Forever Dreaming

06x24 - Death and All His Friends
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/23/10 12:38 ]
Post subject:  06x24 - Death and All His Friends

Derek: the human life is made up of choices-

Yes or no, in or out, up or down.

And then there are the choices that matter ... [ gunshot ]

To love or hate ...

To be a hero or to be a coward ...

To fight or to give in ...

To live ...

Or die.

[ gasping ]

[ sirens wailing ]

[ sobs ] ]

[ png ]

[ Derek gasps ]

[ voice breaking ] my name ... My name is April kepner. I'm 28 years old. I ... I was born on April 23

in o-in ohio.

I'm from columbus, ohio.

Um ... My mom-my mom is a teacher, And m-my dad is a farmer-


C- corn-

he-he-he grows corn.

Their-their names are karen and joe.

I have three sisters. Libby's the oldest.

I'm-I'm next, and then there's k-kimmie, then alice.

I- I-I-I haven't don't anything yet.

I haven't ... I've barely lived.

I- I'm not finished yet. No one's loved me yet.

Please. Please.

I'm someone's child.

I'm a person.

[ Derek coughs ]

I'm a person. [ whimpers ]

[ whimpers ]


[ grunts ]

[ cries ]

[ door opens ]

[ Derek grunts ]

Oh, Mr. Clark ... Mr. Clark ... [ door opens ]

Live or die ...

[ gasping ]

That's the important choice.

And it's not always in our hands.

[ groans ]

[ Meredith crying ] Derek could still be alive. Cristina: we could get shot.

I'm going, Cristina. I am going no, no, no, no, you are not.

Please. You'll get killed, and I'm not gonna let that happen.

You want to go, you gotta go through me.

[ grunts ]

Teddy: we made it all the way home from iraq alive, And now there's this guy with his people-shooting hat on

Right in here in a hospital, which is arguably

The safest place in the world.

Is there a point to this or ... I think you love me.

I think you love Cristina and I think you love me, too.

And I think that you tried to get Shepherd to get rid of me

So that you wouldn't have to choose, But people-shooting-hat guy is here, and, owen, for my sake and for Cristina's sake, you have to choose. Her or me? Fine. No one.

No one. I'm choosing no one.

I'm taking myself out of this equation, and I am ... Teddy: oh, my god.

He's dead.

We can't go to the I.C.U.

We stay here, we're sitting ducks.

I'm taking this patient out of here. Who are you calling?

9-1-1. Why are they only getting the civilians out?

Where's the hospital staff? The policy is to clear the visitors, Room by room, floor by floor, and remove them before removing

Any nonessential hospital personnel. Did they get the shooter? Do you know where the shooter is?

Do you know who the shooter is? No, sir.

Well, do you know anything? This is Dr. Owen hunt from Seattle grace hospital.

We're coming out with a critical patient. Commander, I've got sound.

Dr. Callie Torres. I'm up on peds.

We've got a kid up here with a ruptured appendix. Dr. Miranda Bailey. I'm on five.

Woman: he shot a doctor in the I.C.U ... Miranda: there are two dead security guards- for no reason, he-

Mark: this guy-6'1", graying hair, moustache-

And Dr. Charles percy's been shot. He shot a nurse, and I got a doctor up here ... Please come. Karev.

We need help up here. He's got a g. S. W. To the chest.

I need a way outta here if he's gonna make it. Cristina: he was looking for the chief ... Man: we're hiding, but ... Three people, they're dead. Specifically the chief, and he shot him.

He shot Derek Shepherd right in front of us. We need help.

[ crying ] hold on, okay? Hold on. I love you.

Please don't die. Get outta here, Meredith, Before he shoots you, too.

[ coughs ]

Do not die! Do you understand?

I can't live without you. I called the police.

You die, I die. Okay, good. They're coming.

The police are coming. M- mer, they're-they're not- they're not gonna get here.

They're not coming for us, not-not in time.

Oh, god, mer. Mer-

I pick you. I choose you.

What are we what are we gonna do? You don't get to die on me.

Derek needs surgery, so I-

no, you stay awake!

What do we do? You stay awake! Stay awake.


[ mutters ]

Derek, stay awake. Stay awake. Okay. Okay.

April, come on. We're taking Derek wn to the o. R.

Teddy, sh-she's in the o. R. She can save him. Come on.

I saw on "oprah" or somewhere that if you tell them

Personal details about yourself, they're less likely to kill you.

Kepner, get up. Come on. Come on. Oh.

Geup. Follow me. Just follow me.

You gotta eat more ... Bacon.


You stop yourself from doing a lot of crap

That you want to do in life.

I mean, I'm probably dying now, And I'm telling you, you gotta eat more bacon, Have more sex.

Okay. I will. I'll eat more bacon.

But you gotta hang in there, 'cause she's gonna be back

Any minute.

She had to go to the blood bank and back.

Oh, Mr. Clark.

I didn't plan to shoot all those people.

Of ... Of course yodidn't. You were ... Sad, You were-

you were grieving.

I only planned to shoot Dr. Shepherd.

And Dr. Webber.

And you.

[ exhales ]

You unplugged the machines.

Your hands killed my alison.

[ inhales sharply ]

[ gunshot ]

[ panting ]

[ mouths words ]

[ exhales deeply ]

[ panting ]

Is he dead? He's unconscious. Vitals are tanking.

There's nothing more I can do for him.

Don't die. Alex, please don't die.

[ crying ]

this was my fault.

I unplugged his wife.

I'm so sorry. This was my fault.

[ sniffles and whispers ]

I love you.

[ crying ] do you hear me?

I love you.

Arizona: now you're gonna feel a poke, I lovand it's gonna hurt, but only for a little while.

No squirming. It hurts!

Okay. All right. Squeeze my hand. Squeeze my hand.

Tight, tight, tight. Tight, tight, tight. Come on. Good.

Oh, wow. You're strong.

[ whimpering ]

[ ruby whimpering ]

There are only children here.

[ whimpering continues ]

They shot me.

[ whispering ] there are only children here.

There are only children here. There are only children here.

There are only children here. There are only children here. [ ruby whimpers ]

There are only-

mister, um ... Clark.

Gary cla

There are only children here. There are only children here. [ whimpering continues ]

There are only children here.

Mr. Clark.

Um, here are some ... [ arizona whispering ] there are only children here. Bandages.

There are only children here.

[ ruby whimpering ]

There are only children here. There are only children here.

There are only children here.

[ ruby ] I want my mommy.

Press them to the wound and ... There are only children here.

It'll stop the bleeding.

There are only children here. There are only ... [ crying ] I want my mommy.

Children here.

Okay? Just take them. There are only children here.

Take them.

[ ruby whimpering ]

[ arizona whispers ]

there are only children here.

Take them and go.

There are only children here. I want my mommy.

There are only children here. There are only children here.

There are only children here.

[ inhales sharply ]

There are only children here.

Thank you. [ sniffles ]

There are only children here. There are only children here.

There are only children here. There are only children here. [ ruby whimpers ]

There are only children here. There are only children here.

[ ruby cries ]

I want my mommy!

I want my mommy. There's only children here.

Callie: all right. Okay. I know you do. I know. I know you do.

And she's gonna be back soon. But you know what?

Until she gets here, you have the best doctor ... Only children ... In the whole world with you right now.

Yeah, Dr. Robbins is the best doctor in this entire hospital.

Yeah, I-I think in the whole world.

Yeah, people feel so much better

After she helps them.

Sometimes people feel better

Just after she walks in the room, 'cause she has got this ... Super-magic smile.

Yeah, and when-

when she smiles at you, Everything gets better.

You don't know it, 'cause you have your back to her right now, But she is giving you ... [ whispers ] wow. She is giving you her best sst super-magic s.

Isn't that right, Dr. Robbins?


[ sighs ]

I am, ruby.

I am. I am. Okay.

[ lowered voice ]

I gotta call the police and tell them what happened, okay? I'm-I'm good.

[ sirens wailing ]

I'm good.

All right.

[ people shouting indistinctly ]

Does the name gary clark mean anything to you?


Gary clark's wif was a patient here.

She was my patient.

He's-he's suing the hospital. Why?

[ indistinct conversations ]

Mer, you, um, you prep him, And April and I

are gonna go find teddy.

She should still be on this floor. Okay.

Okay, everything is gonna be fine. Okay, mer? I promise.

Okay. Okay, they're going to find teddy.

It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Kiss me.

I'm not gonna die. I promise.

Good. 'cause that would be the worst breakup ever.

[ laughs and groans ]

oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

[ pants ]

Miranda: oh. Oh, the packing isn't holding.

[ mary ] what does that mean?

It means ... I need to get him to an o. R.

Someone is coming. Someone will come, like a-a cop-

No, we need to get him to an o. R.

That's his last chance if he's gonna live, okay? H

how are we even gonna do that?

We can-we can barely hold him up on his side.

Uh ... [ inhales sharply ]

there. There. There.

Give me the sheet.

[ groans ]

yeah, put it out.

[ whispering ]

it's creepy quiet down here.

[ whispering ]

he's down here.

[ lowered voice ]

no, he is not down here.

Oh, god. He's down here. He's down here.

He's gonna come out. He's gonna shoot us.

He's gonna sh-

will you shut up?

You are freaking me out, and I don't have time

To be freaked out right now. Sorry.

Okay, mer is a mess, Derek is a mess, yoe a mess, And I am in charge, and I say that no one is down here.

[ door opens ] aah! No, don't shoot! Don't shoot!

You are not supposed to be walking around.

[ whispers ] oh, damn it, Jackson. Is that your blood? Are you okay?

Oh, no, no, no, I'm fine. Um, go get altman. Altman's not down here.

Go get hunt then. They left.

[ normal voice ] what-

they left?

Okay, you know what? Someone just shot Derek.

He's got a g. S. W. To the chest, And he needs surgery right now.

Tell me there's an attending on this floor.

April, in the o. R. Behind me, there are two o. R. Nurses and an anesthesiologist. Get 'em.

Tell 'em to set up for a cardiac procedure.


If we don't have a surgeon, what are we gonna do?

We have a surgeon.

[ scoffs ] who's gonna operate on Dr. Shepherd?

I am.

[ inhales deeply ]

[ exhales ]

You can do this, right? You're sure?

Every g. S. W. Is different. Okay? It's not a blueprint.

It's half instinct and half improv, And ... I'm very good.

For a resident, I'm very good.

You can't be in there.

I can't do this if you're in there staring at me

With big, sad

"don't kill mcdreamy" eyes.

We're ready for you.

April ... Meredith is gonna sit here on the floor.

I want you to stay with her.

If she tries to enter my o. R.

Or even if she looks like she's gonna get up

To take a peek, I want you to stop her, okay?

I don't care how. You stop her.

Okay. He is my husband.

Do you want me to kill him? Okay? Is that what you want?

I will do ery best work.

But please, Meredith, I am begging you, Sit down and wait.

[ blows air ]

[ sniffles ]


Alex ... It's lexie. Alex.

Iz ... I'm sorry.

Don't go.

We got married.

Please don't go.

[ crying ]

I'm not going anywhere.

You came back for me, Iz.

I came back.

Don't ever leave me.

Don't ever leave me again.

I won't.

I won't ever leave you.

We're always gonna be together, okay?



[ door opens ]

[ lexie gasps ]

This floor is clear.

We're going to evacuate you now. [ exhales deeply ]

We've cleared one floor. We'll clear the others. You've got five guys

Searching 150, 000 square feet of hospital that's how it works.

Don't worry. He's not getting outta there.

Casey. Yes, sir.

Pull a d. M. V. Photo of gary clark.

Have Dr. Webber confirm. And shut down the elevators.

We want to isolate this guy, all right?

Where can I find Dr. Webber? Well, he's right over ... [ indistinct conversations ]

Okay, we got a g. S. W. Straight from the o. R.

Still critical.

Let's get him to the paramedics. You got him?

Have you gotten the shooter? I need to clear you two.

Have you gotten the doctors out? No, sir. This is a secure area.

I'm gonna need to move you over to holding.

[ siren wailing ]

She's still in there.

[ whispers ] teddy ... Go.

It's okay.

It's okay to choose.

[ indistinct conversations ]

[ siren wailing ]

Sir, you're not allod-

I'm gonna need you to-sir!

Come back now!

[ crying ]

Stop crying.

[ sniffles ]

Look, it took me a long time to find him, A long time.

And even then, it took me a long time

To even know that I wanted him-

To be married, to be his wife, to have his kids.

And now that I realize that ... [ voice breaking ]

he's lying on a table in there and my best friend's hands are inside his chest.

You don't get to cry about that.

[ sniffles ]

Reed was my best friend.

She died today.

[ sniffles ]

G. S. W. To the right chest.

We put in a chest tube. He's got 3 liters of l. R. , And two units of packed cells. All right, let's get him into the ambulance.

Call Seattle pres and let 'em know that we're coming. He's gonna be okay ... Right?

[ indistinct conversations ]

Jackson: can you feel anything?

Can you see where the blood's coming from? Not yet.

Damn it. You know what? I can't see anything.

Give me some suction. No, no, no, no, no. [ suction gurgling ]

It's right by the aorta.

You can do this. I know that. I just wanted it to be easy,

Not the hardest freaking repair in the history of the world.

[ gurgling continues ]

I don't know what to do.

There's massive bleeding in the lungs, There is a bullet lodged right next to the aorta and a huge hematoma.

Would teddy use a graft or clamp and sew? I think she'd-

[ exhales ] pig or cow? What?

Pig or cow, Cristina?

[ gurgling continues ]

Clamp and sew. Definitely clamp and sew.

Give me a clamp.


[ mary ] how much further? Miranda: we're almost there.

We're gonna get him on the elevator, And then we'll be right at the o. R. Floor.

We're almost there.

We're almost there. Okay, Charles?

We're almost there? Yeah. Just a few more minutes.

[ sniffles ]

[ Miranda mutters ]

Dr. B. ?

[ labored breathing ]

There's a hum ... Elevators make when they're on.

There's a hum.

There's no hum.

What does that mean?

It means the elevators ... They're off.

The elevators aren't working!

The elevators aren't worng!

We need to get to the o. R. ! Shh. Please, stop yelling.

Turn the elevators back on! Turn them back on!

Oh, damn it!

Oh, my god! Turn the elevators back on! Dr. B. , please, please. Please.

That man is still here somewhere. Rn the elevators back on!

And he'll hear us. Please. Shh.

Stop, stop, stop. Please, Dr. B.

Okay, okay ... What-

what are we gonna do?

Man: What are we gonna do?

Dr. B. ?

What's the plan?

[ sniffles ]

You have a plan, right, Dr. B. ?

[ mary ] what do we do?

[ crying inaudibly ]

P- please.

[ cries ]

[ sniffles ]

[ cries and exhales ]

[ labored breathing ]

[ clears throat ]

[ sniffles ]

[ exhales deeply ]

We can't get to the o. R.

But he-he has to get to the o. R.

He has to get to the o. R. Or he's-Dr. B. ?


We should be on a first-name basis.



[ labored breathing ]

Miranda: okay.

Miranda: okay.

I'm dying, right?

Am I dying now?


[ clears throat ]

yes, Charles. You are dying.

[ voice breaking ]

but I don't want you to worry.

I don't want you to be afraid, 'cause I am not going to leave you, okay?

Mary-mary-mary ... Mary and I ... [ sniffles ]

Are gonna be with you the whole time.

[ labored breathing ]

[ crying ] you are not alone. You hear me?

[ Miranda sniffles ]

You are not alone.

[ cries ]

Owen! Thank god. Derek has been shot.

No one was down here. We dn't know what to do.

Cristina's in there. She told me not to look.

But she might need help.

[ monitor beeping rhythmilly ]

Uh, she seems to be doing okay.

But I'll just head in there and see what I can do.

Wait, you're not scrubbing in?

I'll assess first, and if she needs me, Then I'll scrub in.

Cristina was right. You should stay down there.

Okay? Don't move.

April: a real surgeon is here. That's a good thing.

That means that Derek's gonna be okay.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just calm down. Calm down.

Tell me what the problem is.

[ crying ] owen.

I'm here. Owen.

Hey, whoa. Hold on. Talk to me. Stop fixing him.

[ sobs ]

Let him die. Oh.

Let him lie there and die.

Do you want me to shoot you?

Stop fixing him! Oh! [ crying ]

[ continues crying ]



[ voice breaking ] no.

Jackson, clamp the hilum so you can get control

Of the hemorrhage so I can get better visualization. Don't you dare.

Clamp the hilum so I can see.

You step back.

You ... Stay back.

Owen, I can't stop. I have to keep going.

I know. I know. Just keep going. Keep going.

You stop or I will shoot you in the head.

Hey! Hey! That is the woman that I love.

You shoot her, you touch her, and I will kill you!

I said stay back.

[ exhales deeply ]

Maybe I shoot you first.

I shoot you, and then I shoot her and then I shoot Shepherd. Is that what you want?

[ monitor beeping rhythmically ]

I didn't come here for this. My wife is dead.

He's responsible.

I came here for justice-

And eye for an eye.

The only person I want in this room is Shepherd.

Now back off.

[ suction gurgles ]

And you step away from that table.


Shoot me.


You want justice, right?

Your wife died.

I know what happened. Derek told me the story.

Lexie Grey is the one who pulled the plug on your wife.

She's my sister.

Dr. Webber ... He was your wife's doctor.

I'm the closest thing he has to a daughter.

And the man on the table ... I'm his wife.

If you want to hurt them the way that you hurt, Shoot me. I'm your eye for an eye.


Cristina: Meredith.

You tell Derek that I love him and that I'm sorry.

[ voice breaks ] Meredith.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. She-she's pregnant.

You wouldn't shoot a woman who's pregnant?



[ scrming ]

no! No! No!

Oh ... No.

Raise your raise your hands. What?

Trust me. Raise your hands. He's gonna shoot again.

Raise your hands. I'm stopping. I'm stopping. I'm stopping.

Meredith: no! See? See? I stopped.

Listen to me. In a few seconds, his heart

Is gonna pump all the blood into his chest and stop beating.

You'll see it on the monitor. Just wait. Wait for it.

[ Meredith sobbing ] watch the monitor and wait for it.

Please don't stop. Shut up!

[ sobbing ]

No. No.

[ monitor emitting continuous tone ]


[ sobbing ] Derek!

No. No. No.


It's over.

[ pants ]

It's over. He's dead.

[ tone continues ]

It's over.

[ Meredith sobs ]

[ tone continues ]

[ sobbing ]

[ tone continues ]

[ sobbing ] Derek!

[ door closes ]

[ sobbing continues ]

Give me a 4-0 pledgeted suture, And let's start the tractotomies.

Jackson, get me his vitals.

[ beeps ]

Got a pulse-128. B. P. 's cycling. Meredith: I ... Mer, is owen dead?

Dr. Grey, is owen dead? !

[ sobbing ] um ... He'she's alive.

He's alive. He's unconscious, but he's alive.

Take owen to the o. R. Across the way, And take that bullet out and get April to help you. Cristina-

I can't talk right now. I'm trying to save your guy.

[ voice breaks ] now please go and try and save mine. Oh.

[ door opens ] [ normal voice ]

remind to thank you later.

I will.

I don't hurt anymore.

The pain's gone. That's a bad sign, isn't it?


Can you do something for me?

Can you find reed?

When this is over, can you find her?

I always ... I always had a crush on her. I don't think she knows.

She knows.

Girls always know.



[ chuckles ] yeah.

But can you ... Tell her anyway?

[ inhales deeply ]

Can you find her and tell her I loved her?

[ voice breaks ]

I loved her so much.


And you tell her ... You tell her I was a catch.

You tell her I was a hot, hot catch, And she missed out on a great guy.

[ sniffles ] all right.

And you tell her I was brave.

[ tongue clicks ]

Even if I tuoward and start crying and asking for my mom in a minute ... You lie and tell her I died brave, okay?

You are very brave, Charles.

Okay? I'm the coward.

I'm ... The one that told that man I was a nurse.

[ laughs ] you're smart.

[ inhales deeply ]

you were smart.

I wish I was that smart.

[ inhales deeply ]

Tell her I loved her. You won't forget?

I won'forget.

I- I know you don't like me.

[ laughs ] I like you.

No, you don't.

[ inhales deeply ]

But you were always my favorite doctor.

I thought yoshould ... [ exhales ]

[ Miranda sniffles ]

[ grunts ] it's not bad. I'm fine.

I got- [ grunts ] just stay-st- stop-stop moving!

[ groans ]

Upper left shoulder ... Through and through. [ grunts ]

You're gonna be fine. That's what I've been try.

Just let me get u

[ grunts ] don't even think about trying to get off this table.

So we need to irrigate, get some antibiotics on board.

Um, do you want to work on the shoulder or do you ow.

Are you ok

Yeah. Um, I'm okay. Are you sure?

Oh, my god. Did you get shot? No, I didn't get shot, okay?

I'm-I'm o-I'm okay. But you could be in shock and not know it.

Here, let me feel you for-

I'm ... I'm okay.

But there's blood spreading down your thighs.

I'm ... I'm having a miscarriage.

We need a stapler.

We need lidocaine, morine and an irrigation tray.

Come on. Are you gonna help me or not? Let's go.

[ helicopter blades whirring ]

I've been looking for you.

[ laughs ]

You want to know something funny?

Do you?


[ chuckles ]

five days ago ... When I bought this gun ... Did you know you could buy a gun at a superstore?

They have a whole ... Section off of aisle eight ... A gusection.

Anyway, when-when ... When I bought the gun, I ... I got all thismmunition-


I bought a whole bunch of it

'cause ... [ chuckles ] it was-

it was on sale.

And then this morning ... I was packing it into my coat.

I didn't have enough room for all of it in my pockets ... Because ... I wanted to bring my flask.

You mind?

[ grunts ]

[ cap rattles ]

[ grunts ]

I'm not much of a drinker.

But I figured I'd need some liquid courage.

You want some?

No, thanks.

[ laughs ]

The funny part is ... I didn't need a drink until now-

Right now.

And the only reason I need a drink

Is because ... I only have one bullet left.

[ laughs ]

I left bullets at home

Because I thought I'd need a drink.

And the only reason I need a drink is because ... I don't have enough bullets.

[ laughs ]

See, I was gonna kill you ... Shoot you right in the face ... Watch you suffer and die.

And then I was gonna shoot myself.

But I only have one bullet left.

Then it seems, you have a bit of a problem.

I do.

I have one hell of a problem.

You sure you don't want a drink?


That's nice.


[ vodka splattering on floor ]

What's it gonna be, Mr. Clark?

Me or you?

[ flask thuds ]

You shoot me, s. W. A. T. 's gonna get you.

And they're not gonna shoot you.

They're gonna capture you and they're gonna take you to prison.

Or you shoot yourself ... Then you're free ... Done ... Maybe get to see your wife again.

So you have a choice to make.

Me or you?

A life in prison ... Or an afterlife with your wife?

S- screw you.

See, I've lived.

I mean, I've really, really lived.

I've failed ... I've been devastated, I've been broken ... I've gone to hell and back.

And I've also known joy ... And passion.

And I've had a great love.

See ... Death for me ... Is not justice.

It's an ... End of a beautiful journey.

And I'm not afraid to die.

The question is ... Are you?

A life in prison ... Or an afterlife ... With your wife?

Me or you?

Your choice.

Derek: yes or no ...

R out ...

Up or down ...

[ gunshot ]

[ shell casing clatters ]

[ suction gurgling ]

Cristina: okay, you know what? I'm almost done.

Just finishing up the pericardial repair.

[ monitor beeping erratically ]

v- fib.

Oh, no.

[ monitor beeping rhythmically ]

Give me the internal paddl.

Jackson: give me 1 of epi.

April, you got it? Yep.

[ monitor beeping erratically ]

Cristina: charge to 50.

[ defibrillator whines ]


[ thunk ]


Mary! Mary!

Oh, my ... Oh!

Are you okay?

Ma'am, what was the name again?

Tell me. Dr. Reed who?

Epi going in.

[ monitor beeping erratically ]

[ defibrillator whines ] Cristina: charge again to 50. Clear.

[ beep, paddles thunk ]

I'm gonna go see

If kids need help finding their parents.

People died.

People are dead. I ... I don't want to have kids if it means I can't be with you.


We'll have kids.

We'll have all kinds of kids.

I always thought that I wasn't cut out to be a mom, But you'll be a great mom.

You'll be an amazing mom, And ... I love you so much, And I can't live without you and our ten kids and-

[ monitor beeping erratically ]

[ monitor beeping rhythmically ]

We got him. Oh.

[ exhales ]

[ exhales ]

Jackson: we got him.

[ Meredith exhales deeply ]

[ exhales ]

[ exhales deeply ]

Live or die ...

[ camera shutter clicks ]

Hero or coward ...

Fight or give in ...

I'll say it again to make sure you hear me-

The human life is made up of choices.

Live or die ...

That's the important choice.

Cristina: mer.


Dereasking for you.


[ exhales deeply ]

[ sirens wailing ]

And it's not always ...

[ wailing continues ]

In our hands.

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