Forever Dreaming |
8x14 - Trial and Error |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 03/26/13 13:00 ] |
Post subject: | Supernatural Transcript~ Trial and Error 8x14 |
NOW EXT. BOAT - DAY [Alarm clock blaring] CUT TO: KEVIN TRAN rolls over in bed. Clock shows 5:00. KEVIN shuts off the alarm clock. [Blaring stops] KEVIN gets up, crosses date off the calendar, 11 January 2013. He moves down the stairs into the main compartment on the boat. Pours a cup of coffee. Sits at the table, puts on head phones, picks up the ancient tablet, it shakes in his hands. INT. BOAT - DAY KEVIN stands at THE stove frying a hotdog, it's sizzling. He's sitting at the table, holding the tablet, rubs his head. He opens a large container of aspirin, shakes out some pills, drinks coffee, makes a notation from the tablet. Gets up from the chair, places a note on a wall that is covered with notes. He falls into bed at 2:45. Time switches from 4:59 to 5:00. The alarm blares. KEVIN turns off the alarm, frowns at the clock. He's wearing the same clothing, looks a bit grungy. He crosses 12 January 2013 off the calendar. He pours coffee into a cup. At the stove, frying a hotdog while eating another hotdog. We hear the hotdog sizzling. He's holding the tablet in both hands, the tablet shakes. He rubs his temples, takes more aspirin. Makes more notes, sticks another note on the wall. Face plants on the bed at 2:45. Time switches from 4:59 to 5.00. The alarm blares, then stops. He is wearing the same clothing. He crosses 31 January 2013 off on the calendar.� The scene speeds up. It's the same, coffee, aspirin, tablet, notes, sticks note on wall, eats hotdog. Face plants into bed at 2:45. Alarm goes off, stops. Still wearing the same clothing, looking very dirty and unkempt. Crosses 7 February 2013 off the calendar, coffee, hotdog, aspirin, puts note on wall. Stares at notes covering wall. KEVIN Holy crap. [Breathing rapidly, smiles.] Holy crap! [Starts bleeding from his nose, puts his fingers to a bloody nostril.] Holy crap. [Faints.] We hear a thud.� Time switches to 5:00. The alarm blares.� We see KEVIN passed out on the floor, both nostrils bloody. SUPERNATURAL (Title Card) ACT ONE EXT.� BUNKER Entrance and IMPALA - DAY INT.� BUNKER We see albums wrapped in plastic placed on a wire rack. We hear paper rustling. We see DEAN's hand, he puts down the album, "Led Zeppelin." He repositions a gun on a hook on the walls, pats it twice. Pulls a photo out of his wallet, looks at it. DEAN Hey, Mom. Places the photo showing young DEAN and his mother on the light stand that's on the desk, sandwiched between an old tape dispenser and a manual typewriter. SAM (V O) Wow. DEAN turns around. SAM is standing in the doorway. SAM Not bad. DEAN faces SAM. DEAN Not bad? I haven't had my own room -- ever. I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl, I've got this killer mattress. [Sits on the bed.] Memory foam -- it remembers me. SAM takes a piece of gum out of the wrapper and sticks it into his mouth. DEAN And it's clean, too. There's no funky smell. There's no creepy motel stains. SAM tosses the gum wrapper at the waste basket. He misses the basket. DEAN Really? SAM [Holds up both hands.] Sorry. DEAN [Annoyed.] I'm gonna go fix us some grub. DEAN walks away. SAM moves into the room. He sees the photo of young DEAN with their mom. He turns towards the doorway as we hear the door opening, then closing.� We see DEAN's room with the walls covered with guns, the Purgatory weapon, knives.� We see 1950's-era furniture, the neatly made bed with one pillow.� SAM gives a bit of a smile. INT. BUNKER LIBRARY - DAY Open book, SAM sitting at a table in the Men of Letters' bunker. DEAN enters holding two plates. DEAN What you reading? SAM Sort of, uh, everything. DEAN puts down a plate on SAM's table. DEAN Oh, good.� Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me. SAM lifts the top bun off the burger on his plate. SAM You made these? DEAN We have a real kitchen now. SAM I know. I-I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was. DEAN I'm nesting, okay?� Eat. SAM takes a big bite out of his burger. DEAN, smiling, watches. DEAN Huh? Yeah. SAM [Mouth full of food.] Wow. DEAN You're welcome. Dean is about to take bite of his sandwich when we hear his cellphone ring. He sighs, then pulls the cellphone out of his pocket. It rings again. DEAN Yo. KEVIN (v O) Dean? Come quick. DEAN What? Kevin? Kevin?! SAM Something wrong? DEAN Guess. We hear his phone beep off. DEAN stands with his plate in hand and leaves. SAM stands, starts to follow, stops, grabs his plate, then runs after DEAN. INT. BOAT - DAY We see a wall of the boat, DEAN comes through the metal door, gun at the ready, SAM on his heels, gun also at the ready. SAM Kevin? It's us. We see the main compartment, notes on the walls, DEAN heads towards a door marked "N 2Rt stb." He opens the door and sees KEVIN vomiting. He grimaces. DEAN Found him. SAM enters the doorway, too. KEVIN keeps puking. INT. BOAT - DAY KEVIN is sitting at the table, wiping his bloody nose. DEAN (V O) Wow.� You look like hammered crap. KEVIN Yeah. [Sounds nasal.] SAM Are you sleeping? KEVIN Not really. DEAN Are you eating? KEVIN Hot dogs, mostly. DEAN Sure, yeah -- breakfast of champions. Look, I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower. KEVIN I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. But it was worth it. SAM What was worth it? KEVIN I figured out how to close the Gates of Hell. DEAN You -- We hear SAM and KEVIN chuckle.� DEAN smiles. DEAN Come here, you smelly son of a bitch. [DEAN gives KEVIN a big hug, lifting him up off the ground. Everyone laughs.] SAM [Claps his hands.] Okay, okay. So, what does this mean? What are we looking at? KEVIN It's a spell. DEAN And? KEVIN And it's just a few words of Enochian, but... [KEVIN gives a piece of paper to DEAN.] DEAN Oh, here we go. KEVIN ...the spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials. SAM T-trials like, uh, like "Law & Order"? DEAN hands SAM the piece of paper, SAM grabs it out of his hand. KEVIN More like Hercules. The tablet says, "Whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks should fear not danger, nor death, nor..." A word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity. DEAN Good times. KEVIN Basically, God built a series of tests, and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates. SAM So, what -- God wants us to take the SATs? KEVIN I-I guess. Uh, he works in mysterious ways. DEAN Yeah, mysterious, douche-y ways. All right. Where do we start? KEVIN I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far, and it's gross. You've got to kill a hound of hell and bathe in its blood. DEAN Awesome. SAM Awesome? DEAN Yeah. Hey, if this means icing all demons, I got no problem gutting some devil dog and letting Calgon take me away. KEVIN Where are you gonna find one? DEAN Well, Hellhounds like to collect on crossroads deals. So all we got to do is track down some loser who signed over his special sauce 10 years ago, get between him and Clifford the big dead dog -- easy. KEVIN Doesn't sound easy. SAM It's not. DEAN Look, you get on the net -- see what you can dig up. I'm gonna go for a supply run because we need goofer dust, and the kid needs to eat something that's not ground-up hooves and pigs' anuses -- not that there's anything wrong with that. [He leaves.] INT. BOAT - DAY KEVIN walks back into main compartment, he's freshly showered, shaven, and is wearing clean clothing. KEVIN Okay, I feel a lot better. SAM Hey, Kevin, buddy, you got to slow down.� KEVIN What? SAM Get some shut-eye. Take a day off. Open a window. KEVIN No. You said nuking hell -- that's how I get out. That's how I go home. SAM Right, it is, but you can't live like this. KEVIN You think I want to? I hate it here. I can't leave because every demon on the planet wants to peel my face off. I can't talk to anyone except you guys or Garth, when he swings by, or my mom. Right? And when she calls, all she does is cry. I just... I need this to be over. SAM I know. I do. But trust me on this -- this whole "saving the world" thing -- it's a marathon, not a sprint. You got to take better care of yourself. [We hear a heavy, squeaky door open.] DEAN Hey.� Did you know that there are, like, 6,000 kinds of tomatoes? [He puts his plastic shopping bags down on the table.] Did you find anything? SAM Yeah, demon signs, 10 years ago, all centered on Shoshone, Idaho. DEAN Okay, well, big-time mojo means a big-time freak. So, anybody have a horseshoe shoved up his ass? SAM [Chuckles] That's one way of putting it. [Clears his throat, turns his laptop around.] Meet the Cassitys, small-time farmers who struck oil on their land in February of '03, which is weird because geological surveys -- DEAN Yeah, you had me at "weird." All right. We thinking deal? SAM Best lead we've got. DEAN Well, let's go visit the Beverly Hillbillies. You stay here [addresses KEVIN], work on step number 2, and, uh, if you come across anything about Hellhounds, drop a dime, okay? 'Cause between the -- the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be... real bitches. [He reaches into a shopping bag, pulls out two bottles.]� I got you a present. [He gives one bottle to KEVIN.]� The, uh, blue ones are for the headaches, and the Greens are for pep. [Gives KEVIN the second bottle.] Don't O.D. [Smacks KEVIN's arm.] KEVIN Thanks? They walk away. SAM [Quietly.] You sure about that? DEAN [Quietly.] Sam, we are on the one-yard-line. It is time to play through the pain. EXT. CASSITY FARMS - DAY The IMPALA rolls up to the gates of "Cassity Farms." The gates automatically open, the IMPALA rolls up the driveway, we see a very nice, very neat farm. Shoshone, Idaho Engine shuts off. DEAN All right, keep an eye out. Anybody with a Hellhound on their ass is gonna be showing signs -- hallucinating, freaking out -- the usual. SAM And if we find someone? DEAN You get 'em clear. [Picks up Ruby's demon-killing knife.] I spike fido. The crowd goes wild. [He puts the knife in an inside pocket. They exit the car.] We hear the ratchet of a wrench and see a tractor with a body on a mechanic's dolly working under it. DEAN Hey, pal, who runs this joint? A pretty, young, Hispanic woman with a slight accent slides out from under the tractor. ELLIE You're looking at her. SAM You... own the ranch? ELLIE Nope, just manage the property. You guys here about the job? DEAN How'd you guess? ELLIE We get our share of drifters. DEAN Ah. ELLIE Ever worked a farm before? DEAN Definitely. SAM We're quick learners. Another man approaches the group. CARL GRANVILLE Ellie... who we got here? DEAN I'm Dean. This is Sam. CARL Oh. Carl Granville. A pleasure.� SAM Pleasure. So you're not a Cassity? CARL No, my wife is. Her and her family own the place. I'm just one those, uh -- what you call 'em? [he pats his somewhat pudgy belly] -- trophy husbands. [Laughs.] CARL So, we, uh, hiring the fellas? ELLIE Not sure yet. CARL Oh, come on. They seem like swell guys. DEAN Well, he's right. We're swell. [SAM and DEAN smile.] EXT. CASSITY BARN DOOR WITH HORSESHOE - DAY ELLIE You bed down in here. Breakfast is at 5:00, dinner is at 8:00, and in between, you're mine. Questions? DEAN I miss my room. SAM We're good. ELLIE Okay. Job is yours if you want it. But I better warn you -- it's crap work. INT. CASSITY BARN - DAY DEAN is shoveling manure.� A horse whinnies. DEAN Crap -- she literally meant crap. [Grunts, dumps shovel of manure into a wheelbarrel.� Walks over to a horse with its head hanging out of the stall.] I hate you. ALICE (V O) I don't care.� Do I look like a hippie? We see ELLIE and ALICE at barn's entrance having a heated discussion. ELLIE Organic food is better for the cattle. ALICE My land, my animals, my money, my way -- end of story. ELLIE [Sighs] DEAN She's a real piece of work, huh? ELLIE Alice Cassity's a piece of something, all right?� But what are we gonna do?� She's the boss. DEAN Drink? [ELLIE walks away.] SAM So, what are we thinking? DEAN What, dealwise?� Well, Ellie's the help, so that rules her out. SAM And Carl doesn't really seem like the sell-your-soul type. So, Alice? DEAN Ding-ding-ding. SAM Should we talk to her? DEAN Why? So she can lie to us and then call the cops? No. No, we're gonna have to go stalker on this one, Sammy. EXT. CASSITY PATIO - NIGHT CARL and ALICE are sitting outside having dinner. Holding hands, drinking wine. CARL The whole horse? ALICE Oh, yes. CARL Seriously? ALICE Yes. [Both laugh.] What does she -- [Animal howls in distance, horse whinnies.] CARL Just a wolf. ALICE Yeah. Probably spooked the hell out of the horses. I should check on them. CARL Well, all right. [Chuckles] Hurry back. ALICE Okay. We hear insects chirping. SAM and DEAN watch close by, then walk back inside the house. ALICE is walking towards barn, a horse winnies, an animal howls in the distance. Another horse neighs. EXT. CASSITY PATIO - NIGHT CARL is eating, he hears an animal growling close by. We see Hellhound's POV. It attacks CARL, he tumbles backwards in his chair. CARL No! [There's a spray of blood, CARL is dead.] ACT TWO EXT. CASSITY HOUSE - NIGHT SHERIFF God almighty. [SHERIFF is kneeling by CARL's sheet-covered body.� ELLIE, DEAN, and SAM are standing there.] DEAN I'm sorry, Ellie.� Carl seemed like a good guy. ELLIE The best. SAM You say his head was practically ripped off? SHERIFF And you are? SAM Just curious. ELLIE He's new. He works here. SHERIFF Carl died bad -- let's leave it at that. They've been reintroducing wolves 'round these parts, but I never thought... ELLIE This wasn't a wolf. I got to make some phone calls. The whole family's flying in for this. SHERIFF All the Cassitys under one roof. Good luck. DEAN Oh, son of a bitch. SAM So, what do you think? DEAN I think Carl signed the deal, and now he's dog food. Hellhound's gone, and we were too busy chasing a pile of Jack to stop it. Let's grab our stuff and get out of here. INT. CASSITY BARN - NIGHT SAM walks into the barn. ALICE is brushing a horse, thunder rumbles. SAM You okay, Mrs. Cassity? ALICE Fine. SAM You sure? ALICE I really am. And... I know I shouldn't be because I loved Carl... I think. I just can't remember why. SAM What do you mean? [SAM looks confused, horse whinnies.] ALICE I mean...� Carl grew up around here. We went to school together, and he was always mooning over me. But I never -- I used to make fun of him. SAM When did you two get together? ALICE Valentine's Day, 2003. I was at this party. Carl was there, and it was like I was seeing him for the first time. You know, suddenly he was cute and smart and funny. It was magic. Carl and I were happy for 10 years. Now he's dead, and I'm not sad or angry. I'm just...fine. INT. CASSITY RANCH-HAND BEDROOM - NIGHT DEAN, packing, zips his bag closed. SAM enters. DEAN Hey, we, uh, we have any graveyard dirt? SAM We should. Why? DEAN Yarrow? SAM Yeah. No. Dean, no. We're not summoning a crossroads demon. DEAN Plan "A" bombed, so welcome to plan "B" -- we get some red-eyed bitch in a trap, then we hold a knife on her until she calls us in a pooch -- special delivery. SAM Yeah, except when Crowley finds out we're dialing up hell, he won't send one Hellhound -- he'll send a hundred. That's not a plan, Dean -- that's suicide. DEAN Well, you got a better idea? SAM Yeah, we stay here. I just talked to Alice in the barn. Carl didn't sell his soul for oil -- he sold it for Alice. DEAN His wife? SAM He loved her, she barely noticed him, so he made a deal. And now that time's up, it's like she barely even knew the guy. DEAN You think our demon signed up more than one schmuck while he was in town? SAM Wouldn't be the first time. [Thunder rumbles.] Look, Dean, this family's rich because someone booked a one-way ticket downstairs. And as of tomorrow, they're all gonna be right here. DEAN And you want to scope 'em out? SAM I want to kill a Hellhound and not die. How 'bout you? DEAN Two days -- then we do it my way. [He unzips his bag.] EXT. CASSITY DRIVEWAY - DAY SUV pulls up and parks.� An older man with gray hair exits the vehicle wearing cowboy boots, nice trowsers and jacket, bolo shoestring tie, and cowboy hat.� ELLIE, SAM, and DEAN are standing watching as ALICE greets the man. ELLIE Meet Noah Cassity.� He's 71, worth a billion, and just married wife number 5, a 20-year-old lingerie model. DEAN 'Cause they have so much in common? ELLIE Alice is his oldest, and that's Cindy, the middle girl. [CINDY gets out of SUV. She's wearing a minidressS and a short white fur jacket. She greets ALICE with a peck on the cheek.] She had a single on the country chart a few years ago.� Then she started hitting the bottle, and, well... Her last album was a bunch of holiday songs for dogs. My favorites were "Jingle Bark Rock" and "Don't Pee on this Tree:� Happy Arbor Day." DEAN So she's the devil. ELLIE Pretty much. We hear a door close. A younger woman gets out of the SUV. She's wearing a sweater and tan pants. ELLIE And there's the baby -- Margot. She ran away just before Alice and Carl tied the knot, lives in Paris. SAM How do you know all this? ELLIE I've been working on this farm since I was 13, and I've got eyes. Okay, tonight is an all-hands-on-deck situation. I'm gonna need one of you inside, serving dinner and pouring drinks -- a lot of drinks. DEAN Okay. Well, have fun. [Pats SAM on the arm.] I won't wait up. ELLIE And somebody's gonna man the grill. DEAN What kind of grill? EXT. CASSITY PATIO - NIGHT DEAN, wearing an apron, is manning the grill, flips steak. ELLIE comes up. DEAN Impressed? ELLIE I do like a man who can handle his meat. [He smirks.] INT. CASSITY DINING ROOM - NIGHT SAM, shirt sleeves rolled up, pours wine into CINDY's glass. The CASSITYs are seated at the table, everyone has large glasses of red and plates loaded with food. MARGOT is pushing food around on her plate. CINDY Really? Keep it coming, Ken doll. [SAM drains rest of bottle into CINDY's glass, but there's not much left in the bottle. She gives an annoyed wave of the hand.] NOAH You're the best, Ellie. [NOAH winks at ELLIE as she takes his plate away.] MARGOT Al, I'm so sorry about Carl. I mean, he was the love of your life. ALICE Right. NOAH Please, she can do better. CINDY Maybe Alice should marry a child -- take after her father. NOAH Ivanka's not a child. CINDY Right. She's a prostitute who looks like a child. MARGOT Are you done? Alice is in mourning. CINDY Oh, I'm sorry, Margie. I didn't see you there -- you're too far up on your high horse. [Laughs, SAM takes her plate away.] Oh, yes, but you are right -- we should all take a minute and say a few words about Carl. You first. [She leans towards MARGOT.] Was he a good lay? ALICE What? CINDY Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, daddy caught 'em going at it in the barn. MARGOT Al, it was before you two got together. I mean, Carl -- he loved you. NOAH Yeah, that was back when Margie was fat and Cin was sober, a long time ago. CINDY Get cancer and die, old man. NOAH You first, sweetie. [Sarcastically.] INT. CASSITY DINING AREA - NIGHT SAM Are they always like this? ELLIE More or less. SAM How can you work here? [He opens a bottle of wine.] ELLIE I love the property, I love the animals, and I tune out the people. INT. CASSITY DINING ROOM - NIGHT ALICE Well, I can't remember the last time we all sat down and had a meal together. CINDY It was back at the old, crappy house, when daddy invited that traveling salesman to dinner. MARGOT Oh, him. ALICE He was so charming. CINDY Yeah, English. NOAH What was his name -- Kenny? MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY Crow-- MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY Crow-- MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY Crowl-- SAM enters carrying a bottle of wine as the three CASSITY sisters try to sound through the name.� We see SAM realize who they're remembering. MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY (V O) Crowl-- MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY (V O) Crowley? SAM hmm... MARGOT, ALICE, CINDY (V O) Crowley. EXT. OUTSIDE - NIGHT DEAN Crowley? SAM That's what they said. Apparently, he swung through town 10 years ago, to the day. DEAN So, what -- do you think tea and crumpets made these deals and now he's collecting? SAM Or he just sent his dog -- told it to go fetch. Dude's king of hell. Grabbing a few souls -- that's got to be below his pay grade. DEAN I guess. Any idea who signed the dotted line? SAM I have no clue. It's brutal in there. [DEAN's cellphone rings, beeps.] DEAN Hey, Kev, what's up? [His phone is on speaker.] KEVIN Hey, Dean, good news, uh, I think... kind of. DEAN Don't oversell it. KEVIN Sorry. Um, I found something on the tablet, uh, about Hellhounds. Uh, this mean anything to you -- "the dire creatures may be seen only by the damned or through an object scorched with holy fire"? SAM Like with holy oil? DEAN It's got to be. We could use a window. KEVIN Or glasses. DEAN I think we've still got some Jesus juice left in the trunk. All right, I'll take care of the, uh, the X-ray specs. You stay here. Do not let J.R. and the gang out of your sight, all right? SAM Right. [SAM leans into DEAN's phone.] Hey, Kevin, uh, you did great, man. Get some sleep. KEVIN [He's smiling.] Okay. Tha-- [DEAN closes his phone. They walk away.� KEVIN reaches for the green bottle of pills.] INT. TOOLSHED - NIGHT DEAN searches through containers of tools, paint supplies, toolshelves, finds two pairs of glasses. He holds one pair up to the light. INT. CASSITY DINING ROOM - NIGHT SAM is removing plates from the table. CINDY, wine glass in hand, and ALICE are sitting there. CINDY Oh, look. [We can see through the window that NOAH and MARGOT are armed and are walking outside.] Daddy's drunk and armed. Must be Christmas. [SAM looks, then runs out of the dining room.] EXT. OUTSIDE - NIGHT SAM, now wearing his coat, runs after NOAH and MARGOT. SAM Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going? NOAH Wherever I damn well please. The wolf that killed my son-in-law -- he's a man-eater, got to be put down. MARGOT Doing this for Carl. SAM Okay, just -- just hold on a second. NOAH No, going now. SAM I'll come with you. NOAH [NOAH stops and turns around to face SAM.] You know anything about hunting, boy? SAM A little bit, yeah. NOAH nods his head towards MARGOT, she hands her rifle to SAM. NOAH Let's do it. SAM exhales. INT. BARN DOORWAY, IMPALA in background - NIGHT DEAN, holding the ancient jar with holy oil, pours some oil onto the floor, lights a match, passes a pair of glasses through the fire, does the same with the second pair. He puts on a pair, looks around, the view has changed and is muted, like looking through celophane. He sees ELLIE walking towards the barn, stamps out the fire, looks at ELLIE. ELLIE I like it... DEAN takes the glass off and puts them in his pocket. ELLIE ...the whole Clark Kent look. DEAN Ellie, hey. ELLIE Hey. So... [She gets close and puts her hand on DEAN's chest.] I think you're really hot. [DEAN gives her a "seriously?" look.] You want to go to my room and have sex? DEAN What? ELLIE I -- sorry. I don't usually do this. I guess I'm feeling my oats. DEAN I can't. ELLIE What? Okay. Uh, embarrassing. DEAN Oh, no, no, no. No, I want to. [Chuckles.] Believe me. ELLIE No, it's okay -- you don't. I guess I'm gonna... DEAN Ellie, um... Rain check? ELLIE This is one night only. Sorry. [She has a rueful look on her face as she Walks away. DEAN watches as we hear footsteps retreating.] EXT. WOODS - NIGHT NOAH, MARGOT, and SAM are walking through the woods, we hear thunder, all three holding their guns out, but pointed towards the ground. We get a quick shot of the Hellhound's POV as it follows SAM, NOAH, and MARGOT. Scene switches back to NOAH in the lead, MARGOT slightly behind and to the side, and SAM behind them both.� SAM hears a branch snap. He turns towards the sound, rifle up. The others keep going. SAM is now stalking through the woods alone. A rifle is cocked, the barrel shoved in front of SAM's face. SAM gasps, grabs the rifle barrel and shoves it down. NOAH Watch yourself, boy. Where's Margie? SAM I thought she was with you. They hear MARGOT scream and run toward the sound. The Hellhound is barking and snarling, MARGOT is on the ground, still screaming. SAM and NOAH run into the small clearing, there's a quick view from ground-level, close by MARGOT's head. The Hellhound is tearing into MARGOT. SAM fires his rifle at the Hellhound, hitting it, blood spirts, the hound yelps in pain. NOAH Oh, my God! No! SAM Go back to the house. [SAM grabs NOAH, forcing him away from MARGOT.] Go! Move! NOAH No! POV, MARGOT lies on ground, throat ripped, dead. ACT THREE INT. CASSITY LIVING ROOM - NIGHT NOAH, CINDY, and ALICE are sitting there, all look upset. We hear a door closing. DEAN and SAM enter. NOAH What was that thing? DEAN It was a Hellhound. See, when you sell your soul to a demon, they're the ones that come and rip it out of you. ALICE Demon? DEAN Crowley. Poncey guy, about yea big, mountain of dicks. We know he was here 10 years ago, making dreams come true. Now, if you didn't sign, great. That freak out there won't touch you. But if you did, I need to know, and I need to know now. So, hands up. NOAH So, wait. T-the British guy was a demon, and now there's a Hellhound after us? A-are you insane? CINDY They're obviously insane. SAM Don't play dumb. CINDY Yeah. I'm not playing. I didn't sell my damn soul. DEAN Well, somebody did, and the sooner that idiot owns up, the sooner the rest of you can go. CINDY and ALICE look around. DEAN All right, seal 'em in. SAM Yeah. ALICE What?! SAM Look, I'm gonna spread goofer dust around the doors, the windows. That will keep the Hellhound out... for a while. NOAH What is that -- how long? DEAN Long enough for me to stab it in its throat. NOAH [Sighs.] No way. No way. You can't do this. You can't -- DEAN Yes, I can. You want to know why? Because it's what I do. And, buddy, I'm the best. See, I gut old yeller out there, and maybe -- just maybe -- you walk away. I don't -- you're meat. So, sit down [points his gun at NOAH], shut up... And put these on. [Holds up a pair of handcuffs.] INT. FLOOR - NIGHT We see DEAN'S hand pouring a line of goofer dust, then SAM's hands as he handcuffs NOAH, CINDY, and ALICE. ALICE I don't...� Who are you people? SAM We're here to help. NOAH Like you helped Margie? SAM When the Hellhound gets close, you might start seeing things, hearing things. It's gonna feel like you took the brown acid, and it's trying to kill you. The handcuffs are so you won't hurt yourselves. DEAN And when one of you starts bugging out, we'll know who's on tap to be puppy chow. [Walks away.] INT. FLOOR - NIGHT DEAN spreads goofer dust. SAM comes up behind him. SAM So...what's our play? DEAN Well, you camp here, figure out who whored their soul. I'm gonna go scout the grounds -- see if I can't gank Huckleberry Hound before he makes his next move. SAM Wait, you're not going alone, Dean. I'm gonna come with you. DEAN Wrong. SAM Uh, they're on lockdown, and you need backup. DEAN No, I don't. SAM Yes, you do. DEAN No, I need you to be safe, Sam, okay? That's what I need. SAM What? What am I -- when are WE ever safe? DEAN This is different. SAM How? DEAN Because of the three trials crap -- God's little obstacle course. We've been down roads like this before, man -- with Yellow-Eyes, Lucifer, dick friggin' Roman. We both know where this ends -- one of us dies... Or worse. SAM So, what -- you just up and decided it's gonna be you? DEAN I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation. SAM Dean -- DEAN And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know -- it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me -- that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life -- become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and -- and -- and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra -- that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone -- end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg. [He walks away, we hear a door open.] EXT. CASSITY YARD - NIGHT DEAN is walking outside, he pulls the glasses from his pocket and puts them on, looks around. Now the view is through the holy-oiled glasses. It's dark, foggy, water appears to sparkle from the trees, tree branches blowing. Back to normal view with DEAN still wearing the glasses. He hears music and walks towards the closed barn door. INT. CASSITY BARN - NIGHT We're inside the barn, the door is slid open by DEAN. Music is louder, but still heard distantly, "I Touch Myself," by The Divinyls. He slides the barn door closed, takes the glasses off and stows them in his pocket. ♪ I want you to love me when I feel down, I want you above me ♪ ♪ I search myself, I want you to find me ♪ I forget myself, ♪ I want you to remind me ♪ I don't want anybody else, ♪ when I think about you, I touch myself ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, I don't want a-- INT. CASSITY LIVING ROOM - NIGHT SAM, wearing his holy-oiled glasses, is looking outside while the CASSITYs bicker. CINDY You sold your soul. Admit it. NOAH Why the hell would you think that? CINDY 'Cause you're a walking corpse, and you're married to a centerfold. I did the math. NOAH She likes money, and I'm rich. Do it again. You sing like crap, so explain the music career. CINDY Hello -- auto-tune! SAM All right. That's enough. CINDY Oh, is it, four-eyes? Is it enough? NOAH I don't know why you even think one of us made a deal. SAM Because you struck oil where there was no any oil. That didn't seem weird to you? ALICE Margie. Margie used to say that -- that if we were rich, we'd all be happy. NOAH [Scoffs.] Right. We're the damn Waltons. INT. CASSITY BARN - NIGHT DEAN in the barn, walks towards the music. We hear the music distorted by ELLIE's closed door. ♪ I'd get down on my knees ♪ I'd do anything for you ♪ I don't want anybody else DEAN enters ELLIE's room.� ELLIE is dancing to the music, drinking from a bottle of beer, wearing a lacy camisole. ♪ when I think about you, I touch myself ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, I don't want an-- DEAN turns off stereoplayer. The music stops. She turns around. ELLIE Just in time. DEAN Ellie, are you okay? ELLIE I'm good. And I bet you're great. [She leans in for a kiss.] Yep, great. DEAN Okay. Listen... Okay, whatever happens, whatever you hear, you need to stay in here with that door locked. Sit tight, okay? This is gonna sound crazy, but there is something evil out there. ELLIE I know. DEAN You know? ELLIE It's coming for me. ACT FOUR INT. CASSITY LIVING ROOM - NIGHT ALICE is agitatedly struggling with the handcuffs. NOAH I need to take a leak. SAM Hold it. NOAH Yeah, at my age? Not really an option, so either you let me go or get me a bottle. CINDY Ugh. You're disgusting. SAM moves to look out the window. Still wearing the glasses he sees the outline of the Hellhound. We hear it growling. ALICE gets out of the handcuffs and runs out the door. SAM turns around to see the door closing. SAM Wait! ALICE is running towards the car, she's gasping.� We get a quick shot of the Hellhound's POV, it's growling. ALICE gets to the car when SAM arrives. ALICE No! [Hellhound growls.] No, no, please. Just let me go, please. Please. [SAM grabs her, propels her back to the house. She's crying.] No! Please, don't hurt my family. SAM I'm not. I'm trying to help you. [We hear growling, barking. They stop for a moment. We see the Hellhound through the holy-oiled glasses.] Get in the house. ALICE What? What? SAM Go! ALICE Oh, God! SAM Go! INT. ELLIE'S ROOM - NIGHT DEAN and ELLIE are sitting on the foot railing of ELLIE'S bed. ELLIE When my parents split up, my mom took a job here. This was before the Cassitys had money, but it was the best she could do. So I grew up on this farm. DEAN That's how you met Crowley? ELLIE They had this big dinner, and after, I saw him kissing Margie. I ran. I didn't know what to do. But Crowley found me. We talked. He seemed so nice. DEAN [Scoffs.] The best con men always do. ELLIE He asked me, if I had one wish, what would it be? So I told him. DEAN And he made you sign over your soul. ELLIE He didn't make me do anything. My mom -- she had Parkinson's -- early stages, and I knew how that story would end. So I took the deal. Ma is retired down in Phoenix now, plays golf every day. DEAN That was a stupid move, Ellie. ELLIE I did it for my mom, Dean. What would YOU do for your mom? DEAN You had to know this was coming. ELLIE No. How? DEAN Crowley didn't tell you about the 10-year ticking clock? ELLIE What? I knew that when I died, I wasn't going to heaven, but he never said anything about that or monsters. DEAN What a douche bag. He probably didn't say jack to Carl or Margot, either. ELLIE Margie made a deal? So she's... DEAN She's gone. ELLIE Oh, God. I... A few years ago, Carl got drunk. He told me he did some kind of magic at a crossroads -- summoned a demon. I put two and two together, and when I saw what that thing did to him... I just never knew about Margie. I thought I was next. DEAN And you didn't run? ELLIE Where would I run? All I wanted was one last meal, some good tunes, and maybe... [ELLIE looks towards DEAN. DEAN glances towards the bed.] I don't want to die. [They both look up when they hear howling in the distance. ELLIE gasps when DEAN'S face turns demonic.] Dean, what's happening? DEAN Ellie, whatever you're seeing, it's not real. It means the Hellhound -- it's close. [DEAN's face is back to normal.] Look, you need to stay inside this circle, okay? [He draws a circle using goofer dust.] Now. [ELLIE steps inside the circle.] ELLIE Dean... DEAN No matter what happens, you stay inside that circle. You understand me? ELLIE shakes her head yes. DEAN leaves, closing the door. INT. CASSITY BARN - NIGHT DEAN is outside ELLIE's door, he sees the closed barn door, he walks through the barn, puts the holy-oiled glasses on. Slides one barn door open. He now has the demon-killing knife in his hand. We hear the Hellhound growling. He approaches the outer barn door that's open. We see the outline of the Hellhound through DEAN's glasses. It's growling and snarling. We see DEAN from the Hellhound's POV. DEAN Oh, so YOU'RE Crowley's bitch. I guess pets really do look like their owners. [DEAN sees the growling Hellhound, it runs behind some farm equipment.] [Quick shot of DEAN by the Hellhound.] What are you waiting for? Come and get it! The Hellhound attacks DEAN, clawing his left side. DEAN is thrown into a wall, falls, drops the knife, the glasses fall off his face. Pulls his hand away, bloody. DEAN Ah! � The Hellhound stomps towards DEAN, paw prints showing in the dust, we can see its breath. Suddenly there's a gunshot, Hellhound blood spews. It whines in pain. SAM enters the barn wearing the glasses and shoots Hellhound again. Again it whines and growls. SAM spots DEAN's knife in dirt, he rolls towards it. POV quickly switches between normal and the Hellhound's POV. The Hellhound attacks SAM, barking fiercely. SAM, lying flat on the ground, holds the snarling, barking Hellhound off with his left hand. He slits the Hellhound's belly with the knife in his right hand. The Hellhound is gutted and SAM is bathed in black blood. The Hellhound dies. DEAN is in the background, propped up on one arm watching. The brothers look at each other. SAM [Gasping from the effort.] Ohh DEAN falls back down. SAM looks at his blood covered hand holding the knife and let's it flop onto the ground. ACT FIVE INT. ELLIE'S ROOM - NIGHT DEAN pats his left side. We can see his clawed t-shirt with the white bandage under it. DEAN Mnh. ELLIE You need to go to a hospital. DEAN Oh, I've had worse. ELLIE looks towards SAM.� SAM's t-shirt is covered in black blood and he is holding his button-down shirt. SAM Yeah, he's had worse. ELLIE So, what now? DEAN Now we make a hex bag, and you start running. If Crowley can't find you, then he won't be able to sic another mutt on you. ELLIE So I'm not going to hell? DEAN Not on my watch. Will you give us a minute? ELLIE Sure. DEAN Thanks. ELLIE leaves. We hear the door opening, then closing. DEAN snaps his fingers towards SAM. SAM Dean, even if she can dodge Crowley, as soon as Ellie dies, her soul is earmarked for hell. DEAN Not if we shut it down first. [DEAN grabs the bloody button-down shirt out of SAM's hand.] SAM The spell's not gonna work for you, Dean. DEAN [Sighs. He pulls the paper with the spell out of his pocket.] Kah-nuh-ahm-dahr. [He looks around but there's no response.] Doesn't matter. We'll track down another Hellhound, and I'LL kill it. SAM No. DEAN Sam, I didn't pass the test. SAM But I did... And I'm doing the rest of them. DEAN My ass you are! SAM I'm closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you. DEAN Sam... SAM I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't -- I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it. DEAN Sam, be smart. SAM I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius -- when it comes to lore, to -- you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen -- better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please -- please believe in me, too. DEAN slaps the paper into SAM's hand. SAM [Sighs.] Kah-nuh-ahm-dahr. [There's a whoosing sound. SAM goes bug eyed, twists around, falls down to his knees and grunts in pain.] DEAN Sammy? SAM [Grunts.] DEAN (V O) Sam! We hear a crackling sound. SAM drops the paper with the Enochian symbols. The veins in SAM's right hand and arm are highlighted with bright white light.� He's grimacing in pain. DEAN You okay? SAM is still gasping. The bright white light disappears from his hand and arm and he clenches a fist, grabs the paper and stands up. SAM I'm good. I'm okay. I can do this. [Exhales sharply.] DEAN's face leads us into the closing credits. END Source : SuperWiki |
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