Forever Dreaming |
9x11 - First Born |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 01/23/14 10:15 ] |
Post subject: | 9x11 - First Born |
[Scene opens with the tagline 'Jasper Springs, Mississippi 1863' A confederate soldier rides up to a cabin on a horse and quickly jumps off, tying it to a rail. He bursts into the cabin and there are two other soldiers inside who are guarding a door.] HORSE RIDING SOLDIER He's coming! Stand your ground, no matter what happens. The knight must be protected. [The room starts shaking and the curtains blow around the windows. Suddenly all three of the soldier's eyes turn black and they turn around to see a man in the doorway. The man grabs the first soldier's face and his eyes and mouth burn out in a hot, red light. The other two demons/soldiers shoot the man and he doesn't even react. Suddenly the camera is outside and the windows all glow in the same hot, red light. We are back inside and the man steps over the bodies of the dead demons on the floor. We see him grasping a large jawbone as he kicks in the door to the guarded room.] TITLE CARD ACT ONE [Scene opens in a bar. DEAN, with a few-day-old beard, sits at the bar and watches a pretty waitress hustle by. He smiles sexily after her. CROWLEY appears.] CROWLEY that boudoir smile for me? [DEAN startles and draws the demon knife from his jacket] CROWLEY At least buy me a drink first. DEAN I said the next time I see you -- CROWLEY Dead. Yes, rings a bell, but let's not dwell on the past, shall we? This bar is a bust. That waitress is trouble with a capital VD, and your prey, Gadreel, has left the building. So, it's time to move on to more pressing matters, like destroying Abaddon. DEAN Yeah, good luck with that. The Knights of Hell aren't exactly the dying kind. CROWLEY But there is something that can kill a knight. The weapon that the archangels used to execute them -- the First Blade. DEAN Never heard of it. Can I kill you now? CROWLEY I've been chasing that blade for decades. The closest I got to it was when one of my droogs -- Smitty -- got wind of a protégé demon of Abaddon's who claimed knowledge of the blade. Sadly, before Smitty could nab the guy, a hunter by the name of John Winchester nabbed the protégé. I'm here to see if there's anything in the John Winchester memorial library that might lead us to the first blade -- to killing Abaddon. DEAN You want to hunt? With me? CROWLEY I do love a good buddy comedy. [DEAN rolls his eyes and reluctantly takes John's journal out of his jacket and lays it on the table. He rummages through the pages until he finds what he's looking for.] DEAN Oh, yeah. Here it is. Yeah, he picked up a protégé who had bones with Abaddon, but that's about all it says in here. CROWLEY What do those numbers in the margins mean? DEAN None of your business. CROWLEY You're gonna play hard to get? We have time for a montage? DEAN It's a code -- one of my dad's storage lockers. He may have put something about the case there. CROWLEY And what does the "T" next to the numbers mean? DEAN Not a clue. CROWLEY Fine. Let's go find daddy's man cave, then, shall we? DEAN And how do I know this isn’t a trap? CROWLEY You...don't. That's what makes it fun. [CROWLEY shoots DEAN a wily grin and heads out the door. DEAN slowly follows. The camera pans to the man sitting next to them at the bar. He watches them leave as his eyes turn black. Then he follows them out the door.] [Scene changes to a close up of a PB&J sandwich. CASTIEL goes to take a bite as sits in the bunker. The door opens above him.] CASTIEL [clearly not enjoying the sandwich.] Mm. SAM [walking down the stairs] Hey. CASTIEL Tastes like...molecules. SAM What? What are you talking about? CASTIEL When I was human, you know, I had to eat constantly. It was kind of annoying. SAM Yeah, a lot of human things are pretty annoying. CASTIEL But...I enjoyed the taste of food -- particularly peanut butter with grape jelly, not jam. Jam I found unsettling. SAM [sitting on the table next to CASTIEL] So, what? Now you can't taste PB and J? CASTIEL No, I-I taste every molecule. SAM Not the sum of its parts, huh? CASTIEL It's overwhelming. It's disgusting. [looks longingly at the sandwich] I miss you, PB and J. CASTIEL [stands up] We need to continue your healing. We're almost done. [CASTIEL lays two fingers on SAM's forehead and starts to heal him. Suddenly he looks a little concerned] SAM What? CASTIEL [trying to cover it up] Nothing. SAM [slaps his hand away] You're a terrible liar. CASTIEL That is not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother. SAM Okay, that's not the point. Cas, what's wrong? CASTIEL I noticed something. It's, uh... It's resonating inside you. SAM What? CASTIEL Something angelic. SAM Okay, uh, what the hell does that mean? CASTIEL Maybe we should call Dean. SAM [moves away and sits down on a chair] No. He wanted to go, and he's gone. We'll handle this. [Scene changes to inside John's storage locker. DEAN and CROWLEY walk in. DEAN removes the hood over CROWLEY's head.] CROWLEY Is all this really necessary? I mean, I've been inside your brother. We're practically family. [DEAN's eyes flash with rage and he grabs CROWLEY swinging him into a shelf] DEAN Listen to me. We are the furthest thing from family. You got that, dickbag? CROWLEY Oh, yeah. DEAN Now, you want to hunt? Let's hunt. [DEAN opens a small gate and walks through. CROWLEY goes to follow up realizes that the entrance is guarded by a Devil's Trap. He rolls his eyes] CROWLEY I'll be right here. [he looks around at all the strange items on the shelves and in boxes as DEAn rummages through case folders.] So, what do you call this decor, anyway? Rustic obsessive? Paranoid deco? DEAN Here we go. [pulls out a file and starts to read] Looks like my dad was working with another hunter when he nabbed Abaddon's pet. [he holds up a picture of a woman] CROWLEY I guess the "T" didn't stand for terrible father. It stood for -- DEAN Tara. Doesn't ring a bell. [continues to read the file] All right, looks like they interrogated the demon. Then they exorcised him. But not before he mentioned the First Blade. CROWLEY [smugly] I love it when I'm right. DEAN Yeah, well, the rest of the file's empty, genius. CROWLEY What? Didn't they teach note-taking at Hunters Hogwarts? DEAN Let's go see if Tara's still kicking. [Scene changes to SAM and CASTIEL in the Bunker doing some research.] CASTIEL I've found, well, something. It's a detail about when angels leave their vessels...I think. It's, uh, Enochian, which can be a bit flowery. "And the departed shall remain, and the remains shall be the departed". SAM Okay, so, when an angel leaves a vessel, they leave behind a piece of themselves. Like, an angelic fingerprint. CASTIEL Whatever you want to call it, this piece of the departed contains Grace. SAM Wait, you're saying there's angelic Grace inside of me? CASTIEL Yes. But it's fading each time I heal you. SAM Okay. Is that good or bad? CASTIEL Well it's harmless. But the Grace itself... might be helpful. [CASTIEL sets down the book and picks up a file titled 'On the Inner Workings of Angels'] According to this, we may be able to use the Grace that remains inside you to track Gadreel...If we can extract it. SAM How would we do that? CASTIEL Well...painfully. [he holds up a picture of a huge syringe with a 4-inch long needle] The Men of Letters believed that you could perform a tracking spell with extracted Grace, but they were never able to test the theory. SAM Well, they didn't have a guinea pig, but we do. CASTIEL [looks up very confused] You have a guinea pig? Where? SAM Me, Cas. I'm the guinea pig. CASTIEL Oooh. [SAM looks closer at the picture of the needle] CASTIEL Any idea where that is? [DEAN AND CROWLEY walk into a pawn shop called Tara's. A fit lady in her fifties is leaning on the counter reading a comic book. She looks up.] DEAN Tara? TARA That's what the sign says. Can I help you? DEAN Yeah. Hope so. John Winchester ring a bell? I'm his son. TARA You Sam or Dean? DEAN Dean. [Suddenly, behind the counter, TARA winces and grabs her right knee] TARA Well, didn't you grow up pretty. Still in the family business? DEAN Yeah, born and raised. Listen, bunch of years back, you worked a job with my dad. Well, me and my, uh, associate h-- TARA [raises a shotgun and aims it at the DEAN and CROWLEY] Ever since '92, I get a painful little tickle in what's left of my knee whenever a demon is around. CROWLEY Hunters. So trusting. I'll go grab a latte while you get this sorted. [CROWLEY snaps he fingers to disappear but nothing happens] TARA Devil's trap under the knock-off Persian, jackass. DEAN [moves the rug with his boot to reveal a red Devil's Trap] Tara listen, my, uh, associate -- CROWLEY Friends -- besties, actually. DEAN Not helping. TARA Not caring. CROWLEY Look, I'm the King of Hell. He's a Winchester. There's a reason why we're working together. TARA Yeah. It's called possession. [she grabs a bottle of holy water and splashes it in DEAN's face. DEAN looks very annoyed.] DEAN See? I'm good. Okay? Yes, you're right. He is a jackass, but he's helping me on this. TARA Helping you with what? DEAN You and my old man found a demon who knew something about the First Blade. We need to find that blade. TARA Well, hell. You are as handsome as John. And as dumb, too, if you're looking for that old relic. DEAN We're hunting a Knight of Hell. TARA Why? They're all dead. DEAN One came back -- Abaddon. TARA [lays a file on the counter] The demon said the archangels used a weapon that could kill the Knights of Hell. We'd never heard of anything like the Knights of Hell or a First Blade. Your dad thought he was lying, trying to save himself. We took him out, and we had a lovely weekend together. Then we went our separate ways. But I could never let the blade go. Something like that could really give a hunter an edge, you know? I looked all over the world -- destroyed my knee and my life. And all I found? [she unlocks a wall safe and takes out a tray full of spell ingredients.] A location spell for the blade That I could never finish. Couldn't find one ingredient -- essence of Kraken. CROWLEY Kraken? I got a warehouse full of Kraken essence in Belize. Break the trap, I can be there and back before you say, "presto". TARA Presto. CROWLEY I can help. Dean? DEAN He wants Abaddon as dead as I do. TARA If your daddy could see you now. [TARA walks around the counter and pushes back the rug with her foot. Then she takes out her shotgun and shoots the Devil's Trap breaking the outer ring. CROWLEY disappears.] TARA You know, even if that blade is real, it ain't worth being bosom buddies with the King of Hell. DEAN Abaddon? Way worse. I'll deal with Crowley after. Trust me. TARA You sound just like your dad... when he said he'd call me. [DEAN is rather lost of words but CROWLEY reappears, saving him. He holds a small jar in his hand.] CROWLEY Shall we? [DEAN and TARA mix the spell while CROWLEY looks on curiously. They lay out a map of the United States on the counter and TARA pours the liquid spell over it. DEAN lights a match and it flames up. The flames spreads to the outside corners of the map and then quickly burn away all of the map except for the state of Missouri. A spark lands in the middle of the state just northeast of Springfield and TARA points to it.] TARA Missouri. Figures. CROWLEY Would you care to join us? TARA Him? Anytime. You? Never. DEAN Thank you. TARA Good luck, Dean. You're gonna need it. [DEAN nods and the men leave the pawn shop. The scene switches to the IMPALA driving up to a farmhouse. DEAN and CROWLEY get out. CROWLEY pauses as they walk toward the house.] CROWLEY Wait. DEAN What? CROWLEY I'm feeling something. DEAN What, cramps? CROWLEY I feel something dark. DEAN What, darker than you? [CROWLEY is about to retort when he notices a man in a beekeeper suit tending bee hives over by the house. CROWLEY looks extremely worried.] CROWLEY Oh, no. We need to leave here now. DEAN What, are you allergic to bees? CROWLEY That's not a beekeeper. That's the father of murder. DEAN Sorry. Who? CROWLEY It's Cain. DEAN As in Cain and Abel? CROWLEY Dean. We need to be a world away from here -- from him. [CROWLEY turns to leave and almost runs into CAIN who appeared behind him] CAIN You're not going anywhere. Crowley. ACT TWO [DEAN and CROWLEY sit inside CAIN's house on a couch. Dean is looking around assessing their options and CROWLEY is staring at the floor looking like he's about to panic.] DEAN Why don't you just zap out of here? CROWLEY I'd never leave my domestic partner in crime. DEAN [snorts] Yeah, like your heart grew three sizes. You can't zap out of here, can you? CROWLEY Cain's doing something to me. DEAN Well, it's not your day for getaways, is it? All right, so, tell me about this Cain. CROWLEY Well, after Cain killed Abel, he became a demon. DEAN What do you mean "became a demon"? CROWLEY I mean he became the deadliest demon to walk the face of the earth. Killed thousands. The best at being the worst. And then he just... Disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead or, at least, hoped he was. [CAIN enters with a tea tray and CROWLEY cowers] CAIN Do either of you keep bees? It's very relaxing. They're such noble creatures. And the honey? Well, I keep it right on the comb. [he sets the tray down on the coffee table and hands CROWLEY a cup. CROWLEY takes it but his hands are shaking in fright and so the tea cup rattles suspiciously.] There you are. [CAIN hands DEAN a cup of tea as well.] They're dying, you know. Without bees, mankind will cease to exist. So, what are the King of Hell and a Winchester doing at my house? DEAN You know who we are? CAIN I'm retired. I'm not dead. What I don't know is why you're looking for me -- more importantly, how you found me. CROWLEY [extremely nervous] Ah, that's, uh, a funny story, really. Bit of a misunderstanding. We really should -- CAIN [motions with his hand and CROWLEY is rendered speechless] Shh. DEAN Oh, you gotta teach me how to do that. CAIN Why are you here, Dean? DEAN We're looking for the weapon the archangels used to kill the Knights of Hell. The First Blade. We need it to kill a Knight of Hell -- Abaddon. [CAIN absentmindedly moves a ring on his left ring-finger. DEAN subtlety notices.] Look, I get it. You're retired. We're not here to get between you and the demonic AARP, but it's bad out there, and I'm just looking to even the odds. CAIN One last time -- how did you find me? DEAN We didn't. The location spell was for the blade. One-time deal. CAIN Anyone else know you're here? DEAN [smoothly] No. [Scene switches back to TARA's pawn shop. The stalker demon from the bar enters and TARA's knee hitches painfully.] STALKER DEMON Excuse me, ma'am. Wonder if you might have seen some of my friends pass through here. Big guy, kind of funny ears. [TARA glances at the floor and the busted Devil's Trap. She makes a dive for her shot gun and shoots STALKER DEMON point blank in the head.] [Back at CAIN's house] CAIN [rising] Well, it's been a pleasure having company, but once a century is enough for me. You can let yourselves out. DEAN [follows after him] Hey, listen, pal. We're not leaving here without the Blade. CAIN You have quite a reputation, Dean. I see the part about you being brave rings true. DEAN Well, what can I say? I'm an all-in kind of guy. Abaddon is the last Knight of Hell, and if you're out of the game, what the hell do you care if she dies? CAIN If your friend here could talk, he would tell you that I trained the Knights of Hell. I built that entire demonic order with my own hands -- Abaddon included. DEAN [turns indignantly on CROWLEY] Well, that is information I could have used five minutes ago! [CROWLEY gasps in explanation, still unable to talk] CAIN Well, here's something your friend doesn't know, that no one knows, in fact -- outside of Abaddon. It wasn't the archangels that slaughtered the knights. It was me. DEAN Why did you turn on your own? CAIN Once again, I admire your bravery. But if you'll excuse me, I have errands to run in town. [he turns his back to leave] Goodbye, Dean Winchester. Never return. [CROWLEY and DEAN exit the house] CROWLEY Well, that was lovely. Can we leave the country now? DEAN But you said the First Blade was our only shot at killing Abaddon. This is the closest you've been to it. We're not leaving. CROWLEY Will you listen to reason for once? DEAN Hey. He said he was going into town. Awesome. We wait till he's gone, come back, bust in, take what's ours. Got it? [Scene switches to the Bunker. SAM and CASTIEL are walking down the stairs in the main room.] CASTIEL Sam, may I ask you a question? SAM You just did. CASTIEL Can I ask you another question? SAM Well, technically, you -- yeah, go ahead. What's up? [They stop in the doorway to the hall and face each other] CASTIEL Sam, the trials. You chose not to go through with them for a reason, didn't you? You chose to live rather than to sacrifice yourself. You and Dean... You chose each other. SAM [clearly not wanting to talk about it] Yeah, I did. We did. And then... Dean made a choice for me. [SAM stalks off to the medical room. CASTIEL follows.] CASTIEL What Dean did -- SAM it doesn't matter what Dean did. Look, I could have put a stop to all this, Cas. I could have closed the gates of hell. CASTIEL Oh, Sam. SAM Dean's gone, okay? This is on me now, and if I can find Gadreel... I can fix this. [SAM sets a box down on a table next to a gurney. He talks off his plaid button-up shirt leaving him in just a thin t-shirt.] Now...being a human means settling your debts. [SAM hands the box to CASTIEL and sits down on the gurney.] Let's start balancing the books. [CASTIEL opens the box and it is revealed to contain the huge needle pictured in the file] [Scene changes to DEAN and CROWLEY entering CAIN's house sneakily.] CROWLEY [whispering] This is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had. DEAN Yeah, well, it's early. CROWLEY [peeks in the front room and then backs away] Oh, there's nothing here. Shame. Let's go. DEAN Hey! Sack up and start looking, okay? We don't have that much time. [DEAN looks around the living room and as he does he notices a picture on the mantel. He picks it up to look closer. It is a old picture of a woman and it says COLETTE on the bottom. DEAN looks closer and notices that she is wearing a ring very similar to the ring on CAIN's hand.] [Outside the house, STALKER DEMON drives up in a huge truck. He is on the phone.] STALKER DEMON You'll never believe what the Winchester and Crowley found. Send back-up. Send...Everybody. [He pulls the phone away from his ear and we can see that his ear is missing and most of the skin on the side of his head is blown away from TARA's shotgun.] ACT THREE [Scene opens in the medical room at the Bunker. SAM is lying on the gurney and CASTIEL has the huge syringe needle posed to extract some angel grace. He punctures the needle into the side of SAM's neck, right below his left ear. SAM gasps in pain.] CASTIEL [looking concerned] Now comes the part that will actually hurt. I'm gonna begin the extraction. [CASTIEL slowly pulls back the plunger and the bottom of the syringe barrel fills with a tiny bit of angel grace. SAM is trying very hard not to cry out from the pain.] SAM [gasping] Is it working? CASTIEL Yeah. SAM But? CASTIEL I-I need to push the needle in deeper. We need more Grace in order to cast the spell. SAM Okay. Do it. CASTIEL Sam, if I get too close to -- SAM Damn it, Cass! Just do it. [CASTIEL slowly pushes the needle deeper and starts pulling back on the plunger again. Suddenly, SAM's body lurges and he has flashbacks to images of when GADREEL was inside of him and then to some of the moments when he was performing the trials. CASTIEL pulls out the needle.] SAM [in shock] What the hell was that? CASTIEL Your body is regressing to the state it was in before Gadreel. SAM Do we have enough Grace for the summoning spell? CASTIEL Sam. SAM Do we or not, Cas? CASTIEL No. SAM Then keep going. [CASTIEL again looks very concerned and reluctant.] [Scene changes back to CAIN's house. DEAN and CROWLEY are still searching.] CROWLEY Nothing. Not even porn. DEAN Think I figured out why he went off the reservation so many years ago. [he hands the picture of COLETTE to CROWLEY] CROWLEY Lovely. Little plain. Who is she? DEAN Cain had a similar ring on. Father of murder got hitched. [They look up as they hear all the doors in the house lock.] DEAN He's back. Come on. [they try the front door but it is solidly locked] Go! [CAIN appears behind them. He motions to the picture CROWLEY still holds in his hand.] CAIN That belongs to me. CROWLEY Sorry. Gorgeous, by the way. [Headlights flash from the driveway and DEAN walks to a window and draws back the curtain. It is STALKER DEMON with five more demons in tow.] DEAN I don't suppose they're with you. CAIN No. [STALKER DEMON starts to call to DEAN from the truck.] I guess we can't wait any longer. Your friend Tara was very helpful! Got downright chatty... After I peeled all her skin off. We don't want any trouble, Cain. Just want the so-called King and the Winchester. I got a new master to impress, and I'm betting bagging those two will do just that. DEAN [turning to CROWLEY] "Master"? CROWLEY Abaddon. This lot all need to die. I count -- DEAN too many. [to CAIN] The whammy you put on the doors that keeps us in. Will it keep them out? CAIN For now. DEAN I'm gonna barricade the entrances. Get ready for a fight. CAIN Well, good luck with that. DEAN What? CAIN You exposed my home. You exposed me. DEAN Well, boo-hoo. CAIN Brave, but impulsive. You truly have lived up to your reputation. DEAN I can't say you've lived up to yours. CAIN What can I say? I'm retired. If you survive, you're welcome to join me for the last meal I will eat in this house before I disappear again. It's the least I can do. [CAIN sets his groceries on the table and DEAN and CROWLEY exchange looks.] [Scene switches to the medical room in the Bunker. CASTIEL is still extracting angel grace and SAM is almost unconscious from the pain.] CASTIEL Sam? Sam?! SAM [weakly] Keep going. CASTIEL Why? SAM We -- we -- we have to find Gadreel. CASTIEL [starting to remove the needle from SAM's neck] No. Why must the Winchesters run toward death? SAM [grasps the syringe in CASTIEL's hand and stops him from removing it] No, don't. Don't. Don't stop. CASTIEL Sam, when I was human, I died, and that showed me that life is precious, and it must be protected at all costs, even a life as... as pig-headed as a Winchester's. SAM [voice heartbreaking soft] My life's not worth any more than anyone else's -- not yours or Dean's...or Kevin's. Please. Please, help me do one thing right. Keep going. [CASTIEL hesitants and then pushes the needle in further. SAM screams in pain.] [Back in CAIN's house, DEAN is pushing furniture in front of all the doors. He looks at CROWLEY] DEAN All right, I got this. You take the front. [CROWLEY moves to the living room; closing the glass doors behind him. CAIN sits down at the table and starts to pull corn out of his grocery bag.] DEAN So, this is your play? Corn? What am I not getting here? I mean, it's not like you're a coward. CAIN Since when does the great Dean Winchester ask for help? Well, that doesn't sound like the man I've read about on demon bathroom walls. Maybe you've lost a step. Let's find out. [He snaps his fingers and the door (and the fridge in front of it) fly open and STALKER DEMON and a GIRL DEMON rush in. CAIN snaps his fingers again and the door slams shut in front of the others outside.] CAIN [to the demons] Oh, don't mind me. [motions to DEAN] Enjoy yourself. [DEAN pulls the demon knife from his jacket as a third demon crashes through the glass doors behind him. DEAN flinches as glass sprays his back. He turns to face WINDOW DEMON, swings the knife at him but WINDOW DEMON ducks and punches DEAN in the stomach. DEAN gets in a kick but WINDOW DEMON sends him flying across the table and onto the other side with STALKER DEMON and GIRL DEMON. CAIN watches the whole thing while sitting at the table shucking corn. STALKER DEMON swings at DEAN but DEAN grabs his hand and pulls it over his shoulder. He stabs the knife into the demon making him glow yellow and die. As STALKER DEMON falls to the floor GIRL DEMON grabs DEAN from one side and WINDOW DEMON kicks the back of DEAN's left knee making his legs buckle. The two demons grab DEAN's arms and flip him up onto the table on his back. GIRL DEMON steals the demon knife out of DEAN's hand. As DEAN struggles to get a upper hand, CAIN calmly leans over.] CAIN Doing great. [DEAN just glares at him and finally pulls his right leg back far enough to kick GIRL DEMON into the far wall. He exchanges a few punches with WINDOW DEMON and kicks him into the counter. He turns to face girl demon who brandishes the knife. DEAN quickly picks up a yellow dish towel to protect himself. As she lunges at him he swings out of her way and wraps the towel around her neck. He whips her into the fridge and then into the china cabinet. WINDOW DEMON finally picks himself off the floor DEAN turns around and throws a pot at him and kicks him back into the counter. As WINDOW DEMON gets up again he grabs a kitchen knife from a holder on the counter. When he turns around DEAN has GIRL DEMON in a hold. DEAN grabs the demon knife out of her hand and stabs her in the stomach. [Camera changes to CROWLEY still guarding the living room. One demon flies through the door and faces CROWLEY.] CROWLEY [looking annoyed] Really? Isn't it past your bedtime? [The demon rushes him and punches him to the ground.] CROWLEY You're good. [As the demon goes for the kill, CROWLEY pulls out his angel blade and stabs him in the side. He dies instantly] CROWLEY But I'm Crowley. [Back in the kitchen with DEAN. WINDOW DEMON throws DEAN into the china cabinet as CAIN gets up to get a beer. WINDOW DEMON grabs DEAN and sends him flying across the floor and into the cabinets on the other side of the kitchen. CROWLEY watches silently from the door and CAIN sits back down with his beer. DEAN and WINDOW DEMON exchange violent punches and DEAN finally gets enough leverage to slam him onto the table. In one quick move, DEAN swings back and stabs him in the neck with the demon knife. DEAN looks triumphantly at CAIN and pulls the knife out and pushes the body off the table.] DEAN What? Was that some kind of a test? CAIN [sipping his beer] I felt connected to you right from the beginning. Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike. DEAN Right. Yeah, except I didn't kill my brother. CAIN You saved yours. Why? DEAN Because you never give up on family -- ever. CAIN Where's your brother now, then? DEAN I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I don't really care. Just give me the damn blade. CAIN Sorry, Dean. I have nothing to hand over. DEAN What? CAIN I no longer have the blade. It's gone. [Scene changes to CASTIEL and SAM in the medical room in the Bunker. SAM is slowly fading with blood dripping from his nose and eye as CASTIEL continues to extract angel grace. CASTIEL looks up to see his PB&J sandwich still sitting on the table. He makes up his mind and starts to pull the needle out of SAM's neck.] CASTIEL Hold on. This may pinch. SAM Cas, what the hell? [CASTIEL presses his fingers to SAM's forehead.] Cas. What the hell was that?! CASTIEL I've healed your wounds completely. SAM And the Grace? CASTIEL Well, whatever Grace was inside you is gone now. What's left of Gadreel is in here. We'll just have to try the spell with what we have. SAM Damn it. CASTIEL Sam, I want Gadreel to pay as much as you do. But nothing is worth losing you. You know, being human, it didn't just change my view of food. It changed my view of you. I mean, I can relate now to how you feel. SAM What are you talking about? CASTIEL The only person who has screwed things up more consistently than me. And now I know what that guilt feels like. And I know what it... I know what it means to feel sorry, Sam. I am sorry. SAM I know. CASTIEL You know, old me -- I would've have just kept going. I would've jammed that needle in deeper until you died because the ends always justified the means. But what I went though -- Well, that PB and J taught me that angels can change, so...who knows? Maybe winchesters can, too. ACT FOUR [Back in CAIN's house] CROWLEY "Gone"? What do you mean, "gone"? How? The spell brought us here to you, so it has to be here. CAIN Your spell brought you to the source of the Blade's power. Me. [CAIN pulls up his right sleeve to reveal a mark burned into his forearm. CROWLEY shrinks back and makes the sign of the cross over his heart.] DEAN [to CROWLEY] Really? Now? CROWLEY It's the bloody mark of Cain. CAIN From Lucifer himself. The mark and the blade work together. Without the mark, the blade is useless. It's just an old bone. CROWLEY A bone? DEAN The jawbone of an animal. The jawbone you used to kill Abel because he was God's favorite. CAIN Abel wasn't talking to God. He was talking to Lucifer. Lucifer was gonna make my brother into his pet. I couldn't bear to watch him be corrupted, so I offered a deal -- Abel's soul in heaven for my soul in hell. Lucifer accepted... As long as I was the one who sent Abel to heaven. So, I killed him. Became a soldier of Hell -- a knight. DEAN And Lucifer ordered you to make more. CAIN My knights and I, we did horrible things -- for centuries. Bringers of chaos and darkness. DEAN Then you met Colette. CAIN She knew who I was... and what I was. She loved me unconditionally. She forgave me. She only asked for one thing. CROWLEY To stop. CAIN When the knights found out, they took retribution. They took Colette, so I picked the First Blade back up, and it felt so good to have it in my hands again, and I slaughtered the Knights of Hell. DEAN Not all of them. CAIN No. [Scene returns to the cabin from 1863 with CAIN charging into the guarded room. COLETTE sits at a vanity mirror and greets him with a smile.] CAIN Colette. COLETTE My love. [When she turns around, CAIN's face hardens in recognition.] CAIN [as COLETTE's eyes turn black] What have you done to my wife? Answer me, Abaddon! ABADDON We can make this right, can't we, Cain? Come back to us. Come back to me. CAIN I'm done. ABADDON With the Knights or with me? CAIN I'm done! ABADDON [as she starts to snap bones in COLETTE's body] Then so is she. CAIN No. Stop it! ABADDON We could have been forever, but you chose her. Well, if I can't have you, then neither can she. Enjoying the view? I know I am. Best seat in the house. [At the same time that CAIN leaps forward to stab her, ABADDON flees in a cloud of black smoke. CAIN sinks the first blade into COLETTE's side.] CAIN [in a panic, grasping at her and sinking to the floor.] No, Colette! Colette, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I will find Abaddon, and I will kill her. COLETTE No, there's been enough killing. Promise me. You're better than all of this. [COLETTE dies in his arms as CAIN sobs goodbye. Scene then changes back to CAIN's house with CAIN telling the story.] CAIN So I buried her, and I walked away. DEAN Well, I'm sorry -- truly. But I have to stop Abaddon. So, where is the Blade? CAIN [walking away] No. DEAN [chasing after him] Hey! Listen, you son of a bitch. You may be done killing, but I'm not. CAIN [turns and grasps the demon knife in DEAN's hand and plunges it into his own chest] You never give up on anything, do you? DEAN Never. CAIN Well, I do. [CAIN pulls the knife out of his chest and disappears] DEAN Cain? Cain?! [there are many sounds outside the window and DEAN and CROWLEY pull back the curtain to see dozens of demons preparing an attack.] CROWLEY Well, I'll stay as long as I can. DEAN Aren't you a peach? [We see CAIN in a small grove of trees. He kneels down next to a lone grave marker] CAIN I've tried. I've tried, Colette, to see myself as you did. But I know who I am -- Seen what I am. I know you watch over me still. But I need you to look away now. [CAIN reappears in the house with DEAN and CROWLEY] DEAN What the hell, man? You in or out? I'm getting head spins. CAIN I can give you the mark, Dean, if it's what you truly want. DEAN What are you talking about? CAIN The mark can be transferred to someone who's worthy. DEAN You mean a killer like you? CAIN Yes. DEAN Can I use it to kill that bitch? CAIN Yes. But you have to know with the mark comes a great burden. Some would call it a great cost. DEAN Yeah, well, spare me the warning label. You had me at "kill the bitch". CAIN Good luck, Dean. You're gonna to need it. DEAN Yeah, I get that a lot. Let's dance. [CAIN grasps DEAN's right forearm with his and a line of red veins spread from CAIN's mark to burn an identical mark on DEAN's forearm. DEAN gasps in pain as the mark disappears from CAIN's arm.] CROWLEY Dean? DEAN I'm fine. All right, where the hell did you stash the damn Blade? CAIN Nothing can destroy the Blade, so I threw it to the bottom of the deepest ocean. It's the only way I could keep my promise to Colette. You find the blade, kill Abaddon, but make me a promise first. When I call you -- and I will call -- you come find me and use the Blade on me. DEAN Why? CAIN For what I'm about to do. [CAIN grasps DEAN and CROWLEY's shoulders and they are flashed to the outside of the house. All the demons rush the house and CAIN locks them inside with him. Suddenly a red hot light lights up the windows from the inside.] CROWLEY They're all trapped in there. DEAN With him. ACT FIVE [Scene opens with SAM and CASTIEL mixing the spell to track GADREEL. They add all the ingrediants and then finally add the angel grace. The mixture boils and then fades away. CASTIEL looks away, disappointed.] SAM Was that, uh... Was that it? CASTIEL I'm afraid there wasn't enough Grace. We'll have to find Gadreel another way. I'm sorry, Sam. SAM It's all right, Cas. You, uh... You were right. You were right about everything. [SAM suddenly leans over and hugs CASTIEL tightly. CASTIEL stand awkwardly without moving.] SAM Now's the part where you hug back. CASTIEL [moving to hug SAM back] Oh. Right. Uh, sorry. SAM [chuckling] Ah, there you go. CASTIEL As far as I'm concerned, Metatron is the key to fixing everything that's wrong. I'm gonna find him. You know, Sam, we could use all the help we could get to find Gadreel and Metatron. SAM [solidly] We got this. [Scene changes to DEAN and CROWLEY in the parked IMPALA.] CROWLEY He was right, you know. You are worthy. DEAN Oh, great. Now you're gonna get all touchy-feely, too? CROWLEY Your problem, mate, is that nobody hates you more than you do. Believe me, I've tried. DEAN [brushes him off] So, how do we find this Blade? CROWLEY [getting out of the IMPALA] You can't search the bottom of the ocean, but I can. So, I'll find it and bring it to its new owner. DEAN [getting out after him] I saw you, Crowley. Back at Cain's. You dusted that undercard demon, and then you just sat back and watched the main event. You knew. You knew about the mark. You knew about Abaddon and Cain. You knew all of it. And you played me. Why? CROWLEY He would never have given me the Blade. Who can say no to you? I needed you to play along. DEAN You knew we were being followed, and you didn't say anything. CROWLEY Well, Cain would want we were to see his prize fighter up close. You plus demons equals fight night. DEAN Tara died. Thanks to you. CROWLEY Omelets. Broken eggs. Et cetera. DEAN [angrily punches CROWLEY] After I kill Abaddon, you're next! CROWLEY You don't mean that. We're having too much fun. Listen up. Even with the Blade, we're gonna need all the help we can get against Abaddon. DEAN [not wanting to talk about SAM] Go find the Blade. CROWLEY It's always something with you boys, isn't it? [CROWLEY disappears and DEAN hisses in pain and pulls up his right sleeve. The mark is burned deep in his skin. The camera pulls back showing DEAN standing alone next to the IMPALA.] END CREDITS |
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