Forever Dreaming |
9x21 - King of the Damned |
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Author: | bunniefuu [ 05/07/14 06:25 ] |
Post subject: | 9x21 - King of the Damned |
TEASER EXT. HARBOR -NIGHT. LEITH, SCOTLAND, 1723 CUT TO A SIMPLE CANDLELIT ROOM. [A young man, GAVIN MACLEOD, is packing for a trip. Suddenly there's a very bright light behind the door, and an attractive redhead enters. It's ABADDON.] ABADDON What's that, you say? "Come in"? Don't mind if I do. GAVIN Who are you? What do you want? ABADDON [drawing a sigil on the door] I'm a friend of the family. And I want you. GAVIN I have no idea who you are. But you'll be takin' your leave now. Thank you. ABADDON Yes. You're packing. Sailing for the colonies. I know all about it. Change of plans. [A YOUNG MAN enters ] YOUNG MAN Ooh. What's this, then? Are we having a party? ABADDON Yes. A farewell party. [ABADDON raises her hand and the YOUNG MAN is thrown back and impaled through the neck on a peg. GAVIN makes the Sign of the Cross.] ABADDON [chanting] Kah-nee-lah, poo-goh, kah-nee-lah! [The sigil glows bright white.] ACT ONE INT. BAR, THE PRESENT [A couple of guys and a girl (all angels) are at a table, drinking, sharing stories, and laughing.] MALE ANGEL She has a big slice of pizza in her hand we just got from the place around the corner. And a seagull landed on her head and started flapping and distracted her while another gull swooped in. [The conversation stops cold when EZRA, a nerdy-looking angel, tries to join in.] EZRA Oh, I can't tell you how great it feels to finally have a night off, right, guys? MALE ANGEL [trying to continue his story] Uh, this other seagull came -- EZRA Get away from all the pressure, you know? MALE ANGEL A-anyways, so, no one had any pizza after that. EZRA 'Course, I can't really complain... MALE ANGEL You just see the bird... EZRA ... being handpicked by the big man himself. I'm not really supposed to talk about it. 'Cause it's Metatron. [Now he has their attention.] MALE ANGEL What about Metatron? EZRA Well, uh... He's come to depend on me. So, you know, we're...tight. And I have to say, I've come to appreciate the Met-man's vision. MALE ANGEL His vision? He threw us all out of Heaven! EZRA No, no, no, no. Big picture. He's giving the place a makeover, bringing back the chosen few, starting with the, uh, chosen chosen few, if you, uh, know what I mean. [A COUPLE at another table have been listening in.] [CUT TO EZRA leaving the bar. He is walking in an alley. Suddenly he is jumped by the eavesdropping COUPLE from the bar. CUT TO UNDERGROUND INTERROGATION ROOM. EZRA is chained to a chair. An ANGEL enters.] BENJAMIN (an angel) These are dangerous times. You have to be careful what you say. You never know who might be listening. EZRA I said nothing. BENJAMIN Oh, you said plenty. Apparently, you felt the need to discuss your relationship with Metatron --his strategies... EZRA No. BENJAMIN ...privileged information. You speak that freely, and there are consequences, as you're about to find out. [Heavy footsteps approaching.] EZRA Is that...him? BENJAMIN It is. [Tense music; the footsteps keep coming, until CASTIEL appears in the doorway.] [CUT TO the Impala pulling up to a nondescript building, the Central Municipal Power Corp.] DEAN This is the address? SAM Yeah. [They are about to knock on the door when it opens.] BENJAMIN If you'll follow me, the Commander will see you now. DEAN (to SAM) The Commander? [SAM and DEAN are led into CASTIEL's command center, a large room equipped with state of the art spy and tracking devices, computers, etc., and well-staffed.] BENJAMIN (to CASTIEL) Sir. [CASTIEL and DEAN hug, then CASTIEL and SAM hug.] CASTIEL (to BENJAMIN) Um...dismissed. (to SAM and DEAN) He can be a little stuffy. DEAN So...Commander? CASTIEL Yeah, not my idea. They had no leader, and they insisted on following me. DEAN Yeah. No, we get it. You're a rock star. CASTIEL Bartholomew is dead. Malachi was murdered by Gadreel, and with Metatron as powerful as he is now, I needed to do something. SAM So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh? CASTIEL Not if I can find a diplomatic option for getting rid of Metatron. DEAN Good luck with that. CASTIEL Dean, this angel-on-angel violence -- it has to end. Someone has to say, "enough." SAM And that someone is you? CASTIEL That brings me to why you're here. We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning, but so far, he's revealed nothing. DEAN So, you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons? CASTIEL Well, you've had success at these situations before. If you don't want to do it, I understand. DEAN Who says I don't want to do it? [CUT TO shot of HUMBOLDT HOTEL, CLEVELAND, OHIO - NIGHT] [CUT TO CROWLEY's SUITE. He is addressing a few demons in a conference room.] CROWLEY So, here's the thing, boys and girls -- we have a crisis. Admittedly, a crisis of my own making. In my extended absence, where I handled sensitive matters of state, Abaddon made inroads into my following, creating chaos. So I look to you, my trusted advisors, to restore confidence, to soothe those jangled nerves. Spread the word -- the king is back, and the kingdom is once again on sound footing. So, all those with me, say "yo!" [No one says "yo", until ABADDON enters.] ABADDON Yo. I mean, I'm literally with you, not with you with you. CROWLEY (to his advisors) You betrayed me? No one in the history of torture's been tortured with torture like the torture you'll be tortured with. ABADDON Relax, everyone. You did the new queen a solid. You are sitting at the popular kids' table. Now, Crowley, let's talk turkey. I know you helped the Winchesters get their hands on the First Blade, yes? And I'm hearing that one of them also has the mark of Cain -- all bad news, since the Blade is the one thing that can bring about my -- CROWLEY Utter destruction. ABADDON To be indelicate. But here's the thing, pet -- same goes for you. And once I'm gone, who do you think's next on those cute boys' list? That's right. So let's get real. Join me in taking out the Winchesters and that ridiculous Blade, and then we'll deal with each other. CROWLEY To be clear... I'll not be joining you ever. Except at your death scene, where I shall burst into song. Goodbye. You have no hold over me. ABADDON Oh, no? [She snaps her fingers and GAVIN appears.] ABADDON Gavin, honey, say hello to daddy. CROWLEY How did you -- ABADDON I know a spell or two, Crowley. CROWLEY Are you mad? This is your big card? The boy and I loathe each other. I made it clear in the past -- I don't care what happens to the little bugger. ABADDON No. But that was before... Wasn't it? See, I know all about your little problem -- bingeing on blood, going right to the edge of being human -- all of those human feelings. CROWLEY I'm clean. ABADDON And I'm willing to bet that there's a smidgen of humanity in there somewhere. CROWLEY Not a chance. [ABADDON makes a hand gesture and GAVIN's eyes begin to bleed.] GAVIN I'm blind! ACT TWO [Continues previous scene] GAVIN Help! I beg you! CROWLEY You know these ghoulish party tricks don't impress. Seen worse, done worse. GAVIN No! ABADDON Uh-huh. GAVIN Please! Aah! CROWLEY You're playing a weak hand, Red! GAVIN I beg you! CROWLEY You've made your point. Now stop. ABADDON [making another gesture] Sure. [The torture of GAVIN ends.] CUT BACK TO INTERROGATION ROOM EZRA You're wasting your time. I have nothing to say. DEAN We disagree. EZRA There's no use torturing me. I am a trained commando. It won't work. DEAN Wow. Well, you just asked me to dance. SAM Dean! Dean! He won't be telling us anything dead. Besides, you know, I'm -- I'm really starting to realize that he probably doesn't know anything. He was probably just pretending at the bar. Most likely, he's a nobody. I mean, do the math. Ezra here is one of Metatron's elite posse? Really? One of Metatron's most trusted is, uh -- is hanging out at bars, blabbing about the boss. Does that make any sense? DEAN Well, only if Metatron is purposely surrounding himself with losers. SAM Exactly! Right? DEAN Yeah. SAM What's this guy even doing here? DEAN He's a wannabe. I mean, if he was a key player, he would be up in heaven with Metatron where all the action is. SAM Exactly. EZRA What if I'm a decoy? Or in deep cover? SAM I-it's pathetic. DEAN Mm, probably hasn't even been to heaven, not since the fall. SAM Of course not! EZRA Yes, I have. SAM Buddy, the gates are sealed. No one can get in. EZRA Who said anything about gates? You don't need gates when you have a private portal. SAM Right. If there was a doorway on earth, the angels would've sensed it. DEAN Yeah, you can't hide something like that. SAM No. EZRA You can if it moves around from place to place, if it's wherever the boss wants it to be. [CUT BACK TO CROWLEY's SUITE] GAVIN You are not my father. My father was Fergus MacLeod, a simple tailor. A drunk, a monster. ABADDON Sounds about right. GAVIN He looked nothing like you, and I buried him. CROWLEY A lot can change in 291 years. GAVIN What? [CROWLEY removes a lampshade and switches the light bulb on and off.] GAVIN Can you cook a pigeon on it? ABADDON Not terribly quick, is he? [CROWLEY gestures and a window opens. Siren wails in distance.] GAVIN Holy mother of God! We're amongst the stars! Are we in heaven, then? You must be angels! ABADDON and CROWLEY, together Wow. Wow. CUT BACK TO INTERROGATION ROOM. SAM I see. I got it. So, you heard a rumor about Metatron's "secret portal", and you decided to run with it. EZRA It's not a rumor. He showed me. DEAN I get it. He's a fan. SAM A fan. Yeah. DEAN You're a fan. Just 'cause you're hot for Metatron... ...or Bieber or Beckham... Just 'cause you know everything about them doesn't mean that you actually know them. SAM Or that they even know you exist. DEAN Ooh, that's cold, Sammy. SAM I'm just sayin', man. EZRA I was interviewed personally by Metatron for a key post. SAM Yeah? Oh, wow. Well, then -- then maybe you can tell me why you weren't at your key post and you were hanging down here instead. DEAN Mm. Now, that blows. He got passed over. SAM Yeah. EZRA I-I was a finalist. SAM Oh, man. To get so close and then get kicked downstairs. It sucks to be you. EZRA Hardly anybody was chosen! And ground forces is still a very important assignment. It was an honor to have even been considered for the squad. DEAN What "squad"? There is no squad. EZRA Yeah, says you. It's a highly guarded secret. DEAN Oh. And what you be doing, exactly? No? SAM Wait a second. Just, please, uh... Clarify this for me. You desperately wanted this job, but you didn't know what it was? EZRA Well, until you were chosen, the exact nature of the mission was kept a secret. DEAN Wow. Wow. EZRA And...Hardly anyone was chosen. [DEAN and SAM leave the room.] DEAN Dim bulb. No wonder he got bumped. SAM Yeah. "Ground forces"? "Elite secret squad"? What's Metatron gearing up for? DEAN I don't know -- why don't we shove somebody through the back door of heaven and find out. Oh, wait. No. It's portable and can't be found. [CUT BACK TO CROWLEY's SUITE] GAVIN You sold your soul?! Sold it?! For an extra three inches of willy?! CROWLEY Priorities change. I wasn't the bon vivant that I am now. I'll simplify -- my soul did a stint in hell, where it became demonized. Then I had to possess another person so I could traffic with the living. Any of this sticking? GAVIN I-I can't be consorting with a demon! CROWLEY Not just any demon. I'm the king -- the king of Hell! And there you were, worried the old man wouldn't amount to much. [CUT TO an ANGEL walking down the hallway to the INTERROGATION ROOM. She unlocks the door, only to discover EZRA, still bound to the chair, dead.] ACT THREE INT. - CASTIEL'S OFFICE IN THE COMMAND CENTER [SAM and DEAN are in with CASTIEL.] SAM It's unbelievable. I mean, he was fine when we left him. DEAN I barely touched the guy. SAM Still shackled, no weapon. It wasn't suicide. CASTIEL No. This was an angel kill. DEAN Okay. Well, I'm gonna say it. Maybe your operation's been hacked. You know, Metatron's got somebody on the inside. CASTIEL I was sure everyone here was loyal. Finally united by a common cause. DEAN Well, that's the problem. See, you don't think anybody's lying. I think everybody's lying. It's a gift. (to SAM) Let's do some nosin' around. [DEAN leaves but CASTIEL calls SAM back.] CASTIEL Sam. You have a moment? SAM Yeah. What? CASTIEL I wanted to ask you about Gadreel, the time he possessed you. SAM It's not really something I like to -- CASTIEL Sam, please. SAM He didn't possess me completely -- more like we, uh... shared housing. I was still me. CASTIEL Did you ever sense a presence? SAM I don't really know what I felt. I mean, maybe that I wasn't completely alone. CASTIEL Did you ever feel threatened? SAM No. More that he... wasn't at rest, l-like he had unfinished business. Now that we know more about him, I-I'd say he felt misunderstood. CASTIEL But not -- not a danger, not hostile. SAM No. I was wrong, obviously. He killed Kevin. [CUT BACK TO CROWLEY'S SUITE] GAVIN "Why do I hate you"?! CROWLEY I mean, I beat you, starved you, came home drunk, beat you some more, woke up hungover, and, yeah, I beat you. In all fairness, I didn't really have any role models. My mother was a witch! GAVIN I grew up thinkin' -- knowin' I was nothin'. Less than nothin'! You worked me harder than the horse! You never let me go to school. To this day, I can't read! CROWLEY It's overrated. Most of Europe couldn't read. You want to read? [He touches GAVIN's forehead.] Read. GAVIN [looking at newspaper] Some Buccaneers beat the Saints? Can this be? I can read. CROWLEY King of Hell. Plenty of perks. GAVIN So... If you're a king... that would make me... Prince? CROWLEY And you say I've never given you anything. A title! GAVIN And if I was to accept you as my father, you could keep me from eternally burning in hell? No matter my sins? CROWLEY You're negotiating with me? That's my boy. GAVIN This might work out. For the first time in my entire life, I can see possibilities, a future... Just as soon as you take me back to my own time and I can board that ship for the new world. CROWLEY Uh, about that ship... GAVIN What about the ship? CROWLEY It's not important. (to a GUARD) You can tell Abaddon I'm ready for that chat. CUT TO EXT. WOODED AREA, DAYTIME [GADREEL is being led to CASTIEL by a female angel.] CASTIEL Thank you for coming. And thank you for coming alone. GADREEL I've seen you through Sam Winchester's eyes, and he trusts you. You have a reputation for honor. CASTIEL In some circles. As for reputations, yours precedes you. GADREEL What happened in the Garden was not my doing. CASTIEL I know you feel misunderstood. And you're eager to redeem yourself and maybe more. GADREEL You refer to my support of Metatron's campaign to rebuild heaven? CASTIEL Your support? You've recruited for him, you've killed for him. And I know you truly believe it's for the greater good, but you've placed your faith in the wrong master. GADREEL You don't know him. CASTIEL I know him too well, Gadreel! I made the same mistake, and it led to the fall. GADREEL Which led to my second chance. CASTIEL This is about more than just you. GADREEL Castiel, are you suggesting I change loyalties? CASTIEL I'm suggesting you reclaim your original loyalty -- to the heaven and mission we were made to serve. GADREEL I thought that was exactly what I was doing. CASTIEL You've been deceived. And as bad as you've had it, all those centuries locked away, it will be much worse under Metatron. GADREEL (spotting assassins coming at CASTIEL) Castiel! [CASTIEL and the female angel fight the assassins. The female angel is killed, and CASTIEL kills the two assassins.] CUT TO COMMAND CENTER. [DEAN is seated. He flashes back to MAGNUS's house.] MAGNUS (to DEAN) Give me your hand. That's it. [DEAN takes the First Blade, and the Mark of Cain glows. Flash forward to the present. DEAN looks at the Mark. Flash back to:] SAM Drop the Blade, Dean. [Back in the present. SAM is trying to get DEAN's attention.] Dean! Dean. Dean. What's wrong with you? You hear your phone? DEAN (on phone) It's about time. Where the hell have you been? CROWLEY (on phone) I told you I'd be in touch when I'd found Abaddon. Well... I'm in touch. DEAN (on phone) Where are you? CROWLEY (on phone) First things first. I'll give you the location of the First Blade. You two fetch it, I'll keep her in my sights, then we'll remove her from the payroll for good. [CROWLEY looks up to ABADDON, who has been listening. They seem to be conspiring.] ACT FOUR EXT. ST. ANTHONY'S CEMETERY - NIGHT. [SAM and DEAN are opening a coffin] SAM (disgusted) Oh! Come on, Crowley! You really, uh, uh, have to hide the Blade in a corpse? Not -- not with a corpse but in a corpse? DEAN I got to say, it's not the first place I'd look. All right, here we go. [Growling in distance] SAM Dean? Do you hear that? DEAN I'm guessing Hellhound. [Low growl] Go. Go! [They run and lock themselves behind a gate. The hellhound is growling.] [CUT BETWEEN CEMETERY AND CROWLEY's SUITE. CROWLEY's phone rings.] CROWLEY (on phone) Hello? DEAN (on phone) Damn it, Crowley, the grave is guarded! CROWLEY (on phone) That's absurd. DEAN (on phone) A Hellhound! CROWLEY (on phone) No, no, no, she was collected. DEAN (on phone) The hell she was! SAM Guys! CROWLEY Time was, no one would dare disobey the king. SAM Guys! DEAN (on phone) I'm gonna put you on speaker! CROWLEY Juliet? It's papa. Stand down. [She does.] You're welcome. DEAN (back at the grave) All right. Goin' in. SAM Hey, you know what? Maybe, uh... Maybe I should do this. DEAN Sam, it's fine. I -- I-I can safely grab it know... [SAM reaches into the corpse and retrieves the First Blade.] DEAN Well, let's go kill a knight of hell, huh? SAM Yeah. CUT TO CROWLEY's SUITE GAVIN What're you talking about? Of course I'm boardin' the ship when I go back! I want to go back to my life! CROWLEY It's not a good idea. GAVIN I'm going to the colonies. I'm workin' my way across. I've given my word! CROWLEY Gavin, listen to your father. I know what's... [GAVIN slams the door to the bedroom] for you. Kids. [CROWLEY's phone rings.] CROWLEY (answering phone) Squirrel. I hope you were nice to your father. DEAN (driving, on phone) What? Shut up. Look, we got the Blade. CROWLEY (on phone) You do? Well, you need to get it here at once. Cleveland, Humboldt Hotel. Penthouse, of course. When you get here, I'll take you to Abaddon. I'll draw her out, and then you can skewer the ignorant hag. (Aside, to ABADDON) Just selling it. DEAN (on phone) All right, we're on our way. CROWLEY (on phone) Oh, and, Dean, you need to get a move on. It's a good day's drive from Poughkeepsie. DEAN (on phone) What are you talking about? We're not even near there. CROWLEY (on phone) Yeah, like I said, you need to leave Poughkeepsie right away. [They hang up.] SAM So, we good? DEAN Yeah. CUT TO CROWLEY's SUITE ABADDON Nice. But here's the thing -- you've been plotting with those boys for some time now. When they get here, it'll be you, the Winchesters, the First Blade, and little, old me in one place. Now, I don't mind stiff odds, but ...let's be reasonable. [ABADDON shoots CROWLEY.] CROWLEY Aah! You lost your mind?! ABADDON Little trick I learned from Henry Winchester. the same stunt on me. I had a devil's trap carved in the bullet. You're not seriously damaged, just...powerless. CUT TO EXT. - SLUM - DAYTIME GADREEL I had nothing to do with it. I never would have agreed to meet if I thought concealed assassins were going to try and attack you. I hope you know that. CASTIEL Why are you telling me this? GADREEL Even though you and I are on opposite sides in this situation, I believe there must be honor, even in matters of war. CASTIEL But what happened -- doesn't it prove my point about Metatron? You met with me in good faith, but he lied, and he used you to get at me. GADREEL Castiel -- CASTIEL Just as poor judgement undid you all those centuries ago, your mistaken trust in Metatron will bring you down again. GADREEL I gave him my word. Do you expect me to come make war on him? CASTIEL No. Not at all. I want you to stay right where you are. Just give me reports on what Metatron is planning and when he will strike. GADREEL And the honor we were speaking of? CASTIEL Obviously, Metatron has someone inside my camp. It's how he knew we were meeting. Just fighting fire with fire. Consider my offer. [CUT TO Impala coming to a stop near the HUMBOLDT HOTEL - DAYTIME. SAM and DEAN get out of the car. SAM has the blade.\ SAM All right. Let's do this. DEAN Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec. We should give this place a once-over before we go up there. Crowley said he thought he saw some demons headed down to the basement. He'd have checked it out himself, but if word got back to Abaddon that he'd been seen... SAM When did he say all this? DEAN On the phone. Look, it might mean that she knows that he's here, okay? So why don't you check out the basement. I'll, uh, take a look on the main floor. [DEAN enters the suite.] CROWLEY Hello, Dean. Love the crazy bloodlust in your eyes. Let's not waste time. I'll take you to Abaddon. It's not far. ABADDON (entering) A boy and his Blade. And still no match for the new queen. [Brief shot of SAM in the basement of the hotel, then back to the hotel suite.] ABADDON So, first... You'll die... Painfully. And then Crowley will watch his son die -- ditto -- and then the king himself. And Blade destroyed. That's quite a to-do list. [ABADDON pins DEAN to the wall with a gesture and he struggles to get free. When he does, he struggles to get to her, as if walking against a strong wind. ABADDON struggles to keep DEAN away, eventually managing to pin him to the wall again. DEAN drops the Blade, but with extreme concentration, calls it to him with telekinesis, causing him to break free fully just as Sam bursts into the room. With the Blade in hand, DEAN gets to ABADDON and stabs her in the stomach, lifting her off the ground with unnatural strength. ABADDON dies in a massive burst of red light with a scream. Influenced by the Mark, DEAN stabs ABADDON several times more.] SAM Dean. Dean! Dean! Stop! You can stop. {DEAN drops the bloody Blade and stares at it and his hands in shock as SAM and CROWLEY do the same.] ACT FIVE [Continues previous scene] CROWLEY (removing the bullet from his shoulder with a large knife) You could at least -- aah! -- help me with this. SAM We didn't kill you, Crowley, even though it would've been very easy. Isn't that enough? CROWLEY You owe me. Do I get no credit for warning you this was a trap? [SAM looks perplexed.] CROWLEY "Poughkeepsie" ring a bell? I sense drama. DEAN I just still can't get over the fact that Crowley has a son. (to CROWLEY) How's he doing, by the way? CROWLEY (as he gets the bullet) Ow! How do you think? DEAN You get that he's got to go back, right? To his own time? CROWLEY If the lad goes back, his destiny is to board a ship bound for America. That ship went down in a storm. All hands were lost. He had one chance in this world to change his life. You want that to all end in tragedy? DEAN Well, I don't know what to tell you. Them's the rules. He goes back. SAM The lore all says the same thing -- you change any one thing in the past, the ripple effect impacts everything that follows. CROWLEY Please. No one bends the rules like you two bend the rules. He's one misfit kid. He impacts no one. SAM You don't bend that rule, okay? You don't. We'll take him back to the bunker, figure out the spell. That's the way it's got to be. CROWLEY Can I at least say goodbye? I'll cheer the day when the last trace of humanity leaves me. Feelings. [CROWLEY enters the bedroom where GAVIN is waiting. After a moment CROWLEY magically closes the doors. SAM and DEAN open the door to find the room empty.] DEAN Damn it, Crowley! [CUT TO FIELD somewhere, DAY] GAVIN The ship went down? Well, that's a good fit with the rest of my life. CROWLEY Mustn't snivel, Gavin. It might fit the old life. This one could be different. GAVIN I don't know the first thing about the 21st Century! CROWLEY You'll be fine. Just avoid cheap whiskey and cheap hookers. Look at me, getting all fatherly. GAVIN So this is goodbye, then? CROWLEY Yes. Forever. Unless, of course, I catch you smoking, in which case, I'll smack you stupid. GAVIN Goodbye, then. And thank you...father. [GAVIN goes in for the hug, but CROWLEY stops him.] CROWLEY Whoa, whoa. Easy, easy. As you were. Goodbye, Gavin. Oh, uh... Don't go mentioning that whole "Prince of Hell" thing. Doesn't play too well in most circles. CUT TO SAM and DEAN driving, NIGHT DEAN I didn't tell you about the warning because I knew exactly what you would do. You would make sure that you were right alongside me going in that room. SAM You mean like we always do? Because we're actually partners in this and we watch each other's backs? DEAN I don't expect you to understand. SAM Try me. DEAN First time I touched that Blade...I knew. I knew that I wouldn't be stopped. I knew I would take down Abaddon and anything else if I had to. And it wasn't a hero thing. You know, it wasn't... It was just calm. I knew. And I had to go it alone, Sammy. SAM Oh. Of course. So it was just another time where you had to protect me. DEAN You could've gotten nabbed by Abaddon, and she could've bargained her way out. We couldn't afford to screw this up. SAM Look...I'm glad it worked out, okay? I am. And I'm glad the Blade gives you strength or calm or whatever, but, Dean, I got to say... I'm starting to think the Blade is doing something else, too. DEAN Yeah? Like what? SAM I don't know. Like, something to you. Look... I'm thinking until we know for sure that we're gonna kill off Crowley, why don't we store the Blade somewhere distant? Lock it up somewhere safe? Okay? DEAN No. |
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