Forever Dreaming

Sig and Avatar Requests
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Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/09/03 06:32 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Well, since we seem to be getting some requests for help on making sigs and avatars, I thought we'd start a thread just for them!

So, since we have so many creative people here at FD, go ahead and request your sigs and avatars and I'm sure someone would be more than happy to help!

Just try to be as specific as you can. If you can, post images you want, tell us what you want it to say, anything...or else who knows what you might get! :lol

Request away...

Author:  blondeePR [ 08/09/03 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

good idea cory :) :dance

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/09/03 15:53 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

I know I just got a personal avatar... but can I also request a new sig? :)

I really do not know what I want... something Buffy related though! (surprise surprise!)

Maybe just Buffy in general... just a picture sig... is that okay? :)

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/09/03 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Thanks, Heather. :)

I'll see if I can come up with anything for ya, Ali. And maybe someone else will too! :)

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/09/03 19:44 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

*jumps around in excitement*
YAY! :)

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/09/03 21:57 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

I feel like a pain, but would someone be able to make me a no doubt avatar for my friend? :)

You can reject me as I know I just asked for a new siggy, but if someone has the time... I don't mind how simple it is!

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 08/12/03 08:17 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

What's an avatar?

You probably think I'm stupid :dunno
But I don't know al these things...the creative things...

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/12/03 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

No, you are not stupid! :shake

It's just the little animated image I have of Sydney and Vaughn.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/12/03 13:57 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Okay,'s this? :dunno


Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/13/03 03:22 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Perfect! Can you give me the URL though? Cause, I can't get it otherwise!

And is someone able to make me the No Doubt avatar? I will understand if you can't... and there is no rush ~ my friend can wait! :) lol

But thanks ~ the banner/sig thingy is perfect! I love it!

Author:  LittlePinkStars [ 08/13/03 03:56 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Is it hard to make an avatar?

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/13/03 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Ali's Sig Image


No Doubt Avatar

Stars..It's more time consuming than anything.

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/13/03 23:23 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

That's great destiny! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)
If you ever need me to do anything (non comp related! lol) i would be more than happy to!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/15/03 15:23 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Not a problem, Ali! Glad I could help! :)

Author:  buffyanne96 [ 08/15/03 16:15 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Cory you were a wonderful help! Thank you so much again!

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 08/15/03 18:50 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Cory! You're so talented. I'd like to request an animated avatar... I don't think it's too much to ask... and I can even make you something in return! :) :loveu Just tell me what :)

I'd pretty much like a Maj and Bren one... about the size of a profile picture, so 60x60 I would imagine :thinking Oh, it would be so pretty... *sigh* But if not, it's okay. I love you anyway! :beg :lol

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/16/03 03:46 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

No problem, Spicey. I'll see what I can come up with. Anything in particular you want it to say or any particular M/M pics you want?

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 08/16/03 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Well, I'd like it to say something like "It's always been and always will be Maj and Bren" and you can space the words out into different frames but I like small letters :) So, I was thinking you could start out with "It's always been and always will be" then about five different pictures of them together (close-ups, definitely nothing blurry ;) ) and then "Bren + Maj"

Well, hopefully this isn't too much to ask... :rolleyes :loveu

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 08/17/03 08:35 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

I'll see what I can come up with. :)

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 08/17/03 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Sig and Avatar Requests

Thank you! :) :) :)

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