Forever Dreaming

WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS
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Author:  maboroshii [ 09/15/02 15:41 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

Warning for anyone taping the re-runs on WB Sundays.

I was watching the showing of the first two eps on Sept 15, and lo and behold, I noticed things zipping by *much* faster than previously. Hey, sez I, wasn't there more to that scene? :( And sure enough, here's a far from complete list of stuff I noticed cut:

The thumping on the roof of the bus scene with Chloe and Pete.
Clark's entire football daydream sequence.
The "Kiss of Life" at the river
Lex's "Kid, you alright?" line
Clark's "If you had, I'd be dead." line and subsequent 'swoon'
Clark's conversation with Lex in the stairwell at Luthor Mansion.
Lana's arrival at the graveyard on her horse
Clark's arrival at the graveyard and pose in front of the angel statue (one of my personal fave scenes! How dare they! :mad )

... and these are just some examples.

I can only assume they wanted to stuff more commercials into the time slot, but REALLY.

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 09/15/02 18:36 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

yeah, when they re-aired it before in November, it was the same way. They have to show more commercials during reruns so they cut out ALL the good stuff. pfft. whatever. Glad I have the DVD.

Author:  fajrdrako [ 09/16/02 04:04 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

I'm glad I saw the DVD first, too. They had the nerve to cut scenes with Lex! Faugh.

I can think of a few scenes I wish they'd cut, but they didn't.

Bad choices.

Thank goodness for that DVD.

Author:  Yeoman Prince [ 09/17/02 14:47 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

That's actally always been the way the pilot and metamorphosis have been recast, because the pilot ran long and couldn't fit in the normal 42 minute slot. And the swoon and "hey kid, you okay?" is only on the DVD--it wasn't even in the original broadcast of the pilot.

Author:  fajrdrako [ 09/18/02 02:04 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

I do wish that when they cut episodes for time, they'd cut Lana's lines, or Pete's lines, or anyone's lines but Lex's!
Couldn't Jonathan Kent spare a platitude or two?

Author:  maboroshii [ 09/18/02 03:00 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

That's actally always been the way the pilot and metamorphosis have been recast, because the pilot ran long and couldn't fit in the normal 42 minute slot. And the swoon and "hey kid, you okay?" is only on the DVD--it wasn't even in the original broadcast of the pilot.

I am shocked, *shocked* I tell you, that the bodice-ripper style swooning was not included in broadcast. :)

I had no idea that they had normally cut so much out of the broadcast; I'd only seen the pilot on the DVD. Holy Hannah. There are big swatches of Clark/Lex interaction deleted. How can people live on a diet of subtext if they cut our rations to nothing? :evil2

Author:  Aerdrako [ 09/19/02 12:39 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

People seem to have eked out the subtext all right, but it's amazing that the Pilot was as well-received as it was with some of the best lines missing.

Makes me really, really long for the DVD version of all the other episodes. Who knows what we've missed?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/21/02 03:39 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

ITA. Can't wait to get it myself. :lol

Welcome to FD by the way! :party
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:jump :jump2 :jump3

Author:  Myradith [ 09/29/02 03:14 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

I'm new to the Smallville thing, and the only time I saw the Pilot when they recently reaired it, so I'm quite interested to know what I missed! What's this DVD you're all talking about?

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 09/29/02 08:08 ]
Post subject:  WB rebroadcast of Pilot and Metamorphosis cut to RIBBONS

The DVD consists of only the Pilot and the 2nd episode "Metamorphosis". It's only available in Canada, so if your in the USA you can order it from

I love the DVD. There are deleted scenes and commentary. :grin

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