Forever Dreaming

I have a request
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Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/10/02 15:43 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

The other board I frequent has an appalling lack of emoticons. Would it be possible for me to have some codes for emoticons that can be passed around? I still need to pitch the idea to the admins at the other board.

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 16:03 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Zook- all of our emoticons were found at -- all they have to do is go there and pick which ones they like and add them to the backend of the site. ;)

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/10/02 16:07 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

I will pass that info on. Thanks!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 16:17 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Most Welcome! (But this will only work if they are a Gold Board!)

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/10/02 16:25 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Ah, okay. Nevermind then. *sigh*

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 16:35 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Yes, the wonderful benefits of where our money goes. :grin
:clap :clap

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/10/02 16:48 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

:clap :clap See, money won't buy you happiness, but it will buy you emoticon privileges. ;)

Author:  The Zookeepers Apprentice [ 12/10/02 16:50 ]
Post subject:  I have a request


Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 16:58 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

And no advertising or pop ups! Which is the bestest IMO. :grin

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 17:00 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

And getting invisiable forums. :clap
And getting to use Java Scripts like this snow!

Oh the luxery's of GOLD. :jump

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/10/02 17:00 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

No doubt! I LOVE :love no pop-ups!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 17:01 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

OMG. Cory! Check that out! We just posted at the SAME EXACT time! How funny!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/10/02 17:03 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

:lol Yeah...we did that on another forum in here to a little bit ago! :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 12/10/02 17:17 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Really? Wow. Never noticed that before! :lol

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/10/02 18:02 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Yeah. I don't remember which one, but I know it took forever to load my post. When it got back to the forum, it had you listed as posted last. So, I went and looked. :lol2

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 12/10/02 19:24 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

... and I have a question. If I were to, say, find some emoticons for the board... could I email the url to one of you wonderful administrator people :loveu and get it put on here? :) :lol I just wish I could put them on myself...

Oooh, I just noticed that I am wasted... how long have I been wasted? Oh, well, I am wasted so it's not my fault I haven't noticed until now :lol :rollin

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 12/10/02 20:25 ]
Post subject:  I have a request can go ahead and email me if you'd like. My email is up in the Admin. Button at the top of the main board.
Yeah..your wasted...I think Jen added your drink! Congrats! :drink :drink3

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 12/10/02 20:26 ]
Post subject:  I have a request

Okay, Cory :)

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