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  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 00:45
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Yes, yes I do want to watch that one. I hope that maybe you MIGHT have some free time at some point tomorrow. I'm definitely not going anywhere. Need to clean and do some yoga. :flowers

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 07:17
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Okay, got plans later this afternoon with my sister- dinner time on. But I can swing earlier in the day somewhere around lunchtime...

Who wants to watch some roswell today? LOL

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 16:34
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Grrr, I overslept. Stupid insomnia. You need to call me next time :sad2

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 20:22
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Dude, I texted you! :wtf

and I don't text! :lol :lmao

:shake :shake :shake

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 21:52
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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But apparently you call me dude :wtf

I know! But those don't wake me up! Haha. We are going to do this, I promise. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 2:30pm my time, which is 4:30pm your time, so... not sure when I will get home :dunno

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/11/13 22:58
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I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? It sends a message. —Damon

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Hope you enjoy your episodes. I am looking forward to getting through Season 1 and moving on to a film night etc. which will be more wine for me :cheer

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/12/13 06:38
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Whatever. :slap Gotta stop being princess for a minute there. :drink :lmao

And I have car-pool lane at 4:30 but should get home around 5, gotta make dinner... but how about around 6 or 7pm my time? then we could watch a few before 9pm and I have to go? :dunno

Me too Khalessi :clap :clap

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/12/13 13:57
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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The hell are you going at 9pm? :wtf :lol :lol

And no, I am a princess 24-fucking-7 :slap Just like YOU! :drink

Khalessi, that is not how it is going to work with Jen and I... gonna make her watch the WHOLE series with me :clap :rotf

And yes, that sounds good. I should be home by then; I think they're just doing exams on me today and setting up a payment plan.

I will text you... so keep your phone on you today. :slap :lol :iloveu

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/12/13 16:22
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I've got a date at 9pm. :drink :lmao

gonna make her watch the WHOLE series with me

hahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahaa Now, THAT is the funniest thing I've ever heard! :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink

It's a real shame I don't own the other two. :lmao

I'm here, when you're here. :grin :iloveu

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/12/13 20:07
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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A date? :glare With who? :glare

And it's going to happen. I happen to own S2. :rotf

I just got home! I left you a voicemail... where are you? :cry

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/13/13 01:24
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I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? It sends a message. —Damon

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Did you get to watching any? I am sure season 3 could be found online too :lmao just to give you a refresher Bunnie

I need some more Michael in my day. Videos of him coming later maybe :cheer

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/13/13 14:43
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Nope. She's avoiding me :shake :shake


  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/13/13 16:13
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A date with sleep! :drink :lmao Sorry, been exhausted from my job and new school schedule... and of course, I have a meeting tonight. The next night I have available isn't until Friday night. :lol :lmao

and Nope :slap to both of S2 or S3. Not happening. There is a GOOD reason why I can't remember them. :drink :lmao :rotf

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/13/13 21:13
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Haha, a date with sleep? Are you dreaming about me again? :lmao :lmao Probably Edward and his SPARKLES :shake :shake

And yes! Please? Pretty please?


  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/14/13 02:28
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I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? It sends a message. —Damon

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So do you go for Edward over Max ? One in your head an one on your window :lmao

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/14/13 07:04
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OMG--- Spicy--- I love the M&M video! Is that what she's saying in it? "Yes, please, pretty please?" :thinking :dunno

And I don't think I've dreamt about either... it's been just fall in bed and pass out kind of tired lately. :lol :lmao

One in your head an one on your window

LMAO! That is probably the greatest quote by far! Soooo flippin TRUE. :drink :lmao :rotf (and don't forget the one on my window sparkles and the one in my head doesn't shut up! :drink :lmao)
However, if I had to pick--- Edward would come first. How does True Blood say it? "I could do very bad things to you..." :drink :lmao :rotf

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/14/13 18:07
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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I can't believe you picked Edward first. :shake :shake

Also, yes, that is what Maria is saying! Pretty please? :beg Plus, without S3, we DON'T GET THAT EPISODE! :cry

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/15/13 06:48
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You can so see in that scene that they should just kiss and get it over with already. :lol :lol

and yup, Edward is my number #1... besides, I love his ass! :lol :lmao

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/15/13 12:49
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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I take it that's Max talking? :glare :lmao

  Re: Roswell Animations #1
 Posted: 08/15/13 13:06
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Well... :thinking I don't really know? It might be me talking?! :drink :lmao

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