Forever Dreaming

5x05 - This Place is Death
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/23/09 14:26 ]
Post subject:  5x05 - This Place is Death

[Sun is sitting in her car at the marina in Los Angeles watching Kate and Ben in an apparent heated discussion while Jack and Sayid stand nearby. Sun’s cell phone rings and she picks up the phone displaying a young child. Sun flips open the phone and glances at towards the group and then back to the phone. The phone is still ringing, through a forced smile she answers it.]

SUN: (Speaking Korean)Hello?

[The scene now shows a room decorated with Korean artwork as daylight filters through sheer draperies covering large windows. Sun’s mother sits in a chair holding Ji Yeon behind a large reflective table.

MRS. PAIK: (Speaking Korean) Sun? Where are you?

[Shift to Sun in LA as she continues to watch the group from her car. Jack stands with his hands in his pockets and shoulder’s slouched while Kate approaches Ben aggressively.]

SUN: (Speaking Korean) I’m still in Los Angeles. I’m just finishing up what I came to do. I’ll be on a plane tomorrow.

MRS. PAIK: (Speaking Korean) Ji Yeon wants to say hello.

[Sun glances inside the car away from the group]

[Shift to the Mrs. PAIK and Ji Yeon. Mrs. PAIK hands Ji Yeon the cell phone.]


[Shift to Sun in LA. Sun Smiles.]

SUN: (Speaking Korean) Hi, honey. Guess what? [Sun glances into the rear view mirror to look at Aaron sleeping in the back seat] I met a new friend for you in America. His name is Aaron.

[Shift to the Mrs. PAIK and Ji Yeon.]

JI YEON: (Speaking Korean) Come home, Mama! I miss you!

[Shift to Sun in LA.]

SUN: I’ll be there soon. I love you, sweetie. Good-bye.

[Sun disconnects the call and closes the phone. She turns her attention toward the group on the pier. Kate is still talking to Ben. Sun puts the phone down and picks up something from the front seat before opening the door and stepping out of the car. Closing the door, Sun walks around the front of the car and is holding a gun in her right hand. Determined, she moves towards the group.]

[Shift to the Kate and Ben talking while Jack stands behind them keeping his hands warm in his pockets.]

KATE: Why don’t you leave me and my son alone?

BEN: Because he’s not your son.

[Kate looks hard at Ben]

[Sun’s heels click the ground and she is several feet away from Ben and Kate when she cocks her gun; Ben turns towards the noise.]

SUN: Move away Kate.

JACK: [Holding up his hand] Sun…

SUN: [Now standing several feet from Ben and pointing the gun directly at Ben] I said move away.

KATE: [Moving away from Ben and towards Sun] Sun! What are you doing? Where is Aaron?

SUN: [Quickly glancing at Kate] He is in the car.

[Kate runs towards the car as Jack approaches Sun while Sayid stands aside watching Sun pointing the gun at Ben.]

JACK: Sun, listen. I know you think you’re helping…

SUN: It wasn’t for you, Jin would still be alive.

BEN: I didn’t kill your husband, Sun.

SUN: Yes you did.

BEN: And neither did anyone else because he’s not dead.

[Sun, Sayid and Jack express shock and disbelief.]

SUN: You’re lying.

BEN: No, Sun. Jin’s still alive and I can prove it.


[Jin is on the Island looking up the length of the beach while Danielle Rousseau and her team are on the beach in discussion. Montand is listening to a short wave radio]

RADIO VOICE: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

[Danielle jogs towards Jin. She puts her arm on his shoulder, Jin stares at her.]

DANIELLE: Are you alright? [She steps back]

JIN: You Rousseau? Danielle Rousseau?

DANIELLE: Yes. That’s right.

JIN: Where are you from?

DANIELLE: We sailed from Tahiti.

JIN: When?

DANIELLE: November fifteenth.

JIN: No. What year? [Sternly]

DANIELLE: [Shaking her head] Nineteen Eighty-Eight. Why?

[Jin looks around in disbelief. Robert approaches the two.]

ROBERT: What’s the matter?

JIN: I need, need to find my camp. [He begins to walk away when Danielle grabs his shoulder. Montand is now standing with them.]

DANIELLE: What camp?

ROBERT: You were on this island before?

JIN: You… see… helicopter? [makes twirling motion with his hand]

MONTAND: (Speaks French) [Speaking to Danielle and Robert] First a boat. Then a helicopter. Next thing you know he’ll be talking about a submarine. [He looks at Jin and then back to Robert.] Come on I know which way to go.

ROBERT: (Speaks French) Are you sure?

MONTAND: (Speaks French) [Off screen] The signal is strong. [On screen] There must be an antenna on this island. If we go there we can call for help.

[Jin begins to walk away]

ROBERT: [To Jin] Is there an antenna on the island? [Jin stops and looks at him.] Please… [he picks up a radio and points toward it and motions a long line going up from it] is there a radio tower? Um. Um. [Montand begins to walk away, Robert kneels down and draws a triangle in the sand.] Ok. Like that. Is there a radio tower here?

JIN: Yes. But I must find my camp. Helicopter go there.

DANIELLE: Do you know where your camp is from here?

JIN: [Looking towards the jungle] No.

DANIELLE: How about from the radio tower?

JIN: Yes.

DANIELLE: Then go with us to the tower. Then we find your camp.

JIN: [Looks at Montand then back at Danielle] Ok.

ROBERT: (Speaks French) That’s settled. Let’s get moving.

[Montand looks at Jin and walks away. Robert and Danielle walk past Jin as Danielle smiles at Jin. Robert and Danielle stop a few feet away; holding her face Robert softly kisses Danielle on her forehead. Jin looks worried and begins to follow the team toward the jungle. Danielle touches Jin’s shoulder as he passes by her.]

DANIELLE: Are you ready to go?

JIN: Yes

DANIELLE: Who are you hoping to find?

JIN: My wife.

[Jin walks away from Danielle while she watches him with a look of realized concern and sadness.]


[Lacombe leads the group through the jungle while holding rifle. Montand continues to listen to the radio play feedback. Jin, Danielle, Robert and Nadine follow. Nadine is wearing a back pack and glances around. Lacombe signals the group in a direction.]

LACOMBE: This way.

[The group continues as Danielle leans against a tree gripping her stomach and letting out a sudden scream. Robert stops and puts his hand on her stomach while Jin watches.]

ROBERT: (Speaks French) Danielle. What’s wrong?

DANIELLE: (Speaks French) It’s… It’s nothing…

ROBERT: (Speaks French) I knew this was a mistake, you’re seven months pregnant.

DANIELLE: (Speaks French) Robert. I’m fine. [Smiling] She just gave me a little kick.

ROBERT: (Speaking French) She! [Smiling]

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) She! [Smiling]

ROBERT: (Speaking French) How many times do we have to do this? Alexander is a boy.

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) Alexandra. It’s going to be a girl.

[Robert softly kisses Danielle’s forehead while she rubs her stomach]

ROBERT: (Speaking French) Why don’t we rest here for a moment?


BRENNAN: (Speaking French, off screen) I’ll get you some water.

ROBERT: (Speaking French) Water?

BRENNAN: (Speaking French) Nadine has the canteen.

[Robert turns around]

ROBERT: Nadine?

[BRENNAN looks around, Jin looks at BRENNAN, BRENNAN walks away from the group.]

BRENNAN: Nadine?

MONTAND: (Speaking French) This is what happens when you bring women. She’s probably off chasing a butterfly.

[The group turns and listens to the noises that are now growing louder in the jungle. Jin begins to recognize the sounds; then the sound of the Smoke Monster is heard.]

DANIELLE: Did you hear that?

[Jin moves quickly and is stopped by Robert.]

ROBERT: (to Jin) What is that?

JIN: Monster.


[Jin looks around and steps away from the group. Danielle steps into the middle of the group looking worried.]

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) Who saw Nadine last?

BRENNAN: (Speaking French) She was right behind me.

DANIELLE: Then let’s go back.

JIN: [Moving in the direction they were travelling.] No, we must go.

MONTAND: [Grabbing Jin and pushing him .] You shut up. [Continues moving towards Nadine. Jin follows the group through the jungle.]

ROBERT: Nadine!

BRENNAN: Nadine!


[The group finds Nadine’s back-pack on the ground. Montand picks it up. Someone says something French. Danielle moves toward the front of the group.]


[The camera angle is now looking directly down on the group from high above in the tree top.]

MONTAND: Nadine!

ROBERT: (Speaking French) She must be close by. Brennan, Lacombe, that way.[Points a direction for them to search.]

[As the group begins to move a large plume of dirt bursts into the air nearby and the group drops towards the ground. Danielle screams and the monster growls. A body falls to the ground and lands on her back. It is Nadine. Her face is bloodied and her eyes are open. Danielle kneels beside and holds her face.]

DANIELLE: Nadine! Nadine!

[Jin and the others looks around.]


[Robert grabs Danielle’s arm and drags her away from the area trailing the others running through the jungle. Montand reaches a clearing and stops. He turns to find the others in his group. As they approach him the Smoke Monster is seen gliding across the jungle floor behind them. Montand hears growling and turns to look at it. The growls become louder as Smokey is now stretching high off the ground above Montand’s head while the rest of his group stands behind him on the edge of the jungle clearing. Smokey begins to bend down toward Montand and a loud clicking is heard and a puff of air flows past him. Montand turns towards the group as they begin to move away from Smokey but it reaches out and grabs Montand by the legs; dragging him to the ground and back in the direction it originates. Montand tries to grab onto something]

DANIELLE: (Speaking French)

[Smokey groans and roars as a sound much like a chain being wound is heard. The others chase after Montand shouting in French. Robert reaches Montand first and dives toward him grabbing his leg. As Montand is seen being dragged into a hole near a wall Jin grabs Robert attempting to help. The others finally reach Montand, Robert and Jin and grab on and try to help while Montand screams in pain and Smokey continues to pull him into the hole by his legs. There is a slow rattling sound followed by Montand being jerked into the hole. Robert is left holding nothing but Montands hand and arm while Smokey’s roar is heard in the background. Robert tosses Mortrnand’s arm to the side.]

ROBERT: What’s that thing?

[The group looks at Jin, Jin looks into the hole. They hear Montand’s voice in the hole.]

MONTAND: (Speaking French.) Help me. I’m hurt. [Excitedly] It’s gone… Please! I need help.

[The group stands and approaches the hole.]

ROBERT: (Speaking French) We have to go in and get him.


MONTAND: (Speaking French) I’m hurt! Help me, please!

ROBERT: Do not leave anyone behind. [Pushes Jin away from him and steps into the hole. He speaks French before climbing into the hole looking at Brennan and Lacombe follow him. Danielle begins to go toward the hole when Jin grabs her.]

JIN: No, No. Don’t go, with the baby. No.

[Danielle moves away from the hole and picks up a rifle. She readies it toward the hole. Jin hears a noise and the sky begins to lighten up. Jin holds his head, shielding himself from the noise. He is standing in a special island. Danielle is concerned]

DANIELLE: What’s wrong?


[Jin finds himself alone in the jungle staring at the Temple and it’s peculiar carvings. There is a crack on the wall that leads directly to the opening extending from beyond the foundation lower into th e foundation. Jin notices and accidentally kicks Martrand’s arm on the ground next to him. He turns and runs away from the temple. He reaches a hilltop and drinks water from an over sized leaf. In the distance he notices a pillar of smoke rising through the air. He continues to walk. He finds a beach camp with several blankets around a small smoldering fire. Jin steps out of the jungle an onto the beach and spots a music box plant. The sound of flies buzzing in the area are noticeable as Jin puts down the music box and investigates a green messenger bag and then walks towards a large makeshift tent. Jin spots two bodies laying on the edge of the jungle several yards away; they are Brennan and Lacombe. Jin hears a woman yelling from other side of some bushes and walks toward them. He pushes the banches aside to reveal Danielle and Robert; Robert is pointing a gun at her while they yell at each other in French. ]

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) That’s enough.

ROBERT: (Speaking French) Danielle, don’t do this! It’s me.

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) You’re not Robert. Your’re someone else.

ROBERT: (Speaking French) Danielle. Stop this put down your weapon. [Danielle now is pointing the rile directly at him] I love you. Why are you acting this way?

DANIELLE: (Speaking French) Because you are not Robert. You’re sick. That monster made you sick.

ROBERT: (Speaking French) It’s a security system guarding the temple. Now…[softly]… put down your gun. [Danielle begins to lower her gun.] I love you, Danielle. I don’t want anything to happen to you or our baby. Please?

[Danielle relaxes and lowers her rile. Robert quickly raises his and steadies it on her and pulls the trigger but it doesn't fire. Danielle is shocked and surprised; she raises her rifle and shoots Robert in the chest. Just then Jin begins to move out of the jungle yelling towards them. Danielle turns towards Jin and reloads her rifle.]


JIN: No.

DANIELLE: You disappeared.

JIN: No, please. Wait.

DANIELLE: You’re sick, too.

JIN: No [Jin turns and runs into the jungle]

DANIELLE: You’re a carrier. [She fires at Jin but misses]

[Jin continues to run through the jungle as gun shots can be heard behind him. Suddenly the bright light appears and Jin holds his head as the metallic noise becomes louder. He stumbles and falls into a ditch as the light brightens.]


[Jin wakes up the jungle floor in daylight and groans. A gun is cocked behind him and a man speaks to him.]

MAN: Turn around slowly.

[Jin turns to see Sawyer.]

JIN: Sawyer?!


[Sawyer lowers his gun, smiles and runs towards him. The two hug. Sawyer steps back.]

SAWYER: I thought you were on that boat. I thought you were dead.

JIN: No, no. I was in water.

SAWYER: Well, whaddya say?!

[Jin smiles and turns to see Juliet, Locke, Daniel and Charlotte. He stops smiling and turns towards Sawyer.]

JIN: Where is Sun?


[Miles, Charlotte and Daniel are squatting next to a stream filling canteens while Sawyer talks with Jin several feet away.]

MILES: Where’d that guy come from? I thought he was on the boat.

DANIEL: The blast must have thrown him in the water. He’s been moving with every flash just like us.

[Shift to Sawyer and Jin talking, Juliet stands nearby watching and listening.]

SAWYER: Every time the sky lights up we move through time. (Uses hand signals and points to his watch).


[Jin turns and walks toward Charlotte]

JIN: Translate. Please, translate. [Looks at Charlotte and points in Sawyer’s direction]

SAWYER: [Approaches; to Miles] You heard the man. Translate.

MILES: Uh. He’s Korean. I’m from Encino.

JIN: [To Charlotte] (Speaks Korean)

CHARLOTTE: [Relucantly] He wants to know how you’re sure his wife is ok.

SAWYER: You speak Korean?

MILES: [Standing] Obviously.

LOCKE: [Approaches and raises his hand] Tell him I’m sure. But none of it will matter if we don’t make it to the Orchid.

CHARLOTTE: (Speaks Korean) He’s sure. And he says we have to get to a station called the Orchid.

JIN: [Turns to Locke] (Speaks Korean) What’s the ‘Orchid’?

CHARLOTTE: (Speaks Korean) Locke’s planning to leave here and bring back all of your friends. Including your wife. He thinks it’s the only way to stop the flashes.

JIN: [Turning toward Locke with a look of confusion] Bring Sun back?

[Locke nods]

JIN: Why you bring her back?

LOCKE: Because she never should have left.


[In Los Angeles at night Sun is pointing a gun at Ben. Jack stands to the side watching.]

SUN: I’ve spent the last three years thinking… believing that he was dead. [Steps closer towards Ben] You say you have proof that he’s not, I want to see it.

BEN: Why don’t you put down the gun. Nobody wants it to go off.

SUN: [Pressing the gun to Ben’s neck]. How do you know that he’s alive?

[Sayid and Jack watch while Kate walks through the parking lot with Aaron and gets into her car.]

BEN: There’s someone… someone here in Los Angeles. Let me take you to them and I’ll show you the proof.

SUN: Someone? Who?

BEN: The same person that’s gonna show us how to get back to the Island.

KATE: [Standing behind Ben] Is that what this is about? [Walks toward Jack.] You knew about this.

JACK: No. No I was go…

KATE: And that’s why you were pretending to care about Aaron to convince me to go back there! [Points toward her car.]

JACK: I wasn’t pretending anything.

KATE: [Backing towards her car] This is insane. You guys are crazy.

JACK: [Approaches Kate] Kate.

KATE: [Sharply] Jack! Don’t. [Opens her car door and climbs in.]

[Sayid turns and walks away from the group.]

BEN: Sayid.[nervously] Where are you going?

SAYID: [Stops and turns toward Ben] I don’t want any part of this. [Turns toward Jack] And if I see you [points to Ben] or him again it will be extremely unpleasant for all of us.

[Sayid turns and walks away while the screech of Kate’s tires is heard leaving the parking lot.]

[Sun is still pressing the gun to Ben’s neck as Jack watches.]

BEN: Thirty minutes, Sun. We can be there in thirty minutes. And you’ll have proof. Proof that he’s alive or you can shoot me and never know.

SUN: [Considers the offer.] Let’s go.

[They begin to walk towards the parking lot]


[On the Island the group is walking next to a stream. Jin approaches Locke at the front of the group.]

JIN: How far?

LOCKE: Just over the next ridge.

JIN: How you leave the Island?

LOCKE: I’m not sure yet.

JIN: I’ll go with you.

LOCKE: It doesn’t work like that. It’s a one man job.

JIN: Why?

LOCKE: [Agitated] I don’t know why, Jin. It just is. But I promise I’ll bring Sun back.

[Jin pauses momentarily considering Locke’s offer before continuing. Meanwhile near the back of the group Daniel and Charlotte are walking while Sawyer passes them.]

DANIEL: You wanna take a break?

CHARLOTTE: [Exhales] Let’s just get there.

DANIEL: [Softly] So. Speak any other languages?

CHARLOTTE: Just Klingon. Dan, is this gonna work?

DANIEL: It does make empirical sense that if this started at the Orchid that’s where it gonna stop. But as far as bringing back the people who left in order to stop these temporal shifts that’s where we leave science behind.

[Charlotte begins to stumble. Daniel grabs her shoulder.]

DANIEL: You ok?

[A metallic buzzing is heard and the sky begins to lighten.]


[Everyone clutches their head and winces in pain and discomfort.]


[Everyone is panting and looking around. Charlotte grabs her head and gasps. Another metallic buzzing is heard. Charlotte moans.]

SAWYER: [Looking up] Come on!

[Everyone clutches their head and wince again.]


[Jin, then Juliet, then Miles are seen wincing and holding their head. Locke is squatting and holding the back of his head with two hands. They each take a moment to recover from the jump. Charlotte faints. Her nose is bloody and her eyes are open; staring towards the tree tops. Daniel kneels over her and listens for breathing. Juliet kneels beside him and hands Sawyer her gun.]

DANIEL: Yeah. Charlotte!

SAWYER: Juliet.

JULIET: [Looks toward Sawyer] Huh?

SAWYER: You have a little… [motions towards his nose, indicating her bloody nose.]

[Juliet wipes the blood with the back of her hand. Looks at Sawyer.]

JULIET: You, too.

[Sawyer wipes the blood from his nose and looks at it on his hand.]

DANIEL: Charlotte. Can you hear me? Charlotte, Charlotte it’s Daniel. Talk to me. Talk…

[Charlotte appears to awaken staring at Jin now standing over her and staring at her. She lifts her head up and looks directly at Jin.]

CHARLOTTE: [Speaks to Jin] (Speaks Korean distraught and desperate.)

SAWYER: What’d she say?

CHARLOTTE: [Speaks to Jin] Don’t let them bring her back. [Crying] No matter what. Don’t them bring her back. This place is death!


[Sun sits in the passenger seat of Ben’s van holding her gun in her lap while Ben drives and Jack sits in the back.]

SUN: You said we’d be there in thirty minutes.

BEN: I didn’t account for traffic.

[Ben continues to drive as the three share a moment of awkward and anxious silence. Jack leans towards Sun.]

JACK: Sun I’m sorry.

SUN: Sorry for what?

JACK: For leaving Jin behind. When we landed that chopper on the boat… everything was just happening so fast. I knew he was down below. We shoulda waited for him.

[Sun turns toward Jack.]

SUN: Why are you telling me this now, Jack? Are you going to ask me not to kill Ben if he’s lying about my husband?

JACK: After what he just did to Kate, if you don’t do it, Sun, I will.

[Ben suddenly stops the van and turns toward Jack.]

JACK: What are you doing?

BEN: [Agitated to Jack] What I am doing is helping you. And if you had any idea what I’ve had to do to keep you safe. To keep your friends safe you’d never stop thanking me. [Pauses] If you wanna shoot me, then shoot me but let’s get on with it. What’s it gonna be?

SUN: Drive.

[Ben nods to Sun, turns toward the front of the car and begins to drive away. Jack and Sun awkwardly wiggle in their seats.]


[Jin hands a silver water container to Daniel who is kneeling next to Charlotte.]

CHARLOTTE: Why can’t daddy come with us?

DANIEL: Charlotte, can you hear me?

CHARLOTTE: You know what my mum would say about me marrying an American? Yet, I know more about ancient cultures than Hannibal himself.

[Locke paces on the path while Sawyer shakes his head.]

SAWYER: [To Daniel] What the hell is she talking about?

DANIEL: [Looking at Charlotte] I have no idea.

LOCKE: [Quickly walking towards the group] Let’s go. We have to keep moving.

DANIEL: Alright. Somebody help me with Charlotte. We’re going to have to carry her.

LOCKE: No. She’s gonna hold us up.

DANIEL: [Stands and turns to Locke] We can’t just leave her.

SAWYER: The flashes are getting closer together. Maybe when your nose starts to bleeding you’ll realize we gotta get outta Dodge now. We’ll come back for her just as soon as we can.

DANIEL: NO, no way. I’m not gonna leave her behind.

CHARLOTTE: Let them go on without me.

DANIEL: [Bending down and cleaning blood from her nose.] No. Charlotte, no. We’re not gonna leave you behind.

[A metallic buzzing is heard and the sky begins to lighten. Charlotte winces]


SAWYER: The hell?

LOCKE: We have to move now.

CHARLOTTE: He’s right, go.


CHARLOTTE: No, just go.

DANIEL: Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE: Oh.. [whispering] Oh, turn it up; I love Geronimo Jackson.

JULIET: We’re running out of time, Dan.

DANIEL: Go. I’m going to stay with her.

[Sawyer approaches Locke.]

SAWYER: Let me ask you something John. If we don’t even know when the hell we are what happens if the Orchid ain’t around anymore?

[Locke’s eyes dart nervously.]

CHARLOTTE: Look for the well. You’ll find it at the well.

SAWYER: [Disbelievingly] How long she gonna do that?

LOCKE: Let’s go.

[Each person in the group acknowledges Charlotte and Daniel before following Locke along the path. Daniel is kneeling beside Charlotte.]


[The group is walking along the path, Miles wipes blood from his nose. Locke emerges from the jungle and passes stops next to the Orchid as the others follow him. Juliet smiles.]

LOCKE: We’re here.

JULIET: Thank God. What are the odds we’d end up in the same time as this thing.

[Suddenly the metallic buzzing and bright light returns.]


[The group quickly recovers from what appears to be a far less painful time jump. The Orchid building is gone. Sawyer turns to Juliet.]

SAWYER: You just had to say something.

[Locke turns around evaluating the situation and begins to walk into the jungle away from where the Orchid. The others follow him. They reach a clearing. A four foot circular stone wall is surrounded ten feet away by taller, thinner stone pillars. A suspended rope is hanging in the center of the well; Locke tugs on the rope as Juliet and Jin stare into the well. Light turns to darkness several feet below the top of the well. Miles circles the well and approaches it.]

MILES: How the hell did Charlotte know this was here?


[Charlotte is lying on the ground coughing while Daniel kneels beside her.]



CHARLOTTE: I’ve been here before.

DANIEL: You’ve been, been here before?

CHARLOTTE: I grew up here. On the Island. And there was this thing… this Dharma Initiative. I moved away with my mum. Just my mum; I never saw my dad again. Then when I got back to England I asked my mum about this place, yeah. But she would say that it wasn’t real and that I made it up. That’s why I became an anthropologist. To find this Island again. It’s what I’ve been searching for my whole life.

DANIEL: Charlotte. Why are you telling me this?

CHARLOTTE: Because I remember something now. When I was little, living here. There was this man, crazy man. He really scared me. And he told me that I had to leave the Island and never ever come back.[excited] He told me that if I came back I would die.

DANIEL: Charlotte. I don’t understand.

CHARLOTTE: Daniel. I think that man was you.

[Daniel pulls away from Charlotte shaking his head.]



[At the well Juliet and Sawyer watch as Locke tugs on the rope.]

SAWYER: You’re going down there?

LOCKE: Uh-huh.

SAWYER: What exactly are you hoping to find?

LOCKE: A way off the Island.

SAWYER: Expecting a subway?

LOCKE: [Smiling] Goodbye James, Juliet, Miles. I’ll see you when I get back.

JIN: No. Stop. You don’t bring Sun back.

LOCKE: No. I have to bring them all back. That’s, that’s how it works.

JIN: How you know?

LOCKE: I… I just know.

[Jin grabs the knife and the rope.]

JIN: I cut this.

LOCKE: No. You do that you’ll kill every one of us.

JIN: This island is bad. You don’t bring Sun back. You promise. You don’t bring my baby.

LOCKE: Alright. Alright. You have my word.

JIN: Promise. John.

LOCKE: I promise.

[Jin releases the rope and buries the knife in the the wood supporting the rope. Everyone looks relieved.]

LOCKE: I won’t go to Sun, Jin, but she might find me. If she does, what’ll I tell her?

JIN: You tell her I dead. You say that I wash up. You buried me. [Jin removes his wedding ring and hands it to Locke.] Proof.

[Locke takes the ring and nods.]

LOCKE: I’ll be back as soon as I can.

[Locke climbs onto the top of the well wall and grabs the rope. He stares into the well.]

SAWYER: Are you sure you don’t want us to lower you down?

LOCKE: Where would be the fun in that? [He smiles and wipes his chin on his shirt]

JULIET: John. [Locke turns to her] If whatever you are attempting to do actually works, thank you.

LOCKE: [pauses, proudly] You’re welcome.

[Locke swings on the rope into the center of the well and he quickly descends hand under hand. Several feet below he disappears into darkness. Suddenly the metallic buzzing and bright light begin to appear. Sawyer and Miles look around nervously.]

MILES: Uh-oh.

[Locke is hanging on the rope and notices a bright light below him beginning to fill the bottom of the well and climbing up towards him. He groans as the rope sways. Sawyer grabs the rope and looks into the well.]

SAWYER: John, damn-it. Hold on.

[Bright white light fills the area. Locke falls to the bottom of the well crashing hard on his feet and crumbles on the ground. He squirms as he screams in pain.]


[Jin turns his head as Sawyer has his back to the group pulling hard on the rope over his shoulder.]

MILES: I think you can let go of that now.

[Sawyer turns towards the group and looks down, noticing that the rope is buried in dirt where the well was previously. All of the stones lining and surrounding the well are missing.]

SAWYER: No. No, no. [bends down to dig the dirt out from around the rope.]

JULIET: James, stop.

SAWYER: (To Jin) Come on help me.

JULIET: (Bends down and touches Sawyer’s shoulder.) James. [He turns to her]. We can’t help him.

[Sawyer stops digging and drops his head.]


[Charlotte is coughing while lying on the ground. Daniel is with her.]

DANIEL: Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on… Stay. Stay. Stay with me. Stay, ok? Everything’s going to be fine. Everything’s going to be ok. [He hold her face]


DANIEL: I’ve got a plan. I’ve got a plan. When we were back at the hatch I talked to Desmond. I told him to find my mother. She can help us Charlotte. She will help us.

[Charlotte looks at Daniel with disbelief.]

CHARLOTTE: How can your mother help up?

DANIEL: She can. She…

[Charlotte begins to cough violently; blood continues to trickle out of her nose. She stops coughing and she flashes a tranquil smile towards Daniel.]


CHARLOTTE: I’m not allowed to have chocolate before dinner.

[Charlotte nods her head. Her eyes wide open, she stops moving.]

DANIEL: Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. No… (sobs)



[Locke is in the well on the floor screaming in pain. He tosses the rope behind him and lifts his right leg to see his calf bone is broken and has pierced through his skin. He groans. He looks up into the ceiling that is now above him where the well was previously.]

LOCKE: James, can you hear me? Can anyone hear me?

[He is in darkness although a blueish light can be seen several feet away where the cave tunnel turns. A noise is heard around the corner. Locke looks toward it.]

LOCKE: Who’s there?

[A shadow appear on the wall. Then the silhouette of a person appears to cross in front of Locke. The person lights and removes a lantern from a post hanging on a tall stone column. A man turns toward Locke holding the lantern; he is Christian Sheppard.

CHRISTIAN: : Hello, John.

LOCKE: You? What are you doing down here?

CHRISTIAN: : [Bending over towards Locke.] I’m here to help you the rest of the way.

LOCKE: I, I don’t understand.

CHRISTIAN: : You came to see me in the cabin. You asked me how to save the Island and I told you you had to move it. I said that you had to move it, John.

LOCKE: [stares at the ground and reaches his arm towards Christian] But Ben said that he knew how to do it. He told me that I needed to stay here and lead his people,

CHRISTIAN: : And since when did listening to him get you anything other than worth a damn?[Kneeling beside him. The good news is that you’re heare now. Ready to go?

LOCKE: I… I… I don’t know what to do once I get there.

CHRISTIAN: : There’s a woman living in Los Angles. Now once you get all of your friends together and it must be all of them who left, everyone who left. And once you’ve persuaded them to join you this woman will tell you exactly how to come back.

LOCKE: Who is it?

CHRISTIAN: Her name is Eloise Hawking.

LOCKE: What if I can only convince some of them to come back?

CHRISTIAN: I believe in you John. You can do this.

LOCKE: Richard said I was going to die.

CHRISTIAN: Well I suppose, that’s why they call it sacrifice.

LOCKE: [Locke weeps.] Alright, I’m ready.

CHRISTIAN: Good. [stands up] Now on the other side of this column here is wheel slipped off its axis. Now all you have to do is give it a little push.

LOCKE: [Struggles to stand up.] Can you, can you help me up?

CHRISTIAN: No. Sorry I can’t.

[LOCKE stands up with great effort clutching the wall. He walks toward the slipped wheel and see the Dharma wheel rotating back and forth. He leans agains a tall pillar next to the wheel. Then he grabs hold of the whweel.

CHRISTIAN: Good luck John.

[Locke grabs the wheel while leaning against the wall and pulls it. The metallic buzzing and bright lights begin again.]

CHRISTIAN: Say hello to my son.

LOCKE: Who’s your son?



[Sun and Jack are riding in Ben’s van. The van arrives at a church and the three get out of the van. They approach the walkway and Ben stops and faces Sun.]

BEN: May I?

[Sun nods. Ben removes a gold ring from his pocket and hand sit to Sun. Sun reads the inscription.]

SUN: (speaks Korean) [Looks at Ben (speaks English)] How did you get this?

BEN: John gave it to me.

JACK: You said John never came to see you.

BEN: That’s true Jack. I went to see him. Jin gave it to him before he left the Island.

SUN: What didn’t John tell me himself?

BEN: I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t have a a chance before he died. I’m sorry I had to bring you hear before I gave it to you, Sun. But all those people back on the Island, Jin included, need our help. There is a woman in this church and she can tell us how to get back to your husband. But we’re running out of time, Sun. So I need you to decide right now. Will you come with me?

[Sun looks at Jin’s wedding ring she is holding in her plam. She nods slowly.]

SUN: Yes.

[Ben nods back.]

OFFSCREEN VOICE: What are you doin’ here?

[Sun turns to see who it is; Jack and Ben look also. Desmond walks out of a shadow by a tree. Ben is astonished.]

BEN: I assume the same thing you are.

DESMOND: You’re looking for Faraday’s mother, too?

[Ben appears to be confused. He looks away, then back at Desmond and then turns and walks toward the church. Everyone follows him through the door. They take several steps and stop; Desmond closes the door.]

BEN: Hello, Eloise.

[A woman’s lights a candle and returns the matchstick to the container of sand to extinguish the flame. It is Eloise Hawaking. She turns to the group.]

ELOISE: Hello, Benjamin.

[Desmond turns to look at Eloise. Sun and Jack look at her, also. Eloise scans the room.]

ELOISE: I thought I said all of them.

BEN: This was all I could get on short notice.

ELOISE: [exhales] Well, I suppose it will have to do for now. [She looks at Jack, Sun and Desmond] Alright, let’s get started.

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