Forever Dreaming |
7x10 - Death's Door |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 03/26/13 12:28 ] |
Post subject: | Supernatural Transcript~ Death's Door 7x10 |
7.10 Death's Door Air Date: 2 December 2011 NOW We see an internal, moving to external, shot of a bullet hole in Bobby's temple. VEHICLE – NIGHT Sam: Bobby? Bobby? Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Dean: Sam, is he dead? Sam: I'm checking. Sam feels Bobby's neck for a pulse. Dean: Is he dead?! Sam: Just drive, Dean! Bobby! Dean: You gotta talk to me, Sam! Sam: All right, he's breathing. There's a pulse. Dean enters numbers on his cell phone. Dean: Keep him upright. Stop the bleeding. Sam: I'm not an idiot, Dean! I know first aid for a friggin' bullet to the head! Dean (on phone): I need the nearest trauma center. Sam: Hold on. Hold on. Dean (on phone): What's the address?! Dean: All right, Bobby, hang in there. The vehicle skids as Dean accelerates. SUPERNATURAL ACT ONE We see an external, moving to internal, shot of the bullet hole in Bobby's temple. Sam: Bobby! Just hold on! EXT. FOREST – DAY Dean: Well, I guess we found Phil. Bobby: Wait a minute. Something's not right here. Dean: Yeah, no kidding, Bobby. There's a corpse in a tree. Bobby: Something bad's about to happen. Dean: Yeah, well danger's kinda on the W2 – that's why we got the guns. Blood drips onto Bobby's hand. There is now a bloodstain on Bobby's cap. He puts his fingers to his head and sees more blood on his fingertips when he lowers his hand. Bobby: Or something bad's happened already. INT. OLD HOUSE – DAY Bobby, Dean and Sam enter. Bobby removes his cap and touches his head. There is a small amount of blood on his forehead. Bobby: Balls. Sam: Y-you want to tell us what's going on? Dean: Yeah, what's going on with your head? Bobby: I got shot in it! Dean: You what? Sam: Bobby, we've been with you all day. Dean: Yeah, I think we would have noticed if you took a bullet. Bobby: I didn't take one here. I-I took one out there, i-i-in the real world. Dean: You lost us. Sam: Look, Bobby, you – you want to sit down, seriously? Bobby: No, there's something I gotta tell you. I-I... Dammit, I can't get at it. Sam: Well, it – it's okay, take your time. We're – we're right here. Bobby: No, no, not you[i], you. Real you. Out – out there, in the waking world. Numbers. Numbers. Where's paper? Bobby walks over to the table, on which there is a pen and notebook, and writes Bobby: I didn't have time before to tell you what... Bobby writes "454895" in the notebook. Bobby: ...they're cookin' up. You need to know. Bobby puts the piece of paper from the notebook in his jacket pocket. Karen: Well... [i]INT. BEDROOM – DAY Karen is sitting on the bed in a nightgown. There are candles on the bedside tables. Bobby is standing in the doorway holding a glass of red wine. Karen: ... you just gonna stand there or hand it over, Bobby? Bobby: What the hell? Karen? Karen: You were expecting Farrah Fawcett? Bobby: No. She always calls first. [pause]That's what I said the first time this happened. Karen: What are you talking about? Gimme! Karen holds out her hand. Bobby looks down and notices the glass of wine. Bobby: Oh. Bobby gives Karen the glass of wine. Bobby: This – this is just like it was. You're beautiful. Karen: Quit sweet-talkin' and come here. Karen takes Bobby's hand. Karen: I feel like we haven't talked in ages. Bobby: I know just how you feel. Karen: Listen, I have something I want to say to you. No excuses this time, okay? Just sit, Bobby. Bobby sits down on the bed. Bobby: I know what night this is. I remember this. Karen: I've thought about this a lot. I really... Karen and Bobby simultaneously: ...sat with this... Karen hits Bobby lightly. Karen: Don't make fun of me. Bobby: I wouldn't. But right now I gotta... There is the sound of thunder. Bobby: I don't remember a storm coming in the night this happened. Bobby goes to the window and sees a full moon and a sky full of stars. The stars all disappear and the reflection of the moon in the window fades. Bobby sees a Young Boy running from behind a shed towards the house. Bobby: Mother Mary. I've got a messed-up fruitcake. Karen: What, Bobby? Bobby: Nuthin'. I gotta go. I'm sorry, darling. Karen: Bobby, wait! Don't go. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Bobby looks around at lightening and hears thunder. He is behind Rufus, who is standing outside a building wearing a pest control uniform. Bobby is wearing the Same uniform. Rufus: Number-one trick, is act like you know what you're doing, Bobby. Bobby: Rufus? Rufus: What, I can't give you advice now? All of a sudden you know everything? You know, I can always go wait in the car. Bobby: No, wait. I – I need your help. Bad. Rufus: Yeah, damn straight you do. Bobby: No, listen to me, Rufus. I'm gonna die! Rufus: Oh, now that's a realistic view of the mortality rate on a ghost hunt. Rufus is holding an EMF reader, which lights up and makes noises. Rufus: Whoa, whoa, Nellie, red line. All right, baby boy, here we go. Bobby: No, Rufus! Rufus enters the building. Bobby looks around. It is now raining. The camera pans out and we see that the building is a church. The Young Boy from the previous scene runs down the street. Rufus opens the door of the church again. Rufus: Are you coming, Bobby? I mean, we're not getting any younger here! Bobby: Coming. Bobby looks down to see the Young Boy in front of him. The Young Boy clasps Bobby's arm. Young Boy: God's gonna punish you. Bobby hears the sound of breaking glass and looks behind him to see a broken glass of milk on a tiled floor. When he turns back, the Young Boy is gone. Bobby enters the church. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Six people in red robes are standing at the front of the church. Rufus walks towards a door at the side. The six people form a line and hold hymn books as if they are about to sing. There is thunder, the ground shakes and Bibles fall out of the pews. As Bobby watches, the members of the choir disappear. The lights go off. A man holding an old-fashioned watch on a chain walks up behind Bobby. Man: Hello, Mr. Singer. Bobby turns and sees that the man is dressed in a dark suit. There is a flash of lightening. The man swings the watch on its chain and catches it in his hand. Man: Your time's up. ACT TWO INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Bobby: So you're my reaper, huh? You know, I've heard of you guy grabbing reapees in broad daylight and in their sleep, but I never heard of a reaper showing up inside a guy's custard. Reaper: You're in a coma, genius. This is what happens. I climb in your "custard" and fish you out. The Reaper takes a step towards Bobby and holds out his hand. Bobby takes a step back. Reaper: Oh, you think you can lose me. Bobby: Gonna try. Reaper: I've got places to be, Singer, don't waste my time. Bobby: Might as well – while I got it. Reaper: You're prolonging the inevitable. The Reaper flips open his watch, which is ticking. He flips it closed again and the ticking sound stops. Bobby runs for the door Rufus went through. Reaper: I can find you anywhere! Even in this gin-soaked rat maze. Bobby walks around a corner. He is dressed in his usual clothes. Someone tosses two DVDs onto a coffee table: "Chuck Norris American Hero Collection" and "The Delta Force". Sam: I'm just saying – look, you can't really compare. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are sitting on a couch. Dean: I don't even know you right now. There's not even a contest. Sam: It depends on the criteria. Dean: Survival is the only criteria, all right? Dean grabs one of the DVDs and gets up. Dean: And when the crap hits the fan, it's not about who has skill. It's about who's the bigger badass. Bobby, will you please tell Sam that Chuck Norris could kick Jet Li's ass? Bobby looks around the room and then walks towards the kitchen. Dean: You grab me a beer while you're in there? Bobby opens the sliding doors to the kitchen. Woman: Bobby? A woman is setting plates on the table. Woman: Bobby Singer, you had better be washed up when you come down. The Woman, Bobby's MOTHER, looks at Bobby. Behind Bobby, Dean is standing near the TV, opening the DVD case. Bobby's MOTHER: You're filthy. God, what is wrong with you? It's like you want him to get mad. Bobby slides the kitchen doors shut. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus tosses Bobby a shotgun. Rufus: Bobby, heads-up! Whew! Poor thing. Gets left at the altar, kills herself, and then gets buried in the crypt. Now she's going after men who break their girls' hearts. Poignant, am I wrong? Rufus hands Bobby a flashlight. Rufus: Why you out of breath? Did you go for a jog up there, man? Bobby: I need your help, Rufus. Rufus: Yeah, clearly. Bobby: No, listen to me. Rufus: I want you to grab a torch, man. As soon as I open up her coffin, showtime's coming pretty quick. Bobby: No. Will you listen to me, you son of a bitch? There's a damn reaper coming for me. Rufus: There's a damn reaper coming for all of us, Bobby. Rufus looks at names on the crypt and stops at Lara Coggins, 1925 - 1954. Rufus: All right, let's put this damn ghost to bed. I got plans for Purim. Rufus hits the crypt with a sledgehammer. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Bobby is being wheeled on a hospital bed. Doctor: Page the neurosurgeon on call. Tell OR to put electives on hold. Sam and Dean are following behind Bobby's bed. Doctor: Move trauma 2 to bed 7 as soon as it's clean. INT. HOSPITAL TRAUMA ROOM – NIGHT Nurse: Gunshot wound to the right frontal area, no exit wound found. Breathing spontaneously. Respiratory rate 18 and shallow. RST at 120. BP 90 over 60. GCS 5. Doctor: Push 80 grams of Mannitol over 30. Prep for intubation. Nurse: Air entry clear to bases. Doctor: Let's get a central line in here now. Sam: What's happening? Please just tell us – Doctor: Get them out of here. Nurse: Sorry. You need to stay out of their way. Another nurse is cutting open Bobby's shirt. Dean: That's our uncle. Nurse: You got to stay back. Sam: What are they doing? Nurse: We need to get him stable. Dean: Okay, when are you gonna take the bullet out? Nurse: If we can get the swelling down, if it's in a place we can get to, if – Sam: If he even lives that long. The Nurse pulls a curtain shut across the door to the trauma room. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus opens a coffin. Bobby: Forget it. I got to keep moving. Bobby turns to leave, but a GHOST appears in front of him. She is bleeding from a wound across her throat. GHOST: Heartbreaker. The GHOST snatches Bobby's shotgun and puts her arm into his chest. Bobby grimaces in pain. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam and Dean are standing outside Bobby's trauma room. Doctor: Push 30 more of Mannitol over 10. CBC and 'lytes. Bolus him with 500 saline. Nurse: The vitals were stable two minutes ago. Doctor: Well, he's crashing now. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT The GHOST's arm is still inside Bobby's chest. GHOST: I'll break your[i]heart. Rufus slashes through the GHOST with iron and she disappears. Bobby falls to the ground. Rufus: Bobby... Come on. You okay? Say something. Bobby raises his head. Bobby: Look out! The GHOST has reappeared behind Rufus. She grabs him and throws him to the ground. Blood pools out from underneath his head. Bobby torches the GHOST's bones. She screams as she burns up and vanishes. [i]INT. HOSPITAL TRAUMA ROOM – NIGHT Nurse: Blood pressure 130 over 90. Bobby appears to have been stabilized. His head is bandaged, he is now wearing a hospital gown and there is a tube in his mouth. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus is still lying where he fell. Bobby: Okay, Rufus, I need you – Oh, balls. This would be the one job you damn near got yourself killed on. Well, you're gonna be useful, even if I have to carry you. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT The Doctor opens the curtain and walks over to Dean. Sam is leaning on the wall nearby. Doctor: He's, uh, stable for the moment. Just have to see. Dean looks at Bobby in the trauma room, then turns slowly and looks at Sam. They both appear very distressed. Close-up of Bobby unconscious in the hospital bed. Bobby: Rufus... EXT. OUTSIDE HOSPITAL – DAY Bobby: Where the hell did you go? Bobby sees the Young Boy standing nearby. Bobby: Yeah, you! You, kid! Hey, what are you making like a white rabbit all over the place for, you grubby little – enough with the jump scares, kid. Who are you running from? The Young Boy says nothing. Bobby: Wait a minute. I know you. Rufus: Did you think I was dead? Bobby turns and sees Rufus being wheeled out of a hospital by a nurse. Rufus laughs and hands the nurse a piece of paper. Rufus: Call me, all right? Rufus gets out of the wheelchair. Rufus: Don't sit Shiva for me yet, Bobby. Bobby looks behind him, but the Young Boy is gone. Bobby: Listen – after Bridezilla took you out, do you remember what you told me about your near-death experience? Rufus: I haven't told you nuthin' yet. But now that you mention it, pretty sure I almost crossed over. Bobby: And what did you see? Rufus: What did I see? What are you so riled up about, paco? All right, all right. I saw a hallway, uh, plaid carpet, uh, the apartment building from when I was a kid. Bobby: And? Rufus: And I wanted out. I'm not dying on no damn plaid carpet. No, thank you. Bobby: So, what did you do? Rufus: Well, obviously, Bobby, not being stupid, I started looking for the damn exit door. Y-you know, I swear that's what they mean about your life flashing before your eyes, 'cause every time I opened the door, there was another chapter inside – the good, the bad, the bloody. Bobby: So, how did you get out? Rufus: Found the right door, obviously. Bobby: Well, how did you find it? Rufus: Oh, simple – I went deep. Bobby: Deep. Like old? Rufus: No, deep like... Crap you do not want to think about, so you bury it, you shove other crap over it, and you don't go there, ever. Bobby: So, you're telling me that the way out was through your worst memory? Rufus: It's an important door, Bobby. Bobby: Okay, this is good. Rufus: What the hell are you going on about, anyway? Bobby takes the piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. Bobby: This. I got to find the right door to get this to Sam and Dean. I'm in a coma, Rufus, right now. Rufus: [laughs]Get out. Bobby: I got shot in the dunce cap, Rufus. I'm – I'm dying. Rufus: You sure? Bobby: Unfortunately. Rufus: I'll be a prima ballerina. Wait, wait, Bobby. Are you trying to tell me I'm just one of your better memories? Bobby: Would I make this up? There is thunder and the ground shakes. Bobby: Okay. I got to go. Rufus: What? Bobby: You're coming with me, Rufus. Rufus: What? Bobby: I need my partner on this. Please. The thunder and shaking stop. Bobby and Rufus walk along outside the hospital, past signs saying Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Rufus: Aim for your worst memory. Think. Focus. You got it? The worst, okay? Bobby: I got a metric ton of worst. Rufus: Just take a shot. By the way, killer bride – how come she call you a heartbreaker, anyway? I mean, you a family man if I ever saw one. Bobby: Thanks for narrowing things down. The ground shakes again. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby and Rufus enter the bedroom. There is a broken glass of red wine on the floor. Karen is standing barefoot next to it, dressed in a blue robe. Karen: I can't believe you. I hate you. Everything's a lie. Our whole life, our vows... everything. You knew I wanted kids. Why didn't you just sit me down and say... I don't understand. You're a good man. You'd be a good dad. What does that even mean, you break everything you touch?! What kind of excuse is that?! Karen steps on the broken glass. Karen: Aah! Karen sits down on the bed. Her foot is bleeding. Karen: Just stay away from me! You broke my heart, Bobby! You happy? Just go away! Karen starts to cry. Bobby: Just so you know... I'm sorry. I never stopped being sorry. Rufus: Bobby, I thought you'd want a gang of rugrats. Bobby shakes his head. Rufus: So, how long after this... Bobby: ...did she get possessed? Three days. Biggest regret of my life, this fight. You'd think it was when I had to stab her to death, but... no. All through that... I was thinking we never got to get past this. If I'd have known, I'd have said anything she wanted to hear. Karen is still crying on the bed. Rufus: Bobby? Hey. Try the door. Now. Bobby: Thanks, Rufus. Bobby opens the door and steps out into the light. ACT THREE EXT. PARK – DAY Bobby: Balls. Rufus: What year is this? '89-ish? Bobby: What's it matter? I'm still stuck in eternal friggin' sunshine. Rufus: No, I was just thinking, man – you look pretty good there. Must've drank less. Bobby and Rufus watch YOUNGER Bobby and Young Dean walk across the park. Young Dean: Hey, Bobby, where are we going? YOUNGER Bobby: Well, Dean, where's it look like? Young Dean: Dad says I'm supposed to practice with the double-barrel. YOUNGER Bobby: Well, we're gonna skip the guns today. Here. YOUNGER Bobby gives Young Dean a catcher's mitt. YOUNGER Bobby: Here. Today... you're gonna throw a ball around, just like a regular snot-nosed little jerk. Rufus: You know, for a guy who'd rather break his wife's heart than give her a baby, you make a hell of a nanny. Bobby: Shut up, Rufus. We need another door. They look around and see a shed behind them. Bobby: Let's go. Rufus: Seriously, though, Bobby, how come – Bobby: Dog with a bone, Rufus. Rufus: No, I really want to know, man – why no kids? Bobby: Ain't that deep. Dad was a mean drunk. I figured I'd be just like him. And, hey, look – I was right. No sense passing on the legacy. Rufus: Man, you're too hard on yourself. You're more of a cranky drunk. You do know that whatever you're trying to avoid with the eye rolls and the grump-a-lumping – that's exactly where you need to go. Bobby: I ain't avoiding nothing. Rufus: Yeah, sure. Bobby: Get off my ass, Rufus. Rufus: Hey, Bobby, I'm trying to help you here, okay? You want to get out of here, or you want to die? Bobby: I'm trying. How am I supposed to know what I don't want me to know? Bobby opens the shed doors. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is serving dinner. Bobby's Father sits at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. The Young Boy, who we now know is Young Bobby, runs into the room and sits down at the table. Bobby's Father: Hey, look. The crown prince decided to drop by for a late bite. Bobby's MOTHER: Oh, he – he was just washing up. So, w-who would like to say grace? Bobby's Father: Hell with grace. Pass me the biscuits. Young Bobby reaches for the biscuits and knocks over a glass of milk. The glass falls to the floor in slow motion and breaks. Young Bobby: I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: What is the matter with you? Young Bobby: I don't know. I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: You break everything you touch! Bobby's MOTHER is on her knees cleaning up the glass. Bobby's MOTHER: Let's just have a nice supper. Bobby's Father: A nice supper? Bobby's MOTHER: Mm-hmm. Bobby's Father sweeps his plate onto the floor. Bobby's Father: There's your nice supper. Bobby's Father drinks from a glass of whiskey. Bobby's Father: I get no respect in this house. Bobby and Rufus look at each other. Bobby slides the kitchen doors closed. Rufus: What? Now, you can't tell me that wasn't gnarly enough to go spelunking in. Bobby: That was any given Tuesday night. Believe me – it was nothing special. Rufus: No, no, no. You're scared. Bobby: No, I ain't. I just know we're in the wrong place, Rufus. There is thunder and the ground shakes. Rufus: You – Okay, Bobby, you don't have time. That sound was not the weather, and you know it. We can't keep bopping through your greatest hits forever. That reaper's gonna catch up. I mean, if there was some way to stop the damn thing... But it's a reaper, Bobby. You're screwed. Bobby: I know what we're gonna do. Rufus: What? Bobby: We're gonna stop the damn reaper. Sam (V-O): So, there's nothing else we can do? INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Doctor: I'm sorry. We just have to wait. We'll see if the swelling goes down. Dean: How long? Doctor: It's hard to say in cases like this. Dean: Well, he's lasted this long. That's something, right? Doctor: Well, yes. Listen – the bullet didn't shatter. Only one hemisphere of his brain was injured. These are all positive things. But...I don't want to give you false hope here. He's far from out of the woods. Most of the time, cases like this... Sam: They die. Doctor: Right now it comes down to him. I'll keep you updated. The Doctor leaves and a Man walks up behind Sam and Dean. Man: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Is one of you Robert Singer's next of kin? INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR – DAY The Man is talking to Dean. Man: We know this is a stressful time. Dean: Yeah, okay. No offense – you can skip the garnish. What, did his insurance lapse, or what? Man: We're sorry to ask, but, um, did your uncle ever make his wishes known i-in regards to organ donation? Organs are only viable for a very limited window – Dean: "Viable"? Man: We're just hoping some good can come of this tragic – Dean: Listen to me. I'm gonna say this once. He's not gonna die. It's one bullet. He's gonna be fine because he's always fine. Man: I apologize. Dean: Why are you talking to me like he's gonna die, huh? I do my job! Do your jobs! Save him! Man: Of course they're doing everything they can. Dean punches the glass covering a sign next to the MAN's head. Dean: Walk away from me. Now! The Man walks away. Dean walks in the other direction and goes outside. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY The sign outside the hospital reads "Hammonton Regional Hospital". Dean walks down the steps and shakes his hand. He sees a black car parked diagonally across two parking spaces directly in front of the hospital. Dean: Dick! I know you're in there. Come on out... Dean pounds on the heavily tinted closed rear window. Dean: dick. The window lowers, revealing DICK ROMAN. Dean: What, did you come here to finish the job? DICK ROMAN smiles. Dean: Yeah? Well, come on. Right here, right now, out in the open, you and me, Dick Roman. Bystanders are using their mobile phones to record the confrontation. Dean: See? Deciding to jump a famous guy ain't all upside. You can kill me right now – you want to see it online. DICK ROMAN: Maybe you should go check on that friend of yours. He can't be feeling too frisky right about now. I'm a very good shot. Dean: We're coming for you, and not just to hurt you – to kill you. You understand me? DICK ROMAN: Come on, Dean. I can't be killed. Dean: You're gonna wish you could, then. DICK ROMAN: [laughs]That's some conviction. You'd really crush it on the motivational circuit. Dean: You're either laughing because you're scared or you're laughing because you're stupid. I'll see you soon, Dick. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: It's in an old King James Bible. Bobby takes a Bible from the bookshelf and leafs through it. The pages all appear to be blank. Rufus: So, what exactly are we doing now, Bobby? Bobby puts the Bible down on a table. Bobby: Well, technically, you're correct. You can't stop a reaper, not permanently. Only their boss can do that, and we don't want him involved. Bobby takes out another book. Bobby: Ah. Now we're cooking with gas. Bobby puts the second Bible down on the table and opens it. The pages have been cut to hide a large cross. Rufus: What is that? Bobby picks up the cross. Bobby: Well, Sam and Dean have run up against these suckers a couple, three times. Picked up a few tricks – enough to slow them down a hair, at least. Rufus: All right. Let's work some mojo. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Dean is getting a coffee from a machine. He walks over to Sam, who is still leaning on the wall outside Bobby's room. Sam: What did that guy want? Dean: Uh, nothing. Just some insurance mook. Dick Roman was out there. Sam: What? What happened? Dean: Nothing...For now. It was just a friggin' staring contest. That was about it. What's the update? Sam: The swelling's down a little. They took him off sedation. Apparently, he – he started fighting his tube. So they pulled them out, and he's breathing on his own. Dean: That's good, right? Is that good? Sam: Yeah. Well, Doctor said best-case scenario. Dean: All right, so when they gonna take the bullet out? Sam: Dean, t-they're not even – they're not even gonna try that, not yet. Dean: What does that mean? Sam: The word's "abrading," I think. Dean: English. Sam: Cutting out the dead brain tissue. Man: I don't know, Alex. I-I don't know. A Man and Woman in the middle of a conversation stop near Sam and Dean. Sam: That's if the Doctor even thinks it's worth the risk. Woman: You know, I, uh... You're working... Man: I don't know. Woman: I'm – I'm... Sam: Can I talk to you? Sam and Dean walk away from the Man and Woman. Dean: What? Talk about what? Sam: You know what. Dean: No, we're not gonna have that conversation. Sam: Well, we need to. Dean: He's not gonna die. Sam: He might. Dean: Sam. Sam: Dean, listen – we need to brace ourselves. Dean: Why? Sam: Because it's real. Dean: What do you want to do? You want to hug and – and say we made it through it when Dad died? We've been through enough. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus is putting ingredients into a bowl on Bobby's desk. Bobby opens a closet, which seems to be empty. Bobby: We still need gold ore, hemlock, and mace. Rufus: Mm. So, pretty basic, then, huh? As Bobby walks through the house, the light goes out in the windows as he passes. He opens a kitchen drawer, which is full of odds and ends. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a younger version of himself talking on the phone in the main room. Bobby (on phone): No, we didn't shoot rifles, as a matter of fact. We threw a ball around. He's a kid, John. They both are. They're entitled. Yeah, I know I ain't their dad. YOUNGER Bobby hangs up and throws the phone down. Bobby looks down at the kitchen drawer, which is now empty. Bobby: What the hell? Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out a half-full jar of blood. Bobby is finishing painting a symbol on the wooden floor in front of his desk. He joins Rufus behind the desk and picks up the cross. Bobby: O theristes, kaleo se Kai deo. Rufus lights a match and drops it into the bowl. There is a flash of fire and the Reaper appears. Reaper: Cute. Got to admit – first time anyone's pulled one on me while actually unconscious. Bobby: Well, get comfy. Reaper: Not so fast. Bobby: Yeah? Sorry. Other business. Reaper: I'm trying to help you, Bobby. You're going to die. Think you can stop it by pinning me like a bug? Bobby: Well – Reaper: You've seen the dark coming – people disappearing, things going blank. Look around. Cell by cell... Bobby looks around at photographs on the bookshelves. While Bobby's face in the photographs is clear, the faces of the other people are blurry and indistinct. Reaper: ...that bullet's killing your brain. You're running out of places to hide. So, understand – this trap won't hold forever, because this room won't hold, because you are going to die. Bobby: You think. Reaper: Come with me. Be done. You've earned it. Or fight me. Stay here. And you know the drill. Rufus: I don't know, Bobby. I mean, you really want to get stuck, turn into some ghost? Bobby: I know what I'm doing, Rufus. Rufus: Yeah, yeah, you're thinking you can help those boys. But how many spirits you meet in their right mind? Some hunter's gonna cut you down. Bobby: Whose side are you on? Reaper: Bobby... You've helped. You got handed a small, unremarkable life, and you did something with it. Most men like you die of liver disease, watching "Barney Miller" reruns. You've done enough. Believe me. Bobby: I don't care. Reaper: Why? Bobby: Because they're my boys. Bobby sees Young Bobby standing nearby. Bobby: All right. The only way out is through. Bobby (to Young Bobby): So lead the way. Bobby (to Rufus): Nice seeing you again, old friend. Bobby (to the Reaper): Thanks for the chat. Young Bobby walks away and Bobby follows him. ACT FOUR INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is on her knees cleaning up the plate that Bobby's Father knocked to the floor. Bobby's MOTHER: It's fine. It'll just take a second. Bobby's Father pours another glass of whiskey. Bobby's Father: You just gonna sit there? Get a broom or somethin'. Young Bobby leaves the room. Bobby's Father stands up. Bobby's Father: You know why he's like that? Because you let him do whatever he wants. Bobby's MOTHER: It's okay. See? I'm almost done. You just relax a-and have another drink. Bobby sighs. Bobby's Father: Don't tell me what to do. Young Bobby is watching from the doorway. Bobby's MOTHER: No. Wait. Wait. Bobby's Father strikes Bobby's MOTHER across the face, knocking her down. When she looks up, there is blood at the corner of her mouth. Bobby's MOTHER: I– no! Why do you always provoke him? Bobby's Father: Because he's a bad kid – that's why. Bobby: Well, that's a load of crap. Who the hell were you to say? Bobby's Father: I'm your father. And you show your father respect. Bobby: The day he deserves it, you drunken... Bobby's MOTHER: [quietly]Shhh... Bobby: ... bully. Punching women and kids – is that what they call fatherhood in your day? Bobby's Father: Oh, you deserved it. Believe me. You were nothing but ungrateful. Bobby: I was a kid! Kids ain't supposed to be grateful! They're supposed to eat your food and break your heart, you selfish dick! You died, and I was still so afraid I'd turn into you I never even had kids of my own. Bobby's Father: Good. You break everything you touch. Bobby's MOTHER starts to cry. Bobby: Uh-huh. Well, as fate would have it, I adopted two boys, and they grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell! INT. HOSPITAL – DAY The Nurse and a second nurse are walking towards Bobby's room. Nurse: Keep the head of the bed up for transport. IV can run off the pump. Just run a TKVO. We'll have to wait for respiratory. Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's happening? Nurse: He's showing signs of responsiveness. We're taking him up for surgery. If you want to see him, I'd squeeze in there quick. Sam and Dean walk towards Bobby's room. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is still on the floor and there is now blood coming from her nose as well as her mouth. Bobby's MOTHER: I'm sorry. I said that I'm – I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: Yeah, yeah, you say that every time. Bobby's MOTHER: Please just stop. Bobby's Father: [shouting]No! This time, you listen! Young Bobby: Stop it. Young Bobby is standing in the doorway with a rifle. As his parents watch, he cocks the rifle. Bobby's Father laughs. Bobby's Father: You're kidding, right? You're not half enough man to use that thing. You leave the adults to sort this out... and I will deal with you later. Bobby's Father grabs Bobby's MOTHER by her hair and drags her partway to her feet. Bobby's MOTHER: Ohh! Aah! Bobby, just go. Do what he says. Just go. Young Bobby: No. Young Bobby points the rifle at his father. Young Bobby: Leave her alone. Young Bobby shoots his father in the head. Bobby's MOTHER: Aah! Bobby's Father falls to the ground dead. Bobby's MOTHER: Bobby, what did you do? God is gonna punish you. Bobby: Hey. Bobby walks over to Young Bobby. Bobby: You did what you had to do. This is where you learn that... they pretty much never say thanks when you save 'em. Now go get a shovel. Bury the old man out behind the woodshed. Young Bobby leaves. Reaper: You got the only genetic case of bullet in the brain I've ever seen. Bright light appears in the kitchen window. Reaper: Not so fast, Singer. Bobby hurries to the kitchen door, opens it and looks out into the bright light. INT. Bobby's ROOM IN THE HOSPITAL – DAY Sam and Dean are at Bobby's bedside. Nurse: Sorry. We need to get moving. Sam: Right. Yeah. Sam looks at Dean, and then down at Bobby. Sam: Hey, um... Bobby, um, hey... Sam takes Bobby's hand. Sam: Just... thanks... for everything. Sam lets go of Bobby's hand and gives it a pat. Nurse: All right. Please step back. Dean: Yeah. Bobby raises his hand and opens his eyes. Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop. His eyes are open. Dean: Bobby? Sam: Hey. Sam puts a hand on Bobby's shoulder. Bobby removes the respirator covering his mouth and nose. Sam takes Bobby's hands. Dean: What – don't talk. Don't talk. A pen – I – Dean grabs the pen and chart at the end of the bed. Dean: Here. Here, here, here. Dean hands the pen to Sam, who hands it to Bobby. Dean: What is it? Bobby writes "45489" (one number less than he wrote on the piece of paper earlier) on Sam's hand while breathing heavily with the effort. He smiles slightly at Sam and Dean, who lean closer to him. Bobby: Idjits. Bobby's head falls back onto the pillow and his eyes close. The monitor he is attached to starts to beep. Dean: Bobby? Hey! The monitor shows flat lines. ACT FIVE INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Nurse: Call a code – trauma room. Sam and Dean are standing outside Bobby's room as medical staff hurry towards the room and attempt to revive Bobby. We see a long close-up of Dean's face. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is walking through the house. Dean: You microbrewing in there, or what? Come on – we got a lot of Chuck Norris to get through. Let's go. Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out two beers. Reaper: Nice move, waking up like that. Bobby: Motivation's a mother. Reaper: You know why it's dark out there, don't you? This house – it's your last island, everything else melted by that bullet – gone. This is your last chance to come with me and move on. For your own good, Bobby, let go. They'll be okay without you. Bobby: Last memory, huh? The Reaper nods. Bobby: Glad I saved the best for last. Bobby walks away. Dean, who is holding a remote, sits down on the two-person couch next to Sam, who is eating popcorn. Dean: All right, scoot, jerkface. Show your elders some respect. Sam: You scoot, ass-hat. Sam flips a piece of popcorn at Dean. Bobby walks in and hands the beers to Sam. Sam: Mm. Sam sets one of the beers on the table in front of Dean. Dean is taking more snacks out of a plastic bag. Dean: Did we get licorice? Bobby sits down and watches Sam and Dean. Sam: [with a mouth full of popcorn]: No, we did not get licorice. We got [i]good[i]snacks. Licorice is disgusting. Bobby is smiling slightly. Dean: I'm sorry. I didn't quite understand that, uh, Mr. Peanut-Butter-and-Banana Sandwiches? Sam: You know what? I stand by that sandwich. Nobody likes licorice. I-it's – it's made of dirt. Dean: It is a classic movie food. It's right up there with popcorn. Sam: Popcorn? Really? Dean: Yes. Sam: You're out of your mind. Sam and Dean are fading. Dean: What – it's like little chewy... Sam and Dean disappear. Dean (V-O): ... pieces of heaven. Sam (V-O): Oh, chewy pieces of heaven if you're a girl. Reaper: Well, Bobby? Stay or go – what's it gonna be? The REAPER's watch is open and ticking. END |
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