Forever Dreaming |
2x08 - Collision |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 12/05/05 16:52 ] |
Post subject: | 2x08 - Collision |
Flashback: [Ana shooting at a firing range. Scene switches to Ana at the office of Matthew Reed, her therapist.] Matthew: So how're you doing? Ana-Lucia: Well, the family with the screaming baby moved. Matthew: You must be thrilled. Ana-Lucia: Actually, it's too quiet now. Matthew: So, how's Danny -- you 2 trying to work things out? Ana-Lucia: There's nothing to work out. He left. Matthew: You okay with that? Ana-Lucia: I guess you could say I'm one of those people that's just better off alone. Matthew: So, how was the firing range? Ana-Lucia: Good. Matthew: How did it feel to hold a gun again? Ana-Lucia: Very good. Matthew: All these steps count, Ana. You've come a long way since we met 4 months ago. Ana-Lucia: Did she say -- you know, when I can come back to work? Matthew: She left the final determination up to me. Ana-Lucia: Right. Matthew: Do you think you're ready? Ana-Lucia: What do you think? [He hands Ana her badge. Scene switches to a shot of her LAPD badge at the police dept. office.] Cop: [off camera] Welcome back to the force, Officer Cortez. [Scene switches to right after Ana shot Shannon. Sayid pulls out his gun and goes after Ana.] Michael: Sayid! Sayid, no! [Eko tackles Sayid and they fight. Ana cold-cocks Sayid, and grabs the gun.] Michael: Hey, hey! Ana-Lucia: [pointing the gun at Michael] Don't move! Nobody move! Ana-Lucia: Nobody move. Nobody! [to Eko] Does he have anything else on him? Eko: What? Ana-Lucia: He just had a gun to your neck -- check to see if he had anything else on him? Michael: Hey, put it down. Ana: pointing the gun at Michael]: Stop. Michael: Are you crazy? Don't point that at me? Ana-Lucia: I said stop! Michael: What is your problem? [Ana fires off a warning round.] Bernard: Ana! Jin: [Says something in Korean, and comes toward Ana.] Ana-Lucia: Get back! Get back, both of you! Michael: Are you crazy? Libby: Ana. Ana-Lucia: Get back now! Libby: Ana! Ana-Lucia: [to Eko] We need to tie him up. Eko: I'm not tying him up. Ana-Lucia: He tried to kill you. Eko: No. Ana-Lucia: [pointing the gun at Libby] You, you do it. Tie him. Use the vines from the stretcher. Michael: Hey, if we take that thing apart we won't be able to... Ana-Lucia: Shut up! Libby: Ana, Sawyer needs a doctor or he'll die. Ana-Lucia: I know what I'm doing. Flashback: [Ana at the police station.] Captain: I hope this is all of it. Raggs: That's all we've got right now. Captain: {something unintelligible} Raggs: Thanks, Captain. [Ana knocks at the Captain's open door.] Captain: Come on in. Raggs: Hey, look who's here. Good to see you Ana-Lucia, welcome back. Ana-Lucia: Thanks, Raggs. Raggs: I'll get you those IRs, Captain. Captain: Today. Raggs: You've got it. Captain: [to Ana-Lucia] How are you? Ana-Lucia: Good. Fine. Captain: Good. Your assignment. Ana-Lucia: Evidence? You're putting me behind a desk? Captain: Is that a problem? Ana-Lucia: I want patrol. Captain: I don't care what you want. Ana-Lucia: Just put me in a car. Captain: You were in an officer involve shooting -- no. Ana-Lucia: [subtitled from Spanish] You're doing this because you're my Captain? Or because you're my mother? Captain: Both. Ana-Lucia: I need to be back on the street. Please. Captain: I put you in a car -- everyone's going to know I pulled strings. You don't want me to treat you like my daughter? Don't ask for favors. Ana-Lucia: Then transfer me. [Ana's mother/Captain fills out a form.] Captain: You don't get the transfer, but I'll give you the car. Happy? Raggs: Sorry to bother you Captain -- Ana, there's a call for you in the bullpen, they say it's real important. Ana-Lucia: Thanks, Raggs, I'll be right there. Captain: They got you a cake, try and act surprised. [Jack filling a water bottle, Rose approaches.] Rose: Jack, nice to see you out of the hatch. You could use more sunshine. Jack: I'll take that under advisement. Rose: A little fruit might do you good, too. Good for the constitution -- at least that's what they say. Jack: Well, if that's what they say. [Jack takes a piece of fruit from Rose.] Rose: Mmmm? Jack: Where'd you get these? Rose: Well, now just because you're a little excited -- no reason to talk with your mouth full. [Something drops out of the sky into the water trough Jack was using to fill his bottle. Jack grabs it, and finds it's a golf ball.] Hurley: Past the hanging tree, double or nothing. Kate: You sure? Hurley: Dude, double or nothing, there's no way you're hitting it that far. Charlie: Hurley, the woman's on bloody steroids. Kate: Double's 10 thousand bucks. Charlie: Oh, that's nothing to someone who's worth 150 million dollars. He'll build you your own course, if you'd like. Kate: What are you talking about? Hurley: Ignore him, he's an idiot. [Kate swings and wins the bet.] Hurley: Crap! Jack: [entering] You hooked it. Try keeping your left arm straight. Kate: You giving me tips? Jack: Kate, I'm -- I'm a doctor. Kate: So, you think you could do better? Jack: [chuckling] Anyone can hit a ball. That's not golf. Kate: And what's golf? Jack: Golf is accuracy. Kate: Well, why don't we play a few holes and see which one of us is more accurate. Charlie: Oooh, fighting talk. Jack: You're kidding, right? Kate: 3 holes, no handicap, we play for bragging rights. What are we waiting for? [Eko giving a very sick and shaking Sawyer some water.] Libby: Ana, let's just get to their camp. It was an accident; they'll understand. Ana-Lucia: They'll understand? I killed one of them. [motioning to Jin and Michael] If those 2 move, shout. Libby: Wait, what are you doing? [Ana walks over to Sayid.] Sayid: Untie me. Ana-Lucia: I'm not... Sayid: Untie me! Libby: Ana. [Eko lifts Sawyer onto his back.] Ana-Lucia: What are you doing? Eko: I'm taking him back to his camp. Ana-Lucia: Don't leave, please. If that were you, he'd let you die. Eko: I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for me. Flashback: [Ana and her partner, Big Mike, on patrol.] Big Mike: So'd the shrink give you any good drugs? Ana: laughing]: Not that kind of shrink. Big Mike: Did you miss me? Ana-Lucia: Boy, did I. Big Mike: I heard about you and Danny. Want me to go kick his ass for you? Ana-Lucia: Nah. It's better this way. What are we doing in Westwood? Big Mike: I thought a change of scenery would be nice -- a nice safe neighborhood for your first day back. Ana-Lucia: This was her idea, wasn't it? Big Mike: She is the Captain. Ana-Lucia: Yeah. Police Radio Voice: 809, please respond to a domestic disturbance call at 2210 South Veteran. Ana-Lucia: This is 8 Adam-16. Big Mike: That's not our call. Police Radio Voice: Go ahead Adam-16. Ana-Lucia: We're just 3 blocks from away from that call on Veteran. We got it. Police Radio Voice: Copy that, 8 Adam-16. [Ana and Big Mike put on their siren. Scene switches to the domestic disturbance. A woman with a baby is fighting with a guy moving stuff.] Shawna: Where are you going? What are you doing?! Drop the TV, Travis. The TV's mine. [Ana and Big Mike pull up.] Travis: I bought it with my money. Shawna: Liar! Travis: Did you call the cops?! Shawna: What?! Travis: Do something useful, Shawna, shut your trap. Shawna: Arrest him; he is stealing my TV. He cannot get away with this. Travis: She hit me. She hit me. Big Mike: Hey, enough, all of you! Both of you! Ana-Lucia: [pulling her gun] Put your hands where I can see them! Get down on the ground! Big Mike: Officer Cortez! Ana-Lucia: Ma'am, get your baby upstairs. Big Mike: Ana Lucia! Ana-Lucia: Hands on the ground! Big Mike: Ana Lucia! He is down. Holster your weapon. Now. [Ana with Sayid and the rest of the group.] Libby: Hey, I think you should let him go. Ana-Lucia: No. He's going to come after me. Libby: You don't know that. Ana-Lucia: I killed someone he loves. [Michael gets up to give Sayid water.] Ana-Lucia: Sit down. Now. Michael: I'm bringing him water. You going to shoot me? Shoot me. Ana-Lucia: Don't even think of untying him. [Michael gives Sayid some water.] Sayid: Who is that woman? Michael: Her name is Ana-Lucia. She was on the plane -- tail section -- they all were. We were bringing them back. Sayid: Where is Walt? Michael: They took him -- the others. Sayid: What do you mean they took him? Michael: From the raft -- the night we left. [Sayid grunts and struggles.] Michael: Hey, man. Hey, we're going to get out of this, man. [Jack throws a golf tee to the ground.] Jack: Guess you're first. Kate: Lucky me. Jack: You know the lady's tee at my golf club back home is about 10 feet closer so if... Kate: Shut up, Jack. [Kate swings and gets the ball very close to the hole.] Jack: Nice. Kate: You're up. [Jack swings and his ball goes into the trees.] Kate: Wow, you really put it in there. [Jack crossing over a little creek to get to his ball.] Kate: We have more balls; you could always just take a drop. Jack: I'm good. [Jack finds his ball] Got it. [Kate sees something behind Jack.] Jack: You may want to move. [He sees the worried look on her face] What? [Eko enters carrying Sawyer.] Eko: Where is the doctor? [Locke in the hatch doing a crossword puzzle. The clue he's looking at is 42 down: Enkidu's friend. Locke fills in Gilgamesh. Jack and Kate enter.] Jack: I got him. I got him. Kate: Where are we headed? Jack: Bathroom. He's burning up. We've got to get him in the shower -- bring his fever down. Kate: What can I do? Jack: Okay, go through the medical stash; there's a bottle of Ofloxacin... Kate: Ofloxacin. Jack: Ofloxacin -- little white pills. Bring the alcohol and some gauge patches, and strip that bed and make sure it has clean sheets on it. Kate?! Kate: Uh, yeah, yeah. [Kate exits and Jack tends to Sawyer's wound. Locke enters and we hear the blip sound of the timer.] Locke: What happened? Jack: John, the button. [Locke exits and Jack turns the shower on Sawyer. Eko examines the Swan Dharma logo. We hear the timer reset to 108. Locke enters.] Locke: Hello. Eko: Hello. [Ana and the rest of the group with Sayid.] Bernard: [sitting next to Ana] Hey, what are we doing here, Ana? I mean, their camp has got to be close. I just want to get back to my wife. Ana-Lucia: How long have I kept you alive out here, Bernard? [Bernard bows his head] That's right. So cut me some slack. Libby: Hey, we just want to know what you're doing. What's the plan? Sayid: She has no plan. She only has her guilt and the gun. Ana-Lucia: You want a plan? [to Michael] Do you have any ammo, back at your camp? Michael: What? Ana-Lucia: Ammo -- for the gun -- do you have any back at your camp? Michael: Yeah, a couple boxes. Ana-Lucia: Alright, I want it -- at least half. And I'll need a pack -- a big one -- a blanket, some medicine, clothes -- jeans and socks -- you getting all this? Michael: Yeah, I got it. Ana-Lucia: Alright, you bring all of that stuff back to me and I'll let your friend go. Michael: I'm not leaving them. Libby: Michael, you should. Michael: No. We stick together. Jin: Go. [he says something in Korean like: I'll stay here with Sayid.] Michael: [to Jin] I'll be back, man. Libby: Ana, what are you doing? You can't live out here alone. Ana-Lucia: I'm already alone. Flashback: [Ana and Big Mike arrive in the LAPD parking lot.] Big Mike: I'll sign us out. Ana-Lucia: What, you talking to me, now? Big Mike: I just want to go home A-L. Ana-Lucia: Hey, I ordered that guy to stop twice. Big Mike: So does that mean every time we run into some yo-yo with a TV in his hands, you're going to draw down? Raggs: [entering] Hey, Ana-Lucia -- you're guy -- we got him. [We see a suspect in an interrogation room from the other side of the mirrored glass.] Captain: His name is Jason McCormick. We picked him up on an assault on an elderly woman in Echo Park. His fingerprints matched a partial from your crime scene. We questioned him and he confessed. The D.A. is ready to file charges -- all he needs is for you to I.D. him. Ana-Lucia: It's not him. Captain: He confessed. Ana-Lucia: I don't know him. Captain: [to the lawyers in the room] Can you guys give us a minute? [to Ana] Why are you doing this? Ana-Lucia: Because it's not him. Captain: He put 4 bullets into you -- hollow points through your vest -- he tried to kill you. You want a list of his priors? You want to put this guy back out on the street? [Ana walks over to Shannon's body and is sad. Scene switches to Eko looking into the gun vault in the hatch. Locke enters.] Locke: What happened? Out there -- what happened? Eko: There was an accident. Locke: What kind of accident? Eko: A girl was shot and killed. Locke: What did she look like? Eko: She was tall with blonde hair. There was an Arab man... Locke: Shannon. You said there were 5 of you from the tail section? Eko: 4. Locke: 4 -- why didn't the rest of them come back with you? And Michael, Jin? Eko: They cannot come back right now. Locke: Can you take me to them? Eko: [looking at the guns] No. [Kate brings the anti-biotics and some water to Jack and Sawyer.] Kate: Here you go. What's happening? Why is he shaking? Jack: He's septic. The infection's gotten into the blood stream. If the anti-biotics don't bring the fever down he'll go into shock. Hold him up. Kate: Okay, I've got him. [Jack puts a pill in his mouth and pours some water in. Sawyer coughs it out.] Jack: Swallow it, swallow it, swallow it. Kate: I'll do it. Jack: No, no, I've got it. Kate: I can do it. [quietly to Sawyer]: Sawyer? Hey, you have to listen to me, okay? The only way that you are going to get better is if you take this pill. So I want you to swallow it, okay? Okay, here we go. [She puts the pill in his mouth and holds up the glass for him to drink] Now swallow, swallow. Good! Good. Jack: Nice job. I never learned the whole whisper-in-the-ear thing in med school. [Ana and the group with Sayid. Bernard is picking up his bags.] Ana-Lucia: What are you doing? Bernard: I'm going Ana. I don't want to be a part of this. I know everything you've done for us, and I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. But I'm going. Ana-Lucia: [to Libby] What about you? Libby: I just don't think you're the best judge of character. I was with you when you put Nathan in the pit. Ana-Lucia: Alright, you want to go? Go. Leave. [To Jin] You -- go. [Jin looks at Sayid who nods for him to go.] Ana-Lucia: Get out of here. Go. [Michael running through the jungle. He comes out of the jungle and sees Sun at her garden.] Sun: Michael! Michael: Hi. Listen, it's alright. Jin is okay. Sun: Where is he? Michael: He's fine; and I'll explain. But right now, I need to find Jack. [Jack talking to Eko in the hatch.] Jack: [angry] Where are they? [Eko doesn't answer] I said, where are they? Locke: Jack, it's not his fault... Jack: Shannon's dead! I'm not... [to Eko] You're going to take me back out there, right now. Locke: This man isn't the problem. He brought Sawyer back. Jack: Half-dead with a bullet hole in his shoulder, John. [to Eko] Are you going to talk to me or are you just going to sit there? Eko: Anything I say will only make you angry. So, yes, I will sit here. Sun: [entering with Michael] Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack: Michael. [They hug]. Michael: We've got a problem, man. [We see Jack loading a rifle.] Jack: You remember how to get out there, right? Michael: Yeah, I think so. Locke: We should stop and think about this, Jack. Jack: Think about what, John? Shannon's dead, Sayid's being held at gunpoint. You want to sit and hope that situation resolves itself -- be my guest. [Handing Michael a gun] You know how to use this? Michael: Yes, sir. Eko: Stop! Please. What do you want? Jack: Excuse me? Eko: Peace? Revenge? Justice? And you are going out with all these guns? What do you want? Jack: I want all of our people back here safely. Your friend murdered... Eko: Ana-Lucia made a mistake. Jack: What did you say? Eko: Ana-Lucia made a mistake. Jack: Ana-Lucia. Eko: I will take you there. But only you, and no guns. Jack: Let's go. [Ana repeatedly removing and re-engaging the magazine of the gun.] Ana-Lucia: Where are you from? [Sayid doesn't answer.] Where are you from? Sayid: I'm from Iraq. Ana-Lucia: Do you have any kids? Sayid: Why are you asking me if I have children? Ana-Lucia: I'm curious. Sayid: I do not. Do you have children? Ana-Lucia: No. Sayid: Are you going to kill me? That's what you're thinking about isn't it? Ana-Lucia: Should I? Sayid: Almost 40 days ago on this very island I tied a man to a tree and tortured him. I tortured him as I've tortured many men -- men whose voices I still hear in the night. Should you kill me? Maybe you should. Maybe you were meant to. Ana-Lucia: I'm a cop. I was a cop. One night my partner and I responded to a burglary call. We were the first ones there. I covered the front and he went around the back. I was there a minute and then this kid comes right through the front door -- I tell him to put his hands up -- and he's says I'm making a mistake -- that he's a student and he wants to show me his I.D. I believed him. I just -- I let him reach. All I remember was a pop. By the time I hit the ground I thought I was dead. I feel dead. Sayid: What happened to him -- the man who shot you? Flashback: [Ana in a bar. We see the guy who had been in custody before leaving the bar. Ana gets up and follows.] Ana-Lucia: Hey, Jason. Jason: Do I know you? Ana: pulling her gun]: I was pregnant. [Ana shoots 3 times, walks over and shoots 3 more times.] Sayid: What happened to him? Ana-Lucia: Nothing. They never found him. [She picks up Eko's homemade knife and swings it at Sayid, but only to cut the ropes. Then she drops the knife and gun at Sayid's feet.] Go ahead, pick it up, I deserve it. Sayid: What good it would be to kill you if we're both already dead? [Sayid goes to Shannon's body to carry it back.] [Kate with Sawyer who is shivering.] Kate: Hey! Hey, can you hear me? You're going to be okay. You're going to be alright. You're home. [Montage of Michael finding Vincent on the beach; Bernard, Libby, and Jin coming to the beach; Charlie and a bunch of redshirts greet them; Bernard and Rose reunite; Sun and Jin reunite; Eko and Jack come across Sayid carrying Shannon followed by Ana.] |
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