Forever Dreaming

Birthdays # 2
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 08/06/02 02:03 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Okay, come on... When is your Birthday? So we can ALL celebrate with you:lol


5-The Zookeepers Apprentice
11-Sweet Lil Dreamer



13-Stacy aka Tiger

21-Adema Fan18
23-Spicey Tabasco Rookie



26- Bunniefuu




Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 09/05/02 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Yeah... Happy Birthday to me... LMAO, like I like celebrating my birthday anyway *rolls eyes* Just another year closer to death!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/06/02 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Happy Birthday Absolute! I am so sorry I almost forgot. It was not my intention, I've been so busy in real life the past few days I hadn't had much time to be on at all. I sure hope you had an awesome day though! :grin :grin And we'll just celebrate some more for you ...
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2
:drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink :drink
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift
:groupwave :groupwave
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:concert :concert :concert :concert :concert
:candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle
:jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4 :jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4 :jump :jump2 :jump3 :jump4 :jump
:silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly

Author:  EsotericaC [ 09/06/02 14:17 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Happy Birthday Absolute!

:cake :cake :cake :eat :eat

:drink3 :drink3 :drink3

:candle :candle :candle

Author:  AbsoluteAngel58 [ 09/06/02 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Thanks... don't worry about forgetting Bunni... Birthday kinda depress me. Oh well, it's another year closer to finally getting to drink legally.

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/07/02 16:11 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Happy Birthday, Absolute! Sorry, I've been awhile for awhile! Hope it was good!

Author:  Spicey Tabasco Rookie [ 09/08/02 13:38 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

:candle Happy Birthday to everyone I missed whyle I was gone!

Author:  catcrazychicka [ 09/08/02 18:44 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

:bday Happy Birthday Absolute!

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/26/02 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

:bday :b day:bday :b day:bday :b day:bday
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift
:bday :b day:bday :b day:bday :b day:bday :
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2 :party 2:party2
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift

Happy Birthday Jen!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/26/02 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, Jen!
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift
:party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party :party
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake :cake
:candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle :candle
:gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift :gift

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/26/02 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Awe, :grin You two are awesome!:clap :clap Thanks so much! :grin :grin What a kick ass day it's been!:party4 And I'm utterly exhausted.:sleep :lol I'll post :type about it tomorrow! But had to thank you guys real quick. :grouphug

Author:  destinyrebel [ 09/26/02 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

OMG, I totally clicked on this by accident and then I scrolled and looked and found...
Jen, it's your birthday today! Holy shit!
Oh and Happy Birthday!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:party2 :party2 :party2 :party2 :party2 :party2
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:party3 :party3 :party3 :party3 :party3 :party3
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:silly :silly :silly :silly :silly :silly
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:dance2 :dance :dance2 :dance :dance2 :dance
:bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow
:bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday :bday
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/27/02 03:46 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Yep. And you know what was the coolest? You showing up! :grin :grin

What an AWESOME surprise! :jump :jump2 :jump3

Thanks! :clap

Author:  destinyrebel [ 09/27/02 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Hardly a great surprise. But I guess it could be counted as something... I'm mean, I really haven't been here in a long, long time. But either way, how the hell was your birthday?! I want details! What did you end up doing? Did ya get drunk off your ass and blackout? Did you enjoy a nice evening at home? Something in between those two weird examples? Huh? What did ya do? I wanna know! ;p

Author:  Laura [ 09/28/02 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Oh no! I missed it! Sorry about that. I hope it was fabulous!

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 09/28/02 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Yeah, Jen...where's the birthday details?

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

:lol It was great. Except I'm getting really tired tonight. I'll have to post those details tomorrow.

Thanks Laura! :grin

Author:  destinyrebel [ 09/28/02 18:00 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

You're avoiding giving us details, aren't you? Hehe.
Take a nap and let us know! We need to be able to live vicariously through you until our own birthdays. Seriously. ;p

Author:  bunniefuu [ 09/28/02 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

:lol :drink :rollin

Author:  destinyrebel [ 09/28/02 18:04 ]
Post subject:  Birthdays # 2

Um, were those smilies on purpose or are you just that tired? :silly :lol :silly

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