Forever Dreaming |
02x07 - Let the Reigns Go Loose |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 11/15/04 20:22 ] |
Post subject: | 02x07 - Let the Reigns Go Loose |
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – LIVING ROOM – EVENING] (Dan walks into the house and sees Keith and Deb under a blanket on the living room floor. Deb sees Dan, Keith sits up.) DEB: (v.o) No one else needs- CUT TO: [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE – THE KITCHEN – DAY] (Deb and Keith are in the kitchen alone.) DEB: to know. KEITH: (Knowingly) You mean Karen. CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – SUPPLY CLOSET – DAY] (Brooke shoves Felix up against some shelves.) FELIX: You know, I was thinking about this whole- CUT TO: [EXT. FELIX’ HOUSE – FRONT – DAY] (Felix and Brooke are at the front of the drive. Brooke is sneering at him.) FELIX: ‘Friends with Benefits’. Felix with Brooke… CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – SUPPLY CLOSET – DAY] (Brooke kisses Felix.) FELIX: (v.o) FWB. CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – DAY] PEYTON: How many other songs have you written? HALEY: (Clicking a button on the laptop and sitting back.) (Embarrassed)I dunno, a few. PEYTON: Alright, well you’re gonna open. HALEY: No, I’m not(!) I get…major stage fright. CUT TO: [INT. THE RESTAURANT - PHOTO BOOTH – EVENING] (Anna and Felix are in the photo booth.) ANNA: You’re gonna have to get out for this one. (Lucas groans. Shot of the photo coming out of the slot.) LUCAS: You gonna tell me what it was? (Anna rips the photos in two, giving him the top half and keeping the bottom.) ANNA: Maybe(!) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – DAY] (Haley and Peyton walk up to Chris who is sitting on the stage with his guitar.) HALEY: You’re great. CHRIS: Yeah, I know. (To Peyton.) When do I play? PEYTON: (Interrupting Haley.) You’re OK, but…we had a lot of really good people show up today, so…we’ll call you. CUT TO: [EXT. MARKET STREET DOCK – DAY] ANDY: (Putting coffee in front of Karen.) Hey, look, I know it’s kinda short notice so, uh…bring Lucas along if you can’t find a sitter. Love to meet the little guy. CUT TO: [INT. DAN SCOTT MOTORS – SHOWROOM – EVENING] (Keith walks up to Jules while she inspects a car.) KEITH: (v.o) My brother owns the dealership. CUT TO: [INT. CAR – EVENING] KEITH: (To Jules.) I’m just helping out. I’m actually a mechanic. JULES: I like mechanics. CUT TO: [INT. CAR – EVENING] (Keith and Jules sit inside a car outside ‘Dan Scott Motors’, propped up on a car display stand so that they can watch the meteor shower. Jules leans over and kisses Keith.) RICK: (v.o) I got a good sense about people. CUT TO: [INT. BACKSTAGE – DAY] RICK: (Sections drugs out onto a glass.) You’re young, but you…might be worth the risk. (Rick the band manager holds out a rolled up dollar bill to Peyton. Peyton looks torn.) RICK: Here’s your shot kid. FADE TO BLACK: OPENING CREDITS ROLL: [INT. TRIC – DAY] (Shot of a horseshoe nailed to a post inside the club. Lucas is looking at it.) LUCAS: (v.o) Oliver Wendell Holmes once said; (Lucas looks around at the dark club lit with neon lights.) Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live…Before they know it…time runs out. (He smiles.) CUT TO: [INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – DAY] (Brooke walks out of her bathroom and into her bedroom. She’s looking at her nails, glances at her bed and laughs sarcastically. Felix is in her bed, covers over his bottom half.) BROOKE: You’re still here. I thought we had an understanding; once the hooking-up is over, you go home. (Puts earrings on.) FELIX: Damn. You can make a guy feel used. BROOKE: (Sarcastically) Oh I’m sorry. Well you could just cancel our little arrangement and save your pride. FELIX: (Smiling) Nah. Being used is fine. BROOKE: Yeah, that’s what I thought. So why don’t you get your used butt up outta my bed, ‘Pool Boy’(!) (Throws his top at him.) I have a big day ahead of me and you’re in my way. (Gives him a dirty look and re-enters her bathroom.) (Shot of Felix smiling slightly.) CUT TO: [INT. RECORD STORE – DAY] (Peyton walks into the record store. Chris is on a step ladder, pining things to the wall.) PEYTON: (Reserved) Hi. CHRIS: (Looks at her then continues his pinning.) I-I-I think you got the wrong store. ‘Forever 21’s just down the street there. (Peyton rolls her eyes and looks at the wall.) CHRIS: (Examining what he just put up.) That’s Jeff Buckley. You heard of him? PEYTON: Who hasn’t heard of Jeff Buckley? CHRIS: That man’s the reason I became a musician. You know why? (Peyton waits.) Because he never sold out. PEYTON: Why stop there? Didn’t he also drown in a river? CHRIS: (Giving her his full attention.) Listen, if you want me to play your show, you’re gonna have to ask nicely. PEYTON: (Pause) I don’t need this. (Turns away.) CHRIS: Sure you do. Why else would you be here at eight a.m. on a school day? PEYTON: (Turns back against her better judgment.) …OK, here’s the deal; the turn-out for auditions was kind low so…if you want- CHRIS: (Gets off the ladder and interrupts her.) Read my Writer. (Gives her a piece of paper.) PEYTON: What is this? CHRIS: It’s like…a list of artist’s demands. PEYTON: (Takes the paper.) I know what a Writer is. (Unfolds the paper and reads.) Camomile tea…one small vegetarian pizza…Oh! One box Magnum, extra large sized condoms. (Insulted) Are you kidding! CHRIS: The regular ones cut off the circulation. We got a deal here or what? PEYTON: (Unable to think of a decent comeback.) You go on at nine. (Turns and walks to the door.) CHRIS: (Grinning) Have fun at school. (Peyton looks at him once then continues walking. The door shuts behind her.) CUT TO: [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – DAY] (Shot of a poster with a girl looking ill. The caption underneath reads ‘Give Generously’. Brooke stands there holding a plastic jar with the same picture on it.) BROOKE: Come on, pony up people! There’s kids in this world a lot more miserable than you! (A girl puts money in the jar.) (Smiling) Thank you. God bless. PEYTON: (Walking with Haley, showing her the Writer.) Look at this; one over-ripe cantaloupe, two number three pencils, what kinda Writer is this?(!) (We can see Brooke’s shoulder and somebody else putting money into the jar. Peyton looks at Brooke in confusion.) BROOKE: (To the guy.) God bless you. (Addressing Peyton while shaking the jar.) Change for the needy? HALEY: Brooke, I had no idea you were so…charitable. What’s the cause? BROOKE: (Blagging) Just…needy people. (Someone puts money into the jar.) (To the person.) God bless you. PEYTON: Brooke. (Amused) I recognise the photo. It’s from an add for cramp medicine. (Haley looks at Brooke accusingly.) BROOKE: Wow(!) Homeless and PMSing…poor girl. HALEY and PEYTON: Brooke(!) BROOKE: Alright. The money’s for me. I’m the needy one as in I need some things for your club opening. (Peyton and Haley exchanges significant looks.) HALEY: Do you realise how wrong that is?(!) BROOKE: (Awkwardly) Sort of, but…you know, what am I supposed to do for money? PEYTON: Try getting a job. BROOKE: (Laughing) Right, doing what? HALEY: Anything, a number of things. What are your skills? BROOKE: …I dunno. I’m good with guys. Dates, dating. HALEY: Yeah, and? BROOKE: Sex but… PEYTON: (Seriously) That would make you a hooker. (Brooke makes a noise and shrugs. Somebody else gives her money. She takes it with a smile.) BROOKE: (To the person.) Thank you. (Peyton shakes her head, smiles and slaps Brookes shoulder as she walks past. Haley does the same.) HALEY: I’ll take you shopping on a budget. (Brooke slips the money into her bra and shakes the jar some more, smiling.) CUT TO: [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – PARKING LOT – DAY] (Mouth walks up to Felix who is a few paces ahead.) MOUTH: Hey Felix. FELIX: (Turning his head slightly.) Mighty Mouth(!) (Mouth falls into step with him.) MOUTH: You going to the club opening tomorrow? FELIX: That’s the plan. MOUTH: You taking Brooke? FELIX: Nah, I like to alternate my cheerleaders. This week - Theresa. MOUTH: But I thought you and Brooke were together. FELIX: It doesn’t really work like that. MOUTH: So…she’s not gonna be there with anybody? FELIX: (Shrugging) Not that I know of. (Hits Mouth lightly on the chest before leaving.) (Mouth stops and smiles to himself.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – LOCKERS – DAY] (Lucas is putting things inside his locker when Anna shows up.) ANNA: Hey you. LUCAS: (Surprised) Hey you(!) (Leans against the lockers as her talks to her.) You know, I had a great time the other night. ANNA: (Sincerely) Me too. (Pause) Listen, can we talk? LUCAS: (Breathes deeply.) That doesn’t sound good. ANNA: It’s not like that. It’s just…I love spending time with you. You know that…but…being dropped in a new place is hard enough without jumping into a new relationship too. LUCAS: (Shuts his locker and walks, Anna following.) You must really hate me. ANNA: (Grinning.) Stop it(!) I’m just saying, let’s not rush things. Let’s hang out, see where it goes. LUCAS: (Sighing) did Felix say something? ANNA: (Shaking her head.) No, it’s not that. Promise. (Looks down the corridor she’s supposed to go down.) LUCAS: OK, friends. (Anna walks down the corridor alone.) ANNA: (Turns) With potential. (She smiles and walks away.) (Nathan and Haley walk down the corridor towards Lucas.) HALEY: Hi(!) LUCAS: Ready for your big debut rock star? HALEY: (Anxiously) Pleas don’t remind me. NATHAN: She’s ready. (To Haley) You know, didn’t you once tell me that there was such a thing as over preparation? HALEY: Yeah, for a math midterm. This is like…avoiding public humiliation. LUCAS: (Consolingly) Hales, you’re gonna do great. (Haley isn’t convinced.) CUT TO: [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL – BENCHES – DAY] (Students are sitting around on the benches. Anna walks around alone. She has no friends and no one to sit with. She sits alone on an empty bench and puts her tray of food on her lap. Peyton is walking around, handing out flyers.) PEYTON: (Giving a flyer to a passing student.) Hey. (She sees Anna and walks up to her.) PEYTON: (To Anna.) Hey. (Holds out a flyer which Anna takes.) Saturday night, three bands. Bring your friends. (Turns to continue handing out flyers.) ANNA: (Reads the flyer.) Adrian Tomine fan? PEYTON: (Turns back to Anna, impressed.) You know his stuff? ANNA: Yeah(!) Oh, I love Optic Nerve. PEYTON: Really?! (Anna nods.) Wow, a fellow comic book geek. (Sits on the top of the bench.) ANNA: Well, closeted. (Peyton laughs.) I’m Anna. PEYTON: (Shakes her hand.) I’m Peyton. You’re Felix’s sister right? ANNA: …On the days that I claim him, yeah. PEYTON: Oh. (They laugh.) So how’s uh…Tree Hill treating you? ANNA: OK. (They nod.) But I-I think someone for not giving me the secret password. PEYTON: Yeah, people in this town tend to stick to their own crowd. (Shrugs a shoulder.) (Shot of Nathan and Lucas chatting together and laughing.) ANNA: At least the guys are cute. (Peyton sees who Anna’s looking at.) PEYTON: OK. (Sits on the bench properly, next to Anna.) Tree Hill rule number one; people in this town tend to have really complicated histories. (Anna looks at Peyton tensely.) CUT TO: [INT. KAREN’S CAFÉ – DAY] (The bell rings and Dan walks into the café. Karen looks at him, unsure of how to behave.) KAREN: (Carrying a coffee jug.) Dan(!) How’re you feeling? DAN: Good. KAREN: Good, um, Deb’s not in till four. DAN: I came to see you. KAREN: (Suspiciously) OK. DAN: To apologise. (Karen looks down.) I was hoping you’d forgive me for the things I’ve done to hurt you. KAREN: (Looks at him disbelievingly.) Can I be honest with you Dan? (Dan leans down and waits for her to continue.) You’re creeping everybody out(!) This Phoenix bird thing, this sensitive thing that you’re pulling; no one’s buying it. DAN: I’m sorry you feel that way. (Nods) But I understand. (Straightens.) Oh, by the way, Deb says Keith hasn’t been hanging around here lately. (Pause) I hope it’s not because of what happened. (Karen’s confused.) You should know that I’ve chosen to forgive him. KAREN: For what? DAN: (Straight faced.) For sleeping with Deb. (Karen is obviously hurt by this. He ‘realises’ what he’s done.) Oh, I’m sorry Karen…I really thought that you knew. (He nods once and leaves, his job is done.) (Karen watches him, upset.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: [INT. JULES’ HOUSE – BEDROOM – DAY] (Jules is sitting on her bed painting her toenails. Her cell phone rings.) JULES: (Answering the phone.) Speak(!) KEITH: (Through the phone.) Hey(!) It’s uh…it’s Keith. JULES: Sorry, I know a lotta Keith’s. Could you be more specific? (Cut to Keith at the dealership.) KEITH: The Keith you kissed the other night? (Back to Jules’ house.) JULES: Nah, you gotta give me more than that. (Back to the dealership.) KEITH: Uh…in a convertible. On a car ramp at Scott motors. (Cut back to Jules’ house.) JULES: OK, that uh…that narrows it down to about a half-a-dozen or so. (Keith laughs.) KEITH: You’re funny. Uh…hey look, I know its last minute but um…there’s a club opening tonight. You wanna go? JULES: Wow, I dunno. I think I already have a date. (Keith waits patiently.) (Through the phone.) Besides, don’t you know about the Wednesday rule? KEITH: The Wednesday rule? JULES: (Through the phone.) A girl can’t accept a weekend date if the offer comes after Wednesday. It’s a rule. KEITH: (Through the phone.) Yeah, well you know who follows those rules? (Jules smiles.) Girls who sit at home on the weekends. (They laugh.) JULES: (Through the phone.) Well you may be in luck. I’ve never been a big fan of rules. eight o’clock? CUT TO: [EXT. MARKET STALL – DAY] (Peyton is shopping for the things on Chris’ Writer as Brooke tags along.) PEYTON: (Holding a cantaloupe.) Does this look overly ripe to you? BROOKE: (Looking at her as if she’s crazy.) Sorry, that’s not my area of expertise. PEYTON: (Puts it back and pick another one.) So what’s going on with you and Felix now? (They walk.) BROOKE: (Groans) I don’t know. I mean the whole point of ‘Friends with Benefits’ is that there’s no strings attached, right? PEYTON: Right. BROOKE: Well lately he’s been getting really stringy on me. PEYTON: Ooo. (They stop at bananas.) BROOKE: And why are we looking for…overly ripe fruit again? PEYTON: (Consulting the Writer.) Chris’ Writer. Basically, I have to give him everything on this list or he won’t perform. BROOKE: (Getting ideas.) So wait a second, he makes a list and you have to do everything on it to get what you want? PEYTON: …Exactly. (Brooke raises an eyebrow and smirks.) BROOKE: Interesting. (Smiles at Peyton.) CUT TO: [EXT. FELIX’S HOUSE – DRIVEWAY – DAY] (Felix is polishing his car when Brooke approaches holding a bag and paper. She gets onto his car.) FELIX: Just in time. Just let me finish here and then we can go upstairs. BROOKE: (Glancing at his house.) You can go upstairs and…finish yourself. I just came by to give you this. (Holds out the paper to him. He takes it.) It’s a Writer. List of artist’s demands. Peyton told me about it. FELIX: (Reading it.) What’s it for? BROOKE: Well, yesterday you seemed a little sketchy on he terms of our agreement so I figured I’d clear it up for you. FELIX: With a bunch of rules? BROOKE: Um-hum. And you better follow them if you ever want me to…perform at your (pointedly looks down.) venue again. FELIX: (Gives her a look.) (Reading) No sleeping over. No sleeping late. No non-sexual bathing, is this necessary? BROOKE: You’ve been getting a little needy. FELIX: Needy? (Brooke makes a noise of assent.) Please, I have a date tonight. You are OK with that? BROOKE: (Laughs snarkily.) Item 12. FELIX: (Flips the page and reads.) No asking if it’s OK to date other people. BROOKE: (Nods once.) So we’re clear? FELIX: Crystal. (Brooke gets off his car and walks back to her house. Felix stares after her and then back at the list incredulously.) CUT TO: [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL – WHITEY’S ROOM – DAY] (Shot of the room number ‘635’ and ‘Patient Room’. Camera pans to show Whitey sitting up in bed, with glasses on, reading a book. Nathan opens the door and enters.) NATHAN: That’s an odd sight. WHITEY: (Closes the book.) What, you thought I’d be blind? NATHAN: No, I just didn’t think you could read. (Smiles) WHITEY: (About the book.) Five hundred things a person should see before they die. (Sets it aside.) I’ve seen twelve of them. (Takes his glasses off and smiles.) NATHAN: You gonna do something about that? WHITEY: Well that’s the plan. At least until practice starts. I always wanted to die with the matarays in Tobago. (Nathan smiles and nods. Whitey chuckles.) NATHAN: So, uh, Coach…(Plays with his wedding ring.)…I turned down ‘High Flyers’. WHITEY: Is there a reason you turned them down or…should I even ask? NATHAN: Well it’s just…Haley’s pursuing this whole music thing. (Pause) She’s done a lot for me Coach. It’s her turn now. And me going to camp is just standing in the way of that. WHITEY: (Sighs) Sometimes…marriage is about sacrifice. (Pause) Maybe you’re not taking a step forward as a basketball player…(Smiling)…but you’re taking two steps forward as a man. (Winks) NATHAN: (Smiles and looks down.) Thanks Coach. CUT TO: [INT. KAREN’S CAFÉ – DUSK] (Deb walks past with a tray of dirty dishes. Karen watches her as if seeing her for the first time. Keith comes into the café.) KEITH: (To Karen.) Hey. KAREN: (Looks at him.) Oh hi. KEITH: (Sits at a table.) Hi. I um, just dropped by to…wish you good luck tonight. KAREN: (Happily) Thanks. You’re still coming right? (Shot of Deb working.) KEITH: (o.s) Of course, yeah. (Deb looks up at them.) KAREN: (o.s) Oh, good. KEITH: Um…I also wanted to talk to you about something else. KAREN: (Looking down uncomfortably.) OK. (Waits) KEITH: Um…I know that you and I were never…an item (Pause) but I thought you should know…(Shot of Deb looking uncomfortable.)…I’d like to um…bring a date to the club tonight. KAREN: (Nodding, he’s not telling.) Anyone I know? KEITH: Uh…her name’s Jules. I uh…I met her at the dealership. KAREN: (Nods) Is…that it? KEITH: (Pause) Yeah. KAREN: (Smiling) Good(!) I look forward to meeting her. (Doorbell rings.) KEITH: OK. (Gets up.) (Andy walks in with a box full of t-shirts.) ANDY: Beware of strangers bearing gifts. (Holds the box up.) KAREN: What is that Andy? ANDY: (Takes on t-shirt out.) Well look uh, every…cool club needs its own t-shirt right? So uh…here you go. (It’s a black t-shirt with ‘T’ ‘R’ and ‘C’ in white and the ‘I’ in yellow shaped like a lightening bolt. More Harry Potter references.) KAREN: (Takes one.) There are sweet. ANDY: Oh, Lucas. That reminds me. Uh, I got him one too. (Gives the t-shirt to Karen. She holds it up. It’s big enough to fit a child of about eight at the most. Keith squints at the t-shirt and Karen rushes to hide it.) KAREN: Oh, um…Keith, this is Andy. (Looks at him.) M-my professor. (Andy visibly restrains himself form arguing. He looks at her.) ANDY: Nice to meet you Keith. KEITH: (Shakes his hand.) Yeah. Yeah you too. (The three share a very uncomfortable silence.) CUT TO: [INT. THE MALL – CLOTHES SHOP – DUSK] (Shot of a bag in a glass display case. Brooke pops up from the other end looking sulky.) BROOKE: But I want it so bad(!) (Haley pulls her away and links arms with her.) HALEY: No. It’s not in the budget. Besides, if you get the purse, then you can’t afford the outfit for the opening. BROOKE: (Petulantly) Screw the opening. I’ll stay at home with the purse. (She’s holding gold shoes.) (Haley looks at Brooke worriedly, she seem to be dozing off.) HALEY: What’s going on, you alright? BROOKE: Yeah, I just feel a little light headed. HALEY: Why? BROOKE: (Evasively) I…sold some stuff. HALEY: What stuff? BROOKE: Some…blood. HALEY: Blood!? (Pulls her to a stop.) You sold blood? Brooke, you really think that’s a good idea? You actually don’t look very well. Kinda…pasty. BROOKE: I’m discount shopping(!) I’m gonna have to get used to looking like crap. And besides, I needed some extra money for the dress. HALEY: Which is only thirty-six bucks. BROOKE: (Points to the shoes.) Shoes. HALEY: Eighteen dollars. BROOKE: Eyeliner to go with the shoes. HALEY: (Mentally calculating.) Seven fifty, which is what? Sixty-one fifty with tax. I mean please, you have plenty left over for- BROOKE: Alcohol(!) We’ll stop by the liquor store on the way home. HALEY: I really don’t think you should be drinking after you just gave blood. BROOKE: No(!) The woman told me to re-hydrate myself and besides, if I’m gonna be seen in these shoes, (Holds them up.) I’m gonna need a drink or two. (Haley laughs.) FADE TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Shot of a neon light. The camera pans to show Peyton at the bar with some purple paper, Karen double checking things on a clipboard and Haley frantically pacing.) KAREN: OK, we’ll have a DJ downstairs. The bar is stocked. Wristbands? (She puts big ticks on the list.) PEYTON: Uh…they are down front with Junk right now. KAREN: That’s it(!) (Looks at Peyton.) It’s out of our hands. LUCAS: (Enters) Oh no, you forgot something. PEYTON: (On the verge of panicking.) What!? LUCAS: (Grinning) To take a deep breath. (Peyton tilts her head, smiling.) Just for a second. Look around, I…you guys did this. (The bar is dark but lit with blue neon lights. There are lightening bolt lights strategically placed around the club.) And it’s great. (People are walking around, still working.) PEYTON: (o.s) Yeah. (Lucas is proud, Peyton is smiling and Haley is panicking.) PEYTON: Oh god, but what-what if I didn’t make better flyers, what if I didn’t put up enough and then what if nobody shows up outside and- LUCAS: Come here. (Beckons her out.) (Peyton, Haley and Karen follow.) LUCAS: I don’t think that that’s gonna be a problem. (They stop at the top of the back stairs and look down. Haley sees it and looks like she’s going to be physically sick. A lot of people are milling around on the street, waiting for it to open and more people are arriving. Karen and Peyton smile happily. Haley sighs and rests her forehead against the doorframe.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Close up it a circular neon sign saying ‘TRIC’. The camera zooms out quickly to show the club in full swing. The DJ plays and people are having a great time. The camera fast pans to show various different groups. It stops on Haley who definitely wants to be anywhere but there. (Brooke walks up behind Haley in a green dress and links arms with her.) BROOKE: OK, my thighs are itching… and not so much in a good way, I think I’m allergic to polyester. (Haley looks away.) But it’s fine; I’ve had a few drinks. (Smiles drunkenly.) HALEY: I should have a few drinks because… do you see all these people? BROOKE: You’re gonna be fine(!) (Haley grabs hold of the bar for support. Brooke pats Karen on the shoulder.) BROOKE: Hey, Miss Roe(!) Club looks great. KAREN: Uh… let’s see the wrist Brooke. (She takes a pair of scissors and cuts the green band off of her wrist.) No alcohol(!) (Brandishes the scissors at her.) Are we clear? BROOKE: (Nods once.) Yes. KAREN: Good. Now go have some fun. (Brooke smiles and holds her hand out to Haley. Haley gives Brooke her hand and they mingle. Peyton smiles after them.) ANDY: This is definitely the first time I’ve felt like the oldest person in the bar. KAREN: (Smiling) Second oldest. (Peyton looks between the two, waiting to be introduced and curious. She coughs slightly.) KAREN: (Realising) Oh, Andy, this is Peyton. Peyton, this is… my friend, Andy. (Peyton holds out her hand to shake his.) PEYTON: (Shakes his hand.) Hi. ANDY: Hi. Um…(Looks at Karen.) well I’ll try to keep out of your hair. You d-you didn’t happen to bring little Lucas tonight did you? (Peyton gives Karen the same look that Keith did.) KAREN: Oh, well. Yeah, um… he’s wondering around here somewhere. ANDY: (Smiling and nodding.) Great, great. I can’t wait to meet him. (Turns and walks away.) PEYTON: (Looking at his retreating back.) Little Lucas? KAREN: (Evasively) His words, not mine. PEYTON: (Deliberately slowly.) So, what’s the story with you and your…(Karen looks at her) friend. (Peyton puts one earphone to her ear.) KAREN: (Smiling but just as evasively.) You know, I’m not sure how to describe it. PEYTON: Put it this way; are you two getting…? KAREN: (Warningly) Peyton(!) PEYTON: …Cos if you were, I’d… I’d describe it as pretty lucky. (Looking innocent.) He’s a fox(!) (Karen is a mixture of embarrassed and delighted.) CUT TO: [EXT. TRIC – EVENING] (The camera shows plenty of people outside. Pan across the people until we see Keith and Jules.) KEITH: So, how was your other date before the cancellation? JULES: Why? You wanna ask him out? KEITH: No, just didn’t know you were seeing other people. JUNK: (Stands there with headphones, giving out wristbands.) If you’re one of them, I’d shut up. KEITH: OK, you know, that’s a good point. (Jules laughs and holds out her hand for Junk to put the band on.) KEITH: So how’s it going Junk? JUNK: All good. Here you are, Mr Scott plus one. (Puts the wristband on Keith.) VIP - over twenty-one wristbands. (Gestures up the steps.) JULES: I didn’t know you were so hip Keith. KEITH: Yeah, well neither did I. CUT TO: [EXT. TRIC – EVENING] (Brooke sits outside, alone, with her drink. She picks up a tiny bottle of alcohol and empties it into her plastic glass with a sigh on contentment.) BROOKE: Karen never said anything about drinking outside of her club. (Mouth walks around the side of the stairs and stops when he sees Brooke. She is not sitting within hearing distance of him. He’s nervous.) MOUTH: Hey Brooke(!) I like your dress. (Shakes his head and sighs.) So… I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something some time. (Sighs again.) Hey, you wanna catch a movie some time? (Nods and begins to walks.) (Sees Felix and stops.) FELIX: (Walks by and pats Mouth on the shoulder.) Sup Mouth? (Disappointedly, Mouth steps back a little. Felix and Theresa walk past Brooke.) BROOKE: Hmm… hey Theresa(!) Nice dress. THERESA: (Holding Felix’s hand.) Um… thanks. (Felix does not look impressed.) BROOKE: Why does it look so familiar? (Pause) Oh I remember, cos it used to be mine. THERESA: Brooke, I asked you before I bought it. You said it was OK. BROOKE: Yeah, well that’s before I knew how your ass would look in it. FELIX: Theresa, why don’t you go up, I’ll be right there. (Theresa nods and with one last look at Brooke, leaves. He glares darkly at Brooke as he steps closer to her.) FELIX: I’d have to check the list but I’m pretty sure acting like a jealous girlfriend is against the rules. BROOKE: I’m not jealous(!) I just figured you’d have gone for someone with a little more class. FELIX: (Pause) Why? (Long pause.) I went for you didn’t I? (He walks away, leaving her there to stew. Brooke’s pissed.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Camera focuses on the ‘TRIC’ logo before it moves down to the DJ. Pan across people dancing and having fun.) (Haley walks up to Peyton.) HALEY: (Painful pause.) Hey. PEYTON: (Shouting about the noise.) Hey! HALEY: (Upset) I can’t do it. PEYTON: (Takes the headphones off.) What? HALEY: I can’t do it. PEYTON: Do what? HALEY: Play. (Peyton’s eyes widen.) At all. I-I have to back out. PEYTON: And you’re telling me this now?! HALEY: I’m sorry! It’s just all these people and-and-and, I told you this might happen OK? So please just… don’t hate me. I’m sorry(!) PEYTON: Haley, you can’t do this OK? You’re name’s already on the poster, there are people here expecting you to play. HALEY: Well so what? I mean, who’s gonna know the difference, right? You’ve already got two acts and a DJ, right? PEYTON: (Sighs) I’ll figure it out. HALEY: (Sadly) OK. PEYTON: But you’re gonna have to get on that floor sometime. (Pats her on the arm.) (Haley continues to look distraught.) (Camera focuses in on the ‘TRIC’ Sign. People drink and mingle. Karen stands behind the bar. Deb comes up behind her.) DEB: Hey Karen(!) This crowd; you must be thrilled(!) KAREN: Oh, try crazy. Seems like every teenager in the town showed up. DEB: So Andy made it. KAREN: Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out how to introduce him to Lucas. DEB: Uh-uh well… think fast. (Nods to a part of the club.) (The camera pans quickly and comes to a stop and Andy sitting next to Lucas.) LUCAS: So ‘Kings of Convenience’? I just got their album last week. It’s great. ANDY: Oh, you should see them live. LUCAS: Oh god, I bet. So how’d you find out about the club? ANDY: I’m actually kind of-uh, dating the woman who’s responsible for all this. LUCAS: Really? You dating Peyton? ANDY: She’s got the curly hair right? LUCAS: Yeah. ANDY: (Laughing) Yeah, the cops’ll love that. (Pause) No, no, no, no, her name’s um…(Looks sideways and sees her.) (Pointing) Karen. KAREN: Andy. (Uncomfortable pause.) LUCAS: Mom? ANDY: (Confused) Mom? KAREN: (Guiltily) Oh boy(!) (Andy’s finally getting it.) Lucas, this is Andy. Andy… this is my son; Lucas. ANDY: Um… little Lucas? (Karen nods. Lucas smiles. Andy laughs) I uh… I thought you were six. (Shakes his hand.) Not…(Points up.) six one. (Lucas laughs and looks at his mother. Karen doesn’t know what to say.) (Camera pans across to more dancing people enjoying themselves. Stops at Keith and Jules.) KEITH: Oh hey, there’s, uh , someone I want you to meet. (Jules bits her lip.) Deb! DEB: (Turning at the sound of her name.) Oh Keith, I was hoping you’d make it. KEITH: Uh… Jules, this is… my sister-in-law, Deb. (Jules nods.) Deb, this is Jules, my uh… JULES: Girlfriend. Nice to meet you. (Shakes Deb’s hand.) KEITH: This is my girlfriend, Jules. DEB: Nice to meet you too. (Smiles at Keith.) JULES: Thank you. I’ll uh, get us some drinks? KEITH: OK. I’ll just, uh, take a water. JULES: (Holds two fingers up and looks at Deb.) Two tequilas it is. (Smiles and leaves.) DEB: (Laughs) She seems fun. KEITH: Yeah, she’s really great. (Pause) DEB: It’s nice to see good things happen to you Keith. (Looks at him.) You deserve it. (They hug. Karen looks at them from a little way back where she is sitting at the bar. What Dan said is still bothering her, unsure of whether to believe him or not. Camera pans around a bit. Chris comes up to Nathan and Haley.) CHRIS: (In his usual rude attitude.) Previously on ‘Saved By the Bell’. HALEY: Hey, Chris, this is my husband Nathan. (Nathan shakes his hand.) CHRIS: Married in high school. Yeah, that’ll work(!) (Nathan blinks.) Peyton told me you bailed on the gig. Guess I was wrong about you. (He leaves them.) (Haley’s troubled by her decision and sadly puts her head in her hands.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Lucas stands against a pillar, alone. Somebody taps him on the shoulder, he looks around but no one’s there, he looks the other way and sees Anna emerge from behind the other side of the pillar.) LUCAS: (About her outfit.) Woah! ANNA: Appropriate response. So, ready for our first dance? LUCAS: I don’t know. Are friends supposed to have a first dance? ANNA: They are when the have potential. (Take his hand and pulls him on to the dance floor.) (More shots of people dancing and having fun. Keith and Jules dance. Anna and Lucas dance until Felix comes up behind Lucas and pulls him to a stop.) FELIX: Yo! You wanna explain this? (Holds up Anna’s half of the photo booth pictures.) My sister’s topless. LUCAS: (Looking at the pictures he’s never seen before.) You wanna get that outta my face? (Felix’s fingers cover the bottom picture.) (Jules and Keith are watching.) ANNA: Lucas, just walk away. Please(!) (Lucas doesn’t budge.) ANNA: (Angrily pointing at her twin.) Outside! Now! (Felix looks at Lucas, pissed, for a moment and then complies, walking away. Anna follows behind him. Lucas watches them anxiously.) CUT TO: [EXT. TRIC – EVENING] (Felix opens the back door and descends the steps, Anna following closely behind.) ANNA: Are you out of your mind?(!) FELIX: Are you out of yours? It’s because of crap like this, we had to move again… and you know what? I liked my last life. (Stops half way down.) ANNA: Oh, great(!) This again. You- FELIX: You want people to talk? Keep it up, oh cos they will. Just like the last time. ANNA: (Tensely) Just because people say something, doesn’t make true Felix. Those were rumours! FELIX: Yeah? Well how do you think rumours get started? (Gives her the picture and walks back into the club.) (Anna looks at the picture and sighs.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Peyton stands on the stage and talks into the microphone.) PEYTON: Hey, what’s going on Tree Hill?! Uh… I’d like to welcome you guys to the opening night of TRIC. It’s a night we like to call… House of Freaks. You guys ready?! (The audience cheers.) PEYTON: Yeah? OK, great! (Crowd cheers some more.) Well then please help me in welcoming, to the stage, Chris Keller. (She walks off stage and Chris walks on with his guitar.) (Chris sits on the stool and looks at the crowd. They are all talking amongst themselves and paying no attention to him. He plugs the lead into his guitar. Peyton watches nervously.) BROOKE: (Approaching Peyton, completely drunk.) Hey P. Sawyer. PEYTON: (Hugs her.) Hey(!) BROOKE: It’s your big night. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything un-(Mumbles the rest.) PEYTON: OK, sush, sush. It’s OK. BROOKE: (About Chris.) Boy’s a fox. (Peyton looks at her.) BROOKE: (Covering the side of her mouth with one hand to project her voice.) HEY, SHOW US YOUR TE-! PEYTON: (Grabbing her hand.) Hey! (Gives her a ‘what for?’ look.) (Brooke shrugs and claps. Guitar strums.) CHRIS: (Into the mic.) Alright, here we go now. (He starts playing the guitar but when he sees that people still aren’t paying attention, he stops, looking around at the ignorant people.) (Peyton looks up anxiously. Chris taps the mic to make sure it’s working.) CHRIS: Uh… hey! (Pause) You guys aren’t ready for this! (Unplugs the guitar, gets up and leaves the stage.) (The crowd moans and yells, booing him off.) PEYTON: (Disbelieving) What! CHRIS: (To Haley who’s watching.) Ah, what’re you gonna do, Right? HALEY: Hey, wait a second. What about Peyton? CHRIS: Tough break(!) Least it beat being screwed over by a friend right? (Haley watches him, hurt.) (Karen walks on stage amidst the booing.) KAREN: (Into the mic.) Sorry, sorry everybody. Uh… w-we just had a little… uh-I’m not… whatever that was. Uh, but while we’re sorting it out, the D-the DJ’s gonna play and… how bout a… a free round on the house? (The crowd cheers.) PEYTON: (Shouting while indicating the crowd.) NO! ALL-AGES! KAREN: (Catching herself.) Oh juice! Of juice! Of juice. A free round of juice. (The crowd groans again.) (Chris walks past Peyton. She advances on him.) PEYTON: Hey! What are you doing?! CHRIS: Not playing. PEYTON: WHY?! CHRIS: Because playing to a bunch of mallrats who hate anything they can’t PoGo to aint what Chris Keller’s about. PEYTON: Really? (Points to the stage.) That would have been really nice for you to tell me before I put you up on stage! Also it would have been nice to know you talk about yourself in third person! CHRIS: OK, I get it; Curly’s pissed but look at it this way, if I hadn’t done what I did, (Looks at the stage) would she be up there right now? (Peyton looks at the stage and sees Haley sitting there with her keyboard.) HALEY: (Obviously terrified) (To herself) Don’t think. Just play. (Haley closes her eyes and starts playing on the keyboard.) HALEY: #It’s October again, Leaves are coming down, One more year’s come and… gone, (Opens her eyes.) And nothing’s changed at all, Wasn’t I, Supposed to be someone (Peyton watches and hen looks at Chris.) PEYTON: So… you’re saying you went through all this just to get Haley up there to play? CHRIS: Who knows? Chris Keller aint telling. (Pick his case and leaves her standing there.) HALEY: (o.s) To face the things that I’ve been running from, (Peyton watches Haley and smiles.) HALEY: Let me feel, (Everyone has stopped to listen.) I don’t care if I break down, Let me fall, Even if I hit the ground, And if I, Cry a little, Die a little, (Nathan stands and smiles. Lucas comes up behind him.) LUCAS: You did a really good thing for her Nate. HALEY: (o.s) At least I know I lived, NATHAN: (Proud) No, she did it all by herself. HALEY: Just a little I’ve become much too good, At being vincible, I’m an expert, I play it safe and keep it cool But I swear, (Brooke watches, smiling slightly.) This isn’t who I’m meant to be, (Brooke reaches over and grabs a bottle of alcohol.) I refuse to let my life roll over me, (Mouth approaches Brooke as she’s pouring herself a glass.) Let me feel, MOUTH: Hi Brooke, I like your dress. Is it new? HALEY: (o.s) I don’t care if I break down, BROOKE: (Turns to face him.) Unfortunately, it’s discount. HALEY: (o.s) Let me fall, Even if I hit the ground, MOUTH: Well it’s hard to believe. Cos you look… beautiful. HALEY: (o.s) And if I, Cry a little, Die a little, At least I know I’ve lived BROOKE: (Laughs good naturedly. She watches Felix and Theresa walk past.) Why can’t guys be more like you Mouth? HALEY: (o.s) Just a little, BROOKE: I mean, you’re loyal… sweet… and you bought my dollhouse back for me. (Haley continues to sing in the background.) MOUTH: It wasn’t that big a deal. BROOKE: Yes it was. You know what you are? You are like… a really great… little brother. (Smiles) (Mouth’s smiles slips. Brooke stands and kisses him on the cheek, looks at him and then leaves. Mouth is upset. He knows that he’ll never have her.) HALEY: I wanna be somebody, Who can face the things that I’ve been running from Let me feel, I don’t care if I break down, (Jules smiles.) JULES: (To Keith.) She’s really good. KEITH: (Smiling and whispering.) Yeah(!) She’s really great HALEY: (o.s) Let me fall, JULES: I gotta bring my other boyfriends back to see her next time. HALEY: (o.s) Even if I hit the ground, And if I, Cry a little, Die a little, At least I know I lived… It’s October again, Leaves are coming down, One more year’s come and gone, And nothing’s changed at all. (She stops playing, looking unsure of the response she’ll get. There’s a moment pause before the club breaks out into loud applause. Haley smiles happily.) NATHAN: (Proudly, clapping.) Alright! PEYTON: (Clapping) Alright Haley! KAREN: (Clapping) Woooow! (Lucas smiles and claps.) HALEY: (Shyly) Thank you. (Anna comes up to Lucas wearily.) ANNA: Hey. (Lucas looks at her.) I’m sorry. I had no idea that was gonna happen. (Lucas smiles.) (Anna’s upset.) And you don’t deserve any of it. LUCAS: It’s cool. Don’t worry about it. (Smiles at the stage.) ANNA: Are you sure? (Lucas nods and smiles at her.) ANNA: What? LUCAS: I just… wouldn’t mind seeing that picture again. (Anna smiles and he laughs.) CUT TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Felix is sitting at the bar with Theresa, smiling. Mouth comes up to him, angry.) MOUTH: What they hell are you doing to Brooke?(!) (Felix looks at Mouth and then back at Theresa.) FELIX: (To Theresa.) One second. (He gets up and drags Mouth away by the arm.) Is there a problem? MOUTH: Brooke is back there, wasted and alone. FELIX: So? MOUTH: So why aren’t you doing something about it? And don’t say you don’t care because you do. Otherwise, why did you pay for the dollhouse? FELIX: (Looks around to make sure nobody overheard.) Look, I don’t need you to understand any of it Mouth. And the dollhouse is our secret. Now if you don’t mind, I’m having a crummy night. Theresa’s about to change that. (Felix turns to leave. Mouth tries to stop him but Felix pushes him into some bystanders.) FELIX: Stop it Mouth(!) LUCAS: Hey! (Stops on front of him.) You got a problem with my friend? FELIX: (Looking him up and down.) Maybe I got a problem with you. LUCAS: (Smiling) Yeah, I think you do. (Looks at his mom watching them. He won’t do this to her.) You’re lucky… I’m not gonna do this in here. FELIX: That’s too bad. (Steps back and turns as if to leave. Turns back.) Coz I am. (He punches Lucas who goes flying into the closest bar.) (Karen sees and stops what she’s doing. Felix grabs Lucas and Lucas throws his own punch. Felix charges Lucas and Anna arrives.) ANNA: Felix! Stop it! (They fall to the floor, still struggling.) ANNA: Stop it! Felix! (Andy grabs a hold of Lucas and Keith grabs Felix.) FELIX: (To Keith.) Get you damn hands off me! KEITH: Not until I get you outside. (And keeps a cursory hold on Lucas.) FELIX: Oh right, everyone here’s related. I get tossed cos you’re the guy’s uncle. KEITH: No, you get tossed because you’re an ass(!) (Hauls Felix out of the club. Anna watches distressed.) (Andy lets go of Lucas. He looks at his mom who shakes her head disappointedly and turns her back. Lucas, with a bleeding lip, doesn’t know what to say.) FADE TO BLACK: COMMERCIAL SET: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Shot of the ‘TRIC’ logo. Camera cuts to the floor. The club is now empty, people are moving around, clearing up. Lucas is sitting at the bar and Karen is behind it, looking pissed.) LUCAS: So did you have fun tonight mom? KAREN: So if you… don’t count the part where my son started punching people. LUCAS: (Holding his phone and looking down.) I’m sorry. (Honestly) I didn’t mean to ruin your night. KAREN: Yeah, well I didn’t mean to screw up your week. Then again, without the use of your cell phone, MP3 player and the car… it could suck for you. (Hold out some ice wrapped in a cloth.) KAREN: (Looking stern.) Trade(!) (Lucas frowns. Karen persists.) (Lucas gives her his phone and takes the cloth full of ice.) KAREN: One week. Two, if you complain. (Points at him and leaves him alone.) (Lucas grimaces and puts the cloth to his lip. Anna comes up behind him.) ANNA: How’re you doing? LUCAS: (Laughs humourlessly.) You should see the other guy. ANNA: (Smiles) (Pause) Well I’ve got my mom’s car so… I’m gonna take off. LUCAS: Are you sure? ANNA: Yeah, (Nods) but… thanks for punching Felix(!) (Grinning) I’ve wanted to do that for years. LUCAS: Anytime(!) (Laughs) ANNA: Call me tomorrow? LUCAS: (Pause) You tell me. (Beat, Anna kisses him on the cheek.) ANNA: (Nodding) Call me tomorrow. (Smiles and leaves.) (Lucas sighs and turns to his mother.) LUCAS: Alright, well I’m gonna go home mom. (Puts the cloth on the counter.) And don’t worry, I’m going straight home. KAREN: Alright, no street fighting. (Andy comes up and puts some glasses on the counter.) LUCAS: Right. (To Andy.) Uhh… nice to meet you Andy. (Holds out his hand.) ANDY: Yeah, yeah, you too. (Shakes his hand.) (Lucas gets up and walks out. Andy shakes his head and sighs.) ANDY: So I guess that t-shirt I bought him is gonna fit a little snug. (Karen looks at him and then resumes cleaning the counter. She struggles for words.) KAREN: (Quietly) Ohh, right, that. (Turns to him.) ANDY: Why didn’t you just tell me Karen? (She looks down.) I mean you’re… you’re son’s a teenager. W-why do you think that would matter? KAREN: (Strained) Because it matters to me(!) (She looks at him for a long moment.) Andy, I like you… but tonight, seeing you sitting there with Lucas, it just seemed so normal. Like friends. ANDY: (Shrugs) So? KAREN: Well… so that makes sense to me. (Turns him around to the mirror.) Look at us(!) (We see them reflected in the mirror, Karen just staring at their reflections.) I mean, does this picture look right to you? ANDY: (Looks for a while before nodding and saying honestly.) Yes. To me it does. (Karen looks at him. He turns to her.) But I think the uh… the more important question is… does it feel right? (He kisses her.) KAREN: (Looks down.) (Pause) That feels good. ANDY: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah it does. (They nod.) The rest doesn’t matter. (Pause) G’night. (He looks at her and then leaves for home. Karen watches him off with a smile.) (Haley and Nathan are still there.) MAN: (Shakes Haley’s hand.) Good job! HALEY: (Overwhelmed) Thank you. WOMAN: You were great. (Haley sits next to Nathan on the stage as more people pass. WOMAN: We loved you. HALEY: (Shaking her hand) Oh, thanks so much(!) (Laughs at Nathan.) CHRIS: (Comes up.) Predictable sappy ballad. How’s it feel? HALEY: (Looks at Nathan who’s smiling.) Uh… great till ya just… dissed me(!) (Laughs) CHRIS: No, look, you’ve got a good sound. And watching you tonight, I can definitely see us doing something together. HALEY: (Shocked) Really(!)? (Nathan looks at Haley.) CHRIS: Yeah, I never joke about music. Here’s my number. (Gives her a slip of paper.) I got some studio time coming up. HALEY: Oh… wow OK. (Looks at Nathan again.) (Laughs) (Nathan’s looking a bit worried.) HALEY: Oh(!) I just remembered THUD Magazine wanted me to do a… interview with them. It’s probably gonna take a little while and- NATHAN: Nah, it’s cool. HALEY: OK. NATHAN: This is your night. Go, enjoy and I’ll see you at home. HALEY: Are you sure? (Chris smiles, shaking his head.) NATHAN: Yeah, I gotta work early tomorrow anyway. HALEY: OK. (Kisses him.) I love you. (To Chris.) Thanks. (Gets off the stage and walks away.) (Both Chris and Nathan watch her leave.) CHRIS: You have any idea how many guys in the room wanna nail your wife right now? (Grins, picks up his case and leaves.) (Nathan looks back the way Haley left and considers.) CUT TO: [INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE – BROOKE’S BEDROOM – EVENING] (The lights are on in Brooke’s dollhouse. Mouth opens the door and helps Brooke into her bedroom. She is completely incoherent and can’t tell where she is or who’s with her. Mouth puts her onto her bed and she collapses onto it.) (He covers her with a duvet and she turns to him, eyes closed. Mouth sits there for a while.) MOUTH: G’night Brooke. (Sighs) I love you. (He looks at her a little more before her bedroom door opens and Felix enters. Mouth looks at him.) FELIX: Hey. (Beat) I was just checking on her. MOUTH: She’s fine. (Stands up and walks up to him.) FELIX: (Understanding) You like her, huh? MOUTH: (Nods) Yeah. (Beat) But guys like me don’t get girls like her and… guys like you don’t care. FELIX: (Being sincere for the first time.) That’s not true. (Pause) Look man… I owe you an apology. (Mouth looks down, Felix holds his fist out.) FELIX: Friends? (Mouth looks at Felix and then at Brooke.) MOUTH: Just treat her right. (Ignores Felix’s hand and walks out of the house.) (Felix watches Mouth close the door and drops his hand. The bruise where Lucas hit him is evident. He sighs as he looks at Brooke and slowly walks over to her, lowering himself onto the side of her bed. He watches her and brushes hair out of her face. She opens her eyes, recognising him.) BROOKE: (Whispering) Felix? FELIX: (Smiling) Hey girl. (Shakes his head.) You’re a mess. BROOKE: (Surprised) You took care of me? FELIX: (Beat) Yeah… sometimes you gotta break the rules. (Brooke closes her eyes. Felix shifts some more hair out of her face.) FADE TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Karen is still there, counting money and writing in a pad.) DEB: (o.s) So(!) (Coming into the shot.) How’d we do? KAREN: (Shuffling money.) Well… it’s a little early for exact numbers but… a few thousand nights like this and I think we can retire. DEB: (Smiles) Ah, works for me(!) (Karen puts the money aside and hesitates. Deb notices.) KAREN: Ah… Deb, I need to ask you a question. DEB: Of course. KAREN: I mean, it’s-it’s stupid and considering the source, I shouldn’t even ask I mean, I probably don’t even have the right ask but – DEB: (Interrupting) Karen, we’re friends. KAREN: (Beat) Right. (Pause) Yesterday, Dan told me that you slept with Keith. (Deb looks up.) Is it true? DEB: (Stares, unable to say anything. Karen’s worried. Finally.) No(!) Of course not(!) (Karen smiles and nods. The camera pans down and fades out of focus.) CUT TO: [EXT. JULES’ HOUSE – DOORSTEP – EVENING] (Jules and Keith are standing on the front porch.) JULES: (Smiling) Well… that date had everything. Good conversation, dancing… fisticuffs. KEITH: (Smiles) Yeah, I’m sorry about that part. (They smile.) JULES: So… I was thinking. You called me your girlfriend tonight. KEITH: Yeah. JULES: Well… if we were exclusive, (Beat) just you and me… would you be OK with that? KEITH: I’d be great with that. (Jules smiles.) JULES: Good. Me too. (They kiss.) So what do you say boyfriend? Wanna sleep over? (She walks to her front door.) KEITH: (Pleased) Boy(!) (Jules is waiting for him, they enter the house together and Keith shuts the door.) FADE TO: [INT. JAMES SCOTT APARTMENT – BEDROOM – EVENING] (Nathan it awake and alone in bed. He’s lying on his back and repeatedly throwing a basketball up. He stops and looks at the clock. It reads 2:38 a.m. in big, bright red, numbers. Haley still isn’t home.) FADE TO: [INT. TRIC – EVENING] (Peyton walks with Haley as they head to the back room.) PEYTON: So… hell of a night huh? HALEY: (Jittery) Yes, I’m still shaking! (Peyton laughs.) Thank you so much for everything! And I’m sorry about earlier. PEYTON: No, dude, you totally redeemed yourself after indie-boy flaked on me(!) HALEY: Ha! You wanna get outta here? PEYTON: Yes but, I gotta clear out some stragglers. (Peyton pushes open a door with ‘Private’ painted across it in Peyton’s hand. Inside are a bunch of people, and Rick, doing drugs.) RICK: (As he sees Peyton.) Hey(!) Relax, they’re cool. In fact, Peyton and I did a couple lines the other night. Aint that right Peyton? (Peyton has her hands in her pockets and looks guilty. Haley turns and looks at her accusingly. Peyton doesn’t know what to say. Not only has Peyton done drugs but she’s also let them people into Karen’s club.) FADE TO: [EXT. ROE RESIDENCE – DOORSTEP – EVENING] (Lucas walks up the steps to the front porch. Felix comes up from down the street and stops at his house, walking up the slabs. Lucas turns at the noise.) LUCAS: (Watches for a beat.) What do you want Felix? FELIX: (Beat) You like my sister? LUCAS: (Sighs but still on guard.) You know I do. FELIX: (Evilly) Too bad. Stay the hell away from her. LUCAS: (Not threatened.) Is that an order? FELIX: No… it’s a warning(!) (Off Lucas’ poker face.) |
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