Forever Dreaming

4x03 - The Economist
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/26/08 11:37 ]
Post subject:  4x03 - The Economist

[Sayid kneeling next to the helicopter, praying. His eyes open, looking at Naomi.]

JACK: Did Ben ever mention anything about knowing anyone off the island?

JULIET (talking over Jack) No.

JACK: You’re sure of that?

MILES: Look, this is real simple, do you know where he is or don’t you?

JACK: What do you want with him?

MILES: I want to locate him.

[Sayid stands and walks towards Naomi.]

MILES: The people who hired me told me his name’s Benjamin Linus, they gave me this picture, and that’s all they told me.

[Dan approaches Kate]

MILES: They said “find him” and for what they’re paying me I don’t need to know anything else, do you?

[Sayid gets to Naomi, kneels, and closes her eyes]

JACK: You want Ben. Okay, he’s with Locke, and your friend…

MILES: Charlotte.

[Sayid covers Naomi]

JACK: Charlotte. Locke’s got her too. And we know where they’re headed.

MILES: Locke’s the guy who killed Naomi. Give me back my gun, Shephard.

JACK: You want your gun back, I want answers.

[Sayid removes Naomi’s bracelet, looks on the reverse side and sees an inscription, “N, I’ll always be with you. R.G."]

MILES: You don’t trust me and I don’t trust you. In fact, you’re supposed to be dead, but am I asking a billion questions? No.

[Cut back to Miles and Jack]

MILES: We both have the same problem, this Locke guy.

KATE: Even if Locke has your friend, you can’t just waltz in there and grab her. They’re armed.

MILES: Well how bout that, so are we! So why don’t we move out…

[Sayid interrupts]

SAYID: We’re not going anywhere. Will that helicopter fly?

[Sayid approaches Frank at the helicopter]

FRANK: It’s what she does.

SAYID: Then you can take me to your ship.

JACK: Sayid, wait a second.

[Sayid turns to Jack]

SAYID: We did call these people to get us off this island, didn’t we?

[Sayid turns back to Frank]

SAYID: Well?

FRANK: I burned a lot of fuel coming in, I can’t carry much weight. I’ll take three of ya.

MILES: In case you zoned out while you were tweezing your goatee, one of these yahoos took Charlotte prisoner.

SAYID: I can bring her back, safely. And if I do, will you take me to the ship.

FRANK: Absolutely. You bring Charlotte back safe, and I will take you off this island.

[Flash to a beach side golf course. A longer haired Sayid is teeing off. He watches his teeshot for a moment. Sayid is walking down the fairway, golf bag over his shoulder. He sets down his golf bag and a golf cart is heard, then seen, approaching with a single male occupant. The man in the golf cart pulls up next to Sayid and begins speaking with an Italian accent.]

MAN: Good morning.

SAYID: Good morning.

MAN: It’s a long walk to the next hole. Do you need a ride?

SAYID: Thank you, but no, my ball is right here.

MAN: You know, you are the first person I’ve seen out here all morning.

SAYID: I believe we are paying quite a premium for that kind of privacy.

MAN: Indeed we are.

[The man steps off of the golf cart]

MAN: Is this your first time in the Seychelles?

[The man watches Sayid prepare for his next shot]

MAN: Uh uh, I’d use the five iron.

SAYID: I think I’ll stick with the seven.

MAN: Tell you what. 50 Euros says mine goes closer to the pin with a 5 iron.

SAYID: Let’s make it 100.

MAN: Eccelente. Amazing, huh? How a wager makes just about anything more fun.

[Sayid swings. The ball lands on the green to the left of the pin.]

MAN: Not bad, not bad. So, what do you do for a living, my friend?

SAYID: I do nothing.

MAN: Nothing? Doesn’t pay for a vacation here.

SAYID: I was the recipient of a large settlement.

MAN: Corporate merger?

SAYID: Actually, a plane crash.

[The man’s facial expression becomes concerned]

SAYID: Oceanic Airlines flight 8-1-5. I’m Sayid Jarrah, one of the Oceanic Six.

[The man’s facial expression becomes more concerned.]

MAN: Ah, that’s – that’s…that’s amazing, uhm, I remember reading all about it.

SAYID: Take your shot, my friend.

[The man takes his shot. The ball lands on the green to the left of the pin but closer than Sayid’s ball.]

SAYID: It appears you were right about the 5-iron.

MAN: Well, uh, enjoy your round, and uh, don’t worry about the wager. All in good fun.

SAYID: No, you won, allow me to pay you.

MAN: It’s fine, thank you, it’s…

[SAYID reaches into his golf bag.]

SAYID: I insist, Mr. Avellino.

[Mr. Avellino turns toward Sayid. Sayid draws a gun and shoots him dead. Sayid retrieves his golf bag and walks back down the fairway as the sprinklers come on.]

[Main credits]

[Cut to Sayid entering a café. He walks through the café, looking, and finds an empty seat next to a blonde woman.]

SAYID: (in German) Is this seat free?

[The woman nods yes. Sayid sits and opens a map.]

WOMAN: (in German) Where would you like to go?

SAYID: ‘Is it free’ was the full extent of my German.

WOMAN: (laughing) What are you looking for?

SAYID: I love Europe. Everyone speaks English. I’m looking for Potsdamer Platz.

WOMAN: Well you don’t need a map. It’s one block down right across the street.

SAYID: Thank you.

[Sayid scans the café.]

WOMAN: I’m Elsa.

SAYID: Sayid.

WAITER: (in German) Can I bring you something?

SAYID: I’ll have an espresso, please.

WAITER: (in German) Yes, immediately.

ELSA: What sort of business brings you to Berlin?

SAYID: I’m a headhunter. A corporate recruiter. And what do you do?

ELSA: My employer is an economist. He works in emerging markets. Actually I, I don’t really understand what he does; which doesn’t matter since all I do is shop for him. And if this goes off [holds up an old style pager], I’m at his side instantly. Which is wonderful, since he’s only in Berlin once or twice a year.

SAYID: Which is why you are enjoying a luxuriously long mid-day coffee.

ELSA: Yes.

[The waiter brings Sayid’s espresso]

SAYID: (in German) Thank you.

ELSA: Do I……know you from somewhere?

SAYID: I’ll tell you exactly where you know me from, if you let me take you to dinner.

[Elsa takes Sayid’s map]


[Elsa marks Sayid’s map]

ELSA: This is the restaurant you’re taking me tonight. 8:00. Well, if you can find it.

[Elsa stands and leaves.]

[Cut to Sayid walking down a snow covered sidewalk. He pulls a cell phone out of his coat and dials.]

MAN 2: (on the phone) Hello?

SAYID: I made contact.

MAN 2: (on the phone) Good.

[Sayid hangs up, tosses the phone into a trash can, grabs some snow from the top of the trash can, crushes it in his left hand, then crosses the street.]

[Flash back to the Island]

[Saydi removes a paper from a backpack. Jack, Kate, and Juliet are sitting nearby.]

SAYID: Take a look at this.

[Sayid approaches Jack.]

SAYID: Naomi had it with her.

[The paper is a picture of Desmond and Penny.]

SAYID: She was looking for Desmond. Whatever their real agenda is, it’s clear they’re not sharing it. Maybe Desmond can shed some light on this.

JACK: How long would it take to get to the beach and back?

JULIET: Couple of hours.

JACK: You mind?

JULIET: Anything I can do to help.

JACK: Sayid…

[Jack stands and walks after Sayid]

JACK: So how are we gonna do this?

[Jack and Sayid walk together]

SAYID: You’re not the best candidate for this kind of mission.

JACK: And what kind of mission is that?

SAYID: I’m going to make Locke release Charlotte. And I’m going to do it without any bloodshed.

JACK: As opposed to the way I’d do it.

SAYID: The last time you encountered him, you put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. That’s not good diplomacy.

[Miles, near the helicopter, puts on his backpack.]

MILES: Hey, Jarrah, you think you’re going after Charlotte without me?

SAYID: Of course not.

MILES: Oh. Well, good.

SAYID: Is there anything else?

MILES: Yeah, give me my gun back.

SAYID: [walking past Miles] We leave in ten minutes.

[Cut to Locke and others walking through the jungle.]

SAWYER: You ready to give us a name, Gizmo?

LOCKE: He’s not going to tell you who his spy is on their boat, James.

SAWYER: Yeah, why not?

LOCKE: Because that’s the only thing keeping him alive.

SAWYER: Well here’s an idea: why don’t we take a gun, point it to his big toe and send that little piggy to market. And if he still doesn’t want to tell us, we’ll move on to the roast beef. Now why don’t we do that?

LOCKE: Because then we’d have to carry him.

[Everyone pauses. Locke scans the jungle then kneels down and picks up some grey ash from an ash line on the jungle floor. He then looks up to a clearing in the jungle then stands up.]

CLAIRE: Hey, John, how much further is it? I, I need to feed Aaron.

LOCKE: It should be here, the cabin.

HURLEY: Maybe we got turned around. It could be anywhere.

LOCKE: No, it was here.

SAWYER: Well what’s in this cabin that’s so important anyway?

BEN: John’s looking for somebody to tell him what to do next.

[Locke turns and stares at Ben.]

LOCKE: I guess I was mistaken. It doesn’t, doesn’t matter, the plan’s the same, we keep moving. The barracks aren’t far.

DANIELLE: If her team is with Jack’s group, they know we’re going to the barracks.

SAWYER: Yeah, and Red here was wearing a vest. Which means her posse’s gonna come expecting themselves a gun fight.

HURLEY: If all they want is her, maybe we should just let her go? I mean, I thought we were just gonna go hide, why do we need to take prisoners?

LOCKE: We’re keeping her because she’s gonna be valuable.

HURLEY: How’s she gonna be valuable?

CHARLOTTE: He means as a hostage, love.

HURLEY: Uh uh, no, this is not what I signed up for.

LOCKE: What did you sign up for, Hugo?

HURLEY: Look, I’m just saying I think if we let her go, they’ll look at it as a sign of good faith.

LOCKE: They’ll look at it as an act of foolishness, which is what it would be.

HURLEY: I’m just trying to come up with some kinda compromise…

LOCKE: We’re beyond compromise. And right now, Hugo, I’m making the decisions. Is that gonna be a problem for you?

[Cut to Miles, Daniel, Sayid, Frank, and Kate at the helicopter.]

KATE: Kinda sucks, huh?

JACK: What’s that?

KATE: Being told not to come along. Now you know what it feels like to be me.

JACK: Does that mean I should wait twenty minutes and go anyway?

[Both laugh.]

KATE: Touché.

JACK: You should go with them, Kate.

KATE: Are you serious?

JACK: Yeah.

KATE: What, don’t you trust Sayid?

JACK: I don’t trust Locke.

KATE: So what’s preventing him from doing to me what he did to Naomi?

JACK: Sawyer won’t let him.

[Kate turns and walks toward Sayid, holding up a pistol.]

KATE: Got room for one more?

MILES: Oh yeah, she gets a gun.

SAYID: Gun’s a last resort, Kate.

KATE: You give Locke that same speech?

MILES: Hey. Let’s move out.

[Sayid and Kate walk past Miles. He turns and follows. Jack walks to the helicopter, where Frank is working, and retrieves a bottle of water, then starts to walk away.]

FRANK: This guy Sayid, where’s he from?

JACK: Iraq.

FRANK: Iraq? So he’s just gonna go and work everything out? What was he, a diplomat?

JACK: No. No, he was a torturer.

[Sayid, Kate, and Miles disappear into the jungle.]

[Sayid is staring at the inside of Naomi’s bracelet. Kate and Miles follow.]

SAYID: Naomi, were you close to her?

MILES: Nope. Met her on the boat.

SAYID: You don’t seem particularly affected by her death.

MILES: Sure I’m affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.

KATE: Nice.

SAYID: And this woman, Charlotte, you don’t really care about her, do you?

MILES: Define care.

SAYID: So much for camaraderie.

MILES: Yeah, gee, who’s the one going after one of their crash buddies with guns? Actually, I do care about Locke.

[They stop.]

MILES: Maybe you can tell me how he managed to split your happy little family in half.

SAYID: (looks at Kate) There was a fundamental debate as to whether your people were coming to rescue us, or kill us.

MILES: And which side did you land on?

SAYID: I’ll let you know when I decide.

[They begin walking again.]

[Flash to Elsa opening a door. Sayid is on the other side, wearing a tuxedo.]

ELSA: You look fantastic.

[They hug.]

ELSA: This is why I wanted to take you to the opera.

SAYID: If a man can’t wear his tuxedo by the fifth date, why bother?

[Sayid follows Elsa inside to a mirror, standing behind her. She picks up a necklace and holds it out for him to fasten around her neck. He fastens it as she reaches for her purse and pager, and begins to put the pager into her purse.]

ELSA: You know what? I’m not bringing it. If tonight’s the night he calls, so be it.

[Elsa puts the pager back down and walks away. Sayid picks it up and turns to follow her.]

SAYID: I’ll carry it. If he does call, I don’t want you fired over me. You should tell your employer that there is newer technology.

ELSA: Well I’ve tried. He’s very old-fashioned. You know how bosses can be. Do you have a boss?

SAYID: Everyone has a boss, Elsa.

[Elsa nods.]

SAYID: Come on, we don’t want to be late.

ELSA: Why are you still here? I mean, when we met, you said you would only be in Berlin for one week.

SAYID: The job I’m on is proving harder to accomplish than I thought.

ELSA: Oh. (laughs) Right. I was hoping it was because of me.

SAYID: Let’s go. Strauss awaits.

[Flash back to the helicopter interior. Daniel approaches and begins looking around inside. He grabs a large case and tripod and walks to the opposite side and rear of the helicopter. Frank and Jack watch from the treeline. Daniel begins setting up the scientific equipment.]

JACK: What’s his story?

FRANK: Daniel? Couldn’t tell ya. Half the stuff he says goes way over my head, the other half goes way, way over.

DANIEL: Hey, uh, Frank? Can I, uh, sorry to interrupt. May I please use the phone, just for a sec?

FRANK: For what?

DANIEL: I just wanna call Regina on the boat cause I figured since we’re waiting maybe I could just, you know, try and uh….

FRANK: What is it, Daniel?

DANIEL: I’d just like to do an experiment. Just, just uh…

FRANK: Okay. You just keep it to that science stuff, all right?

[Frank hands the sat phone to Daniel.]


FRANK: If Minkowski gets on there, you hang up right away.

DANIEL: Yeah, thank you, thank you.

[Daniel dials the phone as he walks back toward the equipment setup.]

REGINA: (on phone) Hello?

DANIEL: Regina? Hey, hi, it’s Dan. Hang on.

[Daniel puts the phone on speaker and sets it down next to the case.]

DANIEL: Can you hear me?


DANIEL: Yeah, hang on.

[DANIEL pushes a button on his equipment and a red light blinks.]

DANIEL: I’m all, yes,

[pushes another button and a green light blinks]

DANIEL: I am all set here, I have a fix. Are you locked in?

REGINA: Getting your signal pretty clear.

DANIEL: Oh, okay, great, then. Okay. Fire the payload.

REGINA: Payload away.

FRANK: (to Jack) Don’t sweat it. He does this kind of stuff on the boat all the time.

[JACK looks around as Daniel watches the sky.]

REGINA: Forty kilometers to beacon. Thirty-five kilometers to beacon. Thirty kilometers to beacon. Twenty-five kilometers to beacon. Twenty kilometers to beacon. Fifteen kilometers to beacon. Ten kilometers to beacon.

DANIEL: Regina?

REGINA: Five kilometers to beacon.



DANIEL: I don’t have it.

REGINA: That’s weird.

DANIEL: That is far more than weird.

[Cut to a tree line next to the barracks. Sayid, Kate, and Miles exit the tree line with caution.]

MILES: (kneeling) What’s with the swing set? These people had daycare?

KATE: (to Sayid) You think they’re here yet?

SAYID: Let’s find out.

[Sayid, Miles, and Kate enter the compound, guns drawn. They hear a loud banging noise. Sayid turns to Kate, then back, and they begin running. They carefully round the corner of a house, cross a yard, and pause behind a small tree.]

KATE: (pointing) It’s coming from in there.

[They run to a house, guns drawn. Sayid kicks the door open. They enter and start looking around. The interior of the house is in complete disarray. They hear a muffled voice in the hallway and find a door tied closed with a piece of rope. Sayid unties the rope and opens the door. They find Hurley bound and gagged on the floor of a closet. Kate removes the gag.]

KATE: Hurley, what happened?

HURLEY: They left me.

[Hurley is sitting on the couch in the living room of the house with Sayid, Kate, and Miles nearby.]

HURLEY: Locke’s gone off the reservation, man. I mean, he took this one chick hostage, he said Walt was the one who told him to kill this other chick, and, and, and he…

SAYID: (interrupting) Walt?

HURLEY: Dude, don’t ask. I was just, like, trying to argue with him, so he would just like, you know, chill, but uh…

MILES: (interrupting) How about you stop babbling, just tell us what happened to them? Where are they?

HURLEY: Who are you?

MILES: Where the hell did they go, Tubby?

HURLEY: Oh, awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer.

SAYID: Hurley, where did they go?

HURLEY: Loo…look, I guess they were too busy tying me up to tell me. I don’t know.

KATE: And so they all left, all together?

HURLEY: Yeah, they were freaked. Locke said the people on the ship were here to rescue Charlotte and then kill us. So….

[Hurley looks at Miles]

HURLEY: …are you?

MILES: Not yet.

SAYID: Did they say anything that suggested where they were going next?

HURLEY: Uhm, Locke said they were gonna go by Ben’s house before they took off.

SAYID: Why would he go there?

HURLEY: For all I know, they coulda locked Ben up in a closet, too.

MILES: Where’s Ben’s house?

[Cut back to the helicopter where Jack is tying down some equipment.]

JACK: Mind if I ask you a question?

FRANK: Shoot.

JACK: The Red Sox really win the Series?

FRANK: Hey, don’t get me started on that, alright? My dad’s from the Bronx. I bleed Yankee blue.

JACK: Can’t believe it’s been a hundred days since I’ve seen a game.

[Daniel, standing in the clearing, turns around and looks up to the sky excitedly.]

DANIEL: Oh, aha. It’s the payload! It’s finally here.

[A missile-like object streaks down and noses into the ground just in front of the helicopter, Daniel, Frank, and Jack. Daniel runs to it, picks it up, and begins removing the nosecone.]

JACK: What is that?

DANIEL: It’s a rocket.

[Daniel removes a small box-like object from the nosecone. He compares it to the watch on his wrist.]

DANIEL: Oh, no.

[Daniel runs to the tripod. He takes a timepiece off of the tripod and compares it to the one from the rocket. The tripod clock reads “02:45:03” while the clock from the rocket reads “03:16:22”, then “03:16:23.]

DANIEL: Thirty-one minutes.

[Jack and Frank walk up behind him.]

DANIEL: Oh, no. This is not good.

[Frank looks to his left.]

Franke: Your friends are back.

[Jack looks to see Juliet approaching with Desmond. Juliet laughs to Desmond as he sees the helicopter.]

DESMOND: Well, look at that.

[Cut to a door opening and Sayid, Miles, Hurley, and Kate entering a house.]

SAYID: Look for anything that might show where they’ve gone. I’ll start in here.

[Miles looks around toward the kitchen. Kate draws her gun and starts walking down a hallway. She kicks open a bedroom door and enters. She scans the room and approaches the closet, opens it, and finds it mostly empty. In another room, Sayid is looking at books on a bookcase. He looks down at the floor and notices scuffs at the bottom of the bookcase and slides the bookcase away from the wall which reveals a passageway to a secret room. Sayid draws his gun and enters. Inside, Sayid finds a light switch and turns on the light showing that the room is filled with clean clothes, suitcases, a mirror, and several drawers. Sayid opens one drawer to find it full of all types of money from around the world and the drawer next to it full of passports. He opens a passport and finds Ben’s picture inside along with the alias “Dean Moriarty”. Back in the other room, Kate is kneeling looking under the bed when she sees the feet of someone entering the room. She stands up, points her gun, and sees Sawyer holding his finger to his lips as he shuts the door.]


KATE: Sayid!

[Sayid puts the passports back in the drawer and exits the secret room to find Locke pointing a gun at him.]

LOCKE: Don’t worry, Kate’s fine.

[Sayid looks past Danielle holding a gun on Miles as Hurley enters the room.]

LOCKE: Good job, Hugo.

HURLEY: (to Sayid) Sorry, dude.

[Cut to Sayid walking out of the house, arms out, and across the courtyard. Danielle is behind him pointing a rifle at him. Hurley follows.]

DANIELLE: Sorry, Sayid, nothing personal.

SAYID: Where’s Locke?

HURLEY: He’s talking to that angry Chinese guy.

SAYID: (looking over his shoulder) I’m not going to hurt you, Hurley.

HURLEY: Yeah, I saw you snap that guy’s neck with that break dancing thing you do with your legs. I think I’ll hang back here.

[Danielle opens the door to the rec room; Sayid enters as she closes the door. Sayid looks to see Ben also being held in the rec room.]

BEN: Well, I guess they’re running out of jail space.

[Sayid looks around the room, rattling the reinforcements on the window interior.]

BEN: I lost a dollar, you know.

SAYID: How’d you manage that?

BEN: I bet John that you wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for your friend as bait.

SAYID: What do you know about friendship?

BEN: I know it’s no use having friends you can’t trust.

[Cut to Kate looking out of a window. She turns and walks toward Sawyer.]

KATE: So what, I’m your prisoner?

SAWYER: If that sorta thing turns you on.

[Kate sits on the bed.]

KATE: What are you doing here with Locke?

SAWYER: I’m not "with" him.

KATE: Yeah, you are, James.

SAWYER: Then what are you doing with Jack?

KATE: I went with Jack because I believe he can get us off this island.

[Sawyer walks toward Kate.]

SAWYER: Then I guess that’s the difference between us.

[Sawyer sits in front of Kate.]

SAWYER: I ain’t lookin’ to leave.

KATE: Why not?

SAWYER: Cause I ain’t got nothin’ back there for me.

KATE: And what’s here that’s so much better?

SAWYER: Why do you want to go back, Kate? Seem to recall you being shuttled off to jail before we landed here. So if you think there’s anything waitin’ for you back home other than handcuffs, then you really don’t know how the world works. Look around us, Freckles. We’ve got roofs over our heads; electricity, showers, beds.

KATE: Yeah, how long, Sawyer? How long can do you think we can play house?

SAWYER: Why don’t we find out?

[Cut back to the rec room, Sayid is leaning against the pool table, arms crossed, as Danielle opens the door. Locke enters, carrying a tray with a pitcher and some glasses on it.]

LOCKE: Iced tea.

[He sets the tray down next to Sayid and pours some tea into a glass.]

LOCKE: Thought you might be thirsty.

BEN: (raising his hand) I’m thirsty.

[Locke looks at Ben then ignores him.]

LOCKE: I’m sorry about all the theatrics, but uh, I didn’t know how many of you there’d be, or whether you’d be armed. I had to cover my bases.

[Locke sits in a chair across from Sayid.]

SAYID: What have you done with Miles and Kate?

LOCKE: Kate’s with Sawyer and Miles is somewhere else. He’s fine. All I did was ask him some questions.

SAYID: Did he answer any?


SAYID: Did you have more luck with the woman you captured?

[Locke looks to Ben, then back.]

LOCKE: Not particularly.

[Sayid sits.]

SAYID: Then why don’t you turn her over to me?

LOCKE: And why would I do that?

SAYID: I agree that these people are liars, and they’re certainly not here to rescue us, but if I return safely with Charlotte, they’ll take me to their ship. It’s our best chance of finding out who they are and what they really want.

LOCKE: Well, then, I can save you a lot of trouble, Sayid, because Ben says he’s got a spy on the boat.

[Sayid and Locke stand and approach Ben.]


BEN: It’s a secret.

SAYID: Forgive me, but the day I start trusting him is the day I would have sold my soul. Give me Charlotte. Allow me to do things my way, or a war is coming which we will both be powerless to stop.

LOCKE: Why would I give you Charlotte for nothing?

SAYID: Oh, I think you misunderstood me. I never expected you to give her to me for nothing.

[Flash to Sayid and Elsa lying in bed together.]

ELSA: Should we get dressed?


ELSA: Well we’re going to have to get out of this bed at a certain point.


ELSA: Well for one thing, because I know that eventually you’re going to have to go to that job of yours. You know, the one that you never talk about.

SAYID: There’s nothing to talk about, it’s just a job.

ELSA: I know nothing about you. I understand you don’t want to talk about the crash, what happened to you. But what about life now? What about you? That's what you do when you’re in love, right?

SAYID: In love?

ELSA: Yeah.

[They kiss.]

SAYID: Okay. No more secrets. What do you want to know?

[Elsa’s pager goes off.]

ELSA: He’s here. My boss. I, um, I have to go.

[ELSA gets out of bed.]

SAYID: Now? Where?

ELSA: To the Hotel Adlon. Where’s my dress?

[Elsa starts dressing as Sayid looks at the pager.]

SAYID: Elsa? You have to leave Berlin.

ELSA: What?

[Sayid gets out of bed and begins dressing.]

SAYID: You can’t be here anymore.

ELSA: What do you mean? Why would I--

SAYID: (interrupting) People will be asking questions soon. About what happened to your employer. And you can’t be around to answer them.

ELSA: My employer? This, this is about my boss? Who are you?

SAYID: It has nothing to do with how…

ELSA: The café? You meant to meet me there? You used me to get to my boss. What did you say, “people will ask what happened to him”?

SAYID: It’s best you don’t know.

ELSA: You gonna kill him? You’re gonna kill him?

[Elsa steps back into the bathroom. Running water is heard.]

ELSA: Do you even know him?

SAYID: His name is on a list.

ELSA: A list? What list? You know, you have a list?

SAYID: It’s my employers.

ELSA: Who is that?

SAYID: It doesn’t matter who he is!

ELSA: You just kill people ‘cause you’re on a list? Innocent people?

SAYID: The man you are working for is not an economist.

[Elsa backs away from the sink, raises a pistol, and shoots Sayid in the shoulder. He falls back onto the bed. Elsa picks up her cell phone and dials as she steps back into the bathroom.]

ELSA: (on the phone, in German) You were supposed to page me at ten-thirty. No, I didn’t kill him. He’s not going to give up the name now. Why should I keep him alive? No. He had no idea. All right, all right. I’ll bring him to you. Leave the hotel. I’ll meet you at the safe house.

[Elsa hangs up and Sayid grabs an object off of the nightstand and hurls it at the mirror, breaking it. Elsa walks toward the bedroom as Sayid retrieves his gun from the holster on a chair next to the bed.]

ELSA: What do you think you’re…

[Sayid shoots her twice. She falls back against the wall, then slumps to the floor, gasping, and dies. Sayid closes her eyes with his hand and touches the silver bracelet on her wrist.]

[Flash back to the Island where Daniel is checking his scientific equipment as Frank and Desmond walk behind him.]

DESMOND: Hey. I’m gonna ask you one last time. Why was Naomi carrying this picture of me?

FRANK: Look man, you gotta understand somethin’. She was senior management, it’s not like we hung around the cafeteria together. She stayed on her own.

DESMOND: Look, Naomi told me you people were hired by her.

[Desmond points to Penny in the picture.]

DESMOND: So you look me right in the eye and tell me you’ve never seen or heard of Penelope Widmore.

[Frank looks over to Daniel who in turn looks off. Frank turns back to Desmond.]

DESMOND: Fine. You don’t want to tell me the truth, I’ll find someone who will. See when that takes off, (points to helicopter) I’m on it.

[Sayid walks over the ridge. Jack and Juliet are standing by the wood line when Juliet sees him.]

JULIET: He’s back.

[Charlotte appears behind Sayid as Jack walks toward Sayid.]

JACK: Where’s Kate?

SAYID: She decided to stay.

FRANK: What happened to Miles?

SAYID: I traded him.

FRANK: Traded him?

SAYID: I promised you Charlotte, here she is.

FRANK: You cheated.


FRANK: Yes you did. Lucky for you that guy’s nothing but a pain in my ass.

[Daniel walks up and puts his arm around Charlotte.]



DANIEL: You alright?


FRANK: All right, that gives us room for one more. Charlotte?

CHARLOTTE: Go back, with all the fun I’m having here? No, I’ve got work to do.

FRANK: Seat’s yours if you want it, Daniel.

DANIEL: I, no, thank you. I think I should probably just stay with Charlotte.

FRANK: All right.

[Frank walks back toward the helicopter as Daniel follows.]

DANIEL: Frank. Frank? Just, just, just, just, just one thing. Just be sure that you follow the same exact bearing that we came in on, okay. No matter what. By that, I mean no matter what. Just, just stay on it.

FRANK: Roger that.

[Jack picks up a rifle and hands it to Sayid.]

JACK: Be careful.

SAYID: I don’t have to talk you out of coming.

JACK: As much as I like helicopter rides, I think you got this one under control.

SAYID: Wish me luck.

JACK: Good luck. Send me a postcard.

[Sayid walks to the helicopter.]

SAYID: You said we have room for one more?

FRANK: Yeah, why?

SAYID: We should bring Naomi home.

[Sayid puts Naomi in the back of the helicopter. Desmond sits next to Frank in the front. Sayid covers Naomi’s face with a blanket and sits in the back. The helicopter lifts off and flies out over the beach and away from the island.]

[Flash to a row of dog kennels in a hallway. Sayid enters through a door and walks to a room, leaning against the doorway.]

MAN 2: Take your shirt off.

[Sayid removes his jacket and shirt and sits in an exam room. A man walks past Sayid, sitting in front of him, and shines an overhead light on his wounded shoulder.]

MAN 2: Is she dead?


MAN 2: Why didn’t she kill you?

SAYID: She was trying to get information from me.

MAN 2: What sort of information?

SAYID: She wanted to know who I worked for. She wanted to know about you.

MAN 2: Of course she did.

[Sayid looks at the man and it’s revealed to be Ben.]

BEN: Why are you crying, because it hurts, or because you were stupid enough to care for her? These people don’t deserve our sympathies. Need I remind you what they did the last time you thought with your heart instead of your gun?

SAYID: You used that to recruit me into killing for you.

BEN: Do you want to protect your friends or not, Sayid? I have another name for you.

SAYID: But they know I’m after them now.

BEN: Good.

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