Forever Dreaming

help with siggy
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Author:  LadyMel [ 04/07/03 07:24 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

think this is the right place for this but im just wondering how i put my site url in my siggy so that is a link?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/07/03 10:42 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Try adding a [*link] the url here [*/link] in front and behind the url. Also take out the little *'s. Let me know if you still need some help. :grin

Author:  Dreambehr [ 04/12/03 02:26 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Welcome to FD, LadyMel! :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :welcome :welcome

Hope your siggy works. :grin

Author:  Kris2782 [ 04/12/03 06:36 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Hi :)

You can put it like bunnie said as


or if you want to put the name of your site you'd do it lik this:

[url=]Name of your site here[/url]

Good luck

Author:  LadyMel [ 04/12/03 07:34 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

thanks everyone :D gonna go try that now :D

Author:  LadyMel [ 04/12/03 07:56 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

hope its worked lol

Author:  LadyMel [ 04/12/03 07:58 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

hhmmmss :shake :shake

Author:  LadyMel [ 04/12/03 07:59 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

let it work this time lol :wall

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/12/03 12:29 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Thanks Kris! I didn't realize you could post it that way.. very cool! :grin

Lady- I can see it fine now! You did it! :clap :clap
and if you want to center it.. just add a center tag before and after it..

(Trying it out like Kris did :lol )

 <div style="text-align:center">what you want centered here </div>

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 04/12/03 13:21 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Jen...that's just how it works if you use the link button on the put the link and than what you want it to say. ;)

Author:  LadyMel [ 04/13/03 02:17 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

:thanx bunniefuu think i will center it actually :D

Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/13/03 12:36 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Yeah, well that code didn't work the way yours did Kris. How'd you do that? :dunno

Author:  Kris2782 [ 04/14/03 11:14 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

On the reply page click the circle next to "Plain text" in formatting (right under subject box) that way it just shows exactly what you type instead of executing the codes. Is that what you mean? How I got [link][/link] to show up as is?


Author:  bunniefuu [ 04/19/03 11:13 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Is that what you mean? How I got to show up as is?

Yes! Thanks Kris! :kiss :kiss Plain text. Go figure. I kept hitting the codes button. :shake :shake

Author:  Kris2782 [ 04/20/03 04:12 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

I think it's automatically set to ezcodes. Took me a while to figure it out :lol but like you I was trying to show people how to do stuff and I was like there has to be another way hence my discover of the plain codes button :lol

Author:  LadyMel [ 05/05/03 03:47 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

testyy :dreamer

Author:  Kris2782 [ 05/07/03 15:23 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Ahhh perfect! :celebrate

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/09/03 17:05 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

Kris- I know! I've been doing those little *'s for years now! :lol :lol Love your sig, btw. ;)

Author:  Kris2782 [ 05/10/03 16:29 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

:lol we all have! & thanks ;) :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 05/11/03 03:52 ]
Post subject:  help with siggy

:lol :lol

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