Forever Dreaming

4x12 - This Joints Haunted
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Author:  bunniefuu [ 01/28/09 00:28 ]
Post subject:  4x12 - This Joints Haunted

Previously on Ghost Whisperer No I will always love you, Melinda.

Not you.

You have to cross over.

I don't want to.

Jim, no! You're back.

Do I know you? I see the same guy that you see Different hair, nose, eyes.

It's not Jim.

I just know What I see when I look in those eyes, And Jim is in there somewhere.



you're not gonna tell me You think I'm your husband reincarnated, Because you're the only Sane person I've met since I woke up.

I bought that less than a month ago.

"Nicole, I know you're mad.

This time is different.

I bought the ring.

I'm ready.

I love you.

Sam Do you know how lucky you are? You are gonna get a second shot at your one true love.

Seems like you've had a lot on your mind lately.


I mean, there's just a lot of stuff That doesn't fit-- shoulder pain, The weird, violent memories.

You know, I'm gonna do what you told me.

I'm gonna find somebody who understands.

Like? - Nicole.

You know, who would know me better? That's a good question.

Ok, I have silverware, candlesticks.

What about the china? Is it too middle-aged? It's perfect.

why are you so nervous? I'm not nervous.

It's just been ages since I've thrown a dinner party and Twice that long since I've seen Marla and Jody, So, ok, I guess I'm a little nervous.

Here's a thought.

You could just cancel Or go out, you know, without me.

It's one dinner party.

Besides, you and Eli are gonna have a ball mocking me.

Yeah, Friday night with mom and her high school theater geek friends.

Good times.

You invited Eli? Well, he makes a living out of talking to strangers.

I wish you would reconsider.


Told you.


Tearing your hair out while Sam goes and visits his fiancee in Raleigh does not constitute plans.

Actually I'm going with him.

You saw him remember his paramedic skills.

I mean, his memory's coming back, So now he just needs a crash course in Jim Clancy.

A crash course? Look, when I was opening the shop Jim and I used to love taking road trips.

We'd hit all the estate sales, Antique shops, listen to music, Play games, stop by our favorite restaurants.

So you think by recreating all of that, it might jog something? Look, Sam thinks he should know Nicole, So he'll wanna believe whatever she says, Which'll only confuse him more.

You could just tell him the truth.

Yeah, I tried that once, And he looked at me like I was completely nuts.

I just have to get him to remember Jim, you know, but gently, So he doesn't get scared away.

Ooh! the heating guys are coming first thing tomorrow.

Could you swing by the house and let them in for me? Sure.

What time? No.

I'll do it.

Well, that's nice.


Oh, I get it.

you're thinking Maybe you should spend the night, Housesit, and be there in the morning for the heating guys.

Yeah, and I have an English lit paper due on Monday, So I could use the peace and quiet.

It would help me out.

Ohh! fine.


Abandon your own mother.

So how did you talk Sam into letting you go? Well, I haven't yet.

But trust me.

I have a foolproof plan.

Wait, youyou bought a garage full of furniture? Uh, antiques.

I got 'em online.

Now you're gonna drive down to Raleigh, too? Uh, new hope, actually.

it's about an hour from there.

Anyway, with the price of gas, I just thought Melinda, I don't know.

I mean, Nicole called me and left me a message The day before the accident Saying, yeah, she'd meet me if I was serious about the proposal, But I mean, now she must think I got cold feet.

She won't return my calls.

She's changed her cellphone number.

I just don't know how she's gonna react, and if you're there Well, I could make myself scarce, you know, While you guys are talking, if you need to reconnect, I mean.

Melinda, I just owe her an explanation, right? Maybe she could explain some things for me.

Like? You know, like how I got all that medical knowledge.

You know, if we do share the driving, Could get there early tomorrow morning, And I could just use the change of scenery, so You and me, a road trip? All right.

what the heck, huh? Why not? but, um Is all that stuff in the garage gonna fit in my pickup? Probably not.

Which is why I got us a truck.

So you're cool if I just stay for drinks, right? If you want me to beg, I'll beg.

I doubt that I have anything in common with these girls, And youyou can talk to anybody.

Yeah, but usually I get paid for it.

Well, I really should get goin'.


I got it, ok? Hi.

well, hello.

Jode, you didn't tell me Delia was seeing someone.

I'm Marla, and this is Jody.

I'm Eli.

Delia and I are just friends.

We're not dating.

But how about you two ladies? Oh, we're not dating.

Deally! oh, my God! Look at you! ohh! I know.


look at us.

Oh, my god.

you look beautiful.

I see you've met Eli.

Yes, we did.

oh, Eli, would you mind opening one of these? - Sure, my pleasure.

Thank you.

And who is this? Ah, this is Ned, my son.

He's actually going out, But he wanted to stay and meet you guys.

Oh, I wish you could meet my daughter Carly.

You'd like her.

Maybe next time.

Oh, god.

it's official.

We are now our parents' age when we were in high school.

This calls for alcohol.

Well, it was nice to meet you.

Speak for yourself.

Have fun.




We've got 25 years of catching up to do.

Logan, I already texted Dylan.

I can't go out with you guys.

B-because I'm housesitting and Logan, hang on a sec.

Hello? Whoever's there, Melinda isn't home.

And since I can't see or hear you, maybe you should Logan.

Gotta call you back.

What are you guys doin' here? You couldn't come to the party, So we brought the party to you.


how much furniture did you buy? An entire estate sale.

I didn't know how big of a truck we needed.

If you wanted somethin' smaller, You should have called before.

No, no, no, no.

It's fine.

'Cause you know what? we might go to other estate sales, Maybe even thrift shops.

I mean, doesn't that sound like fun? Yeah.

I mean, we are in kind of a hurry, I mean.

what is this stuff? Just in case we get bored on the road.

Come on.

we'll put our bags in the back.


You ok? That is such a loud door.

You can see me, can't you? You can! Thank god! where are you people headed? Raleigh.


I call Shotgun.

If you were in Nicole's shoes, You'd want an explanation, too, right? My name is Frank, Frank Whitaker.

If you'll just talk to me.

Not now.

Why not now? She's probably angry as hell That I flaked on her, again.

Well, hopefully she'll understand.

You ok? Yeah.

just stretching.

How about some music for the road? Oh, this song, It was popular when we I--sorry--moved to Grandview.

It was playing when I found the vacant storefront on town square.

Oh, I get it.

You like him.

But, are you married, divorced? what? Look, I'm not going anywhere, So if you wanna get me out of your hair Uh, you know what? I just remembered There's a phone call that I have to make, so Oh, for crying out loud.

Hey, Frank.

It's Melinda.

Got your voice mail, but it was a little garbled, So what were you saying? Thank you.

I rented this truck to haul some stuff To a coin show.

I'm a numismatist.

Anyway, I was fixing a flat On the shoulder outside Charlotte when the jack gave away.

Man, did that hurt.

Ok, you know what? the reception's a little rough out here, So if you could just get to the point.

Ok, there's a 1943 copper penny Fell into a crack near the cargo door.

It's worth a fortune.

I--I been tryin' to pick it up forever, but, hey, watch this.

My wife could use the money.

I need you to find that penny and send it to her.

June Whitaker on Allenwood in Raleigh.

She's in the book.

Will you do that for me? Be happy to help.

Ohh, thank you.

Well, It's about damn time.


There weren't enough guys in drama So we did some gender bending With that That one act by that French guy.


Thank god somebody has a functioning memory.

Aanyway, Marla was playing vale, the male lover, And when she kissed Deally, The place went nuts.

Oh, I could imagine.

God, Memory lane's such a dead-end street.

Let's party already.

Eli, I'm so glad you stayed.

Oh, Wouldn't have missed it.

Deally, more champagne? No, no, no.

just 2 is my limit.

You know, motherhood and all.

You never know when That's more like it.

Deal, D-did you just put this on? No.

no, I didn't.

Hey, Watch it.

This was playing at the wrap party.


That was the night that Excuse me.


What? Who are all these people? Your party must have gone viral.

This isn't my party.

Really? Then whose is it? Mom.

Ok, Guys, Party's over.

Everybody can start cleaning up! And nobody is leaving without a designated driver! Mom, Listen No, You listen to me.

You wanna make some excuses, you can save your breath.

Now, Get to work.

you're comin' home with me.

But this isn't my - Now! Let me just tell you what happened.

No, I know exactly what happened.

You violated my trust and Melinda's.

I told Dylan that I couldn't go out tonight.

Because I was housesitting, and then the next thing You let them in! They brought alcohol.

Were you drinking? No.

Will you just chill for a second? Chill? Come back here, I'm talking to you.

Please shut up.

Hey! Don't be slamming doors! - I didn't.

I did.

Stop, Ok.

Just stop.

You need to go to bed, And I need to think clearly about your punishment.

Delia Rayburn.

The party animal? No way.

Oh, My god.

How are you? No.

I'm I'm Cheryl.

I can't do it.

She said That was quick.

Is that her? No, Her roommate Cheryl.

Nicole took off 2 days after I never showed up And then she made Cheryl promise she'd never tell me where she was.

I'm sorry.

So it's a dead end.

Not exactly.

Cheryl gave me Nicole's new number.

I didn't wanna do this over the phone.

Voice mail.

It's me.

Leave a message.

Nicole, Hi.

It's Sam.

I'm really sorry I never explained to you Why I didn't show up, and I just I had this accident, And my life's been messed up ever since.

I just would really like a chance to explain what happened.

Well, I hope to hear from you.


Hey, You're not goin' anywhere until Melinda's heater guy, remember.

Well, I want you home right after so we can talk.



When did you get so Old? Is somebody here? God.

Come on, Delia.

You know, Loosen up a little.

Have some fun.

That'll work.

Ok, Where's the ghost? This is me you're talking to.


I'm not a morning person.

Well, It's in here somewhere.

Well, I believe "it's" a she.

I heard her talking at dinner last night.

Teenager, Kind of snarky.

Well, Do you think Ned brought home some random ghost girl? No.

I believe she came with your friends, looking for a party.

Uh, Hello? Whoever you are, I can hear you, Maybe even help you.

Well, If she's here, she's not talkin'.

Oh, My god.

That song that played last night.

Angie Hollensbach.

She was a girl that we went to high school with.

I had drama class with her.

She loved to party so If it really is Angie, you gotta help me get rid of her.

That girl was nothing but trouble, Just always wasted, and if she's hangin' around Ned How'd she die? She got really messed up On our senior wrap night, and, uh, She decided to walk home, and then the next day, We heard that she got hit by a car.

Anyway, that is not the only reason why I called you.

No, thanks.

Makes me paranoid.


I I found this here.

I know my son.

And this is not like him, And Angie the pothead Just happened to show up at my house The night before I find drugs in it.

Oh, sure.

Blame me.

You suck! Kids today.

Kids yesterday.

This is nuts.

You are a therapist.

Ghost or no ghost, How How am I supposed to confront Ned about this? First of all, I wouldn't confront anyone Until I was sure it was his.

What? You had the banger sisters over here last night.

What makes you think they didn't bring the ghost and the ganja? Find something? See a penny, pick it up.

That's old.

that could be worth somethin'.


I have aa friend who's a collector, So whenever I find anything, I send it to her.

You for real? Wow.

It's a lot of stuff.

It's Nicole.

I should Hi.

yeah, Thanks for callin' me back.

Nah, I know.

I know.

I really owe you an explanation But this is gonna sound completely crazy.

Look, I was in an accident on my bike-- uh, motorcycle Put that down.

But I honestly can't remember anything Anything at all.


You know what? I'll find a really nice place for your things But you should go into the light.

Light, might.

I promised my mother On her deathbed I'd be buried with her brooch, And my sister--heh.

My senile sister forgot.

I'm sorry about that.

um But if you've already been buried My funeral's tomorrow, silly.

I'm at Callaway Mortuary.

Open casket.

And that, The little treble clef.

Yes, Thank you, Dear.

Look, I know I have no right to ask you this, But you're the only person truly who can help me remem You, too.

So how did that go? She told me to have a nice life.

That's cold.

I don't know.

I wouldn't blame her.

Why should she believe me? I'm sorry.

Well, I should get the truck loaded.

It's a-- it's a long drive.


I'm so sorry to bother you.

Yeah, it was, uh, great seeing you, too.

I'll call you.

no, I promise.




Marla and Jody both said no, So that leaves Ned My worst nightmare.

So if it is Ned's, Any chance Angie would have led you to that joint on purpose? Well, If she did, she did it to stir up trouble.

That was her specialty.

She might just be a nuisance ghost, Or she's stuck in some juvenile defiance thing And acting out through Ned, Or she was thinking you may be a little more shall we say Simpatico.

Where did you get my yearbook? At your house this morning.

I've been reading what people wrote to you, And from what I can gather, It sounds like Angie wasn't the only one who liked to par-tay.


well, one of us grew out of it.

And the other one died.

All the more reason I don't want Ned to make the same mistakes that I did.

Then you need to have a sit-down, Get him to open up about it.

Easier said-- Delia, if you get involved with this now, You can nip it in the bud.

So to speak.

Why would I lie about amnesia? I mean, who even gets amnesia? It happens obviously.

Here I am goin' on about things When you're tryin' to pay respects To your mother's friend and No, It's ok.

I hardly know Myrna very well.

My mom just told me that she died And asked me to stop by, so You didn't know her very well? Wh-why do you keep doin' these random Nice little things for people? I mean like this, And you mailed that penny-- Karma.

You know, do unto others, that whole thing.

Oh, Yeah? Well, What would you do in my shoes? Oh, That's-- That's hard to say.

I don't believe you.

I think if you left somebody hanging, You'd wanna go see them face to face, wouldn't you? So that's what I'm gonna do.


ok, but-- But first, I'm starving, And I know this great place near here.

Do you-- do you like Mexican? I don't remember.

Something tells me you're gonna love it.

So, um, just--just wait for me in the truck, and-- Yeah.

They did a lovely job, didn't they? Except for that hair.


Here you go.

Do you see a light? I do now.

Bless you.

and Antos controls it, ready to skate.

Marenka dumps it into the Boston university zone.

Is everything ok? Heating's fixed.

Finished my paper.

No parties.


So let's talk.


Look, those kids just showed up, I swear, And the next thing I knew, it was out of control.


I believe you about that.

What does that mean? Look, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? For example, if you're into any kind of drugs, you can tell me.

What? I'm not doing drugs.

I know.

hypothetically, if you were, You could come and talk to me.

After the way you acted last night? Hypothetically, probably not.

I was angry.

Obviously you still are.


Sometimes people make bad choices just so they can fit in, And if your friends are gettin' high or smokin' pot, You need to tell me about that.

I'm not smoking anything.

Really? Then why did I find a joint in your room? It's so after-school special.

Are you kidding me? Maybe one of your friends brought it.

Well, they didn't.

If you would just be honest-- I am.

It wasn't me.

Best sangria in the world Yeah? From my very limited experience.

All right.

well? Was I right? Yeah.

I mean, It's good.

It's kind of sweet, though.

I'll probably end up drinkin' beer with dinner.


Hey, I'm-- Did I see you put something in your mom's friend's casket? Oh.


Yeah, It was a brooch.

I--I guess the piece was really important to her.

So I am hungry.

Are you hungry? Yeah.

Yeah, I am hungry.

I'm hungry.

You've been here before, right? Several times.

with Jim, huh? Sorry.

I keep doin' that.

No, it's fine.

Look, I know that Jim would want me to be happy, And I will be, So in his honor, I just keep moving forward.


All right.


World's greatest mole sauce.

Oh, Yeah? - Yeah.


try it.

All right.

oh, wow.

You're right.

that is really--that's Wait a minute.

I've-- I've had this before.

I've tasted this before more than once.

I-i'm guessing that you have.

Are you ok? Yeah.

It's just maybe a kind of a sensory overload.

You know, the music, the food.

Melinda, I've--I've been here.

Really? - Yeah.

Uh, I mean, do you think that You think you and I Yes? Might have been here at the same time? You know, like, uh, me and Nicole and-- and you and Jim Sittin' at--I mean, that'd be a weird thing, huh? I mean, what a small world.

Wh-what's wrong? Oh, no.

I've gotta be allergic to this.

Excuse me.


Excuse me, does anyone have antihistamines? Mom.

Hello? Yeah.

Hey, Delia, it's Marla.

Look, about your call earlier I don't--I don't understand.








Excuse me.

Your name is-- your name is Cal, right? Do I know you? No.

No, I--I have a A message for you from Drina.

Drina? What about Drina? Su nueva novia She says, "su nueva novia" What? Es una perra callejera.

Uh, "es una perra" - At what? - Did she just "callejera.

" Who does she think she is? You're saying my girlfriend looks like a hooker? As oh, oh, um.

um Dr, dra Drina's being died for 2 year Who the hell are you? Hey, what's going on? This going be a misunderstand.

Let's clear it up.

Come on , you know,It's really dosen't matter.

Sam Sam.

hey, are you ok? Yeah.

you know, a couple stitches, a tetanus shot, But, um, you know, you should see the other guy.

Like, speaking of which, what happened back there? Well, let's just say I won't be using my high school Spanish again.




Do you smell that? - What? Disinfectant? No, it just Seems familiar.

Try to open your eyes if you can.

Sam? Sam.

Uh, Sorry.

I just got a little lightheaded there.

Does your shoulder hurt? Yeah, like hell.

I just had the weirdest memory.

What? What did you remember? Something that's not possible.

Look, this is gonna sound nuts, But I think I remember getting shot.


Dinner's almost-- - Where you going? - Out.

That cracking sound you hear is the ice you're standing on.


It's just a party.

Are you forgetting what happened last night? How could I? Am I grounded? You're this close.

What is going on, Ned? Why don't you just talk to me? You wanna talk? Fine.

Let's talk about this.


Hey, Delia, It's Marla.

Look, about your call earlier, I'm pretty embarrassed.

I was with my daughter, so I sort of told a little fib.

Anyway, yeah, the joint's mine.

I'm sorry.

just You're mad at me about something that wasn't even my fault When the whole time you were here getting high with your friends.

No, I wasn't, and i-i'm sorry that I accused you, but-- Mom, your friend Angie's here, too.

She showed me your yearbook, So I don't think you wanna be lecturing me about anything.

Ned, Angie was always a troublemaker, and she still is, And for some reason, she is trying To get between the two of us.

Your friends called you doobie-ah.

You're all over me about something I'm not even doing When obviously you did.

Hey, this is not about me.

So you're saying you did.


I am saying-- Now who's not being honest? Now who's grounded? Why don't you just go into your room Until we can have a rational conversation about this.

Sounds like never to me.

I know it must be painful, but it's A good sign you're remembering.

Yeah, but remembering what? Everything my family tells me, None of this fits The emergency medical knowledge, The taste of food I'm allergic to, Getting shot.

Melinda, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Or maybe you're finding it.

I-it's possible.

Maybe you're trying to remember the wrong life.

What do you mean? Well, you have this idea of who you are Based on what other people have told you, So that's the Sam that you're trying to get back to, Butbut maybe just Maybe there's this This whole other person inside you entirely.

Wait a minute.

Eli talked about some kind of regression Back to a past life.

Is that what you mean? Maybe.

If you just open your mind And your heart, maybe you'll find the key.

You mean a key like a place Or a person.


Someone who's always been there for me, Someone who knew me better than anyone else.

That's right.

It's gotta be Nicole.

Hey, it's me, leave a message.

Nicole, hi.

it's Sam.

Look, I'm sorry I keep leaving you these messages, But I mean, everything I told you about the accident And my memory, please, it's all true.

And I was hoping maybe you would help me Nicole, no, it's too much of a burden to put on you To ask you to help me with all that After what I put you through, so If you need to move on, Maybe--maybe that's better for both of us.

Be well.

You're not answering your phone.

I left my cell in the car.


Did you talk to Ned? More like yelled with.

So you got angry.

I know.

I know.

we both did, and then he busted me.

And thanks to Marla and Jody, All of my credibility is gone.

Parents don't have credibility.


hi, Angie.

I'm Eli.

Yeah, the shrink.

I know.

Nice to meet you, too.

Your parents tried counseling? Yeah.

look how well that turned out.

Now Delia's just like them.

She says you're acting like her parents.

Why does she care? Because you used to be so cool.

She's hangin' around.

Because she thought you were cool, But now she thinks you're a hypocrite.


I lied to my son, Because I'm old enough now to want to protect him, And if that means I'm a hard-ass, Then that's the way it's gonna be.

You're just an ass.

Oh, that was Angie.

it wasn't me.

She says she thinks I don't care what you think, Angie.

I really don't.

I just wanna protect my son from ever ending up like you.

Well, you can seriously go What? Well, looks like somebody's gonna Miss the party of the century.



You're gonna let that stop you? Come on, man.

your mom's not even home.

Hey, Angie? Come on.

life's short.

Trust me on that.

Hey, is this music too loud for you? Blondie? Well, at least he's got good taste.

Yeah, I'm not so sure it's his.

Ned! Honey, I'm comin' in.

What kind of party is under a bridge? I think it's the next block up.

You mean that place with all the cop cars? Oh, my god.

Get back on sidewalk right now.


He's ok.

let him through.

Back up.

back behind the tape.

Help us out here.

Back it up! back it up! Excuse me.

I am looking for my son, Ned Banks.

Sorry, ma'am.

You're gonna have to come down to the precinct.

Are you arresting everyone? Yes, ma'am.

drugs and alcohol.

Where the hell is he? He went home.


He went home.

What? I brought Trivia cards just to help pass the time.

Trivia? with me? Oh.


Bad idea.


I hope I did the right thing here.

The important thing is you tried.

Well, with your help.

Thank you.

You do that, you know, Not just with me.

Yeah, random acts of kindness.


I gotta say you're kind of amazing.

I mean, you're a little strange, too.


so are you.




not--not strange.

Would it be wrong of me to want to Run into a little traffic here? Why would you want that? Make the trip last a little bit longer.

Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me all about it.

Ok, let's all try to First of all, you're grounded.

Second of all, you're grounded.

Was it really worth it just Risking your life for some party? That's a little dramatic, don't you think? I didn't really risk my life.

Guys, if you'll just let me When we got there, the police were arresting Almost all of those kids, and 2 of them Were taken away in an ambulance.

I left before they got there.

You weren't supposed to be there in the first place.

Yeah, at least he's still alive, And I would be, too, if it weren't for my parents.

I told you, Ne Wait.

Angie's here.

You know what? I have had it with her.

Actually, I think you may wanna hear this.

Angie, what did you mean about being dead Because of your parents? I wasn't walking back home the night I was killed.

I was walking back to the party To be with my friends.

It's the only place I felt safe.

You were walking back to the party.

Yes, because by the time I'd gotten home, I was 5 minutes late, 5 stinking minutes late, And my dad locked me out of the house.

So I started walking back to the party, And I was crying so hard I didn't even hear that car.

What is it? what's going on? She says her parents Locked her out of the house that night, Because she missed her curfew by 5 minutes.

They were that strict.

That's horrible.

I would never do that to Ned.

She says you already have, Locked him out, Because you're lying to him.

and she wants to know How's he ever gonna learn from your mistakes If you're not being honest with him? That's not Ok.

You're right.

But you know, What happened to you, I learned such a huge lesson.

What I mean is A lot of this is because of you.

When Jody called me that morning To tell me that you were dead, My whole life was completely changed.

And when I finally stopped crying, I vowed that I would never let anything Like that happen to somebody I cared about.

So I guess I wouldn't be the mom I am If I hadn't known you.

And I wouldn't have a son like Ned.

If my parents talked to me like that It's never too late, Even now.

you can talk to them.

That's genius, Einstein.

I'm dead.

That's what I'm here for.

I already called them.

Just so you know, When I got to that party, I saw how crazy it was, So I turned around and came home.

I'm proud of you,Ned.

I'm not sure that's what I would have done When I was your age.

And I'm sorry for the way I acted.


Me, too.

The truth is I'm always gonna worry about you.

And the drugs and the drinking, I know they're all around, And it's not that I don't trust your judgment.

It's just what happens to your judgment The second you're drunk or getting high.

Mom, I know.

I'm sorry you lost your friend.

Me, too.

Thank you.

I guess there's nothin' like a road trip To help you forget your past.

I mean my past, not your past.

I'm sure yours is fine.

No, I need to move forward, too.

That's good to hear.

Look I know we just got here.

um But, um, you wanna go down to the village? I don't know.

we could go to a restaurant or, um Hit a bookstore.

the only bookstore.

Or we could just, you know, get a movie And then have takeout, come back here, and We could, uh Go to a hardware store a-and get some spackle And then Spackle? You know, I think I've forgotten How to do this along with everything else.

Do what? Ask somebody out.

Is that what you're doing? Yeah.

Sam! I got your message, and--and then I spoke to Cheryl.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, my God.

it's true.

You don't know who I am, do you? I'm sorry.

You must be Nicole.


It's Nikki.

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