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Katie dissing Roswell?
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Author:  PuReDrEaMeR05 [ 10/26/03 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Is Katie dissing Roswell? You decide...

Katie was found in TV Guide Magazine as saying:

"I felt helpless that I'd signed a contract for something I wasn't happy with, being late was my little rebellion."

Go here for the pic and blurb:

I feel kind of bad now because I always thought that Katie did a great job on the show. I never would have thought she hated it. :thinking Then again I remember somewhere almost all the actors except Shiri didn't like it! :dunno

Author:  jbangelo [ 10/27/03 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Yeah, I think by the time S3 rolled around, a lot of the actors were unhappy. :(

Author:  PuReDrEaMeR05 [ 10/27/03 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Kind of saddens me a lil! :cry I wonder why they didn't like it? could it be the same reason we didnt? HMMM :thinking

Author:  shobhna guerin CRAZY CANDY [ 02/27/04 03:40 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

I had asked Majandra a question on her board on MB and this is what she said:

6. IF Roswell came back for a season 4 or a movie, would you come back as Maria?
Majandra - Hell yeah! I dont know about another season though! Phew! Hopefully people had a nice break and they would be a little more fun at the work place. I just did an episode of Boston Public and I realized that not all TV show set's have to feel like a funeral. It gives me hope for the future!

you decide. ;)

Author:  PuReDrEaMeR05 [ 02/28/04 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Yeah but I think it had more to do with the third season than anything. Even on the show the actors just didn't seem into it as much as the other seasons.

Also, Maj and Shiri said on the DVD commentary that S1 was definitely and by far the best so... :dunno

Author:  shobhna guerin CRAZY CANDY [ 03/01/04 03:09 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Yeah, I know Majandra once described season one as 'organic and pure'. she said the other two were tampered with too much. i'm afriad i have to agree.

Author:  jbangelo [ 03/04/04 12:23 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Ditto. I don't think any of them had their heart in it by the end. :( It's probably a good thing that it ended when it did.

Author:  shobhna guerin CRAZY CANDY [ 03/05/04 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

I know! But you know what, when i asked Majandra (I know, i know that this is the Katie board but just hear me out, okay?) if she would come back for a season 4 or a movie she replied with a "hell yeah!" altho she's leaning towards a movie. so yeah, maybe a roswell movie can still be considered,no?

Author:  jbangelo [ 03/05/04 09:05 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

I know there's a big campaign for a Roswell movie, but I still have mixed feelings about it. I would only go see it if they could get all of the original cast to commit to it. 'Cause it just wouldn't be the same if some of them were missing.

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 03/05/04 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

I agree with Jenny - without the original cast... :(

Author:  shobhna guerin CRAZY CANDY [ 03/06/04 07:45 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

So after all that we've heard about Katherine not liking Roswell, do you thnk she'd come abck to make a movie? I'm not completely sure. :dunno

Author:  PuReDrEaMeR05 [ 03/06/04 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

Well who knows :dunno If she's a good sport like Maj *who also wasn't a fan of the last two seasons* she'll say the same thing. If everyone else signs on and the storylines good enough. Let's just hope if Jason Katims does work on it maybe he'll be a little smarter this time around :shake

Author:  abbakatata [ 03/08/04 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

I wouldn't mind seeing a movie, but I don't think it would be in theaters...maybe a tv movie or better yet a mini series! :b

Author:  bluebubblegum [ 06/28/05 03:41 ]
Post subject:  Katie dissing Roswell?

From what I've heard part of the reason why Alex/Isabel never got together was because Isabel said he wasn't "hunky" enough... could be rumors,but then a lot of actors are a bit high and mighty.

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