Forever Dreaming

I'm new!
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Author:  KaraMelle2 [ 07/06/02 03:31 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Hi everyone!

Saw the link at the Cable Box and thought I'd stop in!

My name is KaraMelle, and i live in Dallas, I love Smallville, Charmed, 24, ER, Alias.

Great Board!

Author:  EsotericaC [ 07/06/02 03:38 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Yes you are, so welcome to the board :wave :grin (I'll leave it up to Jen aka the Decorations Queen to give you a formal, graphic overloaded welcome :lol )

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 07/06/02 04:04 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Welcome to the board!
:dance :dance :dance
:party :party :party

Author:  blondeePR [ 07/06/02 07:44 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!


welcome to the board.

tooo bad you weren't a roswell fan :(
but charmed and smallville are great shows themselves!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 07/06/02 13:03 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Welcome to FD, KaraMelle! :party
:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4 :jump :jump2
:dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2

Claire~~ :lol I think I should change my title, huh? :lol :rollin

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 07/07/02 09:36 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Welcome to FD!

Author:  Laura [ 07/08/02 23:57 ]
Post subject:  I'm new!

Welcome to the board, KaraMelle!

I just checked out the Lounge Room. Is that you're own board, or just one you like. I really like the layout. And that background looks exactly like my apartment. ;)

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