Forever Dreaming

09x05 - Beautiful Doom
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 11/11/12 17:41 ]
Post subject:  09x05 - Beautiful Doom

Previously on "Grey's Anatomy" ...

Dr. Grey, you were on a plane. You were in a plane crash.

Where's Lexie?

My sister is dead.

They're taking us home tomorrow on a plane.

That's why I told Bailey to just sedate all of us.

Cristina, please. Say something, please.

I'm worried that you're just running away.

Oh, yeah, I am. I'm fleeing.

And so should you, 'cause horrible things happen here.

No. Something horrible happened, and we should stick together.

How is Yang, by the way?

Does she like Minnesota?

Who says I have to like him?

He's my sex friend.

How'd it go with Dr. Thomas?

I respect you. You're a historical landmark.

It's been a while since I've had anyone who cared enough to give me grief.

He is my bestie. He's my you here in Minnesota.

They call you Medusa ... the serpent-haired monster who turns folks to stone.

I don't think that you're a demon.

Focus on what you're doing.

Are you firing him?

We can't fire him.

We can force him to retire, though.

It's okay if you're not ready to fly.

I said I'd come. I'll be there.

She's not gonna get on that plane, is she?

Probably not.

You are my person. You will always be my person.

Sometimes things are simply out of your control.

You can't change them.

You can't bend them to your will.

It doesn't matter if you're already 45 minutes late, if your hair isn't brushed, and you haven't fixed breakfast, and you're hemorrhaging brain cells by the second while you sit here ... Dying ... Dying inside.


Pee. Just relax and pee.

Did you do it?

Did you a pee-pee in the big-girl potty?


♪ Pee-pee in the potty pee-pee in the potty ♪

Please don't make me strangle you.

I can't move.

I need to move, but I can't.

I think I may be frozen to thispot.

Literally frozen.

I could stay.

Keep you warm.

Do you like being the big spoon or the little spoon?

I am not a spoon.

I'm a knife, and I'm gonna stab you in the eyeball.

You know, I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep.

Oh? You sure?

I can't look at you.

I'm sure.

I can't look at you either.

Okay, please tell me you're as miserable as I am?

We are potty training, and I am wearing an apron.

No, I'm happy as can be.

My coat doubles as a sleeping bag.

Here you go, Zo.

Hi, Zozo.

Now don't forget to tell mommy if you have to go pee.


It's all about the layers, Mer.

Good morning. How are you?


We sure got a nice fresh snowfall last night.

Sure did!

Have a good one.

You too!

Who is that?

Just me being neighborly. I'm neighborly now.

Oh, no. I think she just ... Did you just pee on me?

I think she just peed on me.

See, you have a fake voice, too.

Well, I'm using it on a child. You're supposed to.

You know what? Tell her she's got to get her act together or she'll never be on the Supreme Court.

She's gotta buck up.

Excuse me?

Buck up. All right. It's a Minnesota thing.

We don't wallow in our self-pity.

We're ... we're tough.

We're friendly.

We're ... My car is buried under a Mountain of snow.

Buck up.

I hate you.

Okay, I'm almost ready.


Hey. Hi.

So she needs a change ... Uh-huh.

And I am late.

Okay. Well, daddy's gonna take a train today to give a boring paper to a bunch of boring people.

Zola, your daddy's my hero.

Mm. I love you.


I'll see you in a couple days.


All right.

I forgot the fish sticks.

What for?

Oh, it's, uh, multicultural day at preschool.

We're Brazil. I burned the first batch.

All right. I'll see you later.

Okay, bye.


Say good-bye, mama. Say good-bye, mama.

Bye-bye, mama. I know. I know.

Well, you're in a mood.

My car is buried under a Mountain of snow.

Don't get crumbs on the upholstery.

You brought me a Danish.

Don't ... don't get emotional. Just eat it.

You're going to need your strength. Here.

Oh! A complete vascular ring.

And a huge aneurysm.

Biggest aneurysm I have ever seen.

Considering how old you are, that is saying something.

Now if you're gonna start talking like that, I'm going to get someone else to scrub in with me.

This is ours?

Still in a mood?

Oh, thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, hey, hey, I'm ... I'm trying to drive here.


That ginormous thing is in my body?


It formed because of a congenital heart defect, so it's been there a long time.

We'll need to perform two surgeries.

The first one will repair the aneurysm.

In the second, we'll deal with the defect to prevent another aneurysm from forming.

And we thought we were ready for everything.

All right, this is nothing.

We're prepared for a nuclear holocaust.

This is just a few days in the hospital.

Are we expecting a nuclear holocaust?

No, we're trained for disasters.

Are you E. M. T. s?

No, we're ... Will.


These are my doctors, and I don't want them to think we're crazy.

Hey, we're not crazy.

We're doomsday preppers, ready for the Apocalypse.

You think we're crazy.


No, no.

Look, we're not, like, Mayan calendar nut jobs.

We're preparing for the real stuff ... ozone depletion, global warming, melting ice caps.

We met at a workshop on making bug-out bags.

Dare I ask?

They're survival backpacks.

You should really have one or several, actually.

Uh, one in the home and one in the car.

So your surgery will be this afternoon.

We just need to run some scans, and then we'll be all set.

Okay. That's okay, babe.

Small doses of radiation prepare your body for ozone depletion.

I guess it's my lucky day.

It's huge. I e-mailed it to you.

Look at my giant aneurysm and marvel at the gift Thomas gave me.

I can't. I'm driving.

Besides, I'm jealous. You have a new best friend.

I really do.

I might love him more than you.

I'm happy for the both of you.

And I get two surgeries out of it, 'cause she has a complete vascular ring.

Imagine your good luck.

Oh, are you still being a bitter working mother?

I am. I have pee on my shoe.

You're a doctor. Can't you call it urine?

Because "urine on my shoe"

s more appealing?

I need help!

Oh, there's an accident.

Is it bad?

It doesn't look like it.

I gotta go.

I'm fine. There was a woman on a bicycle.

I think I hit her. I heard my tire blow.

Hurry! Someone call 9-1-1.

I'll do it. I'll call.

She's being crushed under there.

Does anybody know C. P. R. ?

Can you hear me?

I'm a doctor.

What's your name?

Is she breathing?


I-I can't br-breathe.

Okay, Melissa, we're gonna get you outta here. Okay?

I'm a doctor. She can't breathe.

We gotta get this car off of her.

I'm on with 9-1-1 and they say don't move her.

The paramedics are on the way.

She can't breathe! She will die before they get here.

Look, I don't wanna be responsible if she's paralyzed.

Don't you see she's dying under there?

Do you wanna be responsible for that? !

I need someone to help me move this car.

Is anybody gonna help me? !

Is anybody gonna help me? !

Come on, guys. We got this.

All right.

Ready, guys. Okay, everyone on three.

We got this, okay? Here we go.

One, two, three.

Come on!

Just about. Just a little higher.

Okay, let me help you.

Okay, easy, easy. She's almost there!


She's out!

Oh, she's ... she's blue.

Come on, damn it. Breathe.

Come on. Breathe.


Breathe, damn it.

Oh, she's alive.

She's alive.

She's alive.

Oh, Dr. Yang.

I hope you got some shut-eye.

A gastropericardial fistula came into the E. R. , and I'd like you to join me.

Uh, with a pneumopericardium?

A huge one.

Did you do a pericardial decompression?

Just about to.

I can't. I'm scrubbing in with Thomas.

Cristina ... I'm offering you a gastropericardial fistula.

Chocolate? Pretzels? No. Chocolate.

Dr. Yang.

Sorry. Not available.

Wilson, I've got cyclist versus auto.

Multiple crush injuries.

I need you to call upstairs.

Tell them we need a trauma O.R. open, and get Ross.

He's on my service.

You, I need you to go get my car.

It's at the intersection of 4th and Pike in the backseat, there's a box of frozen fish sticks.

Grab 'em, nuke 'em, bring 'em up to day care for Brazil day.

Grey, you know you just stole my intern?


It's interesting how crazy you can be and still comb your hair.

I find her delightful.


You got a bug-out bag in that big ol' car of yours?

I have no desire to survive Armageddon.

When the big one hits, I want to go quickly.

You didn't mention your surgery was an aneurysm the size of a honeycrisp.

It's an apple, the state fruit.

I don't recall mentioning this surgery to you at all.

Dr. Yang, could I talk to you?

That aneurysm is a disaster area.

We have a solid surgical plan.

Let me assign the surgery to somebody else.


Look, I don't know what's going on.

Maybe you pity Thomas.

Maybe you actually like him. Hell, I like him.

He's a great old guy.

But there's nothing to gain by working with him.


There is, actually.


There's a lot of blood. Suction keeps clogging up.

Adjust the angle. Lower your hand.

Ross, let's run the small bowel.

How do I do that again?

Just take them in your hands, look for injuries, nice and slow.

Hey, I just dropped Sofia off at day care.

Did you remember it was multicultural day?

Uh, yeah. I made fish sticks.

Ugh. I signed up for plantains and I totally forgot.

I'm sure no one will notice.

Yeah, well, Mark always kept track of that stuff.

Okay, the break is near the femoral artery.

Ooh. She's losing a lot of blood?

Um, yeah.


I'm trying.

Okay, Wilson, just get in there and just scoop it out with your hands.

Just scoop it out.

Just get right in there.

This would go faster if I used scissors.

Well, when the tissue is this thin and friable, I find the fingers are easier to isolate the anatomy.

Oh, there you go.

Okay, I've located the insertion point in the carotid.

Ah, Dr. Parker.

Two visits in one day. What a treat.

Well, it's my job to ensure my department is working to the highest standard.

Oh, nonsense.

You want a front-row seat to my inevitable demise.

I hope you'll forgive me if I disappoint.

Dr. Yang, are we ready for bypass to the subclavian?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Did the aneurysm blow?

Hold pressure.

I'm trying to. I'm trying to.

The hole's getting bigger.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

Watch your language, Dr. Yang.

I run a respectable O.R. clamp.

Dr. Yang, I suggest you get one, too.

Put her on bypass. You need time to ... Listen to me. Dr. Yang will tell you that I have been doing this since the Jurassic period.

We'll have this done in a jiffy.

That's it. I'm scrubbing in.

Clamp on.

Let's go, Dr. Yang. Time's a-wasting.

Okay. The liver's exsanguinating.

Ross, suction. Wilson, grab a clamp for this.

Right away. Which one should I ask for?


Good news.

We tracked down the young woman's parents in Toronto.

They're getting the first flight.

Suction, and let's hang more blood.

That one makes 57.

Grey, we've replaced her entire volume of blood four times.

I got this. More laps.

It might be time to pack her and let her rest.

Looks like you're at a point of diminishing returns, Grey.

There's a limit to how much this patient can take.

She was crushed by 2 tons of twisted metal.

That's a lot of trauma for the body.

I know.

I know exactly how much trauma that is for a body.

I'm not doing damage control here.

I'm not gonna pack her up and hope for the best.

I need you to stop.

She needs an intact liver.

Meredith, just take a second.

I am trying to save her life.

Hands off the patient. Now.


Let's pack her up.

That was a train wreck in there.

We saved her life.

That aneurysm could have blown no matter what we did. You know that.

You should've listened to me when I suggested that you put her on ... You walk into my O.R.

in the middle of a surgery and try to backseat drive?

I'm trying to help you, Craig.

I'm not Craig. I'm Dr. Thomas.

And I don't need or want your help.

Dr. Thomas, you're a danger to our patients.

I need to see a patient.

Surrender your license.

Go out gracefully. It's time.

I will not step down.

Okay. You want to go that way, we can go that way.

Starting today, I sign off on every patient you see ... every scan, every band-aid.

Talk to him.


So her liver has been packed.

The next 24 hours are crucial.

Monitor her closely.

Um, Meredith, do you have a moment?

Do you want me to take point on this?

On my patient? No.

Meredith, I'm concerned that ... This may be hitting a little too close to home.

I mean, after what you've been through, what ... what happened with your sister ... Same injuries, same age.

What's your point?

Emotions might be clouding your judgment.

They're not.

Excuse me. I have to go check on my patient.

What happens now?

The next few hours are critical.

When she wakes up, if she can speak and move her arms and legs, then we'll know she got good blood flow and that the grafts held.

I'm sorry, uh ... Flowers aren't allowed in the C. C. U.

We have a seed bank in case, you know, it ... it all goes to hell.

We have every grain and every fruit and vegetable you need.

Katy was like, "what about the flowers, Will? "

"If the world is ending, I'm gonna want something beautiful."

You know, I'll put them just outside.

She can see them from there. Okay?

This is my fault.

The aneurysm would've blown no matter whose hands were on it.

Her vessels are cotton candy.

I know, but Parker wouldn't have given that surgery a second thought if I wasn't in there with you.

Oh, don't flatter yourself.

That man has been after my hide for a long time.

Probation is one step away from being fired.

You know, I find it a little unseemly to worry about my employment prospects when there's a woman's life hanging in the balance.

Come on. I'm gonna give you a ride home.

We have another surgery tomorrow.

You need your sleep.

It's going to be fine.

Thomas made me leave my patient.

Now she's gonna die, and he'll be fired.

Well, I'm leaving my patient, too.

I have to pick Zola up from day care, and Derek's out of town so it has to be fine.

It's not gonna be fine.

She's surrounded by interns.

That's one of the signs, Meredith, like locusts or the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Well, except there's only three of them and it's one night.

You need a bug-out bag.

What's that?

Like a diaper bag for adults.

I'm making mine right now.

Well, what do you have so far?


Well, that's a good start.

What else?

Well, the sign of a well-packed diaper bag is backups in case you run out.

So more Tequila?

I am out ... Trying to have one night, and my intern decides to close my patient's wound ... an infected wound, which I left open to heal.

Dumbass, over-eager, barely-out-of-med-school child!

I'm staying.

I'm going back.



Hey, cutie pie.

Okay. I gotta run.

My interns are with my patient.

There's extra clothes in the bag.




No, no, no. No.

No, don't do that to yourself.

It's good for her to see you work.

It is good for her to see you achieve.

Yes. That's how she'll become C. E. O. one day.

Yeah? 'Cause mommy works. That's good.

Okay. I owe you one.

My first surgery's at 10:00.

I'll just drop her off at day care with Sofia.

Okay. Bye.

Well, can't you just give your sex friend more sex in exchange for not firing your old man friend?

Ew. I'm not a prostitute.

Besides, I thought of that. It's just way too much sex.

She is barely hanging on.

Should I take her back into surgery?

What does Webber think?

He thinks I'm too emotional to handle this.

Vitals check.


Are you still there?

Yeah. Why are you whispering?

Granola guy's asleep.

He brought his own hemp pillow.

Stable over here. You?


Maybe we should try to get some sleep.

I'm not gonna be able to sleep.

Yeah. Me neither.

You know what we need?


A 30-second dance party.


I'm too tired.

Yeah, me, too.

Dr. Yang.

Please be alive.

Please be alive.

Please be alive.

Good news.

Ms. Doomsday is doing great.

While you were getting your beauty sleep, a lot has happened.

Katy, why don't you fill in Dr. Yang?

Although she hasn't had her coffee yet, so maybe just give her the broad strokes, Hmm?

You guys are gonna go ahead with my second surgery this afternoon.

Dr. Yang will start to prep you ... as soon as she brushes her teeth.

She needs another surgery to take out the packing and check for more bleeding, but right now she would never survive it.

So what do we do?

There's a perfect window.

We have to correct her acidosis and her hypothermia and make sure her coags are stable.

And until then?

Until then, we have to try and keep her alive.

I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I have surgery in ten minutes. I tried leaving her in day care, but she's running a little fever.

No big deal. I'm sure she's just teething.

But they won't take her if she hasn't been fever-free for 24 hours.

Did I mention I have surgery?

In ten minutes.

I'm sorry.

Dr. Grey, the patient's B. P. just plummeted to 70 over 50.

Crap. Edwards.

No, I ... no.

I did your fish stick drop. I valeted your car.

I am here to practice medicine.

Great. Monitor her temp.

If it gets above 101, give her a teaspoon of acetaminophen and push fluids.

Her sippy cup is in the bag. Bye, Zo.


This is a bad idea.

Parker will never sign off on this surgery.

I can't tell you how strenuously I object to your extracurricular gymnastics with that man.

He's making you conventional and skittish.

You know, condoms don't protect against that.

H-how did ... You were the first one to point out, I've been around a long time.

Now Katy is awake, she's speaking, she's moving her extremities.

Yes, but ... the repair worked, so why put her in danger of another life-threatening aneurysm?

Well, what about Parker?

I spend very little time thinking about him.

Can I assume that's your child I hear wailing outside those doors?

Well, I ... she has a fever, and Derek is out of town, and I have this patient ... Dr. Grey, you know why men think they can run the world and women can't?

Because of crying babies.

I was hoping no one would hear it.

Uh, we can all hear it.

I can hear it.

Uh, Dr. Ross out there can hear it.

Only difference is, the crying doesn't affect him.

But you and I

are genetically predisposed to respond to crying babies.

It's pulling your focus.

It's gonna be fine. I'm almost done.

Okay, this is about world domination.

If we're going to take over, we need to have our babies crying somewhere other than the I.C.U.

Dr. Yang, could you go over the risks of the surgery one last time?

Will, Dr. Thomas went over all of it already.

I could die or turn into a potato or start leaking unicorn poop out of my ears.

I signed the scary paper already. I'm doing it.

He also said that you could live with this condition for years without another aneurysm.



Last night, I didn't know if you'd even wake up.

And now I know what the end of the world feels like, and I don't want to feel that again.

You want me to live with a sword hanging over my head every day, afraid to hiccup because I might blow an aneurysm?

That's not living, and you know it.

We take action, Will.

We look disaster in the eye and we do not shrink with fear.

Tell him, Dr. Yang.

Tell him it's gonna be all right.

Scissors. Get the tube ready.

Got it.

Hey. I'm here.

Lung collapsed. I have to do this chest tube.

I can keep her till 3:00, but then I ... I've got a hernia repair.

Hey, Brooks, see if Zola's temp is down and if you can sweet talk day care into taking her back. - Okay.

Tube is in. Zero silk.

I'll just go get her.

Okay, uh, don't forget her diaper bag.

She's got extra clothes in there, diapers.

The sippy cup is in the side pocket, and if she goes pee-pee in the potty ... Meredith, I'm not gonna potty train your kid.

Right. Okay. Sorry. Forget it.

Already did.

He's doing it, Mer.

He's doing the surgery.

And if he does it, he'll get fired.


I need to figure out the exact right time to reopen my patient.

A month ago, this would've been someone else's decision.

I was just a resident along for the ride.

Now if I misjudge ... Yeah.



You know what we need?

Dance party?


We need to buck up.


Dr. Parker.

Ah, Dr. Yang.

You're a day late and a dollar short.

I just had to reopen my gastropericardial fistula ... you need to take Dr. Thomas off probation.

I take it you weren't able to convince him to go gracefully?

Why would I?

He's a liability.

Oh, because he's old?

No, because habitually undermines my authority.

Look, you were in that O.R. yesterday.

Yeah, he saved our patient's life.

He was insubordinate and reckless.

He cut out her aneurysm and interposed a graft in under 30 minutes.

Now I can't do that. Can you?

There's no good reason ... Cristina, there is no point in belaboring this.

It's done.

Then undo it.

Let him ride out his tenure.

Firing him would be bad for the hospital and bad for you.

Please, just ... just ... just let this slide.

Look, I know you're in an awkward position, and it's partly my fault for sticking you with him.

You came in a little strong, and I felt like I needed to temper your overconfidence.

But he's holding you back.

And once he's gone, you'll see that.

Okay, her temp is 96. What were her last coags?

Her I. N. R. was 1. 3, and I tested her pH levels

2 hours ago, and it was 7. 29.

Okay, let's run 'em again.

Why the hell are you sitting out in the cold?

Sun's out. Gotta take advantage.

Let me do the surgery with someone else.

Dr. Yang ... Or go kiss his ass. Play politics.

I don't think you understand how serious he is.

There is a path that a doctor walks in this hospital.

They begin by thinking that I'm some sort of God.

Then they start to worry that I'm insane.

And then they take some comfort in the notion that it's just senility.

I mean, we've gone from

"a" to "z" in no time at all.

Yeah, well, if this goes South, it could be the end for you.

So be it.

Maybe I'm ready.

Well, I'm not. You can't leave me alone here.

Oh, we're talking about you now, hmm?

You should've raised the flag.

I couldn't work here without you.

You're afraid to fly. You're not going anywhere.

Hey, it's not funny.

No, it isn't.

You love me more than anybody has in a very long time.

Look, if I'm going, I want to go down fighting for something that I believe in, for this young woman's future, and ... and these women who have so much to live for.

Oh, come on.

You know I'm right.

You know that she deserves this surgery.

And we're the best team to do it.

So ... You decided to go back in.

This is my window. Her pH and coags are good.

She'll never make it through another day if I don't stop this bleeding.


Oh, nothing. I just, um ... Don't. Don't say it.

Say what?

This is nothing like what happened in the woods.

We are in a hospital with medical resources that we could only dream of having out there.

And I'm gonna use them and try like hell to save this girl's life so when her family comes I can tell them she's alive.

So don't say this is Lexie. It's not Lexie.

Good luck.

That's all I was gonna say. Good luck.

Oh. Thank you.

And it's the right call, bringing her back in.

I was gonna say that, too.

So we'll take the packs out slowly so that we can look for the bleed.

Wait. It's 4:30.

I thought you were with Zola.

Uh, no, yeah, 4:00 to 5:00, that's Dr. Kepner's shift.

Yeah, that was before my surgery went long.

23 year old with more gallstones than I've ever seen.

It's weird, right, 23 year old with gallstones?

April, who has my daughter?

Um, ri ... ri ... 4:30. Uh, Jackson, I think.


When I realized my surgery was going long, I sent my intern to make sure that Alex could take her for longer, but he couldn't push his surgery again, so he left her with Ted, so I was just about to go relieve him right now.

Unless Jackson go there first. His shift was after mine so ... Who's Ted?

Um, nurse Ted from the E. R.

And I can tell by the look on your face that you don't know who Ted is.

Um, don't worry about it. I-I'm going there right now.

Zola will be fine. Okay?

Ross follow her. Do not leave her side until my daughter is physically in her arms.

On it.

Ready, Dr. Yang?

Ready, sir.


Here you go.

Wire cutters.

Wire cutters.

Balfour retractor.

Here you go, doctor.

Sternal retractor.


Here you go.

These vessels are so fragile.

Let's go gently.

You're gonna have to suction like your life depends on it.

If your hands move even a centimeter without my say, she's gonna bleed out. Where's my suction?

I'm trying, but there's a lot of bleeding over here.

Okay, keep trying, Wilson. Wilson, hold still.

I thought I was.

Ross, are you sure my kid's okay?

It's like camp Zola in the attendings lounge.

She was smashing gummy worms into her face when I left.

Who's letting her have gummy worms?

You're right. It doesn't matter.

Get in here and help retract. I need more visibility.

If this continues to go this well, I'm prepared to put your name first.

When we publish? That's big of you.

It is.

You know what? You need it more than I do.

This could be your last journal article.

Is that your version of "thank you"?

No, it's my version of

"this is the end.

Get while the getting's good."

Thank God I never had children. They'd be just like you.

I'd have drowned them like puppies in the river.

Oh, come on. I'm your dream come true.

That ... is the truth.

You're gonna make me gag.

B. P. 's dropping.

This is really a lot of blood.

Who moved?

Somebody moved. Say it now.

It did.

Just a little. I'm sorry.

It ... it's okay. It actually helps.

It ... it means the bleeder's in the retroperitoneum.

Okay, now literally this time, nobody move.

Don't be crass.

Women of your generation think they have to be crass or no one will believe their strength.

You're fighting a battle that women of my generation have already fought for you so you could have the grace to appreciate their work and move on to something else.

Yeah, I'm still gagging.

You know what? These sutures aren't holding.

Can I have another 4-0 prolene, please?


B. P. is really down.

I'm well aware of that.

Stop looking at the monitors and just help me find this bleed.

Watch your dissection and don't hold your breath.

Now you're gonna tell me when to breathe?

Renal vessels are clear.

Damn it. Keep retracting.

You hold your breath when you stitch.

When you stop breathing, you stop thinking.

It's a mistake.

Now what?

Hang on.

I'm breathing.


Not like an anxious hyena.

Freeze. Keep your hands where they are.

We have to find the source or she's dead.

Okay, do not panic. Don't panic.

My name will be first.

Pfft. Saw that coming a mile away.

You will be the surgeon of your generation.

I knew it as soon as I met you.

People will try to diminish you as they did me, and they will fail.

I would like it to be known in the medical community that I helped train you.


Okay. Your name first.

Found it. Clamp.

Tiny tear in the external iliac.


Okay, does anybody know what we do now?

Ligate the artery. Nope.

Replace the clamp with a patch.


Then what?

30-second dance party.

Dance or you're fired.

That clamp's coming up. Can you adjust it?


Can you reach it, pops?

Dr. Thomas?

Dr. Thomas?

Thomas! Dr. Thomas. I need another clamp.

Move! Move! Move!

Someone get to him.

What's going on?

I don't have a pulse.

Get a crash cart.

Right away.

Grab his clamp.

Damn it. I need a better angle.

Switching sides.

Let's get an I. V. Set up.

Get gowned and gloved.

Vitals now.

What's happening?

Give me the paddles.

Are the paddles on?

Charging. He's in v-fib.

Shock him. Charge to 200.

We're on it. Clear.


What the ... He collapsed in the middle of surgery.

We already shocked him once. Charge to 300. - Charging.

Why is this surgery even happening?

Don't worry about that right now.


Nothing. Go again.


Is there a pulse?


Parker, is there a pulse? !

Someone tell me what's going on.

Starting C. P. R.

Deal with your patient, Cristina.

Don't hold your breath.

You stop thinking when you stop breathing.

Breathe. Please, God.


Oh, God.

Please don't tell me that she's ... She's okay.

Katy has a strong heart.

She should have a long life ahead of her, a long, long life.

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you.

She's okay.

Breathe, Dr. Yang.

Don't be crass.

You're skulking.

Women of your generation are graceless.

It's an affront to nature.

Mediocre surgeons will see you and feel themselves wilting in your shadow.

Do not shrink to console them.

Do not look for friends here.

You won't find them.

None of these people have the capacity to understand you.

They never will.

If you're lucky, one day when you're old and shriveled like me, you will find a young doctor with little regard for anything but their craft.

And you'll train them like I trained you.

Until then, read a good book.

You have greatness in you, Yang.

Don't disappoint.

Oh, my God. Where is she?

Who has Zola?

There she is. There's your mama.

Kepner had to scrub in on a colectomy so I took her, right?


You look like you're feeling much better.

Well, we read "Goodnight moon" ... A couple times, didn't we?

And then you tried to show me how to play Patty-cake, right?

And it turns out, Uncle Owen is pretty terrible at that.

Oh, and her fever broke a couple hours ago, uh, 99. 2 last time I checked. Yeah.

Dr. Grey. Dr. Grey.

Is she crashing?

Melissa's asking for you.

Go, go. I don't need to be anywhere.

Okay. Bye, Zozo.

Say bye. Say bye.

Hey, you, what we gonna do?

We're gonna do high fives. Patty-cake.

Patty-cake, Patty-cake, Patty-cake.


Meet Dr. Grey.



I-I-I d ... don't know how much, uh, you remember.

I was ... I was trapped, uh ... under something.

And you were there.

You were there, right?

I was. I ... I ... Thank you.

Thank you, doctor.

What's this?

My list of Tucker-tested babysitters.

You need a deeper bench, Dr. Grey.

You're an attending now, you never know when a crisis is gonna happen, and this is gold.

I don't give it out to just anyone.

Thank you.

Don't wake up. Please don't wake up.

Good girl.

Oh, God. No!

Not tonight.

Not one more thing.

I downed the Tequila bottle from my diaper bag.

I can barely ... I don't even know what my name is.

Lexie's dead.


Everyone's dead.

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