’s hopes die.)

WHITEY: I can only pick one athlete from this school… normally, Lucas’d be a shoe-in… (Sighs and looks back up.) but I was impressed by your tape.

NATHAN: (Shrugs) Then… pick me.

WHITEY: (Torn) It’s not that easy. (Stands) I have to be sure you can hold your own with a real team: passing, defence,… running picks.

NATHAN: (Shakes his head.) Well, I can’t play in that gym, Coach.

WHITEY: (Laughs) Well, then play at the Rivercourt.

NATHAN: (Smiling) You want me to play against Lucas?

WHITEY: (Seriously) Technically, I want you to beat him(!) (Smiles) That’s up to you.

(Nathan smiles as he assesses Whitey.)





(The sound of a basketball match is heard in the background as the camera pans across pictures of Karen and Dan to a picture of Lucas in a ‘Clarence 41’ shirt.)

(Shot fades to Dan watching the TV of his long past glory days and smiling.)

LUCAS: (o.s) Want me to cue Springsteen’s glory days?

(Shot cuts back and shows Lucas standing over Dan’s shoulder.)

LUCAS: Take the picture?

DAN: So, I’m nostalgic.

LUCAS: (Lifts an eyebrow slightly.) That’s one word for it. Sweet dreams, dad. (Leaves the room.)

DAN: Hey, cut me some slack, son. (Stands) I look at you and I see… I see myself twenty years ago. It reminds me of all that promise. (Lucas looks at him.) If I ride you, (Pause) it’s because I wanna see you feel all the triumph that I never had. But I’m telling you, this ‘kid’ is a risk to all that.

LUCAS: Oh, you mean you other son?

DAN: Only biologically. He means nothing to me, and you mean everything.

(Lucas laughs and looks away.)

DAN: I saw his tape today, and I was wrong when I said that he’s no threat to you. So you’re gonna have to do whatever it takes to beat him.

LUCAS: Don’t sweat it, dad. (Looks at him.) I’ll protect what’s left of your good name.

(He looks at the TV. The tape that Dan has of his and Karen’s prom night is playing. Karen speaks about how they will be married and live in a big house.)

LUCAS: You got bigger problems anyway.

(Lucas smirks and exits.)

(Cut to the TV.)

PROM KAREN: Come visit us in ten years and… I bet you can meet the kids and… get a tour of our big house… and see how happy we are.

(Dan turns away and looks down before turning the TV off.)



(Karen and Keith are in bed, doing what most naked people do in bed.)

(She reaches over to the clock and turns it so that she can see the time.)

KAREN: What time is it?(!) God, I gotta go(!)

(She sits up and takes the covers with her.)

KEITH: Oh, no(!)

KAREN: Oh, I’ve already worked late a lot these past few weeks.

(She puts her shirt on and sighs.)

KEITH: Dan is not gonna be suspicious, trust me. (Leans against the headboard.)

(Karen walks to the rest of her clothes and looks back at him, sighing.)

KEITH: Why don’t you stay the night?

KAREN: (Looks at him.) You know I can’t do that.

KEITH: Well, you could if you leave him.

(She turns to him and smiles. She gets back onto the bed and they look at each other.)

KAREN: Who would protect Lucas?

KEITH: From what? Becoming a jack-hole like his father? I think it’s a little late for that.

KAREN: (Sternly) Keith(!)

KEITH: OK, I-I’m sorry. (They exchange looks.) You know, I would raise Lucas like he was my own.

(Karen looks at him for a beat before getting off the bed.)

KAREN: (To herself.) Sometimes I think he is.

(Keith leans up on one elbow as he watches her leave.)





(Karen enters the kitchen to find Lucas there.)

KAREN: Lucas, you’re up late.

LUCAS: (Distant) Makes two of us.

KAREN: Meetings, you know.

LUCAS: (Smirking) Yeah, I know. (Walks past her, drinking from a bottle of water.)

KAREN: Hey, wait(!)

(He turns to her, glaring.)

KAREN: I thought I’d make some coco. We could sit and talk like we used to.

LUCAS: You want a late night chat, mom? Why don’t you just try calling Uncle Keith? I’m sure he’ll come running.

(The hurt is evident in his eyes as he leaves. Karen doesn’t know what to say to him.)



(Shot of a slide of the stars.)

MR HIRSHFIELD: (o.s) As you see, class, galaxies come in three main-

(Camera pans to Nathan and Haley.)

HALEY: Of course you’re gonna do it, you’ve gotta play this game(!)

NATHAN: Haley, (Struggles) it’s Lucas.

HALEY: So, you can’t let him stop you from chasing after your dream(!)

NATHAN: (Sighs) That’s easy for you to say.

HALEY: Dude, nothing is ever gonna happen for you if you don’t put yourself out there(!) (Amused) You gotta shoot for the stars(!)

(They laugh.)

NATHAN: What about you? What’re you’re dreams?

HALEY: (Instantly) Chocolate.

NATHAN: Seriously?

HALEY: Yea, chocolate. (She laughs.) Um,… well, I never told anybody this… but, I kinda wanna be a singer.

NATHAN: A singer?

HALEY: Yeah, you know, like, tour the country and play concerts and wear really cool clothes and then release an album.

(Nathan turns away, laughing.)

HALEY: Oh, you think that’s funny?

NATHAN: No,… I just,… Haley, I’ve heard you sing.

HALEY: (Gasps and slaps him.) Shut up(!) Just because I’m tone-deaf doesn’t mean I can’t dream, OK?

NATHAN: No, yeah, you’re right. You’re right, I guess it doesn’t.

(Haley laughs. Nathan looks at her and sighs, smiling warmly.)

(The camera pans back to Lucas and Tim who are sitting at the back of the class.)

TIM: I got it. Seduce the tutor girl. You know, like, get inside her head and… steal her away from him.

(Lucas frowns and sighs.)

TIM: Then dump her; crush her heart.

LUCAS: Tim, that’s the dumbest idea ever.

TIM: (Looks back at Nathan and Haley.) What’re you talking about? It’s genius(!)

LUCAS: (Sighs) You wanna hear genius? Tonight’s the game.

(The camera cuts back to them.)

LUCAS: He can’t win if he doesn’t show up.

TIM: You’re gonna kill him?(!)

(Lucas sighs and closes his eyes, begging for a little intelligence. He leans over and whispers in Tim’s ear. Tim grins giddily.)

TIM: You got mad things, yo. (Hold out his fist for Lucas to knock.)

LUCAS: (Studies him stoically.) …Tim, just say it’s a good plan.

(Lucas ignores the fist. Tim turns away and sighs. Lucas glances back at Peyton who’s studying him, completely aware that he’s up to something.)

(The class has ended and Haley is packing up her things. She puts her book into her bag. Peyton approaches her.)

PEYTON: Um,… (Smiling) you’re a tutor, right?

HALEY: (Smiling) You’re a jackasses girlfriend, right? (Stands up.)

PEYTON: Guess we’re both right. Uh… look, I’m Peyton… and… I know you’re friends with Lucas’ brother.

HALEY: Half-brother, his name’s Nathan.

PEYTON: He’s, like, you’re boyfriend or-

HALEY: (Annoyed) He’s, like, my friend(!) Why do you people always assume that? God(!) (Looks down and then up again.) Look, let me just save you some time, OK, Goldilocks, he’s really not into cheerleaders(!)

PEYTON: (Not backing down.) OK, first: retract the claws(!)

(Haley stops and looks up.)

PEYTON: Second: Lucas is planning on doing something to Nathan tonight. Before the game.

HALEY: What’s he gonna do?

PEYTON: I don’t have any specifics… but, he will do anything to get to that stupid basketball camp. So you might wanna warn Nathan.

(Haley, disheartened, looks down.)

PEYTON: Just thought you’d like to know. (Exits the classroom.)

(Haley blinks.)



(Shot of the hoop and sky. Nathan suddenly appears as he dunks the ball and grabs the hoop. Pan down to Nathan bouncing and throwing the ball again.)

(Dan’s there. He gets out of the car and shuts the door. Nathan, not knowing, takes the ball and walks back, bouncing it again.)

DAN: I thought it was time to break the ice.

NATHAN: (Turns to him, ball still in hand, and scoffs.) After seventeen years? (Inclines his head and throws the ball again.) Nice try.

(Dan watches him and grins.)

DAN: That’s my DNA, you know?

NATHAN: If that’s what you need to believe.

DAN: Let’s get right to it. (Pause) I’ll give you five-hundred bucks to withdraw your application.

NATHAN: (Amused) Well, I’d give you this weeks allowance…

(He throws the ball. It goes in and Dan catches it and does a silly little move.)

DAN: You really think you’ve got a chance to win this thing? You’re kidding yourself. Just like your mother was kidding herself when she moved to Tree Hill.

NATHAN: (Shakes his head, angry.) You know what? I wasn’t even sure if I was gonna go through with this game… but now I am gonna play. (Takes the ball back.) And I’m gonna win.

(Dan grins, impressed.)

DAN: I guess you are my son after all.

(Dan smiles and nods as he walks away. Nathan throws the ball and it goes through the hoop again.)





(Deb walks around behind the bar.)

DEB: OK, it’s, uh, (Counts the money handed over by a customer.) eight bucks for the beers, ooo, twenty dollar tip(!)

MAN: Hey, the twenty’s on the Rivercourt team.

DEB: (Stops short of putting the money in her top.) Ah, good man. (Smiles at him.)

(There’s a lot of cheering as Nathan enters the bar. Nathan looks to his mother for an explanation.)

DEB: (Waving) Hey, honey(!)

NATHAN: (Shouting to be heard.) What’s going on?

DEB: We’re starting the victory party a little early.

(She looks up as Nathan walks to her.)

DEB: What, bad idea?

NATHAN: No, it’s just, um,… (Looks at her.) Dan came to visit me. He offered me cash to drop out.

DEB: (Smiling to herself.) Oh, honey, (Puts her hand on his.) Shut him out(!) You’re good. I don’t know if I tell you this enough, but I,… (Shakes her head.) am so proud of you. (Nathan smiles.) Even more so when you kick that kid’s butt tonight.

NATHAN: Yeah. That’s the plan.

(Nathan leaves and Deb thinks. She grabs the empty glass off the bar.)

GUY: (As Nathan passes.) Good luck, Nathan.

(Haley walks out of the back, relieved.)

HALEY: Thank god(!) Where have you been and why aren’t you answering your phone?

NATHAN: Right here and I’m… recharging the batteries. Why, what’s going on?

HALEY: Because Lucas is gonna try something tonight, OK?

(Nathan looks away before facing her again, resolute.)

NATHAN: Let him. I’m not scared of him.

HALEY: Will you just be careful, please?

NATHAN: I’m gonna be fine, alright? I promise.

(He smiles and walks past her. Haley squints, still worried.)



(Nathan exits the building and walks alone, head down and hands in pockets. A car is heard zooming before it stops behind him and the doors open. Guys from the basketball team jump out.)

TIM: Yo, Nate!

(They charge at him and grab him from behind.)

NATHAN: What the-! Get off of me!

(They put a sack over his head. Nathan manages to elbow Tim in the face and he goes down; not surprisingly.)

TIM: Let’s go(!) (Shuts the door and gets into the driver’s seat.)

(They drive off.)



(The car stops at the swamp and they pull Nathan out. His hands are tied behind his back and the sack is taken off.)

NATHAN: (Seeing where they’ve bought him.) Oh, come on(!)

(He struggles but they continue to drag him forward. He’s dropped into it.)

(Lucas and Tim appear, smirking.)

LUCAS: Oops(!)

(Nathan gets to his feet as the pair advance on him. He struggles as he walks up to them, staring them in the face.)

LUCAS: I warned you. It seems you and me have something in common.

(Nathan looks up at him.)

LUCAS: (Smirking) We don’t quit.

NATHAN: You and I, moron.

LUCAS: (Raises an eyebrow and leans forward.) What?

(Nathan sighs and shakes his head dismissively.)

LUCAS: Look, (Pause) I have been working towards this camp since junior high… and nobody’s gonna screw it up for me. Especially not you. So I’m gonna be nice and let you walk away from this game.

TIM: (Grinning) We should take his clothes.

(The two guys holding Nathan look confused and Nathan just frowns at Tim.)

LUCAS: (Sighing) Tim, what is wrong with you? You pitch that every time we kidnap a guy.

TIM: I mean, i-i-it’ll make it harder for him to get home.

LUCAS: (Beat) And so will this; (Walks forward.)

(The guys continue to hold Nathan as Lucas walks up and puts his hand into Nathan’s pocket.)

NATHAN: (Eyebrow raised.) Getting your jollies?

(Lucas smirks and takes Nathan’s phone out of his pocket, throwing it into the water. Nathan turns back, pissed, but there’s nothing that he can do; he’s held tight.)

LUCAS: You tell anybody about this,… and you’re dead.

(Nathan glares.)

LUCAS: Let’s go.

(They leave Nathan there, hands tied and stranded, with no phone and no car. He struggles to get his hands free.)



(Close-up of pictures of many many eyes on Peyton’s wall. The camera pans down to show Peyton’s drawing. It’s of a closed door and a welcome mat which says ‘P. SAWYER’ and has a sketch of herself on the mat.)

(Lucas enters the room. Peyton looks at him before turning away.)

LUCAS: You ready?

PEYTON: Nope. I’m not going. (Continues drawing.)

LUCAS: Oh, come on, Peyt, I thought we were gonna work on… you know, getting back to normal.

PEYTON: (Scoffs and gets up.) OK, trust me when I say that normal is the last thing I want with us because – in case you haven’t noticed – normal sucks with us, Lucas. And I hate it when you call me ‘Peyt’.

LUCAS: (Smirking) Is this about Nathan?

PEYTON: No(!) It’s about you(!) I’m starting to see who you really are and I may be late to that party but… better late than never.

(She spots a stain on his jacket.)

PEYTON: You did something to Nathan, didn’t you? (Lucas looks at it.) What, your stupid kidnapping thing?

LUCAS: I thought you said this wasn’t about him. Hm?

(Peyton looks away.)

LUCAS: You know, I’ll just come back when you’re not so… PMS. (Walks away.)

PEYTON: Don’t bother(!)

LUCAS: Peyton- (Turns back.)

PEYTON: Luke, I mean it(!) We’re done. (Looks him straight in the eyes.)

LUCAS: …Your loss. (Pause) Peyt. (Exits)

(Focus on Peyton.)



(Shot of the hoop. The camera pans down to show all of the gathered people. Lucas is throwing practice shots at the hoop. Junk, Fergie and Skills enter the court and look at Lucas.)

SKILLS: Hey, where’s Nate, man?

LUCAS: (Turing to them.) Maybe he chickened out(!)

(Tim laughs.)

FERGIE: Maybe you’re a dick(!)

LUCAS: What?

DEB: (Concerned) Where’s Nathan?

JUNK: That’s what we’re trying to find out.

(Deb looks around. Lucas looks at her, smirking.)

SKILLS: Hey, how’d you get that shiner on your eye, dawg? (Cut to Tim.) What, you and your boyfriend here like it kinda rough?

(Tim laughs and looks down before shoving Skills. Skills backs up a bit before swinging back and punching Tim in the face.)

LUCAS: Hey! (Comes between the pair.)

(Dan appears and holds the pair apart. People struggle all over the court, trying to start something.)

WHITEY: Break it up, break it up. Come on, what’re you trying to do? Get thrown outta the game before it starts? (Pushes Tim.) Get over there.

(Lucas backs up. Whitey passes glares all around.)

(Karen is there, standing beside Dan.)

DEB: (To Karen and Dan.) My son better be alright.

(Karen looks at Dan accusingly as Deb turns away.)

DEB: (To herself.) Where are you, Nathan?



(Nathan is walking down the road when Peyton drives up to him. She pulls up next to him and he looks at her.)

PEYTON: (Unlocking the door.) Get in.

NATHAN: How’d you find me?

PEYTON: (Amused) You think you’re the first guy he’s done this to?

NATHAN: I can see why you stay with the guy.

PEYTON: Actually, I broke up with him tonight.

NATHAN: So you’re helping me just to piss him off?

PEYTON: That, and you seem like a decent guy. Plus, I think everybody deserves a shot. If you really want something bad enough no one has the right to stand in your way.

(Nathan looks away.)


NATHAN: Nothing, I just… I got that weird… déjà vu thing.

PEYTON: I don’t believe in past lives. I think we’ve got one life, one chance and what we do with it is up to us.

(Nathan smiles.)

PEYTON: So get it. I’m your only hope of making it to the stupid game on time.

(Nathan concedes and opens the door, getting in. They drive off.)



(People are hanging around, still waiting for Nathan. Lucas is still taking shots at the hoop. Haley walks up from behind.)

MOUTH: Well, ladies and gentlemen, the game’s looking like a forfeit, with Nathan Lee a no-show-

HALEY: Not so fast, Mouth.

(Lucas walks past and she confronts him.)

HALEY: What’d you do?(!)

LUCAS: What, it’s not my fault your boyfriend finally grew a brain. (Touches her chin.) Sweetie.

HALEY: Peyton said that you were gonna try something. H-

(People start converging in the opposite direction. Haley turns to look. A car is heard. Deb turns too and Peyton’s car pulls up.)

(Lucas eyes it and Nathan gets out. Haley and Deb walk to him.)

DEB: Are you alright?

NATHAN: Yeah. (Kisses her on the cheek.) I’m fine, mom. (To Haley.) Hey.


(Nathan greets a few other people and Peyton shuts her car door, walking forward. She looks at Lucas sternly. He turns and walks onto the court.)

(Whitey approaches, looking at his watch, ball in hand.)

NATHAN: Am I too late?

WHITEY: (Throws the ball at him.) Almost. (Nathan catches it.) Get this game started.

(Lucas walks up, not in the least bit pleased.)

WHITEY: Four on four. Let’s hustle(!)

NATHAN: No(!) (Whitey stops and turns back.) Me against him. (Points to Lucas.) It’s the way it’s always been, right?

(Lucas doesn’t argue.)

NATHAN: Why should tonight be any different?

LUCAS: (Smirks) Your funeral.

WHITEY: Game to eleven by one. (Looks at the pair.) LET’S GO! (Claps and walks off the court.)

(Nathan throws the ball at Lucas.)

NATHAN: Shoot for ball.

LUCAS: (Scowling) Fine by me. (Throws the ball and is goes through the hoop.)

(Lucas holds his arms out as the crowd cheers. Nathan bounces the ball and passes it back to Lucas. He walks to him and Lucas tosses it back. Nathan walks up, holds the ball out and gets ready.)

(There’s a moments pause before Lucas makes a move, dodges and jumps, throwing the ball. Nathan jumps too but it sails high and goes through the hoop.)

(The cheerleaders cheer, decked out in gear though there’s no need for it. Dan claps and Karen smiles.)

(Bouncing the ball, Nathan takes Lucas’ previous position and moves about slightly, trying to put Lucas off.)

(Lucas crouches and waits for Nathan’s move. He bounces the ball, spins, and jumps, letting go of the ball. It flies and goes through the hoop.)

(The crowd cheers and Haley whoops whilst clapping.)

(Lucas runs with the ball and dunks it, too quick for Nathan.)

(Nathan runs jumps and gets a basket.)

(Deb smiles happily, silently praying for her son.)

(Nathan tries to block Lucas’ attempt but it’s in vain as the ball eventually goes in.)

(Nathan jumps and shoots but it hits the edge, missing the basket.)

(Cut to Whitey who is scowling for all he’s worth. He looks away.)

(Fade to the game. Lucas jumps and hits it. The crowd cheers every time either one makes it. He gets another one and another in a series of fades. Nathan’s hands aren’t enough to stop him.)

(Lucas passes him the ball. Nathan runs and jumps, getting the ball in three times with a series of fades.)

(Lucas shoots and scores as does Nathan.)

MOUTH: (o.s) So, rank my last two girlfriends and you’ll have the score folks; it’s ten-nine, Nathan Lee.

(Nathan blocks Lucas all the way down the court. Lucas deliberately turns and elbows Nathan in the face. Nathan almost goes down with the force of it. Deb stands, anguished.)

MOUTH: Oh, and that’s a foul by Scott.

(Lucas gets another basket while Nathan’s down.)

MOUTH: That’s gotta hurt.

(Bevin’s eyes are wide and Brooke gapes at the indecency of it. Lucas takes the ball and watches Nathan. Peyton glares. Haley waits, worried.)

(Nathan spits out and Lucas approaches him.)

NATHAN: (Touches his mouth to make sure that he’s OK.) No foul,… the basket counts.

(Lucas nods smarmily and advances.)

MOUTH: And Lee calls it good(!) It’s ten-ten, game point. Next basket wins.

(Whitey shakes his head and looks away. He can’t watch. Karen looks at Dan. Peyton watches tensely.)

(Lucas tosses the ball.)

LUCAS: (Leaning forward.) You know, he’s never mentioned you once; (Gives him the ball.) not in all these years.

(Nathan looks at him as if he’s crazy.)

NATHAN: And you really think things would have been different if he’d married my mom? If you do, you’re a fool.

LUCAS: (Tense-jawed) You’re the fool,… and after you miss this basket, a loser too.

NATHAN: (Exhales) Whatever(!) This is for my mom.

(Nathan crouches, dodges right, then left, moves forward – Lucas keeping track the entire time – before turning and hitting the fade away. The shot moves into slow-motion as he jumps and gets the basket. Lucas can’t stop him. Nathan hangs onto the basket as he realises that he’s won.)

(Nathan’s feet hit the ground. Mouth, Deb and Haley scream with the rest of the crowd as they jump up delightedly and cheer for their lives.)

(The cheerleaders look on, stunned.)

(Lucas gapes as he looks around, unsure of what happened.)

(A crowd of people converge on Nathan and grab him in a many-armed hug. Nathan hugs his mother. He slaps hands with many people.)

(Peyton smiles happily.)

WHITEY: (To Dan and Karen.) Looks like Nathan’s going to High Flyers after all.

(Whitey smirks and walks away. Karen and Dan don’t say a word.)

KAREN: (Off Dan’s look.) It’s just a game, Dan. (Walks away.)

(Lucas looks at his father but Dan shakes his head and walks off. Lucas approaches Nathan and holds his hand out. Nathan looks down at his hand cautiously before shaking it.)

LUCAS: Good game. You deserve to go to that camp.

NATHAN: (Confused) Thanks.

LUCAS: You’re gonna be OK. Just… (Smiles and bumps him on the shoulder.) come back to us soon. (Backs up and walks away.)

NATHAN: (Still confused.) What’s that-?

HALEY: (Walks up to him.) They haven’t invented words for how much I love you. (Smiles)

(Nathan smiles happily.)

HALEY: Doesn’t look like I’ll be needed this anymore. (Holds out her hand.)

(She drops the bracelet into his hand. He closes it and looks up at her.)

HALEY: Don’t say I never gave you anything.

(She smiles and backs away too; leaving him there alone.)

(Nathan frowns and looks down at his hand. Close-up as he opens it to reveal, not the bracelet but Haley’s wedding ring. He looks back up and everybody’s gone. He is completely alone.)

NATHAN: (Looking around.) Haley?! (Looks down at the ring and then up again.) HALEY?! HALEY!?

(Birdseye view of Nathan as the camera slowly zooms out.)




(Camera pans down to Nathan who’s in the bed with a tube in his nose.)

NATHAN: (Still dreaming.) Haley? Haley?!

(Lucas gets up from his chair and leans over Nathan.)

LUCAS: Hey, Nate?

(Nathan sighs and opens his eyes.)

LUCAS: (Quietly) Nate. (Nathan looks at him.) Hey, it’s me. Don’t worry. (Nathan is distressed.) It’s OK, it’s me.

(Nathan looks at his hand.)

LUCAS: Hey,… (Nathan glances back.) welcome back little brother. (Obviously pleased.)

(Nathan doesn’t know what to say. Lucas smiles and shakes his head; pleased that his brother’s OK.)

(The camera zooms out slowly as neither one says anything.)





(Lucas is back in the chair.)

LUCAS: How’re you feeling?

NATHAN: Like I hit a brick wall.

(Lucas laughs and shakes his head.)

LUCAS: Well, the doc says you’re gonna be fine.

(Nathan sighs heavily.)

LUCAS: (Long pause.) You know, what was this anyway, huh? Some sort of messed up… anything Lucas can do, I can do better?

NATHAN: No… you wanna hear something really messed up though? (Finding it hard to breathe.) I thought I died, went to heaven.

LUCAS: (Nodding) No kidding.

NATHAN: Yeah. (Pause) Only,… heaven was a place where… Dan chose your mom… over mine.

(Lucas looks away and laughs.)

NATHAN: Then Haley was tone-deaf.

(Lucas nods.)

NATHAN: But that was only a dream. I did kick your ass on one-on-one, though.

LUCAS: Well, I guess it was a dream then, huh? (Laughs)

(Nathan tries to laugh but it hurts too much. Lucas’ smile falls as he thinks about how to phrase what he did.)

LUCAS: I know you… you asked me not to, but… I called Haley.

(Beat as Nathan looks at Lucas.)

LUCAS: She’s your wife, Nate. And she loves you. She needed to know.

(Lucas waits for a reply but Nathan gives nothing.)

LUCAS: Nate? (Nathan faces him.) I have to ask you something. (Long pause.) When you hit the wall… (Shakes his head.) there was no brake marks on the track.

(Nathan just looks at him dispassionately.)

NATHAN: You’re asking me if I did this on purpose?

(Lucas nods but there’s no time for a reply as the door opens and Deb enters.)

DEB: Nathan(!)

(Lucas turns to look at her.)

DEB: (Shuts the door.) Oh, thank god(!)

(Lucas is disappointed as he makes to stand up.)

LUCAS: I’ll let you two, uh… (Stands up.)

DEB: (Sighs as she takes Lucas’ seat.) Nathan, I-

NATHAN: (Cutting her off.) I love you, mom. (Nods)

(Lucas makes a hasty exit. Deb sighs happily.)

NATHAN: I mean that. And I-I know I’ve been a jerk lately; to you, to everybody else.

(Deb touches his arm.)

NATHAN: (Looking at her.) I’m sorry.

DEB: You’ve been hurting.

NATHAN: It doesn’t matter. (Pause) I know you’re just trying to be a good mother.

(He reaches out and holds his hand open for her. Deb takes his hand and smiles happily, tears in her eyes. She stands and sits on the edge of his bed.)

DEB: I haven’t been a good mother, Nathan. But that’s going to change now.

NATHAN: (Looks at her confused.) What’re you talking about?

DEB: …I need to be stronger for you… and for myself. (Pause) So, while you’re healing from this,… I’ll be healing too. I promise you.

NATHAN: (Smiles) Whatever it is,… I got your back.

(They smile at each other.)

NATHAN: Do you ever… wonder what life would be like… if Dan had married Karen… and just stayed out of our lives?

DEB: (Pause) All the time. (Inhales) Why?

(Again, Nathan doesn’t get to reply as the door opens and Dan enters. They look at him.)

DAN: Glad to see you’re awake, son.

(Deb turns away from him. The tears have fallen over. Nathan just scowls at his father. Dan exits the room and Deb looks down. Nathan smiles at her.)

(Shot of their hands before the camera pans left.)



(There is less shredded paper on the bed and Brooke is still hard at work, sorting out every tedious little piece. She has almost finished piecing together the invoice. She smoothes it out with her fingers and looks at it closely.)

BROOKE: (Sighs) A receipt for a car.



(Karen is on the phone, clearly upset. She looks at it and shuts the phone slowly. Whitey sees her and takes the seat beside her.)

WHITEY: Were you able to get in touch with Keith?

KAREN: (Shakes her head.) His voicemail is full. (Choked up.) He… needs to know what’s happened to Nathan.

(Close-up of her distraught face.)

KAREN: But I… can’t even leave him a message.

(Whitey puts his arm around her and she leans her head on his shoulder.)

KAREN: (In tears.) Where is he, Whitey?(!)

WHITEY: (Almost whispering.) I wish I knew.

(Karen cries on his shoulder as the camera panes right.)



(Deb walks up to the clinic. Dan is behind her, watching with an indecently bright gleam in his eye.)

(She turns back to look at him.)

DAN: It’s OK, Deb. I’ll be here when you get out.

(Deb looks at him with as much pride as she can muster before pushing the door open and entering.)

(Shot of the sign which reads: ‘BRIARWOOD RECOVERY CENTER: PRIVATE’.)



(Nathan is sitting – propped up – in the bed. Peyton and Brooke are on one side of the bed and Lucas is sitting at the other side, on the actual bed.)

NURSE: (o.s) Sorry guys, (They turn to look at her.) visiting hours are over. (Smiles)

LUCAS: (Turns back and smiles at Nathan.) You need anything?

NATHAN: No, I’m cool, man.

(Lucas pats him on the arm and stands. Peyton stands and kisses him on the head. Brooke kisses him on the cheek and smiles at him.)

NATHAN: (Amused) I know you both want me.

(Brooke and Peyton scoff at him.)

BROOKE: Yeah(!) In your dreams(!)

(Peyton mouths ‘bye’ and they walk to the door. Brooke waves and exits, Peyton smiles and exits, Lucas waves and exits. Nathan smiles. The nurse turns the lights off and closes the door.)

(With the streetlights as the only source of illumination, Nathan reaches over for the phone; wincing as he irritates his injuries. He sets the phone on his lap and sighs before lifting the receiver.)



(A phone rings.)

HALEY: (Answering her ringing phone.) Hello?

(Haley is rushing to board a plane that will take her back to her husband.)

NATHAN: (Through the phone.) It’s me, Nathan.

HALEY: (Obviously relieved.) Thank god(!) What happened? (Sets her bag down.)



NATHAN: I’m gonna be OK.

HALEY: (Through the phone.) Well, I’m glad.



HALEY: I’m coming home tomorrow, OK?

NATHAN: (Through the phone.) Actually-



NATHAN: -no, (Scoffs) it’s not OK. (Pause) Don’t come home, Haley.



HALEY: Nathan, I have to come home.

NATHAN: (Through the phone.) No, you don’t.

(Her smile falls.)



NATHAN: You have to go after your dream; just like I have to go after mine. (Sighs) Coz if we don’t, then,… we’re just gonna end up regretting it… then we’re gonna end up resenting each other.



HALEY: (Shocked) Nathan, I wouldn’t-

NATHAN: (Through the phone.) Yeah, but we don’t know that.



NATHAN: Nobody knows what’s gonna happen.



(Haley listens to him, hurt and astounded.)

NATHAN: (Through the phone.) (Sighs) Whatever choice you make today,… is gonna affect the rest of your life.

(Haley can’t reply.)



NATHAN: So,… don’t come home, Haley.



HALEY: Nathan, listen…



(There’s hurt evident on his face.)

NATHAN: Coz I don’t want you to.



(Haley’s eyes widen in shock, she can’t believe it.)



(Nathan slowly hangs up the phone. He looks out of the window, desolate.)



(Haley takes the phone from her ear and looks at it as if hoping that it will give her answers. She gapes at it.)

(Fade to the camera zooming out as Haley stands there. Finally, she bends down and picks up her guitar case, running her hands through her hair.)


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