Forever Dreaming

11/19 Dichotic
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/14/02 06:34 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

Courtesy of the WB;)

All New | tuesday | 9/8c trailer

When Clark (Tom Welling) tries to warn Lana (Kristin Kreuk) and Chloe (Allison Mack) about Ian (guest star Thomas), an overachieving student who is surreptitiously dating both girls, they accuse Clark of jealousy but realize too late that he was right. Meanwhile, frustration with his father (John Glover) causes Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) to lose his temper and attack a parking attendant's car with a golf club, landing him in an anger management class where he meets an interesting new woman.
Sam Jones III, Annette O'Toole and John Schneider also star. Craig Zisk directed the episode written by Mark Verheiden.


Author:  catcrazychicka [ 11/14/02 18:47 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

I wonder how he was able to hide the fact that he was dating both of them while they now live together...

I can't believe that J.T.T. was cast. Plus, I saw a picture of him from this ep over at Ksite and man...what did they do to his hair?! His hair was just scary, scarier than the part in the preview where he is splitting into two people.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/16/02 18:48 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

More pictures courtesy of Fraz from FF :wavey



Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/16/02 18:50 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic



Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/16/02 18:51 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic




Thanks Fraz for the awesome pics! :clap

Author:  fdlaura(d) [ 11/23/02 20:08 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

I have a question from this ep. Pete asked Clark to get his grade from him in shop class and then Clark looked into the book using his x-ray vision. So, Pete knows about his powers? When did this happen? How much does he know?

Oh, and looking at those pics I feel like I should squeel "Ooohhh, it's JTT!" :lol

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 11/23/02 20:17 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

He found out in the third episode this season, called "Duplicity". He found out everything. everything. That was a really good episode. This one? Not so much. :lol

Author:  Mediocre Lemming [ 12/12/02 08:49 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

This episode first aired on my birthday, and I HATED it. Jonathan Taylor Thomas is a has-been, and I didn't catch how those girls couldn't have found out about his secret.

And the episodes they've been playing lately? Reruns? WHY? I mean, it's nice to have some background instead of all monsters and villains, but dude, we need some new material!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/17/02 18:07 ]
Post subject:  11/19 Dichotic

Mediocre Lemming~ Sorry this is a little late as I've been really busy lately- but Welcome to the board! Nice to have you here! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave :wave

And ITA the last few episodes just haven't been "All that" for me. And does it seem like we've had reruns for over a month or so now? Talk about dry spell. :shake :shake

And personally this episode was sort of stupid IMO. But what ever. :lol :lol

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