Forever Dreaming

07x13 - Don't Deceive Me
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 02/06/11 11:29 ]
Post subject:  07x13 - Don't Deceive Me

Doctors practice deception all the time.

We give vague answers to hard questions.

We don't talk about post-op pain.

We say,"you'll experience some discomfort."

John Driscoll, white male, 62, Alzheimer's diagnosed eight months ago.

Patient number one of Alzheimer's N. G. F. clinical trial.

If you didn't die ... we tell you,"the surgery went well."

But the placebo has to be the doctor's greatest deception.

Okay, you're gonna hear a ... a little drilling sound.

How you doing, John?


Great. You're doing great. All right, envelope, please.

Half of our patients, we tell the truth.

The other half ... we pray that the placebo effect's real.

Okay, John, we're gonna insert the probe now.

And we tell ourselves that they'll feel better anyhow, believing help's on the way, when in fact ... we're leaving them to die.

You have to say something.

Words. Make words.

Holy crap.


A baby?

Growing like a weed in my uterus.

Not like a weed.

Like a mighty oak.

We're gonna be great parents.

Mark, you ... you don't have to do ... Are you kidding?

That's my kid in there.

I'm a dad.

We're parents ... of a baby.

Okay. You're in.

Should we get married?

Oh, no.

No, I mean, I'm all for raising a baby with you, but, uh, there's a line.

You're right.

That's good, 'cause I'm in love with Lexie, and it would be ... Oh, my God. Lexie.

What am I gonna tell Lexie?

Okay. You think about that.

Are you ready to talk now?

I want to say some not nice things, and I want you to listen without saying that our relationship is over or walking out.


I'm mad that you slept with someone else.

And I know that we were broken up, but still, you slept with someone else.

And I'm even madder that that person has a penis.

And I know that you're bisexual, I know that ... Okay, would you rather I slept with a busty redhead?

'Cause ... You have to give me a chance to process this, okay?

I am processing.

I didn't plan this, okay?

I-I ... I didn't plan any of this.

But there's a ... mighty oak or whatever showing up in our lives in about seven months, so ... now I have to plan.

And I don't know how long I can wait for you to process.

But I ... I want you ... in my plan.

I want you to be a part of my plan.

So ... are you in or are you out?

Uh ... I'm in.

I'm in, but you have to give me ... You ... I'm just ... I'm s ... I'm still ... I'm so mad at you, so you have to give me a minute.


By injecting methylene blue, it's easier to identify the structures.

What do you see, doctor?

Gallbladder ... Cystic duct, common bile duct.

Yes. Misidentification of the anatomy ... is the main cause of biliary tree injuries.

Today we're trying this new technique ... Put those things away, people.

No texting in my O.R.

Save that for the drive home.

Um, actually, we're not texting, sir.

Dr. Bailey's performing a toupet procedure right now, and there wasn't enough room in her O.R. , so we're just following it on Twitter.


What the hell is a Twitter?

I booked the O.R. I read up on the procedure.

I know this thing better than my own name at this point.

I pre-rounded on the patient, and her pre-op labs are all done, and ... Wow. Quadruple bypasses are exciting, right?

First assist gets to sew all the grafts on to the heart.

Plum job.

I want it!

It would be an honor.

I know you're thinking, whoever does this gets a leg up in the race for chief resident.

But do you want to know a good way not to get it?

That's to bug the crap out of me before my day even starts.

I'm sorry. I'll back off.

You know what? Actually, I'll go to the skills lab and practice my grafts.

And you just let me know if you need anything at all ... Yang took the chart. She took the chart? What ... What did Arizona say?

Well, she said she's in.

Well, that's good, right?

Oh, I'm still hedging my bets.

I'm not gonna move back in with her until I know for sure she's not gonna bail again.

Hey, you got dinner plans tonight?


I'm cooking for you tonight, your place.

I rocked a lap chole.

Mm. Mwah.

So when are you gonna tell her?

Not until after my home-cooked meal.

Mark, you do not have to do this.

I am giving you a "get out of jail free" card.

No hard feelings. You ... you can be the cool uncle that hangs out on Sundays.

I'm not the cool uncle. I'm the dad.

You love Lexie, and the last time a Sloan kid appeared in Seattle, she dumped you.

Now if you were the cool uncle ... I'm not the cool uncle! Don't ever say that again!


This is my kid. I want this kid.

Cool uncle ... Well, so tell her.

Do not wait until this kid comes out looking all sloany.

You didn't say good-bye this morning.

I had a surgery.

Mm. I didn't want to wake you.

No, you were starting your clinical trial, and you feel guilty that I'm not on it, so you snuck out.

You're right, but I don't feel guilty, and I didn't sneak out. Uh, patient number two, Daniel Cobb, admitted and in a room.

His wife has some questions for you.

I can't believe ... Mm.

He picked you for this thing instead of me?

Well, Dr. Shepherd didn't want to leave anything to chance.

Now you can both go to hell.

Meredith, it was open to all the residents.

Karev just did a better job of pitching me.

It was open to all the residents except for one!


You having a good day, Daniel?

Yes, I am, Dr. Shepherd.

You give me that new wonder drug of yours, I'll be even better.

Well, if it came down to how much I like the patient, you'd be a shoo-in.

Now if Daniel gets the drug, how soon will he stop slipping in and out of things?

Well, at this stage, we don't know any more than you do, Mrs. Cobb.

That's why we're gonna do a 2-year follow-up.

And the idea that his condition could be reversed altogether, is that completely out of the question?

Because I-I just read that when the drug was used on rats and monkeys ... Mm-hmm.

There was some reversal in tissue damage.

That's rats and monkeys. It could be different for humans.

Well, I don't want to rule out a reversal altogether.

But right now, we're trying to stop the progression.

All right, Dr. Karev is gonna take you down for an M.R.I. later, so if you have any more questions today, page him.

I'm feeling better already, Dr. Shepherd.

Here we go.

Here we go.

A clinical trial's a little different than a regular surgery.

You can paint a rosier picture.

Yeah, I-I didn't want to give 'em false hope.

You didn't give 'em any hope. Look, if Mrs. Cobb thinks this is gonna give her husband a better chance, she'll be a better caregiver, and in the end, he has a better chance of success, okay?

Yes, sir.


Is that all you're having?

Yeah, I think so. Um ... Mnh-mnh. Chief, this is my milkshake time.

Milkshake time is not a thing.

You didn't bother to tell me that you were broadcasting surgeries.

Oh, I didn't think it'd be a big deal.

Well, it is. What if something goes wrong?

Look, the patients who want to do it sign a comprehensive release.

And the nice thing is, most of them want to do it.

They're excited about being on the cutting edge.

Until they code on the table in front of the whole world.

In which case, I'd stop tweeting.

In the meantime, residents from all over the country get to see a surgeon's decision-making process.

They get to ask questions live.

It's a great teaching tool.

No, it's lawyer bait. Shut it down, Dr. Bailey.

Sir, if you understood it, you'd be on board.

I understand it fine.


I understand it, Dr. Bailey.

If you say so.

I do say so.

Don't give me Bailey eyes.

I'll ... look into this tweeter thing.

But no promises.

Uh, does this mean I get to tweet in the meantime?

No, it means give me a chance to look into it.

Hi. What's going on? How's your day going so far?

Good. I've got a cabg later this morning with Avery and Yang, who have officially entered into the rabid dog stage in the race for chief resident, which could be a good thing or it could be a-a bad thing, which I ... You really aren't interested in my day at all, are you?

I might be having Mark Sloan's baby.

Oh, good lord. He got to you, too?

Callie is pregnant with Mark's kid.

It's while we were, you know ... I love Callie, and Mark ... You know, is human and clearly has good genes because he's both pretty and smart.

And I want to have a kid, but with Callie.

I'm not sure that I want to have Callie's kid with Mark.

And so just ... can you say something to me that will make me want to have Callie's kid with Mark?

Um ... I gotta go.

What happened?

I might be miscarrying.

You're not miscarrying.

Well, then it's an ectopic.

Could it be a blighted ovum?

It's not a molar pregnancy, is it?

Wow. We got a lot of doctors in the room.

Who the hell are you, and what are your credentials?

Lucy Fields, Harvard M. D. , Duke ob-gyn resident, and now maternal-fetal medicine fellow at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Damn good at my job.

Who the hell are you?

We're, uh, we're related to the ... Oh, uh, that's, a-a ... It's a situation.

Lesbian lover, baby daddy.

Ah, and everybody's a little wigged out.

Okay. So ... There's your baby.

There is the yolk sac.

Looks good. You're good.

I'm bleeding. I ... It's not uncommon.

Happens in around 30% of all pregnancies.

It's probably fine.

But I-I don't see a heartbeat.

Where's ... where is the heartbeat?

Oh, well, it's probably too early for that.

I'll do blood work, but I'm pretty sure everything's okay.

Just take it easy for the next few days, drink a lot of water, no tampons, no intercourse.

Sing it.

Uh, call me if the bleeding gets worse or if there's pain.

Otherwise, go live your life, all of you, while you still can.

Martha Elkin, 75, multi-vessel coronary disease confirmed by an angiography.

Here this morning for an off-pump cabg.

That's just doctor speak for a quadruple bypass.

Oh, thank you.

Pre-op labs and her x-rays were normal.

Okay. You're ready to roll, Martha.

My husband went down for some coffee.

He wanted to know how long I'd be asleep after the procedure.

Well, Martha, it's hard to tell.

Every patient reacts differently.

Uh, but we'll keep him posted.

Most patients wake within 90 minutes.

Oh, that's helpful, dear. He'll be glad to know that.

We ... we're both so nervous.

Well, some anxiety is completely normal.

But let me ... reassure you.

Dr. Altman is an incredibly talented surgeon.

You're in the very best of hands.

Um, Martha, I'd like to ... give you my cellular telephone number.

Now you or your husband, if you have any questions, if he gets a little worried or wants an update, then he can call this number.

I'll even make sure to have a nurse answer if we're in the O.R.

Oh, you're wonderful.

I mean, you all are.

This is the finest patient care that I have ever seen.

I feel like a-a V. I. P.

Well, it's just what we do.

Hey. How long are you gonna be in there?

Oh, I've gotta put on a localizing frame.

At least an hour.

An hour?

Yeah, give or take.

Dr. Shepherd wants me to be as thorough as possible.

No! I'm not doing this without my wife.



Mr. Cobb, your wife is right here.

That's not my wife.

Mrs. Cobb. Look, it's your wife.

That's not Victoria.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel.

Daniel, it's me. It's Allison.

You're not Victoria.

It's Allison.

You're ... you're not my wife. You're not Victoria.

It's Allison.

I want Victoria. I want my wife.

It's Allison.

Get away from me!

Sir, who is your wife?

I don't know. I don't know.


I told you. It's Victoria.

I want Victoria.

Is she here?


Do you know where she is?

I don't ... I don't ... I don't know. I don't ... I don't know.

Okay, okay. I ... Well, I'm gonna go find Victoria for you, okay?

I'm gonna go look for her.

I'm gonna find her and bring her to you.

You sit tight. I'll find Victoria.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Do you know who Victoria is?

Victoria is the woman he loves.

They met at the home last year.

Mm-hmm. One day he asked me to wheel her towards him.

And that was it.

I watched him fall in love with her.

Well, Ben and I watched.

You're Victoria's husband?

Until she leaves me.

Oh, she's not gonna leave you, Ben.

We'll see.

Victoria was diagnosed with vascular dementia.

It's not Alzheimer's, but it might as well be.

She's like Daniel.

When she's lucid, she knows I'm her husband.

When she's not ... I go from being her husband to, uh, somebody that gets to hear about Daniel all the time.

Daniel can still be in the trial, can't he?

This doesn't mean he can't do it?

No, he can still do it.

The rule for the study is, uh, we need his consent.

Once we have it, it's okay if he's not always lucid.

You don't have any more openings, do you?

Unfortunately, the trial is only for Alzheimer's dementia.

There's no chance?

I'm sorry.

This is seriously jacked up.

Mayo clinic says "good luck."

Cleveland clinic sent you a whole bunch of smiley faces.

And there's a resident from Sydney, Australia, joining us for the first time. Yay, Sydney.

Turn it off, Grey. Chief's orders.

Oh, but this is Mr. Windsor's third operation.

Everyone wants to know how it comes out.

Okay, until I get the okay from the chief, we're not even gonna tweet the time of day.

I mean, it's ... it's not like the chief even reads tweets.

It's not like he'll know.

Drop it, Kepner.

I understand. He's the boss.

A-and I'm sure that he's got his reasons.

But you've also got

3, 000 residents out there who have been by your side this whole time, through a couple of ... of very difficult, time-consuming, life-threatening operations.

And now to tell them forget it, just like that?

It ... it ... it ... it's like ... It's like turning off the TV

when Clarice is knocking on the door of the house.

It ... it's silencing the lambs, and ... and ... and the lambs want to scream, Dr. Bailey.

The lambs ... want to scream.

The man would never know.

No. No, the man would not.

Want to know what's really fun and not at all depressing?

Alzheimer's research.

Callie's having my baby.



Best news of my life.

At least it would be, except for the fact that Lexie wants a baby about as much as she wants a root canal.

I-I guess I could tell her I'm the baby's uncle.

But I don't want to be the cool uncle.

The cool uncle's only cool till the kid's, like, 9, and then the cool uncle's just creepy.

I'm the dad.

I want this ... And I want Lexie.

I don't know. What ... what do I do?

You're the man with the answers. What do you think?

How could Meredith and I try for months and not have any luck, and you look at somebody, and a baby appears?

Sloans are unusually fertile.

You're a classic example of failing up.

Not exactly the advice I was looking for.

Well, you got it. Cheers.

She okay?



I said,"yep." Yep is not maybe. It's yep.

She paged us.

I paged you.

Callie hasn't left the exam room since you were last here two hours ago.

Well, what if it is a molar pregnancy or ... or a fetal demise or an infection? I mean ... She doesn't seem to want to leave the exam room until we rule out, what, everything?


Callie ... I'm bleeding!

I don't want to take any chances with this baby.

All right. What if we run a culture?

Just in case. Can't hurt, right?

Sure. Can't hurt.

Good idea?

He followed me through a snowstorm.


In college.

Daniel saw me in the student union, and he followed me to my class in a snowstorm.

Introduction to French Poetry ... It was in this big lecture hall, and he sat there for an hour and a half twice a week for five months, just trying to get up the nerve to meet me.

That was 40 years ago.


Give my husband the drug.

Mrs. Cobb ... You could do it if ... if you wanted to.

You know that you could.

No, I-I couldn't. It ... it's completely random.

The computer decides.

We don't even know if he's getting the drug until we're about to inject it.

Well, then change it if you need to.

I need my husband back. I need Daniel back.

I'm sorry. I just ... Even if the drug worked, uh ... It's not gonna reverse things.

But I-I can live with that. I-I can ... I can live with what ... what ... what we have right now.

I can live with being a part-time wife.

But I cannot live with losing my husband all the way.

So ... for God sake ... give him the drug.


Day one, and this thing already blows.

You got one guy begging us to get his wife in the trial, then this other guy's wife wants me to steal the drug for her husband.

Well, you're the one who wanted in on the trial of the century.

Yeah, but with peds, the problem's right in front of you.

I mean, sick kid, worried parents.

Here, you ... you've got a sick parent who doesn't even know they're sick.

Well, about five years ago, I was visiting my mother.

And she starts telling me how she thinks she's got herpes and how she doesn't want to go to the hospital and get checked out because she's afraid everybody will know.

So I realize that she thinks

I'm her best friend from med school, and it's 35 years ago.

So ... I had to just sit there and talk to my mother about her possible herpes for two hours, two very long hours.

I couldn't cure her Alzheimer's, but at least I could give her what she needed in that moment.

Advice about herpes?

Advice about herpes.

Oh, you may want to put all that away, Mrs. Elkin.

They're gonna come take you to the O.R. any minute.

I don't think it's such a good idea.

What, the ... the surgery?

Well, it's risky, isn't it?

I mean, it's a 5% chance of mortality?

Yes, but ... that's a 95% chance of success.

Those are good odds.

I've had such a wonderful life.

My friend Donna, she had a big operation like this, and she was never the same.

Nursing home, couldn't even feed herself ... It was terrible.

The poor kids, it was so hard on them ... Such a burden.

I ... I don't want to do that to my children.

I know it's scary.

And it can go wrong sometimes.

But you could have 20 more years.

I mean, y-you ... you could go to this baby's wedding.

Are you sure you want to give that up?

If you walk out of here right now, you could have a few months, maybe a year.

But you'll always be wondering when you're gonna go.

And your family ... they'll always be watching you, terrified.

Don't give up on yourself.

Let us help you.

Will you be there?

Every step of the way.


I'll do it.

You'll be great.


You think you're gonna be able to do the grafts just 'cause the patient's requesting you?

Altman doesn't exactly fall for that kind of crap.

Believe it or not, not everything I do is about competition.

Yeah, as if ... 9-1-1 means you're dying! Somebody has to be dying!

Well, what if the baby was dying?

There's nothing wrong with the baby or you!

You can't page me in a panic every time you have a feeling!

Don't yell at me.

I am a hormone casserole.

My body is not my own.

And something feels wrong.

Is it muscular?

No, it's a feeling in my gut.

In your uterine gut?

No, my metaphorical gut.


Arizona said she's still in, but she said that before, and then she left.

I don't think she's going anywhere.

She loves you, Torres.

Yeah, well, what about Lexie?

What are you gonna do about her?

She's your soul mate or something, and she's gonna freak the hell out.

Everything in my life is always a disaster!

I really don't want this to be a disaster.

I-I don't even want to move or breathe.

I don't wanna do nothing.

I don't ... What if I do something and it messes this baby up?

Martha Elkin's blood pressure was slightly elevated, but I let her rest and then retook it, and it's, uh, fine, so it should be no problem.

And tweedledum is here, too.

Charts are updated.

Did you decide who's gonna be first assist?

Why would I decide now?

Patient care has never been better.

I mean, once I choose, one of you is just gonna be skulking around like a surly teenager.

Okay, this should be an easy choice.

I have been practicing these graft attachments every day for a month.

Some of us don't need to practice.

Sure, Yang. You've got more experience overall.

But these last couple of months, you haven't exactly logged a lot of hours in the O.R. , have you?

That's not ... You really had to go there?

You're that insecure?


Just that much of an idiot.

Damn it.

Can I help you with something there, chief?

I'm trying to look at Bailey's tweets on the Internet here.

I think you mean "tweets," sir.

Well, whatever.

No, no, not whatever.

It's important you get that one right.

Uh, let me try.

Bailey's putting her surgeries on the Internet for the whole world to see.

I told her I'd look into it, but I think it's a terrible idea.

Well, I don't know. It might be a good way to reach students.

Yeah, or it might be Bailey bragging to the world about Bailey.

This thing isn't designed for medicine.

It's designed for gossip.

For now. I mean, look at GPS.

It was designed for the U. S. military to keep an eye on foreign troop movements, and now it's in everyone's car.

You know, you go out, you never have to get lost again.

Yeah, I don't go out.

We'll just save that conversation for next time.

There you go. Bailey's Twitter page.

It looks like she's tweeting a surgery right now.

What? !

So that's why we also had to do a left hemicolectomy.

Here's a question from ... Dr. Bailey.

I specifically told you not to tweet your surgeries until I looked into it.

I-I'm sorry, chief. I misunderstood.

I thought you said I could tweet until you decided.

Don't play dumb. That's not what I said, and you know it.

Put away that little toy.

Oh, he's hemorrhaging. The blood's coming from ... I-I don't know where it's coming from.

Okay, hold on. Let's see.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, we've got a pseudoaneurysm in the splenic artery.

How did that ... what ... what happened?

Uh, pancreatic enzymes are leaking into the abdomen.

They're dissolving the blood vessels. Clamp.

You need to get the spleen outta there.

I'm already on it. Clamp.

Anyone see any more bleeding?

No, but what's left of the pancreas is still leaking.

We need to take out that whole thing.

You know, it's one thing to live with half a pancreas, but to remove the whole thing ... His life's gonna be hell.

Grey, put that damn thing away!

This is exactly what I was talking about.


It's Walter Reed. They suggest an islet cell autotransplant.

No, that's for pancreatitis.

You don't do it with trauma patients.

What is it exactly?

You isolate the cells from the pancreas and inject them into the liver.

They trick the liver into acting like a pancreas and ... and making Insulin.

Yeah, when it works. You need an awful lot of cells.

You ... you know, just because it isn't done for trauma doesn't mean ... I know. I ... but even if we wanted to, we don't have the equipment to extract cells.

We need a ricordi chamber.

We don't have it, but Northwestern does.

How do you know?

They can get it on a plane and have the equipment here in six hours.

Well, that's ... It's too late.

He's ... he's too unstable.

Okay. Okay. H-h-hold on.

Denver, um ... Tacoma methodist. Yes, they've ... they've got it.

Tacoma ... uh, we take out the pancreas, I get on the helicopter to Tacoma with it, I'm back in 90 minutes, you manage in the meantime.

Let's do it.

Okay, tell them.

She's wigged out, okay?

She won't say anything.

I think it's my fault.

Well, what did you do?

We were just both busting each other's balls.

We're both on the same surgery, and I may have said something about her flaming out.

Hey. Hey.

I want Owen.

Go find him.

What the hell ... He is gonna be running around for the next hour while I sew grafts on a quadruple bypass.

Owen's at the dentist. He'll be hard to find.

You are evil.

He started it.

Now this is the hard-core machine.

The highest resolution there is.

Thank you.

Now it's almost impossible to find a heartbeat until the eighth week, even with this thing.

In fact, I don't even have moms come in until the eighth week because they come in, they don't see a heartbeat, and they freak out, and they camp out on my exam table all day.

But since you already camped out here all day, it can't hurt to have another look, right?

How's he holding up, Dr. Knox?

Ph is good. He's normothermic. Stable.

Um, a ... resident at Hopkins wants to know why they don't normally do islet cell autotransplantation in a trauma patient.

But we're not tweeting, so ... Um ... in a trauma, the pancreas is usually too damaged.

You can't get enough cells.

I ... got another question from ... Emory.

Mm. Go ahead.

Will you use the portal vein to inject the islet cells into the liver?

Mm. Yes, but it's a little tricky.

The portal vein is partially dissolved because of the enzymes.

Ooh! Good answer.

Oh, this is a message for you.

It says, uh,"hi, chief Webber."

"Dr. Neil Lefkoff, university of Miami."

"I was a resident at Seattle Grace"

"eight years ago."

"It's a pleasure to be scrubbing in with you again, sir."

Neil? Really?

Well, I'll be.

Okay, we've placed the octopus tissue stabilizer.

Now what?

Dissect out the L. A. D. , nick the artery, put in a shunt, and put the graft in distal to the blockage.

Okay, good. Go for it.

Dr. Avery, nice of you to finally join us.

And before we had these machines, we used to mince up the pancreas and spin it ourselves.

Dr. Ellis Grey taught me how to do that 20 years ago.

I mean, she would take the ... Okay, slow down, chief.

I can only do 140 characters at a time.

Okay, she had this trick where, after the final washing, she would ... Oh, man, what was it?

Oh, it was ... it was classic Ellis.

Oh, now what ... Oh, damn. What was ... uh, no, forget it, put a pin in it.

Uh, anyway she would take the, uh, messed up pancreas ... Nice. What do we do next?

Check the flow on the graft.

All right, Mr. Cobb, everything is looking good.

How's he doing?

Uh, he's stable. He's not acidotic or hypothermic.

How many cells did you get?

Uh, 300, 000. Is that enough?

Uh, normally, you want about a million.

But it's better than nothing.


Just give me a minute.

This was a bad idea.

Callie ... No, it was stupid. She said it's too early.

She can't find it yet. It doesn't mean a dead baby.

It just means this was really stupid.

Shut up.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Okay, we're almost there.

Can I have the envelope?

Okay, Daniel, I'm gonna insert the probe now.

Very good, Mr. Cobb.


Hi. How you feelin'?

Oh, I'm okay.

I've got a slight headache.

Where's my Victoria?

Can I see her?

Mrs. Cobb, he just came out of surgery.

Look, this doesn't mean it's not gonna work.

W-we won't know that for a while.

When he acts like this, you just need to tell yourself, this is not your husband.

But he is somebody who needs your help.

So whatever you can give him ... Daniel ... I'm gonna call Victoria and get her here as soon as I can.


Thank you.


I couldn't have done it any better myself.

You reassured her. You got her to focus on what was important.

Ah, I'm off the trial.


It's too depressing.

I can't handle this for the next two years.

You just handled it.

No, that was Meredith talking. She told me what to say.

She's been saving my ass all day.

You need to get over this thing where you're just thinking of her as your wife, because your wife is the only person twisted enough to handle this crap.

Oh, and that said, I'm in the race for chief resident, and so far, I'm kicking ass, so I'd appreciate it if you mention to Dr. Webber that I prioritized the patient's needs over my personal gain.

Take care of her.

Anytime, Martha. Anytime.

Bite me, Yang.

Uh, chief.

I just wanted to update you on Anthony Windsor.



Our pancreas patient.

Oh, oh, yeah, right, right.

Okay, what's all this?

Oh, uh, this is, uh, Ellis Grey's old journals.

I'm trying to find the answer to a thing.

Well, anyway, the islet cells have started producing Insulin.

It looks like the transplant's gonna take.

That's great. Great.

Excellent work, Dr. Bailey.

Okay, sir.

I'm doing a robotic subtotal gastrectomy tomorrow.

Now I know you wanted time to think about ... Uh, that's ... that's ... that's fine. Fine. Absolutely.

Tweet away. Tweet away.

Yeah! Yeah, yes, yes. There it is. Okay.

She would add heparin and aprotinin.

Okay, now when you're tweeting tomorrow, tell everyone that Ellis Grey's trick was to add those, okay?

Make sure you tell 'em that.

Y-yes, sir.

All right.

What are you doing? Is that one of my boxes?

Oh, don't get up. Oh, you rest.

Plus, you shouldn't be lifting any heavy things. I got this.

No, I'll get up if I want to.

Are you moving my stuff back in?

Callie ... I haven't said I'm moving back in ... yet.

I-I ... We're not together.

I mean, you can ... you can take those back to Mark's place.

Shut up. Just shut up.

You don't get to tell me that we're not together.

We are together, because I love you and you love me, and none of the rest of it matters.

We are together.

And if you ever sleep with anyone else again, man or woman, I will kick the crap out of you.

Now you sit your ass back down there, because that's my baby in there, and I don't want anything happening to my baby!

Your baby, huh?

Our baby. There was a heartbeat.

And it was ... We're having a baby.

Do I still have to sit down?

Because I'd rather rip your clothes off.

I'll do the ripping.

You rest.

Doctors practice deception every day ... on our patients ... on their families.

I am putting in tarragon.

Not that I have any idea what tarragon tastes like.

But I think when people use tarragon, it makes them seem like they know what they're doing.

Basil can't do that.

Anybody can sling some basil around a kitchen.

Callie's pregnant.

Oh, my God. That's great.

She loves babies.

Did ... did they do a-a turkey baster thing or something?

I mean ... wait a minute.

Okay, so wait. Arizona just got back, and they ... were they doing ... Wait. Was this before they ... I saw the heartbeat today.

This is my kid. This is a part of me.

Please. Is there any way that we can ... How the hell ... Did you get me in this position ... twice?

It ... it's ... it ... unbelievable.

You are unbelievable.

But the worst deception we practice is on ourselves ... My next, uh, Alzheimer's surgery is tomorrow at 7:00.

Put your name on the board.

Which is why sometimes, it takes us a while to realize ... that the truth has been in front of us the whole time.

Corrected by MystEre

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