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Author:  Kris2782 [ 06/01/03 11:06 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Hmmmmm ...

Author:  Kris2782 [ 06/01/03 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Testing

do I like the black topic listing bacground? and where the hell is my add reply button...arg I must have typed the URL wrong...

Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/01/03 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Testing

:rollin :rollin

Oh, forgot to say.. you do know if you hate the colors on that drop down box that they give you... that you don't have to use them.. you can use any color imaginable.. I can find the color chart if you need it.. but you can type in any six digit hex code for any color you want. ;)

Author:  Kris2782 [ 06/01/03 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Yup, thanks. :) I have 2 color charts...what annoys me is how sometimes they don't show the same as they do in the chart :wall :lol I actually think this orange I chose :lol it's a little lighter than the orange in the drop down box, which I think I used for the table heading text.

It's supposed to be orange "The OC - Orange Country :lol but it's hard to work with oranges and darks (like black) w/o too much Halloweeny type craziness happening.

What do you think of these colors? Any suggests?

Author:  SpicyAlejandra [ 06/01/03 15:14 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Hey now! :tantrum

Jen, you never told me about color charts! :lol

Author:  bunniefuu [ 06/01/03 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Spicy- :hug I'm sorry... I can give you the links if you need them. :grin

"The OC - Orange Country

:drink :drink OMG. I never even thought of that! How freaking awesome. See NOW I love it even more! :clap :clap
And's not screaming Halloween to me. :lol :lol

Author:  destinyros2005 [ 06/02/03 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Gotta love those color charts! :clap

And Jen's right, it doesn't look all Halloweenish in here! :grin

Author:  Alien Stalker [ 06/06/03 05:13 ]
Post subject:  Testing

Aha, so THIS happened to The OC (cause I was asking in the BH) ...I like it. The orange is cool. :)

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