Forever Dreaming |
9x22 - Stairway to Heaven |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 05/14/14 06:50 ] |
Post subject: | 9x22 - Stairway to Heaven |
TEASER [Episode opens up in a ice cream parlor in Dixon, Missouri. A few people are sitting at the counter. A lady and her young son are ordering at the register.] LADY Yeah... Give me one scoop of the no-fat, non-dairy vanilla, with a quarter teaspoon of the sugar-free caramel, and 10 -- not 9, not 11 -- blueberries. Got it? Good. [The employee at the register stares at the woman in annoyance as she addresses her son.] What do you want, honey? BOY [looking at a girl in a booth eating a huge banana split] That! LADY [approaching the girl] Excuse me. I-I know this is none of my business, but -- GIRL You're right. It's not. Go away. LADY Where are your parents? GIRL I don't have parents. I'm an Angel. LADY Yeah, you're a little Angel. Does your mother know you're sitting here, eating diabetes? [A man walks in the door looking around and as soon as the girl catches his eye she stiffens.] GIRL [to the lady] You need to run. LADY What? GIRL [turning on the lady with her eyes flashing blue] Now! [The man charges the girl and then there is an outside shot of the ice cream parlor (named Colonel Scoop's) as it exploded in a flash of bright angel light. Glass shoots out into the street.] TITLE CARD Contents [hide] 1 ACT ONE 2 ACT TWO 3 ACT THREE 4 ACT FOUR 5 ACT FIVE ACT ONE [Scene opens in SAM's room. He is dead asleep on his bed. Suddenly a hand enters the frame and blaring loud rock music plays. SAM jerks awake and pulls a gun on the intruder...who just happens to be his big brother.] DEAN [shutting off the music] Nice reflexes. Better hair. SAM [still half asleep] What's wrong with you? I could have shot you. [checks his watch] Why aren't you sleeping? We got in like two hours ago. DEAN Not tired. And we got work to do, so put on your dancing shoes, and let's boogie. [Later in the main room of the bunker, SAM walks in with a cup of coffee while DEAN is busy packing his duffel on the table.] SAM All right. What's up? DEAN I called Cas. He said there's something going down in Missouri. SAM What kind of something? DEAN He said he couldn't talk about it over the phone. SAM Why? DEAN Because he is a weird guy, okay? He's a weird, dorky, little guy. But he happens to have an army of Angels behind him, and, even though I hate to say it, if we're gonna take a shot at Metatron, they might be useful. [DEAN goes to put the First Blade into his duffel but SAM notices and you can see his level of concern growing.] SAM Well, do you think we need the First Blade? Why don't we just leave that here? DEAN We talked about this, and we decided that -- SAM No. In all fairness, we didn't decide. You did. DEAN Okay, I decided that a hockey stick that can kill anything might come in handy, so sue me. SAM How many times have we been around this block? Magic that powerful comes at a price, and right now we don't know what that price is. DEAN I'm fine. I'm fan-friggin'-tastic. SAM And I'm glad, honestly. I'm not saying we bury the thing. I'm saying we just save it for when we really need it. Crowley. Metatron. The big boss fights. You don't have to have it with you all the time, right? I mean, just leave it. Please. DEAN [setting the blade to the side] No problem. SAM Thank you. [Scene changes to outside the exploded Colonel Scoop's. SAM and DEAN approach a deputy on duty outside. They go to pull their badges but before they can flip them open she addresses them.] DEPUTY Agents Spears and Aguilera? FBI? DEAN Uh-huh. DEPUTY Your partner said you'd be along. SAM Thank you. [They enter and greet CASTIEL who has been talking with the Sheriff.] CASTIEL Thank you for coming. SAM Spears and Aguilera? CASTIEL I've noticed your aliases are usually the names of popular musicians. DEAN Wow. CASTIEL Come here. Take a look at this. [They approach a body on a gurney and we see her eyes are burned out of her head.] Look. And the other bodies are the same -- burnt-out husks. DEAN Okay, so, what is this, some sort of mass smiting? CASTIEL I don't know what this was. Never seen anything like it. Six humans died here... And one angel. SAM One of yours? CASTIEL nods Was a good soldier. This attack... I knew he wanted a war, but this...This is abhorrent, even for him. [Scene changes to METATRON standing in front of a mirror in his office trying on a trench coat. Someone knocks at the door. METATRON tries hurriedly to take the coat off.] METATRON Uh...just a second! [A second later, GADREEL enters. METATRON glares at him.] GADREEL I gave you a second. METATRON You are such an...angel sometimes. What do you want? GADREEL To talk about tonight. METATRON We'll be fine. GADREEL No, we -- we're losing, Metatron. Castiel's followers outnumber us. And while they haven't gone on offense, they have proven capable. They stopped you from killing him, and me, for example. METATRON I told you, we had our shot with operation Lee Harvey, and we took it. I gave the orders. You weren't to be harmed. GADREEL You had me followed. METATRON Yeah, and you met with the enemy... In secret. What is that old line about sins and stones? GADREEL He spoke. He lied. And I listened. That's it. But I serve heaven. I serve you. METATRON Good. Don't forget it. I mean, I-I don't get this whole Cass lovefest, either. I'm offering our people a way home, and still -- still, they're choosing him over me. I mean, sure, he's cute. And Castiel has this simple...charm. He's like a mentally deficient puppy. But I'm lovable. And funny. I made God laugh -- twice! GADREEL You're the one who asked him to lead an army. METATRON Well, I didn't think he'd be good at it. GADREEL Your meeting tonight -- Tyrus -- he controls the largest independent faction of angels left, and -- METATRON And I have to make a good impression. I know. I've got a plan. GADREEL [motioning to the trench coat] It's not that, is it? METATRON Shut up! [CASTIEL, SAM and DEAN enter CASTIEL's command center. The place is bustling with angels. HANNAH rises to greet them.] HANNAH Commander. DEAN [mutters] Oh, it's just creepy. CASTIEL Sam, Dean, this is Hannah. HANNAH The Winchesters -- I've heard so much about you. DEAN What can I say? Cas is a fan. [An angel in a red shirt takes a box of evidence that CASTIEL is holding] I'll start to examine this evidence. DEAN Y-- oh, um... HANNAH Sir, this morning, Josiah wasn't at roll call. SAM Uh, roll call? You hold, uh, roll call? CASTIEL They like to hear me say their names. DEAN I know a couple of women like that. HANNAH No one's seen Josiah since Ezra was murdered. We think that -- SAM You think Josiah's the killer, that he is the mole? HANNAH Well, who else? We searched the grounds, but he's vanished. DEAN Not without wings. He's an angel, but he's still got to travel like he's a human, which means walk, drive -- means he's gonna leave a trail. SAM [sitting down at a computer] All right. What was his vessel's name? CASTIEL Sean Flynn from Omaha. SAM [turning the computer screen] This the guy? CASTIEL Yeah, that's him. SAM All right. Looks like someone just used his credit card at a Gas-n-Sip in Colorado. DEAN And that's how we do things in the pros. RED SHIRT ANGEL Commander. I have something. This phone's memory chip has a video time-stamped just before the explosion. [video plays showing footage from inside Colonel Scoops... CUSTOMER And now the moment you've all been waiting for. LADY What? GIRL No! MAN rips open his coat to reveals a sigil carved into his chest. He rams an angel blade through his heart as he yells I do this for Castiel! The whole ice cream shop explodes. Video goes dead.] ACT TWO DEAN What the hell was that? CASTIEL I don't know. I didn't -- I would never ask an angel to sacrifice himself to kill innocents. I'm gonna be sick. SAM Cas, why would an angel blow up a Colonel Scoop's in your name? HANNAH That's not what he was doing. Roll it back. There. [HANNAH points the girl in the booth.] That was an angel -- Esther. She's one of Metatron's. SAM So, this was some kind of hit? CASTIEL I don't know. DEAN Stop saying you don't know. CASTIEL You can't think I would allow something like this. DEAN Cas, I know you try to be a good guy, okay? I do. You try. But what you got here, this is a a freakin' cult. CASTIEL Dean. DEAN And the last time you had this kind of juice, you did kill humans and angels, and you did nothing but lie to me and Sam about it the whole damn time! SAM Can we, uh -- can we take this somewhere else, guys? [They enter CASTIEL's private office] SAM Will you stow the baggage, Dean. Look, we've got a case. Let's work it. Cas, did you know the angel in that video? CASTIEL Yes. His name was Oren. He was a new recruit. He worked in community outreach. DEAN And what does that mean? CASTIEL Some of my troops are stationed at a local hospital. They help where they can. Minor miracles -- it's nothing that would attention. SAM So, what was he doing in that video, with the stabbing? CASTIEL The Enochian runes that were carved in his chest -- I...I think that they were meant to focus energy. When he stabbed himself, it unleashed all that power. SAM So, what about the girl? What happened to her? CASTIEL If she was the target, if the blast was focused on her, then more likely than not, she -- she was atomized. So, what do we do now? DEAN Well, you don't do jack. Me and Sam will head to the hospital, see if we can find somebody who knew this...walking nuke. CASTIEL Hold on. These are my people. I can help. DEAN Well, that's sort of the problem. I mean, the Manson girls aren't gonna give us a straight answer with Charlie in the room, so just hang back. CASTIEL So, I should just sit here? DEAN Pretty much. CASTIEL No. If you don't want my help, then I will follow Josiah's trail to Colorado. I have to do something, Dean. DEAN All right, fine. But Sam's coming with you. SAM What? CASTIEL Because you don't trust me? DEAN To help. [SAM and CASTIEL drive down the road in CASTIEL's car] CASTIEL Abaddon is dead. SAM And then some. CASTIEL Oh, no. SAM Okay. Um...Ominous. CASTIEL Does Dean seem different to you? SAM Yeah. Lately, he seems to be...amped up --you know, on edge. CASTIEL Effects of the mark? SAM What else? CASTIEL He does seem angry. I mean, he's always a little angry, but now it seems like...more. I think a part of him actually believed that I ordered those angels to, you know...Sam, you don't, do you? SAM No, man. Cas, listen. You got a weird thing going on back there. Those other angels, the way they stare at you, I-it's like you're part rock star, part L. Ron. CASTIEL They've put their faith in me. SAM And maybe that's the problem. I mean, people have been doing messed up crap in the name of faith -- in the name of God -- since forever. CASTIEL Well... I'm not trying to... play God. I'm just trying to get my people home. [Scene changes to METATRON and GADREEL watching a very large man throw a bowling bowl down a lane. He throws a strike.] METATRON Yes! Well done! TYRUS It's such a simple game. And boy, you got to love the sound of those pins. METATRON Beautiful -- a symphony of wood. So, you've heard our offer. TYRUS Yeah, I sign on the dotted line, and, well, my people, they get a ticket upstairs. What if we don't want to go? GADREEL But it's home. TYRUS It's boring. I mean, you -- there's nothing like this in heaven. METATRON I could whip you up a bowling alley. TYRUS Eh, but it wouldn't... I mean, just smell that. Mmm. GADREEL Old shoes and... Alcoholism? I... TYRUS Authenticity. METATRON So, wait. You're turning me down because of...bowling? TYRUS And I like being an independent operator. And I hear you're losing. And I hate your face. METATRON Well, I could get a new face. TYRUS You'd still be you -- a nerd trying to be one of the popular kids. Mnh-mnh. METATRON Okay. Time for the hard sell. TYRUS Please. You knife me, and all my guys will go running to Castiel. Even you're not that stupid. But tell you what, huh? You out-bowl me, we'll talk? [SAM and CASTIEL are at the Gas-N-Sip in Colorado talking to the store employee] EMPLOYEE Ma yeah, I saw him, officer. He filled up some old, uh, woody station wagon. SAM Don't suppose you, uh, got the license plate number? EMPLOYEE No. But he was headed to an address in Pray, Montana. CASTIEL How do you know that? EMPLOYEE Guy asked for directions. SAM Oh. EMPLOYEE Uh, you want me to write that down? SAM Yes. Now. Please. [DEAN is questioning a female angel in a doctor's coat. They are sitting across the table from each other in a room that looks like a boiler room.] DEAN What do I call you? FLAGSTAFF My angelic name is 18 syllables long. Let's stick with Flagstaff. DEAN Copy. So, you knew this Oren guy? FLAGSTAFF We worked together at the hospital. He was a joy -- bright, full of life. DEAN Yeah, I hear he had a real explosive personality. FLAGSTAFF Do you think this is a joke? DEAN [stone faced] Do you see me laughing? Is there anything else you can tell me about him? For example, why he'd light his own fuse. FLAGSTAFF No. Can I go? I have lives to save. DEAN Welcome to the club. [FLAGSTAFF smirks] Something funny? FLAGSTAFF Not funny "ha ha." But you thinking you help people -- it's amusing. I help people. A clogged artery here, a tumor there. I do good in this world. You -- you believe every problem can be solved with a gun. You play the hero, but underneath the hype, you're a killer with oceans of blood on his hands. I hate men like you. [DEAN stares at her calmly and then leaps to his feet and throws the table between them aside in one swift movement. He throws FLAGSTAFF and her chair backwards but catches them before they hit the ground and instantly has an angel blade to her throat.] DEAN Honey, there ain't no other men like me. FLAGSTAFF [scared out of her mind] Don't...please. DEAN Oren. Friends? FLAGSTAFF Constantine... And Tessa. DEAN starts at that name Tessa? The reaper, Tessa? FLAGSTAFF You know her? [SAM and CASTIEL pull up outside a warehouse in Pray, Montana.] SAM That looks like the car the guy at the gas station was talking about, right? Maybe Josiah's still around. CASTIEL Sam, this place is... radiating power. I haven't felt anything like this since... since heaven. We have to get in here. SAM [goes to picks the lock] All right. [The door will not open no matter how much SAM bangs his shoulder against it.] CASTIEL Step aside. I got this. [CASTIEL throws his body into it and jangles the door handle a few times. Nothing happens.] I don't got this. [Outside of an auditorium, people walk up the stairs. Tessa walks up to the stairs but is stopped by DEAN's voice as he steps from behind a post.] DEAN Howdy, Tessa. You're supposed to be working at the hospital tonight, but when I stopped by, you were gone. So was an ambulance. Pro tip -- they all have GPS. TESSA Good to know. So, you're here. Why? You just love musical theater? DEAN Only if it's "Fiddler." We need to talk. TESSA Can't. Sorta got a date. [As she turns to leave DEAN grabs her jacket to pull her back but accidently reveals part of a sigil carved into her chest. DEAN quickly puts two and two together.] DEAN Not happening. [She tries to jerk away but DEAN handcuffs her and pushes her to a wall] Where's the other one? Where's Constantine? [Scene changes to METATRON slamming his bowling shoes on the counter in disgust.] TYRUS Better luck next time. METATRON Thanks. CONSTANTINE Metatron! [he rips open his shirt and stabs an angel blade into his heart] I do this for Castiel. ACT THREE [SAM and CASTIEL are still trying to get into the warehouse.] SAM I checked all the windows and doors. No luck. What about you? You find anything? CASTIEL I think so. [He lights up his hand blue and reveals an enochian spell etched above the doorway.] It's Enochian. I believe it's some sort of riddle. "Why is six afraid of seven?" Now, I assume it's because seven is a prime number, and prime numbers can be intimidating. SAM [bemused] It's because seven eight nine. [The door opens with a loud creak] CASTIEL It's wordplay. And the answer is the key, like the doors of Durin in "Lord of the Rings." SAM Wait a second. You know about "The Lord of the Rings?" CASTIEL I'm very pop-culture savvy now. [SAM's phone rings] Hey. DEAN How is he? SAM He's, uh...He's Cas. What about you? How's it going? DEAN Great. Went out, got some air. Met an old friend. Say hi to Sam, Tessa. TESSA Your brother's a psycho, Sam. DEAN Ha, ha. Stop. SAM What's going on? DEAN You first. [In the Commander Room, FLAGSTAFF is talking to HANNAH and RED SHIRT ANGEL.] FLAGSTAFF I know he's the commander's friend, and I know we're supposed to pretend we like him, but that ape put a knife to my throat. [DEAN and TESSA walk in] HANNAH Tessa? What are you doing? DEAN You want to tell her? [TESSA remains silent so DEAN pulls back the top of her shirt to reveal the sigil which he has obviously cut a gash across to mark it out.] HANNAH Oh, God. TESSA There's no God. There's only Castiel. DEAN Oh, and you're done. [DEAN walks TESSA down a hallway and puts her in a warded room. HANNAH and the others follow.] HANNAH You wounded her. DEAN More like "defused," okay? I cut up that old testament graffiti she carved into herself. I figured that would break the spell. RED SHIRT ANGEL And now... What will you do to her? DEAN [pulling an angel blade from his jacket] Guess. FLAGSTAFF Torture. Predictable. DEAN We need to know if there are other bombers out there. HANNAH No. I won't allow it. I know what Tessa was planning. It's horrible, but there's only one person who can punish her. DEAN Let me guess. Yea big, trench coat, sensible shoes? HANNAH You have to understand that Castiel is the only thing holding us together. A month ago, half the angels in this place were trying to kill the other half. Castiel has given us a purpose. But more than that, he has given us a way to live in peace. We have rules. Order. If I let you take matters into your own hands, what's to stop one of them from doing the same? You can talk to her. You should talk to her. But leave the Blade outside. DEAN Are you asking or telling? RED SHIRT ANGEL We're not asking. [DEAN stares evenly at all the angel before him without blinking an eye. He smoothly flips the blade handle first and hands it to HANNAH. He then walks calmly into the room with TESSA.] [SAM and CASTIEL are searching the warehouse.] SAM You sure you don't want to go back, Cas? Look, if Dean is right about Tessa... CASTIEL No, I, uh...I do. I just... give me a second. SAM [noticing some writing on the wall, shines his flashlight up to it] "Only the penitent man shall pass"? Cas, wait! [Cas falls to his knees just in time to avoid two huge spinning saw blades which spring out from the wall about neck height.] SAM "The Last Crusade." [DEAN sits across from TESSA at the table. HANNAH stands to the side.] DEAN Okay. Well, let's start with an easy one. Who are you working for? TESSA Castiel. HANNAH Liar. TESSA People like you, they never understand. Sacrifices have to be made. DEAN So you go after one of the bad guys, and if a few humans get microwaved, no big deal, right? TESSA In the grand scheme, they don't matter. DEAN Oh, Tessa, you are so wrong. TESSA When Castiel came to me and told me what I had to do, he said I was chosen because I was strong. Others...they couldn't handle this. They're too weak. [she looks at HANNAH] [HANNAH leaps at TESSA but DEAN puts his arm up to stop her. He grabs her shoulders and shoves her out the door and into the hallway. He steps out to and closes the door behind him.] DEAN Settle down! HANNAH Is -- do you think she's telling the truth? DEAN She thinks she is. [SAM and CASTIEL round a corner and there is a glowing door in front of them] CASTIEL Sam. We found it. SAM What? CASTIEL It's the door to heaven. SAM Seriously? CASTIEL What else would Metatron go to such great lengths to protect? I can hear it. It's calling to me, Sam. If we control this door, we can take the fight to Metatron. We may not even need to fight at all. SAM Cas, wait. [CASTIEL opens the door and it is revealed to be a room with atrocious party decorations. SAM walks over to a table and reads from a card] SAM "Welcome to your own personal heaven, Castiel. Good luck finding the real one." CASTIEL but...Why? [SAM turns around to talk to CASTIEL but starts when he sees a badly burned man leaning against the wall next to the door.] CASTIEL [leaning down next to the man] It's Josiah. He reeks of holy oil. SAM [noticing an empty bucket of holy oil hung over the door] Yeah. Looks like he got "Home Alone"-ed. CASTIEL So, all of this -- it was a a lie. [JOSIAH jerks to consciousness and grabs CASTIEL's wrist. JOSIAH Supposed to be here...Gate... He told me... After Ezra, he told me that I should come to him. Metatron told me that I could go home. I just wanted to go home. CASTIEL [going to heal him] Here. Let me -- JOSIAH No! I would rather die than owe my life to you, Castiel. You play at being noble. You play at being one of us. But I look into your eyes... And I don't see an angel staring back at me. [JOSIAH dies] [DEAN walks back into the room with TESSA] TESSA Where's your friend? DEAN Just you and me now. Let's talk about us. I mean, we got history, yeah? TESSA Sure. I still remember our meet-cute. You were dying. DEAN Good times. Here's the deal. I like you, Tess, okay? For an angel. But tell me, why are you doing this? TESSA Castiel. DEAN No, forget Cass. Why are you doing this? What would make a person want to pop their top, huh? I mean, look, I've been in bad shape. I have. But I have never been that damn low. TESSA I guess I just can't take the screaming. DEAN Who's screaming? TESSA All of them. The lost souls. The ones that can't get into heaven now that it's been boarded up. I hear them. They are so confused. They're in so much pain. All I want to do is help them. It's what I do. It's my job. But I can't. So I suffered... Until death, nothingness. Suddenly, it didn't seem so bad. It seemed quiet. DEAN So, why don't you just jam an angel blade in your throat and call it a day? TESSA I thought about it. But I was too weak. Till Castiel gave me a reason to die. DEAN Yeah. See, that just doesn't sound like the Cas I know. TESSA But doesn't it, though? And the Cas you know, would he raise an army of angels without telling you? 'Cause this Cass did. I'll tell you a secret. There's more out there...Like me. So many more. DEAN You got names? TESSA That would ruin all the fun. DEAN No. No, see...the fun's just getting started. [DEAN pulls the First Blade from his jacket. TESSA starts back] TESSA Dean, what have you done? DEAN What I had to. Welcome to the club. [TESSA sprints at DEAN and impales herself on the blade in DEAN's hand] Thank you. [She dies in a bright light] [HANNAH and company burst into the room as DEAN feels the high from the blade kill] ACT FOUR [DEAN is handcuffed to a chair in the warded room. He has duct tape over his mouth and his nose is bleeding. HANNAH opens the door as CASTIEL and SAM burst in] HANNAH He put up a fight. CASTIEL Get out. [SAM moves quickly to DEAN and rips off the duct tape] DEAN AH! You should have seen the other 10 guys. CASTIEL They said you killed Tessa? DEAN Not so much. She knifed herself. SAM [removing the handcuffs] Yeah? Why would she do that, Dean? DEAN I don't know, Sam. She was saying all kinds of crap. SAM So that's why you brought out the First Blade? DEAN They told you about that, huh? SAM We had a deal. DEAN Yeah, well, it was a stupid deal. SAM Really? 'Cause if you'd stuck to it, Tessa would still be alive. Without her, we ain't got jack. DEAN Yeah, you think I don't know that? You think I wanted that to happen? SAM I don't know, Dean. Did you? CASTIEL All right, that's enough. Stop it. HANNAH [opens the door] Commander, I'm sorry, but you have a call...From Metatron. [CASTIEL and the brothers walk into the war room as METATRON waits patiently on video call.] METATRON Castiel. Bet you're not happy to see me. DEAN Is anyone ever? METATRON Dean, always with the B-grade '80s-action-movie wit. SAM What do you want, Metatron? METATRON Just to tell ass-tiel, there, that I'm still alive. His bomber failed. CASTIEL My bomber? METATRON The crazy guy. Big knife. Kablooey. I'm fine, thanks for asking, but Gadreel is wounded, and Tyrus - R.I.P. His followers are not your biggest fans, by the way. They've all come over to my team. CASTIEL I didn't send anyone to kill you. METATRON Oh, stop lying, Castiel. CASTIEL Who are you to lecture me on lying? Your deception led to the fall. METATRON I did what I had to do. I have always done what I have to do, for God and for the angels. DEAN Sure. Yeah, you're mother Teresa with neck beard. METATRON What I did was neither good nor bad. It was necessary -- a small hardship to make us all stronger, to make us a family again. SAM Yeah, except for the angels you had Gadreel kill. METATRON Okay, yes. Maybe I got a little carried away at first, but those days are over. A near-death experience makes you re-evaluate. So, one time only, I'm offering amnesty. Every angel, no matter what their sin, may join me and return to heaven. I will be their God, and they can be my heavenly host. HANNAH Why would we follow you? METATRON Well, look around. You've seen earth. You've had a taste of free will. I got to ask you -- do you like it? I mean, the way you've flocked off to follow Castiel tells me you need to follow someone. It's in your DNA. But Cas -- he's not what you think he is. He sends angels out to die. Have you told them about your stolen Grace, Castiel? How it's fading away, and when it burns out, so will you? So...No, then. I'm not the best, but I'm the best you've got. You want to stay with Castiel, fine, but he's playing you, because at the end of the day, the only thing he cares about is himself and the Hardy boys there. You've got a choice to make. Make the right one. [METATRON clicks off] CASTIEL [turning to the angels] He's lying. HANNAH About the Grace? CASTIEL It's complicated. HANNAH So he wasn't lying. CASTIEL He was about everything else. believe me, don't you? HANNAH I want to believe you, but I...we need proof. CASTIEL Name it. HANNAH [pointing to DEAN] Punish him. DEAN What? HANNAH He murdered Tessa. He broke our rules. DEAN Y'all can all go to hell. [DEAN turns to leave but is stopped by angels] CASTIEL Dean. SAM [goes to his brother's aid but is also subdued but angels.] Hey, wait a sec-- HANNAH You gave us order, Castiel, and we gave you our trust. Don't lose it over one man. [She hands a blade to CASTIEL] This is justice. [CASTIEL takes the blade and holds it as he considers. DEAN stares at him in shock. CASTIEL struggles but then decides] CASTIEL No. I can't. HANNAH Goodbye, Castiel. [All the angel quietly file out of the war room leaving DEAN, CASTIEL and SAM standing there alone.] ACT FIVE [METATRON enters his office talking on the phone. GADREEL waits in one of the chairs.] METATRON [speaking to the person on the phone] You're right. There is no other side. Well, welcome aboard. [hangs up] Well... the first of Castiel's flock has come around. The rest will follow. GADREEL You should have told me what our elite unit was for. METATRON Why? It was none of your business. GADREEL Tessa, Constantine -- I recruited them, and you brainwashed them into blowing themselves up. METATRON So? Well, that's an old writer's trick -- flipping the script. You start by building up a seemingly unbeatable enemy, like the death star, or a rival angel with a bigger army. That way, I look like the underdog. But then, oh, no! The competition gets greedy. He starts pushing things too much. With the help of my combustible double agents. And then, after a rousing speech, his true weakness is revealed. He's in love with humanity. And now...I'm inevitable. GADREEL What about Josiah? METATRON Mm. He was a loose end. I -- I told him where the gate was...Before we moved it. I just wish Cas had walked into one of those traps. Anyway, point is --while everyone else is playing checkers, I'm playing monopoly, and I always build a hotel on Boardwalk. And I always win. [CASTIEL, DEAN and SAM enter the bunker.] SAM So, Dean, uh...are we gonna talk about this, or what? DEAN About what? Yeah, I lied, but you were being an infant. SAM Wow. Even for you, that apology sucked. DEAN Oh, I'm not apologizing. I'm telling you how it's gonna be. SAM Dean, that Blade -- DEAN That Blade's the only thing that can kill Metatron, and I am the only one who can use from here on out, I'm calling the shots. Capisce? Look, until I jam that Blade through that douchebag's heart, we are not a team. This is a dictatorship. Now, you don't have to like it, but that's how it's gonna be. [SAM's angry looks propels him away while DEAN goes up the stairs and sits down across from CASTIEL] DEAN So, batteries... CASTIEL I'm fine. DEAN No, you're not. How long you got? CASTIEL Long enough to destroy Metatron, I hope. But without an army... DEAN Well, hey, you still got us. CASTIEL Dean. Those bombers -- you don't really think that I -- DEAN Cas, you just gave up an entire army for one guy. No, there's no way that you blew those people away. CASTIEL You really believe we three will be enough? DEAN We always have been. [SAM enters the room at the same time as GADREEL does. He shouts a warning and DEAN and CASTIEL leap to the defense.] SAM Guys! GADREEL I'm not here to fight. I thought about what you said. You're right. Metatron, he's...something needs to be done. SAM And we should trust you why? GADREEL Because I can give him to you. I know where Metatron is. I know everything. I know the bombers. They were his agents, not yours. You don't trust me, fine. I understand. I've...made mistakes. But haven't you? Haven't we all? At least give me a chance. [DEAN and SAM exchange looks. DEAN steps forward and extends his left hand to shake GADREEL's. But as soon as the angel grasps it DEAN yanks the First Blade out of his jacket and slashes GADREEL deeply across the chest. SAM and CASTIEL leap at DEAN and hold him back as he snarls under the full power of the blade and GADREEL falls heavily to the ground.] END CREDITS |
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