Forever Dreaming

M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/19/02 23:17 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Here's the caps... (some on page 2 of M&M also;) )

ImageImage ImageImage Image ImageImageImage

More Coming Soon...

Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/19/02 23:20 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Ohh thank you soooo much!

Max looks really sexy...and different. Different in a good way.:) Liz looks cute!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/19/02 23:38 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

ImageImageMore Coming...

Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/19/02 23:42 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Whoo hooo no sign of that damn plastic jacket Max use to wear!:lol : I hated that thing!:lol :

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/19/02 23:49 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Jbehrbabe02 - :lol :lol

Here's the rest of them...


Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/19/02 23:53 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

They only have two scenes along together. That bites!

I bet there was a lot of isabore.

Thanks a bunch hun!:)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/19/02 23:58 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Miranda - A lot of Jessie and Isabel to me that ='s blah. (no offense to anyone who likes them)

Last Five of M&L-


Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/20/02 00:03 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

I dont like J/I either!

Max looks so different yet not different! I just know I'm loving his new look.:)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/20/02 00:12 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Me too! He looks shall I say "yummy":grin

Author:  Crazeebug [ 04/20/02 01:21 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Thanks for the screencaps, Liz looks adorable and for once Max is not wearing that Happy Days jacket. I'm not looking forward to this episode at all, too much I/J and I can't stand those two, no chemistry at all, especially KH, blech!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/20/02 01:38 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Max is not wearing that Happy Days jacket.

Bwhahahahhahaha! LMAO! :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
Too damn funny. :lol

Diana~ Thank you! :clap :clap :clap - Come on, must tell us what M&L are talking about. Anything good? :lol

Author:  italiangirl966 [ 04/20/02 01:59 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Thank you so much Ademafan[/]for your screencaps.
This ep sound as Max and Liz relationship had to be slow in Busted instead of this one.The writer has reversed the ep.As usual too much Isa

Author:  Myradith [ 04/20/02 02:01 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

I love how rumpled Liz looks in those first few screencaps. But I must say I'm sick of her looking all giggly and smitten over Max. Every so often she'll break through and be like, "How could you do what you did to me?" and then it fades and we're back to, tee hee, I love Max.

Author:  CalicoCat9 [ 04/20/02 03:24 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

thank you so much for posting the screencaps, :love them, just wish there had been more M/L in the show. I read Star2000monkey's report over on FF and even with the lack of M/L, I think this sounds like a good episode. Isablah notwithstanding. :b

Author:  danielledreamer [ 04/20/02 03:55 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

No kissing! :( oh well...Max and Liz look great!

Author:  blondeePR [ 04/20/02 04:51 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Those are nice, but I want to ask what they are talking about...but then DON'T ANSWER...b/c I want to see what is said on Tuesday.

I'm so confused...LOL

Thanks Diana for the caps they're great.
Max and Liz...*sigh* I love them together :)

Author:  Majandra84 [ 04/20/02 05:31 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Thank U !

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 04/20/02 08:31 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Thanks for the screencaps! They look great! Looking forward to the episode even if it's got too much of Isabore.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/20/02 08:47 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Majandra84~ Welcome to the board! :party

:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump :jump2 :jump3

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 04/20/02 09:06 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.15 "WDAMYK" *Updated*

Awesome pics

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