Forever Dreaming

M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 00:14 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Updated more on pg.3, pg.4, pg.5, pg.6, pg.7, & pg.9

Sorry I'm late.

Okay nothing to do with screen caps but someone emailed early tonight and the email was in German (I think I'm not quite sure) and well I have no clue as to what it said. I don't speak German. So if maybe you speak English or no someone that does could you email me again?

Also MouseAlert – You sent me a private message a couple of days ago but it want let me reply back to you so can you email me.

Now onto the screen caps...
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More Coming...

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 00:18 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

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More Coming...

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 00:25 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

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Okay... I have lots of screen captures from this scene like a 100 of them so I need you guys/girls to get the thread to page 2 and all post some more and so on.

Author:  Crazeebug [ 05/04/02 00:51 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Hot tamale! How hot was that scene? Squealing with anticipation! Thanks!

Author:  Crazeebug [ 05/04/02 00:54 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update


Author:  mitra007 [ 05/04/02 01:09 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Thank you, thank you so much for screen caps

can't wait for more.

Author:  Crazeebug [ 05/04/02 01:10 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Bumping again, 'cause I just read Stars' synopsis, and can't wait for more M/L pics.!

Author:  Goldengirl 2001 [ 05/04/02 01:32 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

That is a VERY BEAUTIFUL, STEAMY SCENE from the looks of it! CAN NOT WAIT to see that! That is just beautiful! GO MAX & LIZ! It's about time!

Its just gorgeous my Dreamer heart is so happy for my loving couple having their romantic moment finally! They should just go ahead and have a lot of FUN with each other because from the looks of things they really weren't far from it! GO MAX & LIZ, GO AT IT! Have a GREAT time!

Author:  Goldengirl 2001 [ 05/04/02 01:38 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Thank you so much for the pics! They are truly wonderful pics of my loving couple! And I can't wait to see more pics of my two favorites, from this episode, as well as more pics from this scene alone of them!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 01:42 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Oh Diana~ I am speechless at the moment. :grin :grin

Thank you! :jump
Thank you! :jump3
Thank you! :jump2

Author:  MidnightShiftII [ 05/04/02 01:59 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Thank you thank you thank you. The pics go so well with Star's synopsis. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to this one.

The chemistry the chemisty...lord why am I so cheap and easy.:hat Is Max trying to eat Liz's nose or is that just me?


Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 02:09 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Is Max trying to eat Liz's nose or is that just me?

Bwhahahhahahaha! :rollin :rollin :rollin
I'm not sure, I think I am still dreaming. :grin :grin
I would tell someone to slap me, but I'm not sure I want to wake up yet. :lol :lol

Oh and Goldengirl2001~ Welcome to the board! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump :jump2

Author:  MidnightShiftII [ 05/04/02 02:17 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

bunniefuu - They don't call us dreamers for nothing.:love

Apparently Max raided old man Clayton's closet, his wardrobe has greatly improved ever since CDB.

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 05/04/02 02:18 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

You have 100 caps!?

You are my new best friend!

Great Caps, Diana!

BTW - AltaVista has a translator if you are interested. Very rudimentary - I don't recommend internet translators usually. But it would probably help you get the gist of the message if you are interested. I'll look for the link.

Thanks for all your wonderful work!

Author:  italiangirl966 [ 05/04/02 02:21 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Oh my,This screencaps are so hot! Thanks for posting it!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 02:27 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Midnight~ Very True. I've lost all of my logical sense. I've been sucked back into the dream. Forget the stoylines :lol Just give me the happy ending. :grin :grin And put the damn cement scene back in! :mad :mad

As far as the 100 caps goes~ :lol I think this will be a 2 day event. It usually takes half a day just to get to the 2nd page and how many pages is she going to need. Let me go check..

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/04/02 02:30 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Hmm.. 30 to a page. So we would need 3 more blank pages and that's for this one scene only. Who knows how many other scenes we have of them? Plus M&M and maybe the Gerbil being killed by Liz? Oh heavens, it's going to be a very long day. :lol :lol

Me loves Diana though :grin

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 05/04/02 02:30 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

My oh my - I just read that the "Destiny" song from the soundtrack is used during this scene? Any ideas, Diana?

Please, please tell me they tell each other "I love you!" ?

OK - that will only happen in my slow-mo, super Dreamer version!

I can see this tape will be worn out!

Here's the link to the translator:

Author:  mitra007 [ 05/04/02 02:34 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Oh we are still in 1st page.

Author:  HoodieBehrfan [ 05/04/02 02:39 ]
Post subject:  M/L Screen Caps ep.17 "4 Aliens and a Baby" Update

Hi Bunniefuu! Me too!

I know! I can feel myself being sucked back into the Dreamer alien abyss also! How stupid of me, especially now that I know that there will be no cementing! (BAD JK!)

But, I'm going to enjoy every lovely second and steamy M/L make-out pixel. I am in love with these dreamer moments!

30 posts per page X what - like 5-10 pages, huh? Think we can do it, people?

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