Forever Dreaming

3x02 - The Kids Are Alright
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 03/25/13 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Supernatural Transcript~ The Kids Are Alright 3x2

3.02 The Kids Are Alright

Air Date: 11 Oct 2007



A young mother is standing outside her house with a mix of worry and impatience. A car pulls up into the driveway; a girl of about ten years steps out, as does her father.

Mom: Thanks for driving her back here.

Dad: It's not like I had a choice. She pitched a fit.

Mom: (to the girl, who is hugging her tightly)

Hey,sweetie. What's wrong?

Girl: Nothing. i missed you.

Mom: Okay, but tonight's your dad's night.

Girl: No. I don't like Dad's night. I don't want Dad to have a night anymore.

Mom: Since when? You used to love going to your dad's house. You know, he loves you, and he misses you a lot.

Girl: But I hate it there!

Mom: You don't hate it.

Girl: Yes, I do! He's mean, and there are monsters there. I don't w-want to go back. Please don't let the monsters get me.

Mom: Okay, sweetie. Okay.

She guides the girl back into the house, and the man leaves.


The little girl's father is in his workroom; there are wood-carved object sitting about, and one of those circular table saws you really don't want to see show up in a horror movie. He prepares to leave, and as he's shutting off the lights by the door, the table saw turns itself on. Curious, he approaches it, crouching down at table-height to shut it off. As he starts to leave a second time, the saw turns on again. This time he is less careful as he approaches, he trips and falls on the saw and dies a horrible gruesome death.

END Teaser



Sam is sitting at a table in a generic Diner, working on his laptop and talking on his phone. Dean is nowhere to be seen. Sam seems a bit frantic.

Sam: What do you mean you don't think it will work, Bobby? It's a demon-dispelling ritual.


Well,maybe we got the translation wrong. Look,we can't just let Dean fry in hell while we... there's got to be something

(he sees Dean approaching)

Yeah. No. I gotta go. Okay. Never mind.

Dean enters, looking suspiciously at Sam.

Dean: Hey. Who was that?

Sam: (awkwardly)

I was just ordering pizza.

Dean: (looking around)

Dude,you do realize that you're in a restaurant?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I just felt like pizza, you know?

Dean: (sitting)

Okay, Weirdy Mcweirderton. So, I think I got something.

Sam: Yeah?

Dean: Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw.

Sam: And? That, that's it? One power saw?

Dean: Well...yeah.

Sam: And you think that this is a case?

Dean: Well, I don't know. Could be.

Sam: I don't know, Dean.

Dean: Okay, there's something better in Cicero than just a case.

Sam: And that is?

Dean: Lisa Braeden.

Sam: Should I even ask?

Dean: Remember that road trip I took, uh... gosh,about eight years ago now? You were in Orlando with dad wrapping up that banshee thing.

Sam: Yeah. The five states, five-day --

Dean: Well, kind of. Although I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden's loft.

Sam: So let me get this straight. You want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick?

Dean: She was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life. Come on. have a heart,huh? It's my dying wish.

Sam: How many dying wishes are you gonna get?

Dean: As many as I can squeeze out. Come on. Smile, Sam! God knows I'm gonna be smiling

after 24 hours with Gumby girl.

(Chuckles to himself)

Gumby girl.

(he frowns)

Does that make me Pokey?


Pulling up outside a motel in Cicero, Indiana, Dean stops to let Sam out.

Dean: Don't wait up for me,Sammy.

Sam: Wait, Dean. Dean, you... Dean!

Dean drives off


Outside a nicely kept suburban house, Dean rings the doorbell. The door opens to reveal Lisa: late twenties, brunette, very fit; she is gorgeous. Dean smiles awkwardly, Lisa stares at him in surprise.

Dean: Lisa. How's it going? Wow. So, how long has it been?

Lisa: Eight, going on nine years now.

Dean: Crazy,right?

Lisa: Yeah. So, what are you doing here?

Dean: Oh, I was just passing through, and I couldn't resist. I remember that you love surprises.

Lisa: Yeah. Dean Winchester. Wow. I'm -- I'm sorry. You kind of came at a bad time. We're having a party.

Dean: A party? Well, I love parties.

He nudges past her and enters the house; she takes a deep breath and shuts the door behind them. She leads him into the backyward, which is decorated for a kid's birthday party.

Dean: So, uh, who's the party for?

Lisa: Ben. My son.

Dean: Oh. you have a --

Lisa: Yep.

She gestures across the yard to a young boy wearing a black jacket and jeans. He is opening presents.

Lisa: That's him.


Yes! AC/DC rules!

Dean: How old--

Lisa: Eight.

(she sees the Mom from the teaser enter the yard)

Oh, Dean, could you excuse me a minute?

Dean: (stunned)

Yeah, sure. Don't mind me.

Two women are sitting in lawn chairs, watching Dean pace awkwardly. They're whispering to each in gossiping tones.


Did you hear Lisa call him "Dean"?


Yeah. Why?


You don't know about Dean? The Dean. Best-night-of-my-life Dean.


No. Tell me.


Oh, my god, so,they had this crazy, semi-illegal --

She cuts off as she sees Dean approach.

Dean: Hi.





Dean looks very uncomfortable, smiles nervously, and flees. He finds BEN and a piece of cake.

Dean: What's up?


What's up with you?

Dean: So,it's your birthday.



Dean: It's a cool party.


Dude, it's so freakin' sweet. And this moon bounce --it's epic.

Dean: (slightly weirded out)

Yeah. It's pretty awesome.


You know who else thinks they're awesome? Chicks. It's like hot-chick city out there.

A woman and her little girl walk by; in unison, Dean checks out the mom as BEN checks out the girl. Dean looks back, looks at BEN, thinks frantically, then darts inside the house.


Lisa is talking to the Mom, who is looking very frazzled.

Lisa: you holding up?

Mom: Fine.

Lisa: Really?

Mom: Oh,you know. I just... never mind.

Lisa: What?

Mom: It's just... I'm worried about Katie. I think there might be something...wrong with her.

Lisa: Of course there is. The poor girl just lost her dad. She's devastated.

Mom: No. That's not what I'm talking about. There is something really... wrong with her. I'm not sure that katie is...katie.

Lisa: What?

Mom: I'm not sure that's my daughter.

Lisa: I know you're grieving, but you can't talk like that. Katie needs you.but you don't understand -- seriously. we're gonna get you help. It'll be okay.

As Dean enters, the Mom shakes her head, runs outside to her daughter. Dean watches her leave, confused.

Mom: (outside)

Katie? Come on,we're leaving.

Dean: So, I, uh, met Ben. Cool kid.

Lisa: Yeah.

Dean: I couldn't help but notice that, uh, he's turning eight. You and know.

Lisa: You're... not trying to ask me if he's yours?

Dean: No. No, of course not.


He's not, is he?

Lisa: What?

(he raises his eyebrows)


Dean: Right.

(looking out at Katie and her Mom)

Something wrong with your friend?

Lisa: She's been through a lot. Her ex just died in this horrible accident.

Dean: Oh, yeah. Didn't I just read about that? The power saw.

Lisa: Yeah. Guess there's been a lot of bad luck in the neighborhood lately.

Dean: What kind of bad luck?


Sam is sitting along in a diner again, again with his laptop open. A young woman sits down across from him: it is Creepy Stalker Girl from last week (let's call her Ruby for simplicity).

Ruby: Hello, Sam.




Sam: You've been following me since Lincoln.

Ruby: Not much gets by you, huh?

(she takes a plate, squirts a mound of ketchup into it, and starts eating his fries)

These are amazing. it's like deep-fried crack. Try some.

Sam: That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?

Ruby: Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress.

Sam: Where did you get it?

Ruby: Skymall.

Sam: Why are you following me?

Ruby: I'm interested in you.

Sam: Why?

Ruby: Because you're tall. And I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing.

Sam: Excuse me?

Ruby: Generation of psychic kids, yellow-eyed demon rounds you up, celebrity death match ensues. You're the sole survivor.

Sam: How do you know about that?

Ruby: I'm a good hunter. So,yellow eyes had some pretty big plans for you, Sam.

Sam: "Had" being the key word.

Ruby: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. Ding-dong, the demon's dead. Good job with that. It doesn't change the fact that you're special... in that Anthony Michael Hall E.S.P. visions kind of way.

Sam: (firmly)

No. That's stuff's not happening anymore. Not since Yellow-Eyes died.

Ruby: Well, I'm thinking you're still a pretty big deal. I mean, after all that business with your mom.

Sam: What about my mom?

Ruby: You know, what happened to her friends.

(off his attempted poker face)

You... don't know. You've got a little bit of catching up to do, my friend. So, why don't you look into your mom's pals, and then give me a call and we'll talk again?

(she gets up to leave)

And, by the way, you do know there's a job in this town,right?


Sam: Hello.

Dean: Dude, there is a job here.

Sam: Really?

Dean: Yeah. You know that one freak accident we read about in the paper? There's four more that never even made the paper, all in this Morning Hill gated community. People falling off of ladders and drowning in their jacuzzis all over the neighborhood.

Sam: That is weird.

Dean: Yeah, something's up. Something these nice, big gates can't protect them from.


Katie's Mom is dozing, with the book The Historian on the pillow.

Mom: Katie. What are you doing?

Katie: Play with me, mommy.

Mom: Okay. Sure. Yeah let's, um, let's play.

Katie: Oh, good. I love you, mommy.

Mom: I love you too, sweetie.

Katie: I'm hungry, mommy.

Mom: Yeah.


Sam, dressed in a dark suit and posing as an insurance agent, is speaking to another young mother.

Sam: So,once again, I'm very sorry to disturb you. We just really want to expedite that life-insurance policy.


Of course. Okay.

(she takes him around back, where a ladder leans against the wall)

This is, um, where he fell.

Sam: I see. Now, how exactly did he --


He was just inside changing a light bulb. Must have lost his balance.

Sam: Were you here when this happened?


No. I was out. Uh,the only one here was our daughter, Dakota.

She gestures inside, where a Creepy Little Girl is looking out at them. Something dark red is smudged on the window.

Sam: Okay. Okay. well, uh, I think that's all I need. I'll get out of your way now.


Thank you.

She turns and goes up the steps with Sam behind her. He sees a strange bruise on the back of her neck.

INT. Katie's HOUSE - DAY

Katie: Thank you,mommy.

Mom: You eat. Mommy will be right back.

Frazzled almost to the point of breaking, Katie's Mom enters the bathroom and shuts the door. She leans over the sink.

Katie: (pounding on the door)



Just -- just give mommy a second.

Katie: Let me in. Mommy! Let me in. Mommy! Let me in! What are you doing?! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!

Mom: Give mommy a minute.

The pounding and rattling continue to build, until it stops suddenly. Mom goes out to the front door, where a middle-aged woman is holding out a gift basket.

Woman: Aren't you just the cutest thing?

Mom: (taking the basket)

Oh, thank you. Uh, Katie, could you put these in the kitchen, please?

Katie takes the basket and goes to the kitchen.

Woman: Katie seems okay, considering.

Mom: She's fine. Yeah. Um, look, I'm --

Woman: And you -- how are you doing really?

Mom: I'm fine. look, we're fine. Um,this isn't a good time.

Woman: I wasn't sure if you were keeping the house or selling. We at Cicero Realty would like --

Mom: Look, I told you, it's not a good time!

She shuts the door and goes back into the kitchen, where Katie greets her.

Katie: I want ice cream. Mommy. Ice cream, please.




BEN is sitting sadly on a park bench. Dean sees him, goes over and sits next to him.

Dean: Hey, Ben.


Hey. You were at my party.

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I'm Dean. Everything okay? Something wrong?

(he looks over to a group of boys that are playing with a gameboy-type thing)

Is that your game they're playing with?


Ryan Humphrey borrowed it, and now he won't give it back.

Dean: Well,you want me to go...


No! Don't go over there! Only bitches send a grown-up.

Dean: You're not wrong.


And I'm not a bitch.

Dean: Is that Humphrey? The one that needs to lay off the burgers?

BEN nods, smiling slightly. Dean leans in conspiratorily.

CUT TO: BEN walks across the park to the group of boys. They are all bigger than he.


Ryan. I'd like my game back, please.



Fine. Take it back.

BEN looks back at Dean, nervous; Dean gives him an encouraging thumbs-up. BEN looks back at RYAN, then turns as if to leave.


See? Told you guys he was a--

RYAN cuts off as BEN turns back suddenly and kicks RYAN hard between the legs. RYAN crumples to the ground, and BEN takes the game back. He goes back to the bench and a grinning Dean.


Thanks. Dude,that was awesome!

Lisa: (who has seen the end of the exchange)

Benjamin Isaac Braeden! What's gotten into you?


He stole my game.

Lisa: So you kick him? Since when is...

(she looks at Dean, who is still grinning)

Did you tell my son to beat up that kid?

Dean: What? Somebody had to teach him how to kick the bully in the nads

Lisa: Who asked you to teach him anything?

Dean: Just relax.

Lisa: What are you even still doing here? We had one weekend together a million years ago. You don't know me. You have no business with my son.

Dean: Lisa.

Lisa: Just leave us alone.

She and BEN begin to leave, but BEN pulls out of her grip and runs back to give Dean an impulsive hug.

Lisa: Ben!



He runs back to Lisa and they leave.

INT. Katie&Mom's CAR - NIGHT

Mom is strapping Katie into her car seat, which is made difficult by the fact that Katie keeps touching and petting her.

Katie: I love you most in the whole wide world, mommy.

Mom: Um, me too, sweetie. Come on,hold still.

She checks the mirror and sees a monster in the backseat. She turns around to look but Katie looks normal.

Katie: What's wrong,mommy?

Mom: Nothing,sweetie.

Katie: Are we going for ice cream now?

Mom: Yeah, we're going for ice cream.

Mom finishes strapping Katie in, and gets in the driver's seat. She drives the car to the edge of a lake, gets out, and rolls the car in. Katie turns and watches Mom as she goes down. Mom returns home and goes inside, slamming and locking the door behind her. In the kitchen, seated over a puddle of water, is Katie. She is dripping wet.

Katie: Can I have the ice cream now?



Sam is at his computer, doing research. Dean enters.

Dean: Something's wrong with the kids in this town.

Sam: Yeah. Tell me about it.

(he is looking at several documents on Changelings)

So, what do you know about changelings?

Dean: Evil monster babies?

Sam: No, not necessarily babies.

Dean: (realizing)

The kids. Creepy, "stare at you like you're lunch" kids?

Sam: Yeah. There's one at every victim's house.

LATER, Sam is seated on the bed doing more research, as Dean prepares a keRosene torch.

Sam: So, changelings can perfectly mimic children. According to lore, they climb in the window, snatch the kid. There were marks on the windowsill at one of the kid's houses. Looked to me like blood.

They continue talking in voice-over as the scene shifts to Katie's house. Mom is asleep, with a bottle of pills on the bedside table. Katie stares at Mom, brushes back the hair from her neck to reveal an 'odd bruise'. Her face morphs to look kind of like the flukeman from X-Files, and she leans in to Mom's neck.

Dean(V.O): The changeling grabs a kid, assumes its form, joins the happy fam just for kicks?

Sam: Not quite. Changelings feed on the mom: synovial fluid. The moms have these odd bruises on the back of their necks. Changelings can drain them for a few weeks before mom finally croaks.

Dean: And then there's dad and the babysitter

Sam: Yeah. Seems like anyone who gets between the changeling and its food source ends up dead.

Dean: (holding up the torch)

And fire's the only way to waste them?

(Sam nods)

Great. We'll just bust in, drag the kids out, torch them on the front lawn. That will play great with the neighbors. What about the real ones? What happens to them?

Sam: They stash them underground somewhere. I don't know why, but if it's true, the real kids might be out there.

Dean: We better start looking.


So, any kid in the neighborhood is vulnerable?

Sam: Yep.

Dean: We gotta make a stop. I want to check on someone.

Sam: If the real kids are still alive, we don't have time

Dean: We have to.


Dean rings the doorbell, and Lisa opens the door looking bewildered

Lisa: Dean?

Dean: I was thinking... Ben's birthday. I didn't bring him a present.

Lisa: That's okay.

Dean: No. No, no, I feel terrible, so,uh...

(hands her a credit card)

Here. Take a long weekend -- just the two of you -- on me.

Lisa: What?

Dean: I hear Six Flags is great this time of year. Go now. avoid the traffic.

Lisa: (reading the name on the card)

"Siegfried Houdini." Whose card is this?

Dean: Mine. Never mind. It'll work. I promise.

Lisa: You should leave.

Dean: Lisa...


(coming down the stairs)

Mommy,what's wrong?

Dean: Nothing,Ben. It's cool.


Make him go away, mommy.

Lisa: You heard him. Get out.

Dean: Lisa... I don't think this is a good idea.

Lisa: Get out!

Dean: They took Ben. He's changed.

Sam: What?! Are you sure?

Dean: Yeah, I'm sure. I checked his windowsill.

Sam: Blood?

Dean: I don't think it is blood, and I think I know where the kids are.


There's a large mound of dirt outside the semi-finished home. Sam inspects it.

Sam: Red dirt.

Dean: That's what was on the window. You take the front. I'll go around.


Inside, Dean finds a series of cages, each containing abducted kids. He sees BEN.

Dean:'s okay. I'm gonna get you out of here.

In the back, the Real Estate Woman sees Sam.

Woman: What do you think you're doing? This is private property. I'm calling the police. You heard me! Get out!

Sam: (reaching for his bag)

Let me get my bag. I'm going. I don't mean to cause any trouble.


BEN starts acting like a Creepy Child, standing stiff-armed in the living room.



Lisa: Ben...


Play with me.

Lisa: This isn't funny anymore. I put you to bed three times.


(hugging her)

I don't want to go to bed. I want to be with you,mommy.

Lisa: That's sweet,hon. Come on. Let's go. All right, come on.


I'm hungry.

Lisa: Mini pizzas okay? Deluxe is all we've got.



Lisa: (turning away)

That's funny -- I thought we were anti-olives this month.

She looks down and sees BEN's reflection in the glass table; it has the icky flukeman face. She gasps.


Dean: (helping the kids out)

It's ok. Get out here, okay? Come on, girls! Come on!

(he clears off a windowsill and prepares to smash the glass)

Everybody back! Everybody back!

(BEN helps to usher the other kids away)

Cover your eyes!

He breaks the window with a plank of wood, and begins to brush the glass off.


(takes off his jacket)

Here. Use this.

Dean: All right. All right, Ben. Come on.


(indicating another kid)

Him first.

Sam: (running in)

Hey! Dean! There's a mother.

Dean: A mother changeling?

Sam: We got to get these kids out quick.

Dean: Right there. There's one more. You got to break the lock!

Sam: I guess that's why the changelings are keeping the kids alive --so the mom can snack on them.



What's wrong, mommy?

Lisa: You're not my son.


Yes, I am.

Lisa: Where's Ben?


I'm Ben. I love you,mommy.

Lisa runs out the front door, grabbing her keys along the way. On the front lawn, a line of Creepy Kids has formed, blocking her exit. She runs back inside.


They don't want you to leave me, mommy.


Katie's Mom is in the bathroom again, huddled on the floor, as !Katie screams and pounds at the door.

Katie: Mommy? Mommy? Let me in! What are you doing?! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! let me in!


Dean: Ben, get them out of here!

BEN helps the other kids up and out the window as Dean and Sam confront the Changeling Mom. Eventually they burn her to a crisp with Dean's homemade torch; as she goes up in flames, !BEN, !Katie, and all the other changeling kids, also disappear.



Dean and Sam drive BEN back home; he runs out to hug his mom.

Lisa: Ben?! Ben! Baby,are you okay?


I'm okay, mom.

Lisa: Oh, my god. What the hell just happened?

Dean: I'll explain everything if you want me to, but,trust me, you probably don't. the important thing is that Ben's safe.

Lisa: Thank you. Thank you.

Sam: I'm gonna give you guys some time.


BEN is sitting at the kitchen table, listening to something on his portable CD player. Dean and Lisa talk in the hallway.

Lisa: Come on. Changelings?

Dean: You know how I never mentioned my job? This is my job.

Lisa: I so didn't want to know that.

(looking at BEN)

Do you think he'll be okay?

Dean: Yeah. I think he'll be fine.


Okay. Seriously... I mean, you're a hundred percent

sure that he is not mine, right?

Lisa: (smiling)

You're off the hook. I did a blood test when he was a baby. There was this guy -- some bar back in a biker joint.

(off Dean's look)

What? I had a type. Leather jacket, couple of scars, no mailing address? I was there. Guess I was a little wild back then. Before I became a mom. So yeah. You can relax.

Dean: Good.

He looks at BEN a little wistfully

Lisa: I... I swear you look disappointed.

Dean: Yeah, I don't know. It's weird, you know your life... I mean, this house and a kid... it's not my life. Never will be. Some stuff happened to me recently, and, uh... anyway,a guy in my situation -- you start to think, you know. I'm gonna be gone one day, and what am I leaving behind besides a car? I don't know.

Lisa: Ben may not be your kid, but he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. That's a lot if you ask me.

Dean: You know, just for the record... you got a great kid. I would have been proud to be his dad.

She kisses him.

Lisa: Look, if, um... if you want to stick around for a while... you're welcome to stay.

Dean: (wistful pause)

I can't. I got a lot of work to do, and it's not my life.


This sequence follows Sam in jump-cuts as he talks to several different people on the phone, while systematically crossing names off a list.

Sam: Hi. I needed to check some facts with your, uh...

with your secretary about a fire that occurred on November 24, 2006 in Lawrence, Kansas.

Hardecker was his name.

Okay. great.

I was just trying to find out the date he died.

This is police chief Phil Jones. July 13th.

Can you check the records for a Robert Campbell?

July 19, 2001.

Dead on arrival.

What I'm after is cause of death.

Heart condition?

Wasn't he a cardiac surgeon? Wouldn't he have known about that?

I'm looking for information on... on Mrs. Wallace's death.

Two deaths. Who was the other?

Ed Campbell.

Any survivors?

No,that's all I needed.

Thank you very much.

He flops down on the bed, head in his hands.

Sam: Oh,my god.

LATER, in another room. About halfway through Sam's first statement it's revealed that he's speaking to Ruby.

Sam: They're dead. All of them. All of my mom's friends. Her Doctor, Her uncle -- everyone who ever knew her, systematically wiped off the map one at a time. Someone went through a hell of a lot of trouble Trying to cover their tracks.

Ruby: The yellow-eyed demon.

Sam: So, what's your deal? You show up wherever I am. You know all about me. You know all about my mom.

Ruby: I already told you. I'm --

Sam: Oh, right, right. Yeah. Just a hunter. Just some hunter who happens to know more about my own family than I do. Just tell me who you are.

Ruby: Sam, it --

Sam: Just...tell me who you are.

Ruby: It doesn't matter.

Sam: (shouting in her face)

Just tell me who you are!

Ruby: Fine.

She blinks her eyes once and they go demon-black; she blinks again and they become normal. Sam backs up, fumbling in his bag.

Ruby: Think twice before going for that holy water.

Sam: (pulling out a flask and holding it out)

Give me one reason I should.

Ruby: I'm here to help you, Sam.

Sam: Is this some kind of joke?

Ruby: God's honest truth... or whatever.

Sam: You're a demon.

Ruby: Don't be such a racist. I'm here because I want to help you. And I can if you trust me.

Sam: Trust you?

Ruby: Sam, calm down.

Sam: Start talking. All those murders... what was the demon trying to cover up?

Ruby: I don't know.

Sam: What happened to my mother?

Ruby: I honestly don't know. That's what i'm trying to find out. All I know is that it's about you.

Sam: What?

Ruby: Don't you get it, Sam?

Ruby: It's all about you. What happened to your mom, what happened to her friends. They're trying to cover up what he did to you. And I want to help you figure it out.

Sam: Why would you want to help me?

Ruby: I have my reasons. Not all demons are the Same, Sam. Not all of us want the Same thing. Me? I want to help you from time to time. That's all. And if you let me, there's something in it for you.

Sam: What could you possibly--

Ruby: I could help you save your brother.


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