Forever Dreaming

09x23 - Readiness Is All
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/12/13 02:23 ]
Post subject:  09x23 - Readiness Is All

They hit you out of nowhere.

We were arguing.

He kept saying that he couldn't trust me anymore, that I was a liar, that I... that I lied about who I was.

He hit you?

God, it just got so bad.

When bad things come, they come suddenly, without warning.

I don't know what's gonna happen now.

Nothing's gonna happen. You're safe.

All right? You're safe here.

You just need to get some sleep.

All right? Just try and sleep.

If you need anything... I'll have my cell.

Where are you going?

We rarely get to see the catastrophe coming... Alex, what are you gonna do?!

Make sure that's covered, and make sure... No matter how well we try to prepare for it.

What is all this?

Weather reports say a massive storm is coming.

Hurricane force winds and heavy rain.

They say it's three days out.

So we have time to prepare, then.


So for the E.R., we're gonna need to overstock supplies and blood products.

Let's get ready for double capacity intakes.

That means extra beds and gurneys in the hallways.

This storm will bring in a lot of casualities.

We're gonna need to make room for them, so let's discharge all patients that can be.

Post-op and long-term patients are gonna be transferred to Seattle Pres. further inland.

We're gonna bring in supplementals... water, food, meds, lighting.

Uh, we're gonna be checking and refueling the backup generators.

As for you surgeons, push, postpone, or cancel all elective procedures until after this storm... So we're canceling surgeries now?

Well, you can afford to slow down a little bit.

I'm pregnant. I'm not sick.

You're very pregnant.

You're three weeks away from your due date.



I need your help. Come with me.

There will be a list of available surgeons... So you've got your craniofacial baby.

Are you gonna postpone?

No, he said elective.

The kid's got his brain on his face.

Don't snap. I was just wondering if maybe... Well, we have three days.

Most importantly, we're gonna need to print hard copies of all computerized patient charts in case of a power loss.

All of them?

Do we have time to... I'll do that.

Bailey, it's good to have you back.

I'll put you on the O.R. rotation.

Uh, I mean I'll do the charts.

Folks, they're saying that this is going to be a bad one, but we have three days to prepare.

So let's do it and be ready when the storm hits.

Thank you.

How's she doing?

She feels like she can't go into an O.R.

She thinks she'll kill anyone she touches.

I... I tried to convince her to come down to L.A. with me, take some time off, but then we heard about the storm, and she said she had to stay and help.

Anything I can do?

I wish there was, but honestly... Anyone but me.

I know.

I brought him in a few hours ago.

He had a C.T.

I wanted to wait for you.

You gotta help him.

It's Chest Peckwell. I mean, Jason Myers.

So between removing the encephalocele and closing up the facial cleft... It is gonna take most of the day.

You guys have any questions?

Uh, n... no.

I guess not. No.

I would tell you not to worry, but that's a load of crap. You'll worry.

But if it helps, I'm not worried a bit.

It does help.

A lot. Thank you.

So you knew exactly what to say to her.

Is that a mom thing?

Oh. The Internet told you I was a mom, too, huh?

Oh, God. Okay, all right.

Apparently, I'm super creepy

'cause I know everything about you.

Well, I'm creepy, too, because the Internet told me that you studied with bBud Clement, and I did a year under him at Hopkins.

Bud? I mean, he's a genius.


But oh, my God... His breath.

His breath is so bad.

Something died in him.

It did.


All right. Well, this changes everything.

I mean, if you studied under Clement, then I'll have you do the calvarial graft and I'll just focus on the bipartition.


Really? Yay.

Yeah, yay.

Do you want to go get coffee before we start this?

Um... uh, y... uh, yeah.

You know, I have to get some stuff done.


So I will, um, I'll meet you... I'll meet you up there.


I mean, you're probably just gonna go cyber stalk me some more, huh?

I might be.


I understand it.

If my dad doesn't wake up, I go live with strangers.

Hey, hey, hey, not strangers.

A foster family.

People who want to take care of you and are more... more prepared to do that than your grandma is right now.

Will they play soccer?

I hope so.

What if they don't?

What if they're like the people from "Harry Potter"?

Like, gross, mean, and scary?

They... they won't be, all right?

I promise.

But if my dad wakes up, I could stay with him, right?

Yeah, if he wakes up.

Ethan, honey.

Oh, eat your yogurt.

Okay. Well, I'll see you, all right?

And don't worry.


Page me if anything changes.


Nancy and I had a conversation about withdrawal of care.

I did not bring it up. She did.

She wanted to know what the chances are after nine days... It is way too soon to talk about pulling the plug.

And I told her since he's gone eight days without improvement, the neurological deficits are more likely permanent.

Of course you did.

I wasn't gonna lie, Owen.

She doesn't want to put her son through any more, or her... It's too soon.

Get another head C.T., a C.B.C., and a chem panel.

We just drew blood this morning.

I know. Do it again.

Oh, hey. Hey.


Can I ask you something?

S... yeah.

When you and Derek adopted Zola, how did you know?

I mean, how did you really know that that was something you were gonna do?

Why? Are you thinking... Yeah, forget it.

Just forget it.

Clear the hallways for cots.

People will come looking for shelter.

How bad is this supposed to be?

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right?

What do we got?

39-year-old construction worker.

Wind blew him off a building.

Fell four stories to impale himself on three bars of standing rebar.

Vitals are stable.

Minimal blood loss on the scene.

Maintaining airway.

Okay. Let's go.

Let his name be Bob.

Please let his name be Bob.



My name's Leon.

The patient's awake and responsive.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

It's bad, huh?

This is really bad? Am I gonna die?

The fact that we're talking right now, Leon, means it's not as bad as it could be.

I guess so.

If these bars hadn't caught me, I'd be a stain on the pavement right now.

That's the attitude, Leon. Just keep that up, okay?

Let's get him to the O.R. and we'll take x-rays there.

Page Grey and Torres.

Kepner, Kepner.


I'll take this.

Why? Why? I caught it.

It's a big case, and I need you on... Yes, it is a big case. It's my big case.

Hey, I... I am about to take my oral boards again, and this is exactly the kind of case that I want them to see that I can handle because I am going to crush them this year.

I need you on storm prep.

And you once told me that I should stop being an administrator and start being a surgeon.

And that's my human shish kebab.

Okay. All right. I hear you. Go.

Thank you.

Now I will check in on you.

If things get hairy, I'm tagging you out.

You won't have to!

Nurse Cano to E.R.

Nurse Sandy Cano to E.R.

What happened?

What does it look like?

Brooks, what do you see?

Like, someone super messed him up.

Talk like a doctor.

Um, temporal bone fracture with an epidural hemorrhage.

How soon does the bleed need to be evacuated?

Like, yesterday.

Yeah, book an O.R.

Let's get him up there.

Karev, what the hell happened?

Who did this?

Make sure he doesn't die.

You can't let him die, okay?

This one's sitting right next to the carotid, but it doesn't seem to have damaged it.

This one's in the right upper quadrant.

And according to the ultrasound... it might have missed the liver.

The ultrasound on this one showed the femoral artery is intact, for now.

These bars are rough metal. When we take them out, we risk shredding the vessels.

He could bleed out.

Doctors, he's starting to lose his airway.

I need to intubate.

Okay, I want to cut down the protruding bars as close as possible to minimize the damage when we pull them out.

Bone cutter?


Uh, doubtful.


1/2-inch rebar.

You're gonna want a

4-1/2-inch angle grinder with a cutoff wheel.

Thank you, Leon.

No worries.

Okay, run. Do not walk.

Chest Peckwell? Jo's Chest Peckwell?

Karev brought him in beat to hell.

He has a brain bleed.

Karev brought him in?

Yeah. I think that he's...


Hey! Hey!

Do you have a 4-1/2-inch angle grinder with a cutoff wheel?

Dr. Bailey, I'm thrilled that you're back and honored that you requested me.

I'm very excited to be in your O.R.

So what are we doing?

Press "print," go to the printer, take the chart, collate it, repeat.

We're doing this, then?

You need me to go over it again?

But Bailey tested negative for staph.

And she knows that, but she doesn't feel it.

This way. This way.

Murphy. Murphy.

Where are you going with that?

O.R. one. Kepner needs to cut the excess rebar off of shiska-bob... Leon.

All right.

Come on.


Where were we, uh... oh, yeah, Bailey.

Right. Uh, yeah, I just think that she needs to... Um, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah. Yeah.

Whoa! Whoa! Stop! Stop! Stop! Shut it off! Shut it off!

You can't grind metal. The room is full of oxygen.

The grinder's gonna give off sparks.

You'll blow up the room.

Oh, God. Okay.

Yeah, good call.

I've, uh, been through something like this before.

And how'd that work out?

Not great.

Oh, you're early.

So are you.

Well, I kind of like to oversee the prep.

Me, too. Feel free to join me, 'cause clearly, you're a control freak.

Well, nothing wrong with that since clearly, you're a bigger one.

It's exhausting, isn't it?

God, yes.

I'm surprised you're letting me do any of the reconstruction.

I figure, the more people know how to do this, the safer for kids everywhere.

It's kind of my way of controlling the world.

And this way, you have something to remember me by.

Well, every time I tuck a baby's brain back into his skull, I will think... You are gonna think of me.

That's the idea.

Here we go, right?

Here we go.

The metal's lang on two major vessels.

They'll shred if we try and pull the entire bar through.

You're right. But I'm damned if I know how to do it, though.

Can we take out the oxygen tanks?

Well, the tanks, yes, but there are O-2 outputs in the floor, there and there.

I say we take him down to a patient room, do it there.

He's already under anesthesia, and he's too unstable to move.

All right, all right. How about this?

Get all additional oxygen tanks out.

I manually hyperventilate him, get him on 100% O-2, and then I shut off the vent. You cut.

When he runs out of air, you stop, I hyperventilate him again.

That'll take forever.

And it's still risky, but... it's our best shot.

All right. Just give me the grinder, and you can go.

All right, Knox, you can go, too. I got this.

This is dangerous work, people. So everybody out.

I'll stay.

You'll need someone to hold the bar steady while you cut.

And you'll need me to irrigate the metal.

The grinder will heat up and could burn through the vessels.

That's... very good thinking.

There may be liver damage.

No, Grey, not you. You go.

Because I'm pregnant?

She has a kid.

She didn't bring hers to the O.R. with her today.

He's got a point, Grey. You should go.


Go. That's an order.

Okay, let's gown up and wet down these drapes.

Hey, what's going on?

Why am I being kicked out of my O.R.?

Owen hunt just kicked me out of my O.R. for being pregnant.

He what?

Excuse us.

Well, there was a chance that it could explode, and it's... it is incredibly dangerous.

Oh, well, I'm on board with that, then.

Check with Karev.

He brought in a friend with a brain bleed.

Guy was beaten half to death. Jason Myers from O.B.

It's not his friend.

These are today's scans?

With smaller cuts, like you asked.


What is that?

We have a problem.

Mer, check out this hyperdensity.

Is that something or just noise on the film?

That looks real to me. It's Alex.

Get a C.T. angio and find me.

I want to look at those vessels.

All right. I'll hyperventilate him.

When we get to 100%, I'll say go, you cut.

We watch his sats drop to 90%.

Below 90%, there could be tissue damage, even brain damage, so at 90%, I'll say stop and I'll pump him up again.

You ready?



And if anybody sees any sparks, then run like hell, understood?

Yeah. Okay.



Oh, my God. Sparks!

Whoa! Whoa!

Everybody okay? Everybody all right?


Fine. Yep. Let's do this.

Okay, Kepner, if you're someone who still prays, maybe... Dear lord, please be with us right now.

Help us save this man, help us save Leon.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

And... go.

Let's move to the abdomen.


All right. Go.

Oh, sparks!

Sparks! Oh! Oh, my... Oh! Oh!

Ben, look! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!

No, we're good. We're good. We're good. Go. Go, go. Okay.

Oh, damn it. The C.S.F. is leaking.

This is worse than I thought.

The crack has torn the dura.

It's pretty grody.

"Grody" is not a thing we say.

List the possible complications.

Um, death, that's pretty solid.

Strokes, re-clots, being a potato, goofiness, loopiness, simpletonism.


Difficulty with speech, memory, and vision.

Why are you making me talk so much today?

Because you're weird, and it bugs me.

But you also have a natural talent for this.

And the weirdness is there because you're covering up a real lack of confidence in your natural talent.

So now it is my job to make you feel confident and less weird. Okay?

Whatever twists your knickers.

I said fight the guy. I didn't mean fight the guy.

Alex, this kind of stuff was okay when we first met you, but now?

Now you're supposed to be less stupid.

I mean, you could go to jail, your whole career... Look, I'm not going to jail.

He was like that when I found him.

That's your story?

No cop is gonna believe you.

Alex, it's us. Just tell us.

I didn't do anything.

He didn't do it.

He just found him.

I did it.

93. 92. 91.

Oh... Oh, God. This is taking too long.

We've have to get into the abdomen.

90. Hunt.

Almost there.

Almost there.


Stop! No! No! No! Can't turn it on!

Don't turn it on!

Cover the body! Cover the body!


88. He's getting hypoxic.

I got this.

Ohh. Okay, okay. Okay, go.

God, good catch, Kepner.

Okay, all the bars are cut. Let's see what we've got.

Oh, God.

Torres, you go scrub.

Kepner, go back to the E.R.


I need you prepping for the storm.

Wh... no, no, no, no.

You need another surgeon for when we pull the rod out of his abdomen.

Right, we're gonna be working on his neck so we have some time.

Send in Grey or whoever's available.


I've got it. I'll find someone.

Chief, he is my patient.

I have made every single right call since he came in here.

And what, you want me to stock shelves like some grocery clerk?

I need you there more than I need you here.

Kepner, I'm not gonna ask you again.

Go now!



I'm gonna mark where I'm making my cuts, Arizona.

Then you will mark a 2x3-centimeter piece of the parietal for the graft.

Dr. Avery, Dr. Robbins is gonna do the calvarial graft, and then I thought I would walk you through the reconstruction of the nose and the lip.

Oh, I'm fine to watch the master at work today.

Come on, Boswell. It sounds like you're trying to get us to do all the work.

Sounds to me like Avery is chicken.

Not what I said. You came out all this way.

Well, he can run a hospital, but he's still a baby surgeon.

You're one of the Grey Sloan seven?

Is that a thing?

Yes, that's a thing.

You guys are legend.

You bought the hospital, saved the staff.

Well, you know us control freaks.

We try to run everything.

It was brave. I couldn't have done it.

And I'm so impressed.

And you, sir, are doing this reconstruction, okay?



Arizona, are you ready to mark your graft?

Yeah. Yeah, let me in.

All right. Come right over here next to me.

Here, go through these again and just make sure they're in order.

Dr. Bailey, is there a reason you chose me to do this?

Because you're an intern.

A surgical intern, at a hospital, not a kinko's.

Just... since Dr. Shepherd kicked me off his service, I worry that everyone thinks I'm a losing bet.

And if that's what people think... Do you want to be responsible for killing a patient, Ross?

If the power goes out and we lose access to a patient's electronic files and we reach for her chart in this pile and it's not there, what will happen?

Well, that's pretty hypothetical... The patient would die, Ross, and it would be your fault.

And how would you feel?

I... how would you feel?

Uh, Bailey.

Hunt needs another hand in the O.R.

Asked for you to scrub in.

Uh, tell him I can't. Storm's coming. This needs to get done.


I'm in the middle of the backup charts.

If I stop, I'll lose the order.

He needs to get someone else.

I'll go.

I'll do it myself.

Of course you will.

We were having a fight. He... he grabbed my arm.

I fought him off.

It just... it got ugly.

He fell backwards and he hit his head on the fireplace, but he was still yelling when I left.

He was fine. I swear.

All right, you gotta go. Go.

Uh, no, she has to explain to them what happened.

No, nobody does anything until we see how Peckwell is.

Look, go home.

Don't let anyone see you.

You two don't say a word to anybody until we know exactly what's going on.



Are you okay?

She's okay.

You never saw her. What?

I have Paul Dawson's C.T. angio results.



Don't do anything stupid.

Oh, is that Chest Peckwell?

H... how is he?

Oh, a bad bleed.

We won't know more until he wakes..

What the hell happened?

I don't know. Um, I need your help.

People keep saying that to me today.

I found that on Paul Dawson's scan.

Could that be a clot that we missed?

Yeah, that's exactly what it is.

It's blocking blood flow to the basilar artery.

Brooks... Why would we miss that?

Oh, I'm not asking her.

Yeah, she's... she's asking you.

And I'm asking you.

Because it's a thrombus... Mm.

Which is harder to see.

It's more common to find a bleed or an infarct.

You were looking for the wrong thing.

Nice job.

Could you take it out, like now?

Run a pipeline stent and restore the blood flow to the basilar?

I mean, could that wake him up?

It could.

It could also kill him.

Does the family want to take that risk?

But, um, you... you said that yesterday.

You said it... it was our last chance.

This is... a long shot.


Well, what does Dr. Hunt say?

Dr. Hunt is in surgery, and Paul is my patient.

And it's your decision.

Nancy, every second counts now.

Well, if there's a chance that... Okay. Okay.

Dr. Mahoney to the E.R.

Dr. Mahoney to the E.R.

Wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka... What are you doing?

Sorry. It's Pac-Man.

Because it looks like pac-man.

Now what do we need to watch out for?

Mm. Dislodging the clot.


Jamming the stent, or... Oh, damn it.

The basilar wall is dissecting.

It's just too weak.

If you don't place the stent, it could rupture, right?

Yeah. If we place it too fast... You risk ripping the artery in half.

Either way, he's... He's dead.

Good. Yeah. Just be quiet.

Dr. Kent to neonatal I.C.U.

Dr. Kent to neonatal I.C.U.

Hey, Wilson.

I'm going, I swear. I just had to grab some clothes.

Look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Jason.

I was just trying to get away from him.

And I lost it. I just lost it.

I like you.

But I love Alex.

I don't know if he's dumb enough or loyal enough to take the fall for you, but he just might be.

I'd never let him do that. I wouldn't.



Are they done with that in the O.R.?

Yeah, they were done a while ago.

Then why aren't I back up there?

Uh, I... I don't know.

Help. Help me.




Dissecting is stopped. Stent is in place. Good.

Any leaks?

I'm... not sure.

Yes or no, Brooks.


No, sir. No leaks.

Good. Dr. Shepherd, you have a message.

Yeah, not now.

It's from Dr. Grey.

She took a fall on the stairs. She says she's okay, but she's going to O.B. to get checked.

I can finish. You should go.

No, you can't.

You're done.

Hard part's over. I'll just, uh, retract the sheath, hold pressure on the femoral arteriotomy, done.

I can do it. Go.

Okay. Here.


Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no.

No, Mousey.

Mousey, no.

No, don't touch her. Mousey, no!

Bailey just said no?

Mm-hmm. Might be 'cause it was me who asked her.

No, I'm telling you, she's just a little shaken up.

She needs a break.

You know, Christina went through something similar, so I get it.

How about you pull out the bar, and I'll jump in and catch the bleeders?

Got it.

Torres, a hand here.

Hmm? Yep. Okay.

You know it was the same with Arizona.

You can't rush her back to work.

Mm, that might be true... for them.

Forgive me, Ben, but with someone like Bailey... sometimes you just need to rip off the band-aid.

Here we go.

Okay. Let's go.

Yeah. Gotcha.

That is a handsome face.

Mm, very handsome.

I couldn't have done it any better myself.

Well, I wouldn't have done it at all.

Thank you.

This was incredible.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

Now my downfall as a surgeon is a very tiny bladder, so you guys have this.

I'll see you in just a second.

She is just one of those people, isn't she?

What? What do you mean?

One of those people that just make you feel like you're capable of anything.

Sloan was like that.

He just sort of took for granted that you were great... so that you'd be great.

I wish she could stick around a little longer.

I just... I have not felt like this in a long time.


The baby's fine.

Define "fine."

And feel free to talk like a doctor.

Fine means zero sign of placental abruption or any injury to the fetus.

No bleeding, no uterine rupture.

His heart beat's great. No distress.

Everything is where it should be.

You are incredibly lucky.

Are you in any pain?

No. Uh, just... just sore.

If you start to feel any pain at all, you know where I am.

Thank you, Connie.

See, I told you, you need to slow down.

You know how we could have avoided this?

If I'd been safely in that exploding O.R., where I should have been.

Put your pants on.


I just closed a midline facial cleft.

Primary surgeon.

What is wrong?

I don't know.

Hunt is actively keeping me from surgeries.

I don't know if he thinks that I'm gonna fail my boards again, or maybe he's just finally realized that I'd make a better secretary than a surgeon.

So I'll talk to him.


Don't. Don't. I don't... I don't want you to fight for me.

Dr. Kepner, trauma's coming in.


Something else I can get kicked off of.

Did they run a C.B.C. and A.K.B. stain?

Yes, they ran all the tests. The baby is fine.

Yeah, well, what about you? I mean, why did you fall?

Are you dizzy?

I fell because I have the same center of gravity as a Jersey cow. I'm fine, guys.

Doctors, it's time. It's happening.

Come on.

Come on. Hurry. Before it starts.

What do we got?

A 48-year-old male complaining of tightness in his chest.

He says he feels like his heart is gonna burst.

All right, sir, we're gonna take care of you, okay?

Is he seizing?

Was there a head injury involved?

Uh, what is that music?

Um, sir, no.

Ohh. Ohh.

Um, you probably don't wanna get off of that if you don't... Nicole, what are you doing?

What is... what are you doing?


What are you... what are you doing?

Oh, hi.

Scott? Wait? What?

What is going on?


I'm... Oh, Matthew!

Oh, my God!

They're everywhere.

Aah! Oh, God! It's so high!

Oh! Oh, sorry.

Who'd have thought Kepner would've found somebody as dorky as she is?

He is like the male Kepner. What are the odds?

All right, April!

Oh, my God.

Uh, April, I know that this seems crazy... This is totally crazy. What?

And to some, sudden.

But when I know something, I know it.

When I first saw you standing in this doorway... I felt a shock.

And, uh, and I thought... this is the most beautiful person that I've ever seen.

And then I thought... yeah, well, no, I... I knew... that I was gonna fall in love with you.

Oh, God.

And I have never been so happy knowing anything in my entire life.

Oh, my... Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

April Kepner... I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me... Oh, my God. If you'll let me.

Will you marry me?

Yes. Yes.

It was beautiful!

Way to go, Matthew!

Many happy years!

All right, Matthew!

How does Kepner get that? How does that happen?

And I get crazy, I get cancer, and now I got a psychopathic maniac.

Screw it. I give up. I'm walking away.

Alex, what were you gonna do if you got to Peckwell's house first?

Were you gonna have coffee and talk it out?

I mean, tell me he wouldn't have been worse off had you gotten there first.

People change, but they don't change.

Maybe Jo's crazy fits your crazy.

Don't give up on her just yet.

We didn't give up on you.

Chest Peckwell is awake.

How is he?

He's fine.

But he's... he's asking for the police.

I thought this storm was coming in three days.

You know weather guys.

They're wrong most of the time, and they still keep their jobs.

How do you feel, honestly?


I'd feel better if the wall hadn't dissected.

I'm afraid it's done more harm than good.


How did I miss this clot?

You didn't, or it'd still be in there.

You've done everything you can.

Then why isn't he awake?

He looks beautiful.

Yeah, and when he's 6 feet tall and has a full head of hair, all of this is gonna recede to just a tiny, little scar on his forehead.

The girls are gonna love it. It'll give him some mystery.

Thank you... so much.



This was an amazing day.

Well, you guys did most of the work.

I'm happy I just got to watch.

Yeah, well, is there anything else that I can... You can show me to an on-call room.

Uh... w... why?

First night post-op, I like to stay close by in case anything happens.

Oh, wow, you poor, poor control freak.

Oh, you really get me.

Yeah. I really do.

This way.

Hey, Jason.

Cops here yet?

Let's talk for a second.

She attacked me, all right? Jo's a lunatic.

She's disturbed, and she's a liar.

Listen... you got a good thing here.

Good job.

Nice place.

You have friends here?

Oh, you wanna be my friend now?

Me? Nah. I got enough friends.

Cristina Yang... she's my friend.

She owns the hospital.

Derek Shepherd. Owns the hospital.

Meredith Grey... her name's on the friggin' door.

And these are my friends.

And they don't like a guy who hits his girlfriend.

Neither do I.

She attacked me.

What was I supposed to do?

You're supposed to take it. A girl hits you, you take it, or you walk away.

It's the story of my life.

Jason, you can tell this story till you're blue in the face, but all people are gonna hear is that you hit her.

And that little bit... it's gonna follow you around the halls here.

And if you leave, it'll get wherever you're going before you do.

Oh, you'll make sure of that, huh?

It sounds like you're blackmailing me.

It sounds like you're a guy who hits girls, 'cause you did.

So what do you wanna do next?

What'd he say?

What, you heard that?

I did.

You think it's okay to blackmail people, Karev?

I wasn't. It was just a threat.

You're threatening him?

What are you thinking?

A bunch of people got hurt here.

I didn't see the point in any more.

I mean, the guy's not pressing charges.

Oh, so it all works out. You feel good about that?

Because you shouldn't.

Dr. Michael Lamott to pediatrics.

Dr. Michael Lamott... Bailey, when the chief of surgery orders you to scrub in on a surgery, you scrub in on that surgery.

The last I heard, you're not chief of surgery or my boss.

But I am part owner of this hospital, which does, in fact, make me your boss.

And you're not a file clerk.

We have enough file clerks.

But we need a surgeons.

So either be a surgeon, or get the hell out.

'Cause we don't need you.

The rebar.

Thank you very much.

He looks great.

He is. Broken leg, minor internal injuries.

After all that, it turned out to be kind of a nothing case.

You had absolutely no right to kick me out of that O.R. today.

Grey, you weren't necessary that... You did it because I'm pregnant and because you were trying to protect me.

Yes. And?

I just want you to know it's completely unacceptable.

And thank you.


You asked me about Zola today.

We just knew. You know, Derek knew first, of course, because he's Derek, and it took me a little longer because I... I was... scared.

One day, I just picked her up, and... I just knew.

I don't know how else to explain it.

I looked at her, and she was my daughter.

I just knew.

You know, this kid... he needs someone, and I like him, and, uh, and he likes me.

He's scared and alone and... and... I could help.

I know how to help, and I want to.

And then I talk myself out of it because he's not my kid.

He's ten. It's... it's a huge commitment.

It's a lifetime of responsibility.

And it pretty much uproots everything.

But then I spend one minute with this kid, and... I can't imagine not doing it.

You're thinking I'm crazy.


I'm thinking that's exactly the way I felt.

Cristina won't get it.

Owen. It's Paul.

You should come.

He's awake.

He's fine. Uh, neuro's good, he's talking.

He's fine.

Get him set for transfer to Seattle Pres.

Well, isn't that a little... I want them out of here A.S.A.P.

The storm's here sooner than predicted, and I want them moved inland before it gets worse.

I've rounded on your entire service.

Brooks, thanks.

You've stepped up when I needed it today.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you, sir.

Give it up.


Stay weird, Brooks.

Engineering, report to admitting.

Engineering to admitting.

With me, Ross.

God, there's more?

You can stack 'em against the walls.

Not too tall!

Hey. Never saw it coming, right?

What's that, the storm?

No. April.

I was sure someone would let it slip.

And have you, uh, seen Dr. Hunt?

No, no. What's up?

Nothing. I... I'd... Would you tell him thanks, though?

I had him keep April out of surgeries all day.

This was kind of my only shot at this.

Didn't wanna miss it.

No, no, you didn't.

Congratulations, both of you guys.


Still awake?

Yes, ma'am.

Owen's, uh, transferring Paul Dawson and his kid over to Seattle Pres.

How's Owen?

I don't know.

You know, I woke the guy up.

That's all he's been wanting to do, but now he just seems more disappointed with me, and I know he's got close to the kid.

You know, Owen was talking about taking the kid himself.

Taking him?

What, like a... adopting him?

Or fostering.

He asked me about it. He seemed ready to do it.

Okay, what am I supposed to do with that?

Like, what am I supposed to do?

I don't think there's anything you can do.

I don't think it's about you.

Thank you.

You guys have backup generators, right?

Yeah, of course we do.

This really has been a lot of fun.

Sort of sorry... Me, too. I'm sorry it's over.


All right, well, then you'll just have to have me back at some point.

That would be really great.

Well... Okay.

It was... okay.

Oh, God! I can't.


I can't.

We do our very best.

It was a pleasure meeting you.


You are allowed to lose a little bit of control.

But sometimes it's just not good enough.

We buckle our seat belts. We wear a helmet.

We stick to the lighted paths.

What the hell happened?

The power went out a half-hour... No, you. What were you thinking?

Peckwell could have died.

Is he... No, he's fine, and you're lucky he's not pressing charges, but you are an idiot.

You get that you could have gone to jail, right?

You say that you worked so hard to change, to become this new person, but then you do this?

If you don't wanna be a lowlife anymore, you gotta grow up and stop acting like one.

No, you grow up!

Not everyone's like you, Alex.

People are horrible.

And the last time someone grabbed me like Jason did, I... I promised no one would ever do that again.

So I am sorry, but... not everyone's like you. Not everyone's good.

We try to be safe.

And now you think I'm horrible, too.


No. If you hadn't gotten to him first, I probably would have killed the guy.


Why would you do that for me?

Shut up. Why wouldn't I?

We try so hard to protect ourselves, but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

'Cause when the bad things come, they come out of nowhere.

Whew. The storm is here.

It's totally here.

The, uh, day care center said they're gonna be open for 24 hours, so I'm keeping Sofia in there.

We're not leaving. Are you guys leaving?

I don't know.

Where the hell is Arizona?

We're gonna stay, right?

Yes, we're gonna stay.

'Cause if we get trapped at the house, and you go into labor... No, we're staying because they need surgeons.

You need to take it easy.

I'm just gonna work until I... The bad things come suddenly with no warning.

What? Meredith, what is it?

But we forget... You okay?


That sometimes... Yeah. My water just broke.

What? Okay.




That's how the good things come, too.


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