Forever Dreaming

M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/26/02 23:06 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Well here ya go...

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More Coming Soon...

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/26/02 23:16 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

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More Later On... I'm working on them.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/26/02 23:58 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Here's some more...

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Okay... I'm going to go take a nap because I'm tired but I have some more screen caps that I will post later on today. Now I need you guys to have the thread on page 2 so it doesn't take forever to load.

*And this is completely non-Roswell related but I watch GH and since Jason will be back May 24th. I was wondering since I'm a Liason (Liz/Jason) fan is there any other Roswell fans out there that like them or is it just me?*

Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/26/02 23:58 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

I soooooo cannot wait to see this scene!:) Liz looks VERY beautiful and Max looks super hot! She's fondling him with her foot! That is sooo awesome! In the last few caps what is Max's reaching for under the table?

Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/27/02 00:39 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Alien neck ties! LOL!

:Sigh: I'm gonna love this episode!

Author:  mitra007 [ 04/27/02 00:45 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Thanks so much for screen caps.

Author:  Jbehrbabe02 [ 04/27/02 01:37 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Bumping the page! Gotta get to page two!

Author:  italiangirl966 [ 04/27/02 02:30 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

as usual Thanks,Thanks,Thanks.What I'll do without you!
I'm here who I can't wait to see the ep and your great job helps me .I love Roswell and I love Roswell's fan more.

Author:  JoeyNob [ 04/27/02 02:52 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

thank you so much!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/27/02 02:57 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Diana~ Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! They look awesome! I'm guessing it couldn't of been that terrible to watch. LOL. When I first saw the top ones, I was thinking now what would of happened if Liz accidently went up Kyle instead of Max. Talk about embarrassment. Rotflmao! Oh and who gave the alien tie to Max? Liz?

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 04/27/02 02:58 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Hi Diana - Thanks for the caps as always! We really appreciate all you do!

I'm a huge Jason / Elizabeth GH fan too. In fact, I stopped watching this year because I was so bored with the fact that they were breaking up Liz/Lucky (again). And the rest of the story lines except for Sonny/Alexis just don't do anything for me. I could care less about Courtney. She and AJ probably deserve each other. Steve Burton has that brooding, amazing presence (similar to JB sometimes) that makes me just want to scream at Elizabeth - Run! Run! Get Jason! He's a real man! And even Maurice Bernard said something about his character needing a man to talk to once in a while.

I'm definitely starting to watch again in May!

Liz has her foot on Max's thigh? I can just imagine Max's reaction! (It's the little things that make me happy!) We have so little M/L lately (is it all or nothing with M/L on this show?), I'll take every little crumb I can get.

- Judy

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 04/27/02 03:24 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Gee, I thought I rambled on and on above and we're still not on page 2?

What wonderful caps!
You deserve an award for perseverence!
Especially when there are so few M/L scenes - so it seems!
Did that get us to page 2?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/27/02 03:33 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Hoodie~ LOL. I think it takes 21 replies to get to the 2nd page.

We have a ways to go still. :lol :lol

BTW, after hearing all this stuff on GH.. I think I might have to watch it in May also. I was telling Diana, I haven't seen it since 93. :eek How time flys by. :lol

Author:  CalicoCat9 [ 04/27/02 03:36 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Thank you so much for the caps. :jump2

Hmmm, Liz's foot in Max's lap, now just where does that foot think it's headed? :b

Author:  Roswellian 2002 [ 04/27/02 03:40 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Hi :)

I'm kinda new here.

Great pictures!
Both Max and Liz look good-very good!

I can't beleive Roswell has three more episodes to go :(

Unless of course another station picks it up :) Fingers crossed!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/27/02 03:48 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Roswellian 2002~ Welcome to FD! :party

:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump :jump2 :jump3

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 04/27/02 03:54 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Hey Bunniefuu!

OK - 21 - I have a few more posts to make!

When do I get to be not "underage" anymore? I hate to post so often I lose that - you would die if you knew how loooong it's been since someone called me underage! lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/27/02 03:59 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Hoodie~ LMAO! Actually, I think you've just earned your first drink. But if you really like it, I guess I could personalize your name to always reflect that no matter how many posts you have. :grin Oh and the funny thing is, even though I'm far over that age, I still get carded. :lol :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/27/02 04:11 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

*bump* to get to page 2 for Diana~

Diana, I can't wait to hear your opinion of the show! :lol

Author:  SydneyBristow [ 04/27/02 04:23 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.16 "Crash" Updated Pg.2 M/M Pg3

Thanks for the caps! Can't wait for more eventhough there is very little M/L...yet again!

Edited to add...I was a huge Lucky/Liz fan, but I also really liked Jason. Now that Lucky is a complete ahole, I'm all for Jason and Liz to hook up!

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